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Sorry for the delay!




J Man



lol Sheera and I almost done with season 1, thats like a chill in bed watch for us. Really entertaining!

Talib Belcarris

What about the Tmnt reaction 🥲




What about the Good Place on Netflix too? Super goat show and it's not very long, just 3-4 seasons


Seo Ar-i is the girl that played the guitar in Sweet Home.


got took out for tmnt movie this week. check their schedules for updates like that.


LOL I love how you both had the same WTF head tilt and hell no facial expression when Jun-kyung told A-ri to just do as he says for once. These upper class people really say the most entitled and absurd things


Different countries have different numbers for their national police


Unrelated, but I hope u guys react to Netflix One Piece Live Action


I just love Ar-i no fucks given attitude when she needs it


he said on twitter they gonna do it. idk when tho but they gonna.


In Korea, 112 is the direct dial to the police and 119 is emergency.

Bob Bob

In my opinion, all the influencer women on this show are little kids. None of them just shut up and came up with a well thought out plan. All of them let out their ill-considered thoughts. For example, Hwang Yu-ri: A-ri is trespassing. Catches a fight with Yu-ri in her private store and threatens her. She could have just kept her mouth shut and reported the police for trespassing and threatening with witnesses. But no her pride is hurt.


I love this kdrama because it is my first time seeing it with Roshi and Sheera. There are a lot of shows that I’ve seen for the first time in Yaboyroshi. I love it because it’s like having them as friends seeing a show for the first time with you.


ari is just so real i love how she dgaf who she’s up against she’ll not just silently take hits. the last scene had me gagged lmao yuri should’ve just sat there and ate her food instead of involving herself in something that doesn’t concern her


its not ari tho ....she is fighting with borrowed power. Every time she is in trouble she runs to bbb. she still is good having courage to not just lay down. but she wouldnt be so bold if there was no backing.


what do you expect pettiness comes with power. they feel they are untouchable.


Im pretty sure that was factored into why she even felt just waltz in there in the first place

Hasnain Khan


Darion Wilson

Love when yall watch kdramas!! It seems yall watch the best ones without Lupa. lol


i feel like a big part of ari’s characterization is that she’s always bold and fearless even when she was powerless and had 0 backing. the earlier episodes before bbb came into the picture are evident of that and minhye’s multiple failed attempts at keeping her in check and reminding her she doesn’t have anything to back up her attitude anymore is made to emphasize that. i agree that she’s been relying on bbb to give her info on these people and that helps her better navigate this world and gain the upper hand on them but the fact that she’s even able to know where and how to use that to her advantage is impressive. not to mention how easy it is to feel intimidated in front of all these people who flaunt their wealth and power in front of you and constantly put you down, yet she always stands her ground without ever wavering for any of them even for someone like taejeon who is in a position of far higher power than the influencers

Nick (edited)

Comment edits

2023-09-10 19:03:33 Lupa needs to be Moving or Weak Hero reaction. He missin that kdrama heat
2023-09-10 16:48:37 Lupa needs to be on Moving or Weak Hero reaction. He missin that kdrama heat

Lupa needs to be on Moving or Weak Hero reaction. He missin that kdrama heat

Reckless Company

I'm watching Moving and its one of the best Kdrama I've ever see each episode has me very intrigued

J Man

I agree, y'all need Lupa for Moving and Mask Girl. Mask Girl to cause him to yell at the murdering. Moving because it's so epic. Moving is a good mix of drama, action, violence, superpowers, and spy stuff

J Man

I've been watching Moving too. So good. The Disney budget shows. Every 3 episodes is a full movie.


Lupa's gonna scream at episode 1 (Frank is wild)

Danger Tomato

Moving is actually pretty fun and new we should've put that on the poll

October Veil

Am I missing something or are the rich folk in this show equating themselves to a higher social status than the folks that are poorer than they are. I feel like Yoon Si-hyeon's husband's rude and malicious behaviour comes from a ridiculous sense of entitlement that in his mind sets him above Ari. But Ari, has enough confidence (plus she knows how fortunes can change quickly) knows not to let that kind of bull stop her from being taken seriously.

Elle E.

Roshi - “Yeaahhh so you gonna Attorney Woo me” Sheera - “Boom cha ta boom cha ta” 😂😂😂 Sheera “im looking at you, looking at them, looking at them, looking at you” I thought her top looked cute too, the skirt messed up the outfit


Not just the show, it's like that in reality my man, technically more money = higher status, the difference is in the people, whether they let it get to their heads or not