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Sayaka is lost


Friendly Elites

The fight with Elsa Maria at the end is still to this day one of the most visually distinctive fights i've ever seen in an anime


the intro is giving monokuma 😂


Finally the goated Sayaka vs Elsa Maria moment


Sayaka is literally one of the best characters in this show fr fr fr fr!

Liam Gilbert

Sayaka's story has always been so tragic to me; she made the wish with the best of intentions only to have it turn her entire life inside out in the worst way and devolve from there.

Liam Gilbert

The song Decretum (Sayaka's theme at the end of the episode during the witch fight) popped up randomly in my recommended on YT years ago and is one of the things that first convinced me to watch Madoka, and I'm so glad I did.

Gabby Boakye-yiadom

I'd argue no wish is completely selfless. The show even calls Sayaka out several times even with the conversation with Hitomi this episode subtly that, even if she never wanted to admit it, deep down a part of her wanted to make the wish with the intention of getting Kamijo's affections.

Ranginald Vagel

While I think Kyubey is a monster who should have explained everything being a magical girl entails, I honestly do think the whole Soul extraction thing is one of the least terrible parts of the Magical Girl deal. It does make it easier to do your job, and it’s seamless to the point where if it’s not pointed out to you you don’t even notice it. Of the reasons Sayaka can no longer be with that boy responsibly, her soul being outside her body is one of the least important ones, practically. There’s way bigger concerns here.

nekonomsicon (edited)

Comment edits

2023-08-29 23:35:45 The fighting sequence at the end of this episode is one of the top 5 scenes in this show imo. The music is just gorgeous, delicately heartbreaking as you realize Sayaka's slowly losing touch with her humanity. The monochrome style, save for each girl's respective color outlines and the witch's blood, creates such a focus on Sayaka's growing desolation and the sheer violence overtaking her. She really dgaf anymore. That, and Kyoko's backstory, adds such a melancholy to this episode that exponentially increases in the coming episodes. Can't for the next one! Love y'all and keep up the good work <3 and be safe for the inclement weather!
2023-08-29 21:31:42 The fighting sequence at the end of this episode is one of the top 5 scenes in this show imo. The music is just gorgeous, delicately heartbreaking as you realize Sayaka's slowly losing touch with her humanity. The monochrome style, save for each girl's respective color outlines and the witch's blood, creates such a focus on Sayaka's growing desolation and the sheer violence overtaking her. She really dgaf anymore. That, and Kyoko's backstory, adds such a melancholy to this episode that exponentially increases in the coming episodes. Can't for the next one! Love y'all and keep up the good work <3 and be safe for the inclement weather!

The fighting sequence at the end of this episode is one of the top 5 scenes in this show imo. The music is just gorgeous, delicately heartbreaking as you realize Sayaka's slowly losing touch with her humanity. The monochrome style, save for each girl's respective color outlines and the witch's blood, creates such a focus on Sayaka's growing desolation and the sheer violence overtaking her. She really dgaf anymore. That, and Kyoko's backstory, adds such a melancholy to this episode that exponentially increases in the coming episodes. Can't for the next one! Love y'all and keep up the good work <3 and be safe for the inclement weather!


Kyouko's wish went bad? Come on, it not like you made a wish on a Corrupted Holy Grail. Whats that. The guy who wrote Fate Zero also wrote Madoka? Gen Urobuchi. And both feature dramatic music from Yuki Kajiura. Yeah, this is gonna be a trip.


Roshi: You didn't know? Lupa: You didn't tell me??? Kyubey: You didn't ask.

I Yahmir I

Y’all gonna watch The Bear?


lupa developing a tick from the intro

I VisiBomb I

this series goes hard af on them psychological themes. theres a lot of ways humans deal with grief, and in this case sayaka went through pretty much all of them, albeit in different order than usual. also a cool detail to notice if you haven't before, her spells revolve around music, for example the magic circle she used to jump towards the witch is a music sheet shaped in a circle. I wonder why :)


Depression Era has begun


Nah no way, Migi was never bad or evil + we always knew his intentions

Oh Alone

If you guys finish EP.10. I want you guys to focus on the translation of EP.10 ending. It's the point of view of one character in this series.

no. 21’s no. 1 simp (edited)

Comment edits

2023-08-30 05:11:28 Kore Wa Zombie Desu Ka is a good comedy about a zombie with powers if you guys need to clean your grief seeds after finishing this series
2023-08-30 03:04:39 Kore Wa Zombie Desu Ka is a good comedy about a zombie with powers if you guys need to clean your grief seeds after finishing this series

Kore Wa Zombie Desu Ka is a good comedy about a zombie with powers if you guys need to clean your grief seeds after finishing this series


This cute magical girl anime is amazingly horrifyingly depressing 😂😭😈 I Love It!!


If you take a closer look at Sayaka's fight scene, her soul gem lost color after she detached herself from physical pain


Not sure if slept on means the same thing it used to because its more popular on MAL than Tokyo Revengers, Goblin Slayer, and Magi, which are all also very popular shows.

Oh Alone

Roshi's daughter comes back from school while holding Q-bey asks "Dad, can we adopt him ?"

Andy Plays All Night

It was really popular when it aired in 2011 iirc. The convention I went to that year was also promoting that show everywhere in the center. According to MAL, "In 2011, it won the Grand Prize for Animation at the 15th Japan Media Arts Awards; the Television Award at the 16th Animation Kobe Awards; and 12 Newtype awards. In 2012, it won the 43rd Seiun Award for Best Media as well as the Television Award at the 11th Tokyo Anime Awards."


I too would recommend this but i believe it would work better as a duo series more because it leans more onto the slice of life elements than action.


Studio Shaft is allergic to producing anything but peak

Bria A.

Aw man, the back half begins…we’re really in for it now…


Sayaka lost it!


Personally, I don't even fault Kyubey for not telling them. If a small demon-looking thing like him offered you literal miracles in exchange for becoming a magical girl, I would've spent the next 3 hours asking questions to cover as much base as possible. You don't just have that sweet of a deal without a catch, and it's on them for never thinking about that.


ah...time for despair

Scott Riley Adrueno

Absolute depression. I remember now why I didnt wanna rewatch Madoka before.


will you guys react to one piece live action ????


Please do the one piece live action 🙏🏼


But it’s starting from the beginning

The Endless

Yeah but we don’t want it, don’t try to press your likes and what you want on the rest of us.


lol I mean if they watch that then they might as well watch the Tokyo Revengers Live.


Lupa has watched past what they will be adapting in the LA


To be fair its short, but im not really trying to see that corny shit either tbh lol

Jdogzero Silverblade

wait some idiot made a OP live action? really one piece. one of the longest anime to exist. live action cant even do a 50 episode anime correctly.


RuTo nah cus the OP one is actually good, unlike damn near every other one. Makes sense tho, the cast were picked by Oda himself and he's been closely involved on the production


That revengers live action was bullshit bro lmao i don’t even like one piece but i’d rather watch it instead😭

Reuben Filimaua

Glad you guys are enjoying this show. Its mad interesting the kinds of themes it manages to tackle in a short 12 episode series. ESSAY TIME 😂 The one thing that this show seems to hammer home is that naivety will always end horribly. There are consequences to every choice you make. Most can say Madoka is annoying and the most naive one here, but she's actually the smartest one for NOT accepting the contract. Sayaka is just as naive cos altho she carries strong moral ideals, they're still childish and pretty black and white. Sayaka's descent into darkness is pretty much showing the consequences of trying to be inhumanly selfless. She hates the idea of being selfish and holds herself to a ridiculous standard of being selfless. She's convincing herself that she didn't make her wish on the offchance of granting the favor of the boy she likes. Accepting that would mean accepting that she did it for a selfish reason, which she despises most. So now we're at this point in the story where not only has she just been revealed she's lost her soul and not even human.. but someone else is going to take the boy she likes away from her. She's in a pretty tough spot right now where she is struggling with her humanity and self worth, but also accepting the fact that being selfish is okay, and being too selfless is toxic and self destructive. If she doesn't reconcile any of this within herself, she'll grow resentful and lash out on others. Which she has already done once on poor Madoka who only wants to help her friend.

Marshall Lee

by this episode sayaka was my favorite by FAR

Obsessive Fanatic

With the reveal of Kyoko’s backstory and wish, here’s some not-so-fun trivia: In the prequel Side Story manga where Mami and Kyoko are the main characters, Kyoko’s power is revealed to be illusions. She can make people see whatever she wants or create fake clones of herself to confuse her opponent. This is due to her wishing for her father to receive followers who would listen to him, giving him the illusion of success. However, after her family died and losing faith in her wish, Kyoko lost her illusion powers.

Brian Estepa

You can tell Lupa didn't take this show seriously. Kind of sad and a tad annoying when he would make such a joke out of serious moments when Roshi and Sheera were actually immersed