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The king of getting his lick back



Next ep will be crazy

Danger Tomato

8 episodes a day please

Devin B

The parallels in this show are top tier. Franklin, Teddy, and Oso are dealing with police officers that thinks they can get the upper hand on them but they really think they're above getting a bullet to the head. Franklin killed Andre so what makes Nix think he's potentially not getting the same treatment, especially after what he did to Cissy.


Oso shooting Fuentes in the knees Idk I feel like he wanted to put him in a wheelchair just like hernan

Franklin Saint

I always find the opening title, satisfying every time appears each episode

Franklin Saint

Just looking at that scene with nix losing his role as a patrol officer and transferring to evidence as a paperboy and can’t do anything to Franklin or anybody he got a dire warning that any future actions he brings against the police department will not only cost him his job, but could place him in legal trouble get fuck bozo lmaoo.


Fuentes is a pack lmfao Oso choked the life outta him

Devin B

You guys deserve to get clapped for thinking Oso didn't kill Fuentes


I thought Oso gave that one dude a Colombian neck-tie when he carved him up...I wish I didn't know what that was.


Switchup Is crazy. Y'all was just hyping teddy up saying he and marty byrde can talk they way out of anything. Now it's his fault some crooked cop got greedy lmao.

Art of Trolling

I fw with Teddy he fully supported Oso getting his get back, but when Kevin wanted his get back all Franklin cared about was the business.

William kimura

Completley different situations. Kevins cousin was a dumbfuck and did some shit he wasn't supposed to which resulted in him getting packed up. Oso's brother got killed because a crooked cop was being greedy for no reason. Oso ain't brink that shit on himself, there also ain't as much fallout for what Oso and Teddy did. Franklin would have had the Mexicans on his ass back when he had way less control, and way less power. Stupid ass take

Noel Cruz

This comment section turned into a roast jesus


The lady reporter is playing the role of an actual reporter named Gary Webb. He wrote a newspaper series called the "Dark Alliance" in 1998 which appeared in The Mercury News. He basically exposed how the CIA brought coke into LA and the origins of crack. Webb was found dead December 10, 2004, with two gunshots to the head. His death was ruled a suicide by the Sacramento County coroner's office. I remember when the article came out, it pissed off a lot of people and government agencies.

Tuny kun

*does the tropiest way of dying ever* Camera sits on dead guy for a couple seconds. Lupa: Yup, you gone leave him alone. I'm fucking cackling.

Themperor Xaquayza

So moral of the story is, capitalism is the root of all evil.


Bro every guy that gone head from wanda has got to have gangrene.

A. P.

Nah they had me thinking Oso spared Fuentes too for a second, I was like wait what? lol Sheera had me laughing too hard to concentrate. That's a different kind of rage to choke someone with a gun to their head lol


That scene with Cissy and Nix was definitely suppose to insinuate the “r” word”. The way Cissy was pinned (face first) against the tree and Nix’s hand gripping her shoulder with force.. I may be wrong idk


Good call on the snowfall title being drugs, I always thought it was just a play on “everything that glitters ain’t gold”


“the truth beats a bullet” not if i shoot u first😂


Hey guys…. Pls react to one piece live action…. Plsss you will love it


they will react to it as confirmed on roshi's youtube community tab. they'll get to it once they have space on the schedule.

Donell Whitfield

I hate when people act like two things can’t be true at once. Yes, Franklin is lying to himself about wanting to help his people and his neighborhood. Nigga you’re in the drug game, filled your community with the shit, and now your lying to the old business owners because it benefits you. He should’ve given them a choice at least. Truly a wolf in sheep’s clothing. But, those old people were gonna lose their store either way it went and Franklin gave them a bigger property with a ridiculous amount of money to start over. It was an amazing deal they wouldn’t have gotten otherwise.

Shawn M Fredericks

You assume that Franklin is telling the truth when he says they are going to lose the store the owners never said they were in the red or needed cash

Jamaal Ellison

In that car scene President Obama tried to warn Irene to let sleeping dogs lie. But I think she on Walter White time, as in this is all she has going for her.


I just finished the rest of the series and I have opinions that I will wait to share until the end. But it was amazing.


How I'd it teddy's fault

Franklin Saint

That nice I caught up when season 5 finale was airing on tv and finished when season 6 finally air on tv I still remember watching that episode with my mom and the emotions I felt especially towards the end of the final episode the series is a 10/10 for me the same for the ending But how do you rank the whole series and the ending


If yall wanna know who ahsoka really is, try watching some animated music shorts called ahsoka and anakin on YT. The one i recommend is from a channel called RIQEUM. The title is “ahsoka and anakin heartbreaking”

Damarcus Miller

On a positive note.. who ready for that JUJUTSU KAISEN reaction today 🔥🔥 fighting about to be GAS!!!!


Shoutout Teddy for helping Oso get that lick back


Nah this not snowfall now this shit called gunfall💀💀

Doby Greg

Franklin tell you to get over your people dying. While Teddy help you out.

ok (edited)

Comment edits

2023-09-20 05:41:59 if i sent this episode into a half baked ai and asked it to com up with a joke i feel like this is what it would shoot out
2023-09-20 03:41:56 if i sent this episode into a half baked ai and asked it to come up with a joke i feel like this is what it would shoot out

if i sent this episode into a half baked ai and asked it to come up with a joke i feel like this is what it would shoot out


I just realized Oso shooting that guy’s knees out was because his brother couldn’t walk and he killed him.