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so is the heart not connected to special abilities? me confused lmao



It never was connected. They just had there special talents and that what made them so good


She got the heart because of her abilities I believe, they were what made Alan take an interest in her


It’s more so the other way around. She got a new heart because of how good here abilities are

mitch anderson

The answer is no. There's an scenes that will clarify.

Devin B

The heart was basically an investment from the Alan Institute to support Chisato because she's special


Nah it's not the heart. She's legit just HER. The reason she got the heart is because they saw her "special talent" and didn't want her and it to die

Oh Alone

Nah, She got that ability before got the Iron man heart. In the other word, she just born that way.


lol I think that's just a theory y'all came up with a few eps ago and just really started to believe. The artificial heart just does everything a regular heart would to keep you alive. When Majima said that thing about her heart and she said "How did you know?" I think she meant more along the lines of how did you know I had a fake heart to begin with.

Drake Rage

The point is that the Alan Institute invests resources into saving people with talent, so they recognized Chisato's talent and used their resources to save her life by giving her that super-advanced tech heart. I am guessing the Alan Institute also gave the green-haired dude eyes since he had them bandaged in the flashback, they recognized his "talent" of superhuman hearing abilities. The dude Yoshi, Chisato's "savior," kept mentioning how people with talent need to be supported so they can put those talents to use in the world, no matter what kind of talent it is. That is Alan Institute's mission. I haven't finished the episode yet but it looks like y'all jumping to conclusions about how Chisato went down a different path: The part when Chisato's "mission" gets foiled was when she saw her "Savior" in the hospital, she then said "I want to be like you, to become a savior," so seeing her savior was basically what led her down the path of becoming a savior rather than using her talents to kill people. Ending discussion: The part when Majima said "How can you do that, is it because of your heart" That is because he has superhuman hearing so he could hear the fact that she DIDN'T have a heartbeat, so he knew there was something up with that, not that he knew she had that mechanical heart, just that it was unnatural for him not to hear her heartbeat with his super-hearing. I think y'all have been missing info while making too many theories for this show, lol. They had a whole scene with Takina resting her head on Chisato's chest and see that she didn't have a heartbeat, So in that episode, after Majima's comment that y'all mentioned, he heard Takina's footsteps (like Roshi had acknowledged) when she was still all the way outside the apartment, so he could also hear that Chisato didn't have a heartbeat, hence his comment about the heart.

Valentino Garay

Sheera is right They are special/have a unique talent, that's why Alan Institute wants them

mitch anderson

It doesn't get explained so i'll tell you. The reason why Majima knew about Chisato's heart is because of his good hearing. He would be able to hear a normal person's heartbeat, so since he didn't hear one from Chisato he was guessing that was why she can dodge bullets.


Every time I see Yoshi he reminds me of Yoshikage Kira

Liam Gilbert

Majima had heightened hearing from being blind (as is the case with most blind people), and the Alan Institute cured his blindness (though he still has heightened hearing afterwards).

Felipe Ramon Gama (edited)

Comment edits

2023-09-08 07:48:31 Wait where is episode 8? Was it a recap? I don't remember
2023-09-08 05:43:56


These Alan people all have natural talents within them and Alan institute looks out for them and invests in them. There's hints all over the show! Some background news broadcasts in some episodes talk about award winning pianist and sprinter being linked to Alan Institute. So I'm pretty sure Chisato and Majima have these gifts naturally and Alan Institute likely chose to save Chisato's life because of that talent.

Ara Araragi

$1 gets you basic access $5 gets you early access to select content $10 gets you early access to all content If you're able to watch episode 9 already, then you should be able to watch the old episodes, too. If not, you'll need to wait.


Chisato's comment of "how do you know about that?" to majima's question wasn't asking about how he knew about her heart's connection to her ability; she was just askign him how he knew about her mechanical heart.

Felipe Ramon Gama

Yeah I have the $5 one but episode 8 is only on $10. I was wondering if it was a mistake or if that is supposed to be the case.

by chances

nobody in the show ever mentioned that her heart is the source of her super power lol

Emiliano Ruiz Chong

Regarding the favors that the Alan Institute gives to the gifted individuals, I think it all depends on the person. The institute is looking for individuals that are "already gifted" with a talent and what he does is help them in a way where they can continue their lives to fulfill their mission. For example, Chisato had that heart problem and the Alan Institute gave her an artificial heart. Regarding Majima, we all know by now that his talent is super hearing, but in the flashback we see that he has bandages in his eyes, so before he perhaps had good hearing but bad eyesight or was blind (scientifically one can improve a sense while being deprived of another) and the Institute healed his eyes.

Charlie baker

The heart just let her operate at her best without her heart giving out, she always was that good without it

Charlie baker

Think dude was just blindfolded to be focused on his hearing more daredevil style


Yeah they would have just let her BTFO if she was a brokeass normie

Chris Hee

Hi, I'm a bit confused. How come I can watch this episode's reaction, but not episode 8's?


Obviously it's not connected. The heart is her heart, and has nothing related to her eyesight or her brain. She's a genius, plain and simple. Her trajectory insight is an innate ability, nothing artificial. I could've sworn they actually made that clear already, or heavily implied it, but I could be wrong.


Yeah no they didnt lol. They were making this artificial heart a way bigger deal than it was then Majima was essentially implying she could dodge bullets cause of her special heart when he was asking. We never knew she had a heart condition until THIS EPISODE so now its like “oh she was gonna die so they gave her a heart”. This could have been handled better between holding back this flashback and Majima’s comment imo. Knowing she was just gifted off rip and had a heart condition should have preceded knowing about the artificial heart cause then we wouldn’t have thought it was like a “superpower”


She had the great eyesight naturally, but a failing heart. Alan saw her potential so they provided what she needed to survive (ie. a replacement heart).


I think they did do a bad job explaining it because its done during a sequence that's easy to miss because its done in the background of the scene with the gold medalist and they say people from the alan institute are naturally talented but there's other stuff in the scene that is more in your face important


To be fair, I think you would have picked up on it if you were just watching and not reacting as well. It isn't spelled out for you, but it's possible to put 2 and 2 together.


"Obviously" "but I could be wrong" y'all mfs really sound like you put your glasses up like anime characters.

zILovePelmeni _

alan doesnt just give artificial hearts to anyone they said they are supporting talents


Yeah, they made it clear already. Like two or three times by now lmao just too busy crackin' jokes to pay attention


It was heavily implied in episode 6 that the Alan institute only provides out of world assistance to people who have a gift or the talent to be deemed worthy of their tech. And yes, the artifical heart IS a bigger deal for what is shown lmao. Without the heart, she's as good as dead...

Cameron Robinson

It seems the Alan Institute takes with abilities and proficiency in field or towards a goal. Usually, and more publicly they seems to help geniuses in field like medicine, sport, and music but with Majima and Chisato they branched out more. Chisato’s ability was being able read people body language super humanly fast and dodge bullets and her proficiency was in killing so the Alan Institute decided to help her out by keeping her alive and I guess also giving her gun. With Majima it seems more vague at the moment, his ability seems to be super human hearing from being born blind or becoming blind, but his proficiency (again just my understanding) is terrorism. That’s probably why after the Tokyo tower incident they healed his eyes to make him even more formidable. The Alan Institute seeming is supposed to be more hands off with the people they help but because Shinji and Mika had a relationship Shinji got too close to Chisato affecting her path, which might be part of the reason he is so set on returning her to her path (the path he decided was best for her). I doubt with most Alan Institute would be so bombarded if they like retired from competition.

Drake Rage

I would say that it is better to assume he was blind when he had the bandage on because that gives us something to work with, like make a connection that the Alan Institute fixed his eyes. Being blindfolded to focus on his hearing could be true for sure, but it doesn't give us any additional info to make any connections or gain any additional insight about Majima, and it would still be an unconfirmed assumption.

Drake Rage

Nah, Roshi don't got a leg to stand on because even in this episode Chisato literally said "I want to be like you, I want to be a savior too" to Shinji and Roshi didn't even react even though it immediately disproved Roshi's another random theory (like not even 30 seconds before) about how Shinji asking Mika to take care of Chisato made her this way.. The heart "theory" was the same issue, y'all had made that "theory" originally at the beginning couple episodes of the show.. and without any evidence believed it to be true already back then, and then had continued to believe in it cause Majima? (I don't even know, like y'all believed the heart gave her abilities as fact for no reason, and Majima made that comment just last episode? so y'all had the heart theory based on NOTHING until episode 8, lmao) There was already info given to us to connect to what Majima was saying: Super-hearing + Chisato has no heartbeat = Majima comment. Also, the show has basically always provided bits and pieces of info that eventually came together, like what Alan Institute is about, Shinji and Mika's relationship, Shinji's objective, Majima's comment, Chisato's Heart, basically everything in this show has been pieces that eventually add up, so its important to keep track of the pieces, it's not meant to be "handled better" Roshi, it has always been pieces of info that we needed to connect ourselves.

Matrim Hall

The heart itself and her super hearing are directly unrelated. But the heart is because they couldn't let her talent go to waste. Majima was born with something similar to Chisato, but it's his ears. Alan essentially funds whatever it takes to make the talents of special people flourish for as long as possible, but they're also strict in that it needs to be for something productive, which is why they give missions.


Chisato was born with a talent for dodging bullets and shooting people but was also born with a weak heart. I imagine normal pacemakers can't keep up with the amount of physical activity Chisato does.


Why pay money to watch someone react to something you enjoy, only to talk like a brat in their comments section? (Genuine question) It was obvious to you, but not to them. Why be mouthy about it?

Anonymous Snek

Lmao this reaction was so long ago but Roshi has me pressed with his take. No the heart has nothing to do with it and when Majima asked Chisato and she responded with the “how do you know?” She’s asking about how he knows about the heart