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recorded late today sorry yall!



james is op


Bleach time


No worries I can for sure wait to see y’all videos much love and respect


All good on late upload, as long as its here💯


It’s all good


It’s all good you handsome devil

Devin B

I don't want to hear any Renji slander from this point onwards


James is the actual sternritter not mask




Renji's one and only W lmaooooo

CornCobBob (edited)

Comment edits

2023-08-08 02:57:19 my biggest gripe with this entire arc is how dirty they did the Vizard Captains. I remember when they hyped them up to no end when they premiered in the Vizard hollowfication training arc to no end. Then they get more or less bodied during fake Karakura town arc, and then it happens again during the 2nd Quincy Invasion arc again. They finally get to use their Bankai here and they're completely underwhelming and if the bigmouth conductor musician hadn't given away the secret to his Bankai he could have had more of a role in this series. What an idiot. It's so disappointing that Kubo had nothing for these guys to do other than take L's on the scoreboard. You think hollowfied Shinigami would be the perfect response to fighting Vol Standig Quincies.
2023-08-08 00:55:50 my biggest gripe with this entire arc is how dirty they did the Vizard Captains. I remember when they hyped them up to no end when they premiered in the Vizard hollowfication training arc to no end. Then they get more or less bodied during fake Karakura town arc, and then it happens again during the 2nd Quincy Invasion arc again. They finally get to use their Bankai here and they're completely underwhelming and if the bigmouth conductor musician hadn't given away the secret to his Bankai he could have had more of a role in this series. What an idiot. It's so disappointing that Kubo had nothing for these guys to do other than take L's on the scoreboard. You think hollowfied Shinigami would be the perfect response to fighting Vol Standig Quincies. It's just that these characters, their designs, back stories and powers are so cool but half the time they just end up filling the back ground and then Kubo remembers that they exist somewhere in the void. I love Bleach but man should've read up more on series that do team up combo battles that utilize large casts. Because that is where this series is seriously lacking. I wish Black Clover with it's amazing team up battles existed before Bleach so that Kubo could've stolen that aspect for his series. Sometimes the writing doesn't make sense or just does some characters dirty.

my biggest gripe with this entire arc is how dirty they did the Vizard Captains. I remember when they hyped them up to no end when they premiered in the Vizard hollowfication training arc to no end. Then they get more or less bodied during fake Karakura town arc, and then it happens again during the 2nd Quincy Invasion arc again. They finally get to use their Bankai here and they're completely underwhelming and if the bigmouth conductor musician hadn't given away the secret to his Bankai he could have had more of a role in this series. What an idiot. It's so disappointing that Kubo had nothing for these guys to do other than take L's on the scoreboard. You think hollowfied Shinigami would be the perfect response to fighting Vol Standig Quincies. It's just that these characters, their designs, back stories and powers are so cool but half the time they just end up filling the back ground and then Kubo remembers that they exist somewhere in the void. I love Bleach but man should've read up more on series that do team up combo battles that utilize large casts. Because that is where this series is seriously lacking. I wish Black Clover with it's amazing team up battles existed before Bleach so that Kubo could've stolen that aspect for his series. Sometimes the writing doesn't make sense or just does some characters dirty.

Davon Thomas

He doesn't do anything memorable after this except bang rukia. So his best and brightest moment being the last arc makes sense lol.

danial javady

can someone tell me why bro just doesn't use his hollow mask? was there a reason for this? I swear I was hoping they'd diverge more in the anime but ight ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Hasnain Khan



This episode was a message for all the Renji haters/doubters out there. You had to have known from when he first activated his premature Bankai against his own captain to never sleep on him since he was only a lowly Lieutenant. And Now- “Lets get ready to RUMBAAAAAAAAAAAALLLLLLE Lucha Lucha mucho libre” The Animalistic BAN-KAI: So-Oh Zabimaru (Baboon King Snake Tail/Twin King Snake Tail) The true form of Renji's Bankai takes on a more compact form that is predominately worn. On his right wrist, Renji gains a gauntlet resembling the top portion of a snake's skull, with a cowl of red fur surrounding its base. In his previous Bankai, the blade turned into a giant skeletal snake that fires beams while its owner dons a baboon pelt but the weapon's form is revealed to be an imperfect bankai as Renji now know and reveals his weapon's true bankai: So-Oh Zabimaru. Here’s Renji’s new official theme https://youtu.be/OPmnlsEvzCc Can’t believe they really brought back the iconic Hazel Fernandes that sings Ichigo’s number 1 theme. For those that were impressed by these animation in these last 2 Eps, neither of them have been a priority as the big top-tier animation & high-stakes battles starts next week and for the next 4 weeks straight, so get ready for the main events as this is Bleach’s birth month. 🔥💯


I know we're seeing Renji in a new light now, but the fact that even his own Zanpakuto was feeling "ehhh" about him all this time... you can't deny the irony. I'm glad to see that Renji has proven himself to Zabimaru now, but it's kinda funny that his zanpakuto never revealed its own full name. Renji needed Ichibe to spell it out for him. Like, for all we know, Zabimaru never planned to speak up. "Yeah, about my name... I lied. Sorry!"


Honestly when renji showed up I was like oh it’s renji😂😂😂 but he did turn up tho

Beignet Blues

"Why didn't you tell me your whole name!" "He probably never asked." Has got to be quote of the day! 🤣😭


This isn’t really anything exclusive to this arc since that’s been mostly the case throughout the series and tells you they’re going to have a major comeback at some point before the eventual end of it all just like they did for Renji here and what they did with Yamamoto’s Lieutenant Chojiro in part 1, One of the many subtle polarities of the series. Also they can’t and are not allowed to hollowfy in the soul society, and there was literally a combo team up in Ep 15 with Toshiro and Rangiku. Lastly black clover was one of the new gen animes that was inspired by Bleach.


When did they explain that they can't hollowfy, because they just did it to their Bankai an episode ago? Also the Sereitei doesn't technically exist right now so fudge etiquette because it is no longer war time scenario as it has escalated to survive at all costs time. Kyoraku should've also waivered that order for just this situation. Writing aside, they still did these captains dirty.

Beignet Blues

Complete opposite of Yumichika who refuses to call his Zanpakuto by it's full name 🥲

Earphone Jack


Kévin Chamberlin

this is late ? weren't the uploads like way later like a year ago ? or am i remembering wrong?


Mans kept getting up like the god damn undertaker every time that lil fan boy kept crying out mister lmao


That wasn’t a Hollowfication, he was temporarily hollowfied as it wasn’t a natural technique like it is for the Vizards. Hollowfication is extremely energy expensive, this has been shown and stated on several occasions. Staying hollowfied in a fight for even a short period of time will result in complete exhaustion. This is why they refrain from using it in combination with bankai, which is in and of itself strenuous on the individual. Kubo said they COULD, but never said it was a good idea. Same reason Tosen didn't hollowfy/resurrect and use Bankai even though he could. Remember Mashiro who doesn't use a Zanpakuto AND is the Vizard known for maintaining Hollowfication the longest completely exhausted herself in a couple minutes. So nothing to do with any bit of flawed writing, however yes they do get done dirty but it’s rather intentional to make way for other more important characters, they will have their comeback day like almost every character in the series has had.


1. I believe a couple people owe Renji some apologies. You weren’t familiar with his game. 2. A big theme of Bleach is names and knowing true names. Renji only knowing half of his Bankai’s true name basically means he’s been fighting with only half of his true potential and max power of his Bankai, while also not having the years of training it like the captains of the Gotei 13.

Jdogzero Silverblade

stack onto the fact that im pretty sure they were told that hollow powers are like poison to quincies so if they just used their damn hollowification they would have destroyed them. this entire arc was pretty lame overall. the only thing i really loved was yoruichi's transformation and rukia's bankai. kensei was also meh. ichigo was useless as well. the ending is stupid tho im not going to mention it.


Okay with all due respect, we’re in the middle of a war with our greatest enemy. I’m saying fuck the rules. Wanna punish me for it afterwards, go ahead. But at least you’ll be able to do it instead of being dead cuz “Well Central 46 said we can’t use our masks so I guess we’re up shit creak.”

Davon Thomas

I never been the biggest fan of "True bankai" because it just sounds like a way to just hand out a power up with bare minimum explanation. Like can tell Kubo was just writing just to write like ichigo having 6 "true" forms to his zanpakto. Feel like once you acquire a bankai which is how Kubo originally wrote you are bringing out the fullest extent of your zanpakto. Now the zanpakto in bankai form evolving temporarily like how Byakuya when he fought ichigo had a form he could only use when he used his bankai and made that sword arena.


For the last 2 people that just commented, Please read my last comment. Whatever flaws that were in the manga are being fleshed out and expanded upon here as polished as possible.


I'm just saying. All that hype for these captains, and ten years later and I'm still blue balled. When will the pain stop?


damn, soul reaper captains stay getting their ass beat

Devin B

Sometimes they would upload close to midnight but recently they've been uploading around the late evening


It would also cause complete exhaustion and they wouldn’t be able to maintain it for long at all. Even the one who could maintain it naturally for the longest Mashiro barely managed it for long in battle and lost.

Jdogzero Silverblade

you are forgetting hollow powers are poison to the quincy. so there would only be benefits to hollowfying. even if they lost they would have still done lasting damage to them.

tiana britton

I know a lot of people don’t pay attention to character’s stories overall or remember rather…but the reason is 100% VALID. Especially when you consider how the relationship between soul reaper and zanpakuto user works. Also using Kenpachi & Ichigo as comparisons are even valid those are separate cases entirely. & we even see that Ichigo had to find out who he is to unlock the next level so it DID deter him when he faced this current level threat bc he couldn’t even subdue his asauchi until his dad told him about his history. & even with Kenpachi without including spoilers the difference in his power between when he just treats his zanpakuto as a sword and actually knows it’s name and all that isn’t even comparable so Renji’s reason is absolutely valid and follows the storyline. Plus even though people like to make their lazy jokey jokes hella characters is bleach take L’s & that doesn’t make him weak. He has to fight on a higher level than a lot of the other lieutenants (well he and Rukia do) so that’s not even comparable & plus from the zanpakuto spirit arc we know zanpakuto are like sentient beings with their own personalities and motivations and we’ve seen Renji’s being more petty in nature. Also all the foreshadowing that something has been holding him back! Like it was never like he’s just weak there has always been a block and even with some of the STRONGEST characters recognizing him as among the strong/the top even above a lot of captains that was a clearly a sign too. & considering that whole time it was only 50%!!


It’s not just about the rules, they wouldn’t be able to maintain it to win a major battle. Nothing lazy about it as it was proven through Mashiro back in FKT.


This true name thing has been established for a long time though so It's not like it was pulled out of Kubo's ass this arc. I think the first example was with Yumichika's shikai because he wanted to hide what his Zanpakuto did from his own crew due to their standards so he's been using a fake name to make it not do what it's suppose to do and that there was the basis of this True Name stuff that carried over to this arc with certain characters. But yeah I get your gripes with the Ichigo having a lot of true forms, but this is shounen and they've done that with Naruto, Luffy, Deku and the like so there's no escaping that. The main character has to get the patch update in the form of new forms somehow and this is Bleach's way of doing it.


Now that we've seen Mask De Masculine, can't will till we see Gerards broken ass 💀


it also makes sense how in the beginning Byakuya even said that normally it requires time to truly perfect your bankai. Just awakening it is the first step. But to truly master it is another matter.


If yal didn’t catch it James was the truth holder of the star power the mask dude was just his creation that’s why when he died the master said James is dead

Jaelyn Mcgee

I'm excited for that one as well as Mayuri's main two fights in this arc.

FreshxEli Tv

It’s been around since the rukia arc when he got beat by ichigo his sword didn’t acknowledge him even in the zanpakuto arc renjis bankai didn’t except him it’s been hinted since the beginning head captain yama was the only person we knew that had complete control over his sword

FreshxEli Tv

People Just Forget RENJI was never ever acknowledge by his zanpakuto during the Rukia arc when he lost to ichigo during the zanpakuto arc during this arc Kubo has made it known from the very beginning Majority of Soul reapers didn’t understand their swords it’s nothing new

Jaelyn Mcgee

According to Kubo, James is the the true wielder of the power and Mask de Masculine is his idealized embodiment of what a hero is, someone who fights for him, while he cheers him

FreshxEli Tv

SAYING “oh this makes no sense” literally is dumb when Kubo has put it right in front of everyone’s face multiple times HE LITERALLY MADE AN ENTIRE ZANPAKUTO ARC SHOWING YOU WHO WAS ACKNOWLEDGMED BY THEIR SWORDS AND WHO WASNT 💀💀 ain’t no way


None of what you said makes any sense. Byakuya's Senkei form is not a random power up. His bankai works by condensing his millons of blades into a smaller number for more explosive force. Senkei is just him condensing it further by combining everything into a single attack. Ichigo never had a true bankai because his bankai was just a manifestation of warped quincy powers. That is why his main ability, getsugatensho, is a ranged attack. Renji's power up may feel like it comes out of nowhere but story-wise fits in just fine. Bankai has always been about deepening the relationship with the sword. The sword chooses its master and grants them power, so if Zabimaru saw fit to fk with Renji and give him an incomplete bankai then that is what he gets.


They're hyped since they were introduced man. They're friggen captains and vice captains that have Hollow powers, and yet they have no screen time and you expect them to do something other than lose. The only one with some semblance of a significant victory is Hachi when he fought Bagran with Soi Fong. The Fullbringers had more importance to the story than the Vizards, and it's weird that Ichigo can maintain Vizard form longer than Vizard captains that have neem hollowfied longer than he has been alive. The fullbringers at least had chapters dedicated to their own individual fights, were even considered threatening (except to Zaraki of course). My point being is that Vizards are a wasted asset as they had so much more potential than what they're getting.


I need an explanation on why people want Shinji and Rose to do their Vizard shtick thinking that's gonna have them win. The only point to the Hallow powers being poison to Quincies only applies when the Quincy absorb the Reishi from the Shinigami which they haven't been doing in these past fights. This Hallowfication thing only applies to not letting their Bankai be stolen. Everything else that has to do with battle is just regular. The explosive things they can do with Shikai and Bankai will affect the Quincies (to a degree based on how the plot wants them affected) no matter what so what differences does it make if Shinji and Rose do their Hallowfication thing because I doubt blasting Ceros will tip the battle to their favor all that much.


Damn. No more ‘HEY JAMES🗣️’ 😔


bro performed an entire orchestra just to get one shot💀


Wait, why do we owe an apology to this fictional character? You're free to like Renji, but he ain't real.

Austin Friley

Ichibei is the scariest soul reaper for me he knows the names of everything as he named EVERYTHING and he can rewrite your name


Sheera fucked me up when she said Ichigo didn't know he was a Quincy because I just thought, Ichigo was fighting as a Soul Reaper but was using Quincy powers right? If I remember correctly when Head Quincy was explaining to him that he was suppressing his true Soul Reaper powers. That means now Ichigo is only going to be able to fight as a Soul Reaper because the Quincy's explained that the Bankai was blocking their release, but then I thought, did him being part hollow break that barrier and he can harness all three powers? But also isn't Hollow power poisonous to Quincy power? So HOW did Ichigo fight hollowfied with "Zangetsu" who was really Head Quincy???


That is also another point of contention. How come after Sternritter J does the Quincies just stop using their abusive absorption powers? It worked back on Kurotsuchi back in the first Soul Society Arc to great effect. Then they just stop using it. There is also no drawback to Hollowfication other than getting exhausted faster. They would still be able to Hollowfy their reishi and use Cerros which I would assume would be lethal to Quincies. People are complaining because it's a wasted asset.

Earphone Jack

The Zanpakuto Rebellion arc was fire, too. The best filler arc IMO. My favorite filler arc, too.

Yolo Samurai

Wait....what? Renji actually got a W?! What in the multi-verse???


Listen I get your frustration and all but you don’t actually think and believe that just cause this arc ended as the supposed last completed arc that they’re never going to give the Vizards a major comeback of justice do you? The series isn’t actually over yet and even if it’s within a flashback like they did for Chojiro or the bare minimum that they did for Omeada in Ep 15 protecting his little sister, they will have their get back before the eventual complete end of the series you can count on that. Other than that, Ichigo is obviously a special case and can’t be put in the same category as the rest of them as he’s not just a Vizard, His bankai and hollowfication are two sides of the same coin. The same power source being harnessed in two different ways. Not to mention Ichigo is known for "blowing his load" and exhausting himself in seconds so he wouldn't be a supporting factor at all, that’s most likely why he doesn’t even use it anymore either past FKT. It’s life draining in a serious battle.


Kubo made the Zanpakuto Rebellion arc? I was under the impression that he designed the Zanpakuto spirits and gave staff pointers. I didn't think he wrote the arc's story.


I know right. Against an actual pillar of the enemy forces too. It's like he's at captain level now or something.


Yeah the Zanpakuto spirits are basically another person with their own personalities, thoughts and morals and there's quite a few who do not get along with thier Shinigami. Renji and Matsumoto having particularly bitchy Zanpakuto spirits.

Preston Bryant

Someone tell me how many more episodes until the Zaraki fights and is next week have something to do with the fear nigga?


Don't make me check the wiki for spoilers. I assume you've seen this to the end seeing as you're pretty hard core on this and if they don't do anything cool until the end of the series I'm going to so pissed on this one subject matter alone, because now you're hyping it up by saying that they're going to get a run back. It better be true,


he don't need to let the quincies die to power up all their powers are his in the first place hes the king/father of the quincy... all their shit belongs to him anyway lol he just taking back his piece.


Even so, outside of that arc it's been established that Zanpakuto have their own morals, thoughts, personalities to the point of being a separate person from their Shinigami that they came from. Renji and Matsumoto's Zanpakuto are particularly bitchy at them. Matsumoto once yelled at her sword, bitching about it to the others on how difficult it was being with her. Renji's Zanpakuto even had a scene of it speaking to him ( before that zanpakuto arc where it was a baboon with a snake for a tail ) and it was talking shit at him.


Bro zabimaru Chester the 3rd 😂


I’m assuming your anime only, in which case I’m just going to leave it at that.


@Isaac - Wait, who are you responding to, cause my comment was just asking about Kubo's involvement with the filler arc. I'm aware that Zanpakuto have lore in the canon. In fact, my favorite Zanpakuto related moment has yet to come, and no, it's not the one that manga readers are probably thinking of.

Kévin Chamberlin

for me it's always been at night since I'm french so I usually watch early in the morning the next day lmao, I appreciate them for posting earlier tho


Mask was apparently his “ideal hero”, so yeah. Never meet your heroes is right.


Someone doesn’t have to be nonfictional to put respect on them.


Don't worry about calling it Head Quincy. I can't spell it right either. I keep thinking it's spelled Yuha Bach or something like that. At this point I think he has full access to both his Shinigami and maybe Quincy powers. I think that's why his true Zanpakuto's form is that of two swords each one representing both sets of his powers. Watch him style on Ishida with a Sword Bow lol.


Zanpakto are reflections of their true selves, and sometimes, the ones who are the biggest assholes to us is ourselves.


I'll be straight up with you, they don't. The Vizards get abused until the end of this arc. They have a somewhat better showing in CFYOW but to say they will have some sort of showing like Renji just did is a lie.


His entire power was wrestler keyfabe. It’s practically minor reality warping. A surprisingly powerful ability. The fight probably would’ve lasted longer if he hadn’t smoked his fans like that.


Honestly I understand. Zaraki is the Title card match everyone is waiting for. This has been the most true thing in Bleach since I started watching it. Zaraki never disappoints. I still get chills when he fought Unohana. And that was just training.


Sometimes, our biggest critics are ourselves, and their zanpakto proves that perfectly.


The series ain’t over yet, that was my point. Their day will come.


Bro said last year like new Covid just hit


"Maybe i shouldn't have told him exactly how my bankai works for no reason.... hmm"


For real? So I thought the little bald man was like Bankai Manifestation. So it was the other way around?


Unlike other Quincies, Ichigo’s hollowfication isn’t a threat to him because he was born with it. It’s a natural part of his soul, and the only reason he was having problems with Zangetsu before was because he was constantly rejecting the hollow, leading to an imbalance in his soul. And the Quincy part of Ichigo’s power isn’t really Ywhach, it just took his form because Ywhach is the root of that aspect of his soul.


Ichigo Has Been fighting with His Soul Reaper Powers this whole time, Old Man Zangetsu said in Cour 1 that He held ichigo back from his soul reaper/Hollow powers his whole life and Everything that he'd been using so far was what he couldn't hold back iirc


I think that Ywhach basically works as an investor, or a loan shark. He grants people power, they cultivate that power, growing it, and when they die, their power returns to him, plus the power that was cultivated. Or he could pull the plug and collect their power early, which is what happened to every Quincy in the living world except for Uryu and the Kurosaki siblings. And that’s probably all that the Quincies ever amounted to in his eyes. A way to cheat the system and grow his own power exponentially.


I wish and hope some people like you could understand the pros heavily outweigh the cons when it comes to this series, all of its flaws are extremely minuscule in comparison and get rectified at some point someway somehow.


Yhwach gave the sternritters their powers, so they simply are returning to their source on death. It's not that Yhwach is stealing them or anything like that.


So-oh Zabimaru


Look I get you like this series a lot. So do I. It's why I've been watching it for so many years, but it's the same thing I had an issue with Naruto and how they pretty much ignored the entire Konoha 12 side characters, with the exception of Shikimaru and Hinata, in Shippuden. It's a very high point of contention with that series. Rock Lee was done dirty as he did nothing until Might Guy went super Saiyan and still did nothing after that. I can't tell you how bored with how many arcs Hitsugaya gets, but none of that energy is sent to the Vizards. Just like the Espada, the Sternritter, and even the Fullbringers I think they are all really cool characters and designs. They all had their own fully drawn battles which were all awesome. And then I see Shinji upside down looking down on Karakura town in his first appearance and then the intros of the other Vizards I was like "these guys are cool as hell and their fights are going to be fire." Hachi is the only one who hasn't disappointed me. Shinji has come so close to doing badass shit but he was punching too far up or miscalculating when he fought Aizen and Bambietta. I really wanted Kensei to show off as he's my favorite design of the Vizards. Life is pain, and Rock Lee knows it. And don't even get me started on that Boruto crap.

Calamiti (Bleu)

nahh give renji his flowers, comparing him to Ichigo who may not have known he was a Quincy but that power has been in play since forever and he's the main character and Kenpachi the guy who's been running fades since he was a baby to Renji a normal soul reaper is wild


I mean unlike naruto, the side characters in bleach actually do something. It doesn’t solely fall on ichigos hands to fight every enemy. Renji gets his moment, rukia, and most of the captains do as well. I don’t know why people hype the vizards up. Aizen straight up called them failed arrancars.

FreshxEli Tv

Remember they always showed renji zanpakuto as 2 it was no secret he didn’t know both of their names


because they're captains. They should be at the same competency as Byakuya or even Tousen. Hollowfication is only a power up with a draw back but there is no explanation as to why they act like jobbers getting jobbed so hard. Shinji should've at least did something significant to Aizen in their little run back as Aizen was his vice captain stabbing everyone in the back.


Neither Naruto nor Bleach is any more flawed than any other series that you might think is better written, or have as your favorites that you see in a higher regard, I promise you that much. I say this without any bias. just the truth. People just overly criticize or slander them due to how popular they are.

FreshxEli Tv

Yeah a lot of people forget renji has 2 souls in his one zanpakuto among a few others in the show … lol well now ichigo too scene he has his Quincy and white soul within him


Zabimaru was doing to renji, what Yumichika was doing to his zanpakuto. Names hold great significance in bleach. Yumichika called his zanpakuto by a name it didn’t like (and made it weaker) in order to hide its abilities so he could stay in Kenpachis squad since his zanpakuto was kido based and his squad is a bunch of brawlers. Renjis zanpakuto didn’t fully acknowledge him and gave him a false name resulting in a weaker bankai

Silencer (edited)

Comment edits

2023-08-08 05:22:08 Fun Fact: Today is the 22nd anniversary of the Bleach series. That’s how you know it’s time for them to turn up like never before this month.
2023-08-08 03:17:53 Fun Fact: Today is the 22nd anniversary of the Bleach series. That’s how you know it’s time for them to turn up like never before this month.

Fun Fact: Today is the 22nd anniversary of the Bleach series. That’s how you know it’s time for them to turn up like never before this month.


Wow, just realized Ishida Uryu's VA also voiced Sasuke in Naruto and Emiya Shirou in Fate.


There are many series that extremely flawed more so than others. Or just go in a direction so radically different than what was promised. The Witcher is a prime example. It happens all the time. Naruto is obviously flawed. The only gripe that I have with series is that give some side characters way too much screen time and relevance than others. Hitsugaya is a fan favorite but he didn't need as many arcs as he got. Give some to Chad or Inoue or something. I mean if the Fullbringers could be as powerful as they were there's no reason they couldn't write an arc or a fight where Chad gets a power boost.


It was established in the first arc that not all captains are relative to one another in terms of strength. Ichigo himself is who points that out are witnessing aizen for the first time. Captains like soifon, toshiro, komamura ( before he got his human form), were not as strong as captains like byakuya, unohana, kenpachi, shunsui. The vizards are no exception. They weren’t stated to be anything special before they hollowfied, and they were judged to be failures after they were experimented on by aizen.


you forgetting the fact that the baboon part has never been a part of renji's bankai. Only the snake. This been done been foreshadowed.


Wow. Renji this whole time has only been using the snake part of his zanpaktou. Now he has finally gotten the baboon part. On top of this he also had a 2 year timeskip to get stronger. I think even his original bankai would've still been pretty strong but we never got to see it.

Daniel Robb

James best Stern Ritter hands down. Idk how they'll top that duo

Daniel Robb

The Renji disrespect has gone too far 🤣

Jalani Abdul-Aziz

We can’t forget Renji the first one to give Ichigo a real ass whooping (other than Byakuya of course)

Bona Fide

Roshi caught Sheera and she even folded her lips and she STILL couldnt stop herself lmfao


@Xeparator -- True, but telling people that they owe a fictional character an apology seems extreme.


@FreshxEli --- Now, I could be wrong, but I don't think the baboon and snake have separate names. His zanpakuto is just Zabimaru. It was the bankai's name that he didn't know, right?


you know what maybe the soul society should be destroyed cuz these captians getting WAXED


Hey does anyone know why Rose and Kensei didnt use their hollow masks and go Visored?


I think in the soul society arc byakuya says something about how big and unrefined renjis bankai is, this version makes more sense and his zanpakuto was always kind of a dickhead to him.


Would’ve been over if Mask used “Star Thrust”.

Shin splits

Don’t quote me but I’m pretty sure Renji even said he rushed his Bankai or it wasn’t ready it when he first gave byakuya

Joshua Hoerner

Not sure why, it's never explained. A theory I've been running with is that they had too undergo some sort of treatment as captains that would remove the hollow part of them(shinji used the pill that Urahara gave them despite being a 'vizard'). Could also be just part of the plot. They didn't get enough time to? He could have also forgot lmao

Joshua Hoerner

I always see it as a play. He's telling a story, and answering the story's questions are part of the show. He is a conductor after all.


It’s not that serious. It was a joke and you’re taking it more serious than I was


Because it’s too energy intensive, and they were fighting people who were on their level. It’d be like sprinting during a marathon.

Franklin wasn't getting away with 35mil scott free

Nah. Ichigo had been using false forms up till now, literal fragments of his true power. Not only didn't he know who his Zanpukto was, he also didn't know the composition of his soul (the hollow) and by extension his Quincy heritage. So in every way Ichigo had it worse. The only reason he was still so nasty was likely because he is by blood a descendant of one of the great Noble families the Shiba clan on his dad's side.

Son Goku

The vizards lost their hollow powers apparently, kubo said in an interview. That was the reason they were allowed back into Soul Society except the vizards who rejected the offer and remained outside of Soul Society which explains why Shinji took the hollowfication pill before going bankai.


Mashiro also in a heavy battle couldn’t maintain it for long and ended up losing when she’s the one who can maintain it for the longest. Hollowfication just isn’t worth it for winning a major battle, it drains the life span.


Did he though? I seem to remember Ichigo powering up in his first fight vs Renji and Byakuya having to intervene lmao.




I'm glad Renji got some respect put on his name- but these captains are trash bro


Naahhh man, last year was crazy.

Drew Ferguson

there's so many creative ways that authors use to tell the audience about a new power, and bleach uses none of them


I can definitely see christopher sabat play S, he even got the whole Special Beam Cannon.

Son Goku

And she’s outside of Soul Society with other Vizards, that’s what we saw in Season 1 when Shuhei started with his training.

Son Goku

Wait till you watch next episode. They will introduce one of the strongest Sternritters.


Imagine explaining how your whole bs music bankai works then acting super surprised when the guy does the exact thing to counter it that guy needs to retire soul reaper life isn't for him


Where in the contract does it say disclose your whole ability during a fight, that contract needs to be burned lol.


Have you not been watching this series? It's a staple for characters to explain their abilities to foes

x_XBurner361 (edited)

Comment edits

2023-08-13 03:10:21 Imagine being a captain, fighting together with another captain, but end up having to be saved by a vice-captain from another squad…Kensai and Rose got done dirty 💀
2023-08-13 01:10:00 Imagine being a captain, fighting together with another captain, but end up having to be saved by a vice-captain from another squad…Kensei and Rose got done dirty 💀

Imagine being a captain, fighting together with another captain, but end up having to be saved by a vice-captain from another squad…Kensei and Rose got done dirty 💀


superstar/james is definitely one of my quincies and is actually the only one I remember sunce reading the manga long ago. I really wish renji bum ass aint come til later.


yo like.....the dude who taught renji his new bankai. looks exactly like chang from king of fighters. for my fighting game people out there lol


Imagine if Rose and Kensei were allowed to use their hollow mask. Game over.

Kyosuke Kagami

This honestly might have been the worst episode of Bleach ever, and I'm including the bount fillers. The least interesting and most annoying villain (James) and the least interesting and most boring shinigami (Renji) take center stage, while James reuses and reuses AND REUSES the stupid hero/villain gimmick. Just the absolute worst.


Its crazy to think that the only reason this man Renji was trash the entire series is cause he only knew half of his Zanpakutos name. Like bruh. You are getting folded left and right....

My Big Little Brother (edited)

Comment edits

2023-09-26 20:45:45 This is easily one of my fav episodes in the series. Renji finally got his shine and NOBODY can take it now!
2023-09-26 20:45:45 This is easily one of my fav episodes in the series. Renji finally got his shine and NOBODY can take it now!
2023-09-26 20:45:45 This is easily one of my fav episodes in the series. Renji finally got his shine and NOBODY can take it now!
2023-09-26 20:45:45 This is easily one of my fav episodes in the series. Renji finally got his shine and NOBODY can take it now!
2023-09-26 20:45:45 This is easily one of my fav episodes in the series. Renji finally got his shine and NOBODY can take it now!
2023-09-26 20:45:45 This is easily one of my fav episodes in the series. Renji finally got his shine and NOBODY can take it now!
2023-09-26 20:45:45 This is easily one of my fav episodes in the series. Renji finally got his shine and NOBODY can take it now!
2023-09-26 20:45:45 This is easily one of my fav episodes in the series. Renji finally got his shine and NOBODY can take it now!
2023-09-26 20:45:45 This is easily one of my fav episodes in the series. Renji finally got his shine and NOBODY can take it now!
2023-09-26 20:45:45 This is easily one of my fav episodes in the series. Renji finally got his shine and NOBODY can take it now!
2023-09-26 20:45:45 This is easily one of my fav episodes in the series. Renji finally got his shine and NOBODY can take it now!
2023-09-26 20:45:45 This is easily one of my fav episodes in the series. Renji finally got his shine and NOBODY can take it now!
2023-09-26 20:45:45 This is easily one of my fav episodes in the series. Renji finally got his shine and NOBODY can take it now!
2023-09-26 20:45:45 This is easily one of my fav episodes in the series. Renji finally got his shine and NOBODY can take it now!
2023-09-26 20:45:45 This is easily one of my fav episodes in the series. Renji finally got his shine and NOBODY can take it now!
2023-09-26 20:45:45 This is easily one of my fav episodes in the series. Renji finally got his shine and NOBODY can take it now!
2023-09-26 20:45:45 This is easily one of my fav episodes in the series. Renji finally got his shine and NOBODY can take it now!
2023-09-26 20:45:45 This is easily one of my fav episodes in the series. Renji finally got his shine and NOBODY can take it now!
2023-09-26 20:45:45 This is easily one of my fav episodes in the series. Renji finally got his shine and NOBODY can take it now!
2023-09-26 20:45:45 This is easily one of my fav episodes in the series. Renji finally got his shine and NOBODY can take it now!
2023-09-26 18:35:24 This is easily one of my fav episodes in the series. Renji finally got his shine and NOBODY can take it now!

This is easily one of my fav episodes in the series. Renji finally got his shine and NOBODY can take it now!