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Neighborhood in shambles



early upload oh my lordt chile uwu #Skeeyee #patreon #fyp

Xavier Louis

thank youuuuuuuuuuuu


Welcome to PEAK


thought the girl in the beginning that wanted crack was mel lol


Wanda is just despicable

J Man

3:19 funny reference. Did you know that Andre's actor did exactly this scene in Get Out? Andre's actor is the Running Guy from Get Out

Darion Vogt

The audio mixing on this upload is weird like a milisecond echo with the mic adio picking up the tv and the audio overlay

Devin B (edited)

Comment edits

2023-08-10 01:01:13 No matter how much time has passed, if you've been force fed cocaine for 2 days straight you're going to be fucked up to some degree
2023-08-09 22:59:02 No matter how much time has passed, if you've been force fed cocaine for 2 days straight you're going to be fucked up to some degree in the long run

No matter how much time has passed, if you've been force fed cocaine for 2 days straight you're going to be fucked up to some degree in the long run

Argo TheSlicer

Should really be two episodes of snowfall a day

Metweet .c

Yeah, unfortunately, they completely wrote out Lucia. The actress left the show due to personal reasons because she was having a lot of psychological issues with the role since she was a drug addict previously and it was emotionally draining her since it was sticking with her.

Michael Blake

In my opinion this is when Snowfall really starts.

danial javady

At around 22:00, Teddy is intimidating Franklin at that point. It's not anger. He's telling him to tread lightly.

J Man

Ah darn. That's tough to hear. Hope she's doing well. Weird too, because her actress was also the recovering drug addict in Breaking Bad. The one that dated Jessie in the later seasons

Franklin Saint (edited)

Comment edits

2023-08-10 01:42:19 I don’t know if you realize but the guy that plays Manboy is Marvin Gregg from vine
2023-08-09 23:40:47 I don’t know if you realize but the guy that plays Manboy is melvin Gregg from vine

I don’t know if you realize but the guy that plays Manboy is melvin Gregg from vine

Devin B

Melvin Gregg but yeah it took me by surprise when I first saw him in this show. He actually did good in this role.


Fuck Wanda. "For your stupidity and betrayal, you've earned yourself a one-on-one with the Fatback playa, holla holla holla."


I don’t think teddys dad problem is Matt coming home and teddy leaving it’s the fact teddy brought Matt home barely functioning and then he leaves his dad to basically take care of it


The show never went into detail but Manboy is affiliated (Compton Crips), and he is a top dog in Compton. That's why he got no filter and is disrespectful af. If this is a spoiler (which I highly doubt) let me know and I'll delete it.

Franklin Saint

My bad I missed spelled his name by accident lol but Fr he did a amazing job as manboy in this series

Devin B

Nah not really a spoiler. Just extra info that shows his position in this game.


Major death flags from that cop, like why would he even be telling Franklin all that like Franklin isnt smart and will come up with a plan


Yea that's the issue. Teddy's dad is just mad that he showed up and dropped him off like that and Matt was fine before he went anywhere with him. The dad also knows Teddy not coming around to ever check on Matt again either. I would be mad too.


This season go crazy


Manboy is played by that vine dude Melvin Gregg


This season is about to be pure greatness lol

Jamaal Ellison

This is the season in snowfall when the neighborhood started looking like fear the walking dead.


Hell yeah Leon poppin off


I get Andre doing his job and Franklin is 1000% in the wrong, but if he gets himself killed its 100% his fault for that speech. He basically took it out of it being a police matter and made it personal specifically towards franklin as like somewhat of like a 1 on 1 challenge. I can't possibly see why he thought that was a good idea

Alexis Sullivan

That opening was really sad, that woman dove into a moving car for some drugs. Ultimately this is why I can't fully ride with Franklin. This man is destroying the lives of his own people, how own neighborhood, people he grew up with and went to school with. And he's doing it all for money. He sees the effects of what he's doing. He's walking down the street of his own neighborhood and with his own eyes he sees his old school friends turned into crack heads, homeless, lives destroyed all so he can be rich and he does not give a single fuck. Hes exploiting and oppressing his own people for money. Idk how Franklin ends up but he deserves the worst, whether he ends up dead or in prison its honestly what he deserves cuz he's a piece of shit

Franklin Saint

Then who can you root for when every one in this show is a piece of shit ? Lemme guess Andre? But I understand stand tho Franklin is a terrible person if not a monster who destroys lives

Alexis Sullivan

Man fuck Andre lol he a bitch. I spend a lot of time being conflicted cuz sometimes I be wanting to root for Franklin and other times be like he deserves what he gets


The Jeju Island Incident Despairge

Elle E.

Ayyeee Jerome in the outfit and his curls, he was looking mighty fine😍😍😍😍❤️❤️❤️

Connor Powers

I fucking love that scene with Andre and Franklin I catch myself saying “like baby” once a week😂😂 prob my favorite scene in the whole show


This is the start of the really good stuff


The goat has arrived, fatback


i think this is the kinda show where you arent really supposed to root for anyone (currently)

The Endless

Keep in mind you’re coming from an entirely subjective point of view. We kind of forget that others not obligated or responsible for the upkeep for Our own lives and Our own decisions. And ppl love to bring in the “our ppl” angle as if any of these ppl mean a thing to him and rightfully so. Where was these ppl to help him and his mother? We preach black solidarity when it’s convenient but somehow forget, in the middle of all this blaming Franklin , that it’s literally a WHITE MAN/the government who set these wheels in motion to fund their war. But solidarity right?

Elle E.

Teddy pissin' me off...he just too nonchalant about what happened to his brother. All his fault man. I get business must keep running but dang MATT just looking too pitiful for me to be still working POOR guy

Hasnain Khan


Mozart Waddell

Tyrell didn't deserve that. He followed his instructions to the t and refused to rob Franklin and his boss still betrayed him. I think he was the only one in Man Boy crew I liked. He should've just got out the car and walked away when he heard the scheme. I don't care how much charm and docility Man Boy exudes he's complete garbage for that.

Franklin Saint

@Alexis Sullivan lol nah fr he was a piece shit this season but to be honest I follow any main character in any crime show that’s a villain like Barry,BMF,You,braking bad etc just because I’m following the story their perspective their character flaw and ambitions but if you haven’t seen those shows I name recommend you to give ‘‘em a try I personally enjoy them and also I don’t justified their actions and if their outcome is karma if they have a happy ending or not or it’s bittersweet I’m fine with any outcome as long if it’s executed, right


we now enter the best season of snowfall. we in for a ride w this one


I was wondering why Mannoy looked for familiar didn't even know he was an actor I just remember him on vine

Franklin Saint

Fr he show lack of care to Matt bro is suffering and left his responsibilities to their old man I know Matt is a grown man and he makes his own choices but he dragged his little brother into drug business and basically is one of the reasons why Matt is like this right now

Devin B

I feel ya, he was one of the few smart ones in his group but because Man Boy is trying to get on Franklin's good side he was willing to sell him out. For him it's money over loyalty.

Dalvin Williams

At this point it don't matter if Franklin stops selling, the crack is out there.... Might at well profit from it should be the motto this season 🙏


One thing I love about snowfall is they show the impact of drugs on a community. Most other shows don’t do that and it’s just about the main character and action.

Bob Bob

So about 6 month passed since the last episode, cause Kev died in January and now it is August.

Shant Nazarian

Manboy went from Vine to the crack business it’s an evil world we live in 😔

Kumi Chan

This season has the best intro design, really liked the evolution of it

Kaiser Spiral

Sheers needs to play the lottery atp, her foresight is insane


I didn't see the live action One Piece in the Upcoming Hype post, will you guys not be reacting to it?


They don’t react to one piece so i don’t think they’ll be reacting to the movie. If they do watch it, it might be on their own.


@The Uruk Slayer while I do see where you coming from. its not like nobody doesn't see that it was the Cia that got this shit started but that still doesn't exempt Franklin from his own sins and selling that shit is killing his people and destroying the community. Real talk if the Cia is the gun then Franklin is the bullet. You can say well they aren't his people and didn't help him and his moms out, but it doesn't change the fact that its particularly heinous to exploit and fuck over your own people. Hell even them mafia mofos didn't sell the bad shit to there own people. Like we expect for white people to not give a shit about us and fuck us over. So its a much harder pill to swallow when you see a fellow brother doing foul shit to our own people. But hey that's just my perspective. Franklin is still a great villain protagonist but he is also a piece of shit lol I think to many people forget that.


in the end "for john" what was that? im i stupid did i miss some

Nick 8

was for John Singleton who was the Co-Creator/Director who passed away.

Alexis Sullivan

Money over loyalty while at the same time he expects all his crew up be 100% loyal to him. That's what's so trash with bosses like him, they expect loyalty while giving none in return

It’s Shinra BAY BAY

I can’t get the thought of cyborg Claudia out my head. This man Lupa is fucking hilarious.

Alexis Sullivan

@The Uruk Slayer What do you mean where was his people to help him and his mom? Do the people in his neighborhood look like they're doing any better than him and his mom? They all struggling and can barely keep themselves above water. Teddy didn't bring this into Franklin's neighborhood, Franklin did and Franklin was already fucking his neighborhood up before he ever even met Teddy, that's the whole reason why Teddy chose to work with him so idk how Teddy would be at fault for some shit Franklin was already doing before they met. The government as a whole is wrong for using drugs to fund a war but Teddy is not fault for Franklin's actions

Alexis Sullivan

@Franklin Saint Yea ive seen Breaking Bad, BMF, and You. I just always feel conflicted cuz these be horrible people but cuz they're the protag we're supposed to be on their side. I still enjoy the shows I just be conflicted


when the cop was running in the beginning chasing the car all i could think about was him the same when he was running in the movie "Get Out".

Alexis Sullivan

@Marcopopo350 I agree with everything you said. I feel like when people like a character they have a hard time admitting the characters flaws and that they're trash cuz they don't wanna admit they like a trash character but it's OK to say admit he's a great villain protagonist who also happens to be a piece of shig


@Alexis Sullivan that is facts, it really be giving me flashbacks to back in the Breaking Bad days when people wanted to act like walt was some victim. I was like bruh, did we watch the same show lol


As someone who also doesn’t outwardly express how they’re feeling, I guarantee you he’s feeling it. We already saw him break down sobbing last season so we know he cares. Not like he can just stop the operation.

Bradley Canning

It do be your own people who do you dirty

Erica Collins

all I could think about was the cop from Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs lmao he runs exactly like him 😭😭

Elle E.

i get this but his energy still bugged me. this episode for sure

J Man

The armitage guy from Get Out probably was watching Snowfall Season 3, and be like "Hey! Somebody give me that cop's legs!"


Not sure if anyone knew but the guy playing the cop is the same guy that was running on Get Out

Quinton Campbell

Kinda shocked they didn't recognize Melvin Gregg, must've been before their time


The Director of the Show John Singleton (he directed Boyz in the Hood,Poetic Justice,etc) passed away around the time the 3rd season was about to air


I thought I was the only one 😂😂


whos john?

rickie woodson

these new villains are too fine. they need to stay at least til season 4

rickie woodson

john singleton, a famous black director. he either created and produced the show or just produced it. he died around the time this aired in 2018/2019


LMAOOO sameeee i literally thought of that for like a split second and juss went passed it cause i was like "aint no way anybody else thought of this."


Lupa makes me laugh so hard 😂😂 talking about "bring the remote to the tv down"


Love how Franklin is calling Andre a traitor when he’s hurting his community the most 😭