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this season gonna end crazy I just know it




Damarcus Miller

After my 12 hour shift I know what I’m watching 🤣


Yall aint got no idea.. hopefully we can wrap it up next week. The last two seasons gonna be generational television

Dalvin Williams

Yeah y’all need to finish this season next week 💪🏾💯💯💯

Kisuke01 (edited)

Comment edits

2023-09-16 00:56:12 They killed some random guy and was like we still getting paid right 🤣
2023-09-15 22:53:23 They killed some random guy and was like we still getting paid right . Also I love how Teddy turned into Stewie from Family Guy where's my fuckin money.

They killed some random guy and was like we still getting paid right . Also I love how Teddy turned into Stewie from Family Guy where's my fuckin money.

Sincerely, the Best.

damn i don't blame my nigga Alton at all lmao, he was stating straight fax


Bro I need more snowfall from y’all😭


Nah he buggin. Cuz when it got out, him cissy teddy Franklin and Leon would all be dead. CIA don’t play that

Hasnain Khan


Sincerely, the Best.

actually i do agree that idk why he thought CIA was gonna breeze over them when the story got out but i don't blame him for breaking and ratting out honestly. as much a i love frank and the crew they out ruinin' lives. many many lives. ex: the teenage boy and his little sis. they a parasite on the community.


Reportly lady trying to get everybody she work with murked 💀


Damn, Franklin hit Alton so hard. Bro started quoting the scripture 😭

Silva Jin

its not franklin's fault that wanda got hooked. He didnt even want her around it but leon kept pressing him to trust her.

Jorge Viera

Alton stupid, going after the cia when he knows what the government did to the black panthers, how can he be so naive to think that they can get away with this.

Jorge Viera

I agree with the part of franklin an the crew destroying the community, buy going publiv like alton did was stupid

Sol D. Amos

Have these guys watched the Netflix show Top Boy? If not, that could be a dope show they could react to after this.

Devin B

As smart as Alton is why would he take Irene's word when she said she would protect his family, her and the press have no means of protecting them from the CIA after they get exposed, especially with him on the record. He's just putting a target on his family's back.

Devin B

What him and Irene are doing isn't wrong but they're too naive in thinking they're going to be immune from whatever the CIA does in retaliation. Irene mostly cares about getting the scoop of the century while getting back at the government and Alton just wants to protect his family while protecting the community. They just didn't fully think about the consequences of their actions.


hell no bro the last season of Top Boy was straight-ass sad because that show before that horrendous season was perfect they are better off watching Bear or Succession.

Johnny Maplebuck

Franklin knocked the bible verses out alton ass with that one

FreshxEli Tv

Alton thinks Teddy won’t kill all of them 💀😭😭 this teddy is worst than the cia this is the real Teddy we seeing he not playing no games

FreshxEli Tv

Yeah Avi is dying , Manboy Sister Dying , Alton is dyingggg no debate at all they are getting smoke almost forgot the reporter


this season getting more and more chaotic. shout out to the MVP Jerome like this dude on his OG shit. you always gotta have an OG on your crew tbh

Antonio Williams

Alton is desperate, not stupid, but he also already weighted his guilt about the decay of Black people as a whole, over his family. He's trying to force Franklin into running to Cuba and giving up. Is it foolproof? Probably not. Is it the right thing to do? Yeah. It's a no-win situation but at least he has a soul. Everyone else is focusing exclusively on self-preservation.

Aniki Pft

It's definitely one of those tough situations for sure. Can't really fault Alton too much either.


Nah what Alton did was stupid,bro choose the community over his family and make a decision without them that is dumb talking about all going to Cuba he just selfish and thought for himself.

Tyrese Marshall

The original channel 4 series is top tier shit, proper gritty stuff and a great representation of the uk street life. The Netflix stuff is power lite, and just frankly varies from decent to outright shit

danial javady

When Teddy told Franklin "everybody's replaceable" he wasn't saying Fraknlin was replaceable. He was giving Franklin advice, and was insinuating that Leon's replaceable. Teddy and Franklin are actually quite close. They genuinely consider eachother to be allies.


Alton put everyone in danger with this stupid move because wid all his talk about how the government is keepin people down he really thinks they won’t kill him and that reporter the cia doesn’t play bro

Corey Greene

Everyone is already in danger Franklin is literally a drug king pin in a drug war as a black man in LA in the 80s working with the government on black ops covert missions they literally couldn’t have more danger if they tried play they are responsible for so many crimes at this point does really matter that anyone does I can’t see this show ending with everyone happy into the sunset

Corey Greene

But after Avis story of how his government turned on him if I’m Teddy I’m thinking that could be and after this war I wouldn’t be surprised if they are like teddy anybody who you was working with like Franklin and OSO they know to much and gotta get packed up and teddy would kill then I’m heartbeat Ik it

Devin B

Yes Franklin and the gang are already in danger but imagine if the people that were able to get you off a murder charge turns on you in a heartbeat. Even if it was bound to happen if Alton didn't expedite things maybe Franklin could've had enough time to prepare an exit plan.


Doesn’t mean you cause more danger and make decisions without consulting everyone. What he did was selfish at the end of the day and dumb talking about moving to Cuba.


I mean he was saying Franklin was replaceable, is literally meant as a threat for him to do what he wanted. He was ironically suggesting that he himself is replaceable as well


Alton literally put everyone in danger and for what? Like being a black panther he should have known better, the CIA will most definitely kill EVERYONE in that system and I’m not surprised or shocked by Franklins response.

Dalvin Williams

No everybody who decides to buy and smoke the crack is ruining they own lives 😂 the community is ruining the community. Stop buying it 🤷🏾‍♂️ police just letting them ruining the community and don’t care 😂😂😂


Exactly like Wanda is entirely Leon’s problem because he didn’t even want her around

Dalvin Williams

So everybody just wants Franklin to follow out with Alton? Teddy said franklin ain’t leaving till the war is over. So snitching now is pointless asf. Niggas shoulda took a vacation to Cuba 😂😂😂😂


The Cuba talk took me tf out☠️ like whatchu mean we’re ALLL going to Cuba???? The entire block?????


Nah that nigga reed is literally the babadook what the fuck was that 🤣🤣🤣

Corey Greene

But everyone else does the same thing let’s sell drugs, let’s shoot up a car, let’s get some crazy gang banger to get my money back, let’s shoot this cop, let’s shoot this kid in the head for example everyone in this show does what they want without telling people everyone is cool with not consulting about murder or gang wars without thinking about how you gonna get your mom and family killed but Alton is treated like he’s wrong for doing the same thing I just don’t get why he’s getting smoke when he’s the only one trying to be realistic like This reporter lady figure this out so easily anybody with half a brain can figure it out they’re not being secretive at all

Corey Greene

What about all the kids who are parent less or all the murders of this gang war that’s ruining the community too

Jamaal Ellison

Bro I wish manboy would've just stole on one of them dumbasses broads who killed some random fake leon. Bruh they still expected to be paid?! They got some Karma coming I think.


it literally was a threat to franklin to let him know he is replaceable


nah.. s5 has its bad rep over THAT episode. you know the one. but lets not act like Fault Lines isn't the best episode in the entire series


Thwarted Nigga. I think I have a new favourite

Teddy McDonald

I think part of his decision was his principles. Alton was never supportive of Franklin's business, but he put up with it to be in his wife and son's life. The shelter was his way of coping. But I think seeing his community in ruins eventually got to him, and even though Irene is clearly dodgy af it's the only way out he can save his community and maybe get his family out of it even if its flawed.

Devin B

@robtatts_ don't get me wrong I understand why Alton wanted to do what he did but there was no possible way he thinks he's going to get out of this situation unscathed. They're going up against the CIA, he even killed one of his own Panthers because he was afraid of what the government were going to do to him.


next 2 episodes franklin gon perform 2 of my favorite scenes in the series

Devin B

@Corey Greene idk about everyone else but the people in this show who has done things on a whim has always led things into a less than desirable outcome i.e. Franklin killing Andre, Kev trying to shoot up the guy who killed his people, Oso killing Lorena on sight etc. This situation with Alton and Irene is the same thing because they're not thinking of the consequences of what they're doing. Even if people are able to figure out what the CIA is doing they're not stupid enough to publicly say it because they know what could happen from doing it.


Bro season 5 is fire except for the tiger scene deadass


Not gonna lie I’m not fucking with Alton decision. Not only do you know your son a villain but you just got back into his good graces. The least you could have done before making this decision was talk to him and your wife. On top of that, how is a reporter going to protect the family from the CIA


If Irene publishes any of what she has the CIA will get spooked and probably shut down the operation. They won't move in on Franklin right away because they'll already have the spotlight on him. Shit like this happens all the time with people who leak Government info it comes a story wayy to big for the CIA to kill anyone involved.

Doby Greg

I think betraying Franklin made him a shitty father but a good person. Franklin had every reason to be upset. He spent a decade having a dad that was a disapointment and after he finally let his guard down and started to fix their relation he stabbed him in the back. And to force him to give up on the life he built for him and the people that never abandonned him. But I also get Alton deciding this is too much. He was a panther which probably mean he wanted to help black have a better lives . And he's been letting his son destroy a lot families and people to stay in Franklin life. I can easily understand why it would become too much and need to try to hold the people accountable.

Doby Greg

Really like the scene between Alton and Franklin. Both with him telling Franklin he is killing their neighberhood and telling Cissi to step back and asking Franklin if he can really shoot his dad.

Sol D. Amos

Is the last season really that bad? Damn thats crazy, I hadn't full caught up yet but Top Boy lowkey one of my fav shows right now. Succession is fire, but that show is way too underrated for anyone to react to.


Yes like i just finished watching it last night the whole season made 0 sense it actually laughable 🤣🤣🤣 waste of their time honestly


Knowing how bad teddy wants this to work out he has no issue taking out that reporter and if he finds out it was Alton who told take him out too


I could see that, but like in Franklin’s situations I wouldn’t feel like it would be hard for them to set him and his people up and just blame it on “gang violence”


^agreed on Teddy stepping in, especially after seeing him just waterboard someone


I don't know why niggas think they can just walk away from some serious drug dealing shit even when the Government is involved, What Alton did was the most and if not the most stupidest shit I ever seen in my life and even thinking a reporter can keep his family safe is just comical at this point. CIA would've smoked these niggas easily even if you make it to Cuba, the government still ain't gonna let that shit slide, Alton is seriously underestimating the CIA too much that can get shit done.


I think this assessment is way off. Alton, if anything, is extremely aware of how capable the CIA is. That's why he wants the story to run. If it does, the CIA can't outright kill him or them because of optics since the story would reach a wide-scale audience. I think the only stupid part of the plan would be trying to run. I unironically think they would be safer in the US after the story because it would be easier to hide them dying in another country as opposed to in the states after breaking that story.


I mean to be fair, no father worth a damn is going to be okay with there son dealing drugs lol.


would y’all ever watch good wars? Ik you guys have referenced it before and have probably already watched it tho.

Tuny kun

That "Thwarted nigga" has me laughing my ass off.

Doby Greg

Honestly I think he just wanted to expose how black people are being abused and being safe just stopped being important enough to keep his mouth shut. By becoming healthy again he also regain his desire to help his people and not not just sit and watch.

Nita - Kento's Widow

The way everyone's behavior is this episode is so interesting. Both Franklin and Teddy are more unhinged for different reasons, Jerome is seems more pessimistic and Leon, compared to before, is far more mellow. This season has been really good for shifts in characters and dynamics in all the chaos. It was really sweet seeing Leon come to Jerome for advice. Also, Einstein man lmao

Nita - Kento's Widow

In addition, I know everyone is (rightfully) discussing the Alton-Franklin situation, but Khadijah gotta either pull a Skully and find God or be silenced like Roshi said lmao I understand she hurting and got hatred but she's gonna have randoms with afros killed out there for some money. Like yeeaaahhh? You shooting me because I got a fro??


i think owning a shelter after being someone who was on the streets, drunk and an alcoholic is the furthest thing from selfish. i think it was desparation. the fact that he did what he did is more an act of selflessness because you gotta think about the community and where it's headed. and no better person to understand that than someone who was previously victim of said community.


How you think he paid for that shelter?? DRUG MONEY what do you think is gonna happen you think crack is gonna just disappear now that he just put his own family in danger? No the recipe is out there is still the Mexicans selling it and skully and his bloods manboy and his crips and this is just a me thing but I choose my family over a community any day. He wasn’t desperate he was scared and made a bad decision he’s not just some good guy now that he is sober and wants to help. not everyone needs to be forgiven he put that family through a lot of pain already for years being a drunk and abandoning them and now he finna get everyone killed.


Idk what y’all got going on thinking Alton is some good guy because he stopped drinking and opened up a shelter. He is a murderer who killed his own cousin, abandoned his family and turned to drinking, told franklins mom to take the drug money, still is bumming off Franklin for drug money for his shelter. So he pretty much feeds the homeless people that buys crack from his son that put them in that situation Shi that’s the least he could do. And now he puts everyone in more danger because of what it’s the right thing to do? HE NEVER HAS DONE ANYTHING RIGHT TO BEGIN WITH!! I need this man packed up expeditiously!


(And yes I know that not everyone at the shelter does crack)

Corey Greene

It’s not that he’s a saint pun intended but that he’s the only who seems to be like hey what we are doing is evil and that the same government who’s fucked us over is using us to kill and fuck up our own community and that who says once this over that they won’t pack us up to hide all this shit


But there is nothing stopping the gov from doing that stuff anyway. I understand he is just trying to do right in a messed up situation but he went about it the wrong way. He went behind everyone’s back and made a decision for them that will put them in extreme danger. From the start Lu and frank have been trying to figure out how to get out of it when that day comes but he’s so worried about getting his payback for the panthers and help his community that he put lives that he has literally abandoned on the line. Now nobody was ready and prepared for this and you still have teddy who doesn’t know this who is off his rocker ready to kill somebody.

Michael Pamon

I really don’t think Avi was in on the bank losing Teddy’s money. He tried that once before with Franklin and it didn’t work so I don’t think he’d try it with Teddy.


@Yosef Yeah that's bullshit. Lu and frank are not trying to look for a out way of the business. Those are just excuses they both tell jerome and cissy to keep them in line and okay with all this fucked up shit. Point is, that they both are to far gone. And that money has corrupted them. Franklin has had plenty of chances to cash out. Also I feel like your misreading things a little bit. While yeah Alton does hate the cia, (with good reason) I truly do think he did this because he is trying to save his son from himself and his wife. Which honestly was his first mistake. Alton should have realized that there is no saving franklin at this point. But Alton definitely could have been smarter about how he went about doing this.

Doby Greg

I consider outing the government as drugging its citizens good. And I also consider the shelter to be a good thing. And i consider being a panther to be a noble thing. So generally speaking I think he does good for his community or try to be. If he had the authority to stop Franklin from drugging people I might agree the shelter is hypocritical but I dont think he has any pull in what Franklin does. All he can do is try to limit the damage. I do think he is a terrible father tho. He gave up on him as a child and betrayed him again now.


100% I agree he did go about it the wrong way and if he wanted to leave he should have went by himself. His son is a grown man making his own decisions it was way to late to try to be a dad and save him. And I agree now they weren’t looking for a way out of it just not tryna get thrown under the bus by the gov when they do try to leave ( which I think is impossible because the gov will cover up anything)


100% he is trying to do the best noble thing for his community with what he can do I’m just saying that doesn’t make him a good guy like I see everybody else saying just cause he turned over a new leaf. And this just my opinion but he could have stopped Franklin if he was a active father figure in his life then there family wouldn’t have to stress so much making Franklin feel like drugs was his only way to get a leg up in life ( not saying what Franklin did was good by selling drugs )


And I might just do a third one so what? Is it wrong to want to talk about my favorite show? You the one commenting about em stop watching what I’m doing and focus on yourself.


idk how you guys misunderstand manboy so much lmao


@Doby Greg that is facts, that Alton was a bad father, but I personally don't see what he did here as a betrayal. Considering he thought he was trying to protect him. But that's just how I see it.


@Yosef thats true, Alton is trash for how he was in the past. And its probably facts that if franklin had him as a father in his life he would not have turned out the way he is. But one thing to be considered is that I don't think really anybody in this show can just be labeled under the good category. They all have there shades of grey which is what makes them compelling characters. and true to how people are in real life. But the fact that Alton actually tried to put a stop to it, does make him appear to be a bit more honorable then the others. At least in my eyes. Doesnet change the fact that the way he went about it was incredibly stupid.


@marcopopo350 Fs I agree he was just trying to do what was right at the end of the day.


Yep, but honestly bro. I definitely don't think Franklin is ever trying to get out lol The dude has about quarter mill or even more money at this point. He could of been gotten off scott free. Tho you right that teddy and the cia is a whole problem. Especially teddy now that he is on demon time.


Yah you right I forgot he was talking about expanding across all the U.S last season 😭 and he has million’s at this point last season he put a mill in the bank with avi and has a lot more I would have been tried to run with half a mill back then.


He had to kill his cousin because he was a snitch and if he didn’t his cousin would’ve been tortured to death

Bobby Robinson

He. Pistol whipped the fuck out his daddy 😂😂😂😂


I literally was thinking “Man, Teddy lookin like a whole Joe Goldberg-“ Roshi: “He got the Joe Goldberg on!”

Sasha B

Franklin so silly


I'll come back to this when I finish the show but man Jerome better not die man.