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You merely adopted the dark Chisato...



Majima leveled up! Imo, he's an overall better Shigaraki from MHA

Arima Kana

Can chisato dodge cum?

mitch anderson

It's not explained by the show but the thoery is that the manager used his shotgun to shoot the metal, weakening it to allow Takina to break through

Liam Gilbert

The thing Chisato realized at the end was Takina calling her to let her know she's coming (ring 3 times = Chisato in danger, 1 more time after that confirms Takina is on her way).


. . . I mean the government secretly running a ring of child soilders that are used to eliminate people they see as threatening to peace is literally some dystopian shit. Like thats the kind of stuff that happens in fascist directorships. The entire reason you want to keep stuff like that a secret is because of how fucked up it is. Thats like finding out that the government is really putting mocrochips in vaccines to track you and expecting people to go "oh yeah but I didn't notice before so whats the problem?"


Yea dude shooting the Lycoris crazy but also sane people aren't picking up a random gun they found in a bag


Ending to this ep always gets me hype man😭


Midoriya is OP as shit you just assume buddy has super hearing because he lost his eye sight but they gave it back to him now he has both even if he does need to close his eyes.

Lily Rose

you guys should react to 'talk to me' with lupa!!!


The tech she was using reminds me of the Braindance from Cyberpunk 2077. Not quite the same, but similar application (picking up sounds, visuals, detective work, etc).


Majima = Villain Daredevil


I was born in the dark 😭😭😭 Yal are too funny! But yeah, this show has so many dope layers and keeps getting good. #NoFillerTeam


WoooooW! Totally forgot about that detail with Takina and the specifics of the phone rings. That's why this show is so GOOD ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥

Oh Alone

At this point, It isn’t spoil anymore. The Ed song first half is the feeling from Takina toward Chisato, and the second is Chisato towards Takina


Love all yalls reaction. Curious if yall would give future diary a try. S-tier anime in my eyes that ive watched countless times

Philly The Kid

Y'all got any more of them snowfall episodes? 👀 *stares and scratches in crackhead*


Guys, I can't take it anymore, where's my crack?

R A (edited)

Comment edits

2023-09-16 00:14:07 What’s wrong with these inconsistent drops? Just press the fucking upload button it’s not rocket science or hire an intern for all that. It’s frustrating and it’s with all reactors. I think ya’ll get off on us asking
2023-09-15 21:57:02

Philly The Kid

Lmao you miserable af. Like, read back both your comments and digest how much of a loser you are 🤣


It’ll come when it comes. Find something productive to do until then instead of refreshing the page every 5 seconds like most of these Patreon niggas do.


no lie I bet if I knocked on your head it would echo


Grow up 😂 bitch we know u paid with ur parents money stop acting like u deserve shit, too impatient to deal with a couple hours difference without throwing a temper tantrum😂 clown istg

Daryll (edited)

Comment edits

2023-09-16 01:14:49 The phone rang 3 times hung up then rang once again. It was Takinas signal about 3 rings from Chisatos phone to Yoshi's that was on the floor.
2023-09-16 01:14:49 The phone rang 3 times hung up then rang once again. It was Takinas signal about 3 rings from Chisatos phone to Yoshi's that was on the floor.
2023-09-16 01:14:49 The phone rang 3 times hung up then rang once again. It was Takinas signal about 3 rings from Chisatos phone to Yoshi's that was on the floor.
2023-09-16 01:14:49 The phone rang 3 times hung up then rang once again. It was Takinas signal about 3 rings from Chisatos phone to Yoshi's that was on the floor.
2023-09-16 01:14:49 The phone rang 3 times hung up then rang once again. It was Takinas signal about 3 rings from Chisatos phone to Yoshi's that was on the floor.
2023-09-16 01:14:49 The phone rang 3 times hung up then rang once again. It was Takinas signal about 3 rings from Chisatos phone to Yoshi's that was on the floor.
2023-09-16 01:14:49 The phone rang 3 times hung up then rang once again. It was Takinas signal about 3 rings from Chisatos phone to Yoshi's that was on the floor.
2023-09-16 01:14:49 The phone rang 3 times hung up then rang once again. It was Takinas signal about 3 rings from Chisatos phone to Yoshi's that was on the floor.
2023-09-16 01:14:49 The phone rang 3 times hung up then rang once again. It was Takinas signal about 3 rings from Chisatos phone to Yoshi's that was on the floor.
2023-09-15 23:14:00 The phone rang 3 times hung up then rang once again. It was Takinas signal about 3 rings from Chisatos phone to Yoshi's that was on the floor.

The phone rang 3 times hung up then rang once again. It was Takinas signal about 3 rings from Chisatos phone to Yoshi's that was on the floor.


A villain of the week 🤔 sounds familiar