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Robo Campbell never dies, live to see it

Hasnain Khan



I’d been like fuck the tongs too. Remember at the beginning of the show. Ah Sahm was sold into the tong. He didn’t voluntarily do it. Despite Ah Sahm having a connection with them, both of the tongs fucked him over time and time again. Sister ordered his death, Father Jun had the Hop Wei abandoned him battered, Young Jun blaming him for asking Mai Ling to get him out of prison. Ah Sahm is flawed but he’s not a monster like all of them. Like Ah Toy and Yan Mi’s been saying to him. He’s more than a hatchet man. He’s a hero, and it showed throughout this whole show. He’s always there to save people and fight for people who need it. But what hurts him the most is that, some of the people that he saved who he’s closest to, treated him like shit in certain ways.


Sherragon in full effect this episode if you know you know

Mike A

Lee saw Yan Mi at the wedding last episode and from that he figured out that she was working for them. From there it's just a matter of searching her place and finding the fake money. As far as Ah Sahm goes, yeah it's messed up. I think it's more about Ah Sahm realizing he doesn't want to be a hatchet man anymore, more than it is about being in love with Yan Mi. I think he's just in love with what she represents, a new life away from the tong. The convo with Ah Toy was basically just him saying he wants out. Still messed up to do that to your boys. Leary and Ah Toy both want Strickland dead now, so I'm excited for a team up next episode.


Bro, my mans Leary curbstomped him ON A table bruh. Ain't no way.


Roshi needs to get a shirt with big boy bill on it lmao


Mai ling doing what she did had nothing to do with being a woman and everything to do with her being a greedy bitch. She’s vindictive and conniving

Garion pope

This episode, man oh man some bodies finna hit the floor


Tbh I’m kinda with Chao when he asks Ah Sahm if this girl is worth blowing everything up. I know he been wanting to get outta the Hop Wei but framing it under the guise of love was kinda weak imo since the romance fell flat for me personally.

Alexis Sullivan

Hong's boyfriend was buggin. That cops gets paid to spend all day abusing, beating, and murdering Chinese people and then when he clocks out from a long day of murdering your people he uses your bodies for pleasure and fucks yall some more. Hong was right to beat his ass and he shouldn't be allowed in that space

Storm King

Yall forgot that Lee saw the printing girl at Mai Ling's wedding last episode.

Alexis Sullivan

I think they caught the girl cuz Lee saw Asahm and her kissing at Mai Lings wedding. At that point Lee knew she was involved and went back to search her father's store and found her Stash. She was dumb to leave it in the store.

Alexis Sullivan

That final scene was the most horrific shit I've ever seen


He did a whole FATALITY on dude at the end 😂


Nah idc Leary top 5! Bro summomed a whole luck of the Irish finisher on that dude

FreshxEli Tv

ROSHI TALKING ALL THAT MESS about our boy let’s see how he’ll handle this 😂 put yourself in that position LUPASAN OR SHEERA RIGHT NOW You Knew Lupasan forever & later on met the love of your life Sheera forever CHOOSE 🤔😂😂😂😂

Corey Leach

We might get a Leary and Ah Toy team up against Strickland. Mai Ling deserve an Oscar for them fake ass tears lmao. She still on her power and control thing even over her husband smh. This dude Ah Sahm really breaking one of the top bro codes over some girl.


They call it a single brain wave but its more like two cans tied together with string lol


How is this show so consistently great? Haven’t been disappointed with a single episode.

sotonye ogan

F-U lmao bro that was the cleaniest attitude adjustment Ive seen in a minute


Not sure if you guys missed it but in the last episode in the scene with Ah Sahm and the printer girl in front of her house after the wedding. Lee was hiding around the corner listening to their conversation


is it me or YaBoyRoshi is now YaBoySlim? haha

Mozart Waddell

Never seen a C U R B - P U N C H 😬😦Gotdamn Leary!!! He's definitely replacing Zing as my guilty pleasure pick. Man is principled to put his own people ahead of his personal prospering.

Emiliano Ruiz Chong

Regarding how the printing girl was found, remember Lee saw her at the party between the tongs, he must have made some connections and investigated her place until finding the stash.


Leary breaking that dude's jaw on the bar brought me back to that American History X scene where a dude got curbstomped. HBO always got some surprise gore hiding in the bushes somewhere.


Yeah their must be another season because I don’t see how they wrap things up for next week


Leary need to Play Kratos in a live action GoW cuz bro!!🤣💀

Teyon Alexander

Slightly longer episode. atoy kills the railroad guy, Lee and the Pinkerton get into. Shoot out with happy jacks people, Young Jun dukes it out with Ahsahm. chao lives to swindle another day. Seems pretty cut and dry. Mei Ling’s issues have resolved - she is the undisputed head of her Tong. Her husband walked out on her and the tong. There’s little there left except for her to attend her brothers funeral if he dies or send the Tong to save him- which I doubt she’d do. It can be done all in one slightly longer episode.

Mubarez Ahmad

Lee saw the Printer chick at Mai Lings wedding and realized that she had a connection to the tong, so all they had to do was to look through her home

Big Daddy Dre

Sheera always trying to make something about “being a woman” like she didn’t force her way into power than took half their money without consulting them then she lost the money if I’m them i wouldn’t trust her leadership skills either 🤦🏾‍♂️


That's a true warrior right there. Fought against Chinese, then against more Chinese and then fought with police chief so he can fight with chinese again, Will the goat


i cannot fuck with ah sahm after this, he goaded young jun into taking over the tong and is now about to fuck them over some girl he met just because he feels like he isnt built for this, yan mi also was warned to not take money from the press and thats how she got caught so in actuality its her fault... Young jun has been his ride or die he even stood against his father when he got kicked out and still sought after him after he got kicked out from the tong. it was obviously a sticky situation but he should have just been upfront with young jun about her arrest and figured out a way to get her out.

A. P.

Damn, not me rooting for the racists this episode lol BIG Bill, BIG Leery! lol Li Yong almost told Mai Ling "bitch you guessed it", Ah Sahm snitching in the name of love... it's a lot goin on lol

Elle E.

What is wrong with Ah Sahm he just met this woman + she stole from him & lied about it. WHAT'S THERE TO LOVE OR LIKE ABOUT THIS CHICK maybe it's just me but a liar + theiF doesn't sound appealing & worTH jeopardizing real family like/ strong friendship bonds over...LIKE HUH


Ah sahm is only doing the logical thing. You can't fight the government, the jig was up.


He's just a lovestruck fool, trying to find more meaning in a random relationship than it's worth. But I definitely agree, guy barely knows her and she's not even trustworthy. He's just acting on emotions, but to be fair don't most people do just that?

Art of Trolling

Sad as Funeral Scene Lupa: "I cannot believe he blew up the railroad"

Saint Nexus

Leary is fucking batman lol. But anyway, Ah sahm is on Mai ling timing not telling the people what they up to and now about to sacrifice his guarantee ride or dies over a girlfriend who's not a wife or he has kids with. I'm gonna give him some leeway cause this is the first time he making this mistake and going down this path, but after this there's no excuses. He gotta learn like his brother in law, these girls ain't worth it 😂

Thulani Mason

I just realized. Maybe Chao can tell Ah Sahm about Happy Jack's crew so that to the crew can steal it from the Hop Wei first. Then Ah sahm can tell the police that Happy Jack has the plates and the police can go after Happy Jak's crew. The police can get the plates, set the girl free and the only down side is that the Hop Wei doesn't have the plates anymore. But they never have to know that Ah Sahm snitched.

Papa Souls

Damn, Leary may be a rascist, but if we shared the same race I'd be glad to have him in my corner. The man fights for his people and holy does he fight!


Ah Sahm really betraying the whole gang just for some female? That's a huge L, massively disappointed in him. Also where was the whole Hong sub plot going? It seemed rather pointless and dumb.

rickie woodson

ah sahm's plot would have made more sense if it was sophie. an artist so she could have made realistic looking money. they have a 3 season long love affair so it would justify their love/relationship being solid enough for him to betray his friends. but for this girl he and we the audience barely know and are not invested in???? bad move. should have just recast sophie.

rickie woodson

big ups to chao. he could have told them who really killed happy jack but instead he saved himself without being a snitch.

rickie woodson

leary mortal kombat 1 dlc coming spring 2024

Drake Rage

Y'all really forget how the dumbfk Mail ling told Ah Sahm to bring the printer girl to her wedding? That is when Lee saw her and remembered her from the print shop and connected her to printing the money for the Tongs... like Mai ling inviting her to her wedding where the cops were obviously going to be present... I haven't finished the episode but I don't even know if that was a play by Mai Ling or if she really is that stupid.


I never expected to root for Leary this much

Mozart Waddell

Rockin with Lupa take on Mai Ling. She's unhinged and definitely did not act in accordance of a Tong boss. That's kind of crazy to murder all the elders. There could've been disdain for Mai Ling amongst her lieutenants and grunts within the Long Zhi that been in direct contact with the Elders. Killing off the top brass without collecting information is a pretty dumb way to snuff out a coup attempt.

Sheraya san

I know it’s an old show so maybe y’all haven’t seen it so if not I strongly recommend a reaction series to the sopranos


Ah Sahm the definition of what pussy does to a mothafucka
