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OK, Im invested lol


Lupa is Dadi

now this will be a good watch

Kaila Bowers

watched ep 1 a few days ago and really enjoyed, especially since i really liked main actress after seeing her in Sweet Home. now I can finish the show with u guys


My Korean friend always asked me if I could tell Asian faces apart, and I would always confidently say yes, until I started watching Kdramas with you two and you made me doubt myself by confusing me.

Hasnain Khan



wait wow you guys are really fast 😭 i’m excited to watch with you guys


It’s not that difficult, I think. Then again, I’m Asian 🤷🏻‍♀️


It’s really not difficult, but the moment these two say “Is That..” my brain short circuits


Dont know if y’all saw but i posted this one like 1-2 months ago in the community tab. Dope

Zander Infinity

This show is funnier than what i expected lmao this is gonna be good

Bria A.

gonna be watching this fresh along with y’all at the same time, so i can’t wait — still heavily recommend mask girl though (even if it’s just in your own time), i knocked it out in two days and i’m still thinking about it. anyway, thanks for giving us something new!


Just realised they used some real influencers in this 😭


I just finished this show last night. Curious to see y’all’s reactions for sure. And naw that’s not Sara from the glory

Just Chilline

I dont think biniimom is sara from the glory. the only face that I recognise is the mc who was also in Sweet Home, she was the guitar girl

Bria A.

couple things: — biniimom is not sara (kim hieora), though they do kinda look alike — for context, since it seems like they’re going to bring up gangnam a lot: it’s pretty much the affluent / celebrity / plastic surgery cultural district of korea


Btw the main character actor in this is the guitar chick from sweet home


CLAPPP not Sa-ra, it's okay though, they have similar features

Danger Tomato

That was a tough watch...


seeing the main characters mom acting carefree than how she was in Flower of Evil is refreshing. she gave me headaches during that show

Kumi Chan

Sa Ra voice actor is Kim Hieora, and Biniimom is Jin So- Yeon. They do look really similar though

rickie woodson

just cause we suggest things doesnt mean we saw them. i see suggestions, google and read up on the shows and then co sign. thats why i personally suggested uncanny counter cause it sounds like an anime and i know yall love that stuff and vincenzo cause it sounds good af. i got too much reading to do so i rarely watch anything new in my free time. i put on a pod or an old show like living single (this week its clarissa explains it all) and use it as background noise as i read. you guys are my break time from reading and dinner company :)

rickie woodson

i can see why this got so many bad reviews.......like im so not into this vapid people or their world BUT that being said, the show has some good spots like the transitions, narration and of course that plot twist at the end. how she dies, why and who killed her, those are the things that will keep me coming back. its like invincible episode one. up until that twist it was just a mid show: watchable but i could skip it.

rickie woodson

your eyes are almost better than mine. that is NOT the actress who played lee sa-ra in the glory. her name is kim hieora. binimom is played by jin seo yeon. but yeah they favor each other. if you didnt point it out i wouldnt have see it. but kim hieora has very distinct features, in particular her puffy eyes and rabbit like mouth. plus she is pretty gaunt so i was like "nope not her. her eyes aint puffy and she not skinny enough". for a second yall had me second guessing myself til i heard her speak in the finale scene "yeah definitely not her"

Heavenly Demonic Emperor

Shiiiii I'm gonna watch this wit y'all 😂 I've seen a lot of people telling me it's good but now I've got people to watch wit it now let's gooo!!!

Kyle Llewellyn

Factually untrue, the means of which they are streamed has nothing to do with quality. I watch them on Netflix/Viki/Prime etc and plenty of good shows are on Netflix. You can find ratings of every show to back that up

Danger Tomato

Factually is wild lol most Netflix original kdramas are booty and even the ones just released on Netflix are ass... and I've seen the ratings, they're not good...

Elle E.

I deleted my social media in 2019 & never looked back. Oh the peace is beautiful 😌

Destiny Simon

i watched ep 1 on my own and hmmmm.....as an avid kdrama watcher im a bit worried, my friend who just started watching kdramas thinks its amazing and since you guys decided to watch i'm gonna take a look at it too, but idkkkkkk, ending of this ep was a bit predictable and idk, with the writing, why exactly are we supposed to gaf abt any of these characters right now. I dont see myself giving a damn abt Seo Ari.


d.p. and uncanny counter have entered the chat.....


"Moving" is the latest kdrama with big actors in Korea. It is still releasing.

Bria A.

that name is…not korean by any stretch of the imagination lmfao…


natural sugar is actually more bad because its not diluted its just raw sugar


i mean i really don't care about any of these people but now that its gonna turn into some sort of attempted murder revenge. like the glory? im with it.


I don’t understand so you’re telling me that if it’s the same amount of sugar it’s better to intake something like cube sugar?


Lol unfortunately a lot people never realise but naturally fruit is good for you but because it’s naturally sugar if you consume more of it is basically have tablespoons on tablespoons on sugar but there’s no really significant difference but sugar cubes are compressed sweeteners


Bruh that’s not even close to being a Korean name that’s just wrong lol


I'm glad you guys chose a show most haven't seen.


Even though this first episode was meh It's starting off better than Trashounds and Attorney Mid so I'll give it a shot.

Elle E.

those were very good quality, top tier shows. but everyone has their own taste in genres they enjoy so To each their own

A. P.

Ahh, the k-drama slap and plot twist first episode, this might go crazy. Y'all stay putting me on good shows tbh, I'm along for the ride.


I can already tell your taste in kdramas are awful. I bet you like those Indian dramas where the screen shatters a dozen times


i'm enjoying ngl


havent seen masked girl and thought that the trailer was interesting. Ill hold out on that show and watch this one since I havent seen this one either

Sator Collins-Forbes

I'm laughing but don't do attorney woo like that, it was a nice wholesome law show with a unique mc. Cmon bro


keep in mid also, a lot of the sugar in fruits are in the fibers. it takes time for them to be digested or hit your liver. straight up juice will go right to the liver

Anna Anthony

I like this idea of doing things people can't easily anticipate. Your drama reactions have some gem react/predictions. Thanks for the content!


Exactly especially apples and grapes shit will have you bloated even one apple


omg , the fact that this was recorded a month ago. Being on the YouTube side , I was really missing out lol. Happy to be here , love the reaction!