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What an introduction from Teddy lmfao


Damarcus Miller

First comment but let’s go! Season 2 finally here 😩


Let’s go

Hasnain Khan


Metweet .c

btw Jerome is not tweaking lol literally just stressed from being outside a police station. If he was addicted to crack then everyone would be able to tell since they sell to crackheads

Devin B

Jerome just has a problem with the police, he even said it when they were outside waiting for Leon to come out. It's not surprising though cause most black people back in that time had a strong dislike for the police to the point they're uncomfortable around them.

Art of Trolling

This nigga Lupa said He looks like Pedro. Put this man in timeout lmao.


y’all gon see what teddy is really about next episode

Franklin Saint

Lmaooooo lupa had me dying throughout the whole reaction 😭😭

Franklin Saint

I feel like Franklin should move but at the same time that’s dirty money and he doesn’t have occupational job and he’s African American which back then racism was really bad back then so that would look sus to the authorities and etc


I love Teddy man. Hit Franklin with the 3 piece knock out combo. I root for him and his brother more than anyone else in this show.


its always cool seeing different peoples perspectives bc teddy in my top 3 most hated lmao


Interesting. Why dont you like Teddy? For me the only one who has ever really gotten under my skin has been Franklins Aunt. For whatever reason she gets on my nerves.


hottake everything Teddy does in this and next episode is completely reasonable.

Damarcus Miller

21:50-22:05 SHEERA of course somebody could lace drugs, that’s why ole dude told her to try it first just to be safe?? Thats just common sense & somehow she finds that weird.. lol okay😂😂 still love ya but that was funny as hell


What Teddy did at the end was unnecessary. What was the point of that? You could’ve killed him. 😂😂

Devin B

I actually like Teddy in the early seasons but later on not really. I wasn't a fan of Louie like that but she does get on my nerves from time to time, especially in the later seasons.


nah i think its the "you think I'm finna lace your drugs in front of all these niggas with guns?"


Never realized how over the top that was, Teddy hit him with a 3 piece combo like he was trying to knock out Superman or some shit 😂


Teddy really rammed his car into Franklin, sent an electric current to his the back of his neck/spine, and then proceeded chloroform him at the same time…bruh Franklin about to wake up drooling cause those brain cells are GONE! 😂


Teddy paranoid and not taking any chances lol


Unc don't like being around the police that's why he was acting like that


Mel looks like lil mama lol


It really is lol I have a love/hate relationship with Teddy but he’s like top 5 for me


The thing that killed me about Teddy is that he fucked up my car than proceeds to beat my ass like bro you better fix this shit

Bobby Robinson

Nah teddy went od bro 😂😂😂


i wonder how long sheera would last if yaboyroshi crew was yaboycrack lol. because she always saying shit out loud and being snippy lol. i think she would get popped first lmao


nah the SIIRRR SIRRRR really took me tf out mayne im CRYING

rickie woodson

first low key from american gods as teddy's brother and now josie from beakman's world is oso's new boss?! the stars keep coming!

rickie woodson

masuka from dexter!?! what is this cast?!

rickie woodson

soooooooooooo, what happened to franklin's white friend from last season? he staked out avi's place to find the distro, saw it was teddy and the season ended. four months later they are still getting from avi instead of from teddy. what happened with that plot thread? was he the white kid that masuka told teddy was murdered which lead to the investigation of avi?

rickie woodson

YES! more accurate. i dont see tyra at all but i see lil mama's 3rd cousin all day!

Devin B

So Rob did see Teddy leave Avi's place but it's not like he knew that he was the plug since it didn't look like Teddy left with anything. For all Rob knew he probably just thought he was a regular of Avi's.


They literally show Rob this episode, he's shown at 39:43


Nah i’m dead lmao… This guy Teddy really thought it’s necessary to first crash into Franklin, then fucking shock him into the neck and just to be sure he’s knocked out also chloroform him???


I mean i’d still work with him if the deal‘s good but fuck you man 😂 i‘m gonna at least shock you once with a taser lol


teddy had to triple check if he got him lmao

Father Feugo

Im surprised Teddy aint hit this man with a second car for good measure

Aaron Gauntt

Lmao I love pointing this out, when Teddy is talking to his police contact, they straight up used a modern highway with modern cars in the background, none of that looks like its from the 80s


Mayates=Blacks btw

BoofMaster Flex

“Black beetles” specifically and yes, used derogatorily


wheres season 1 of snowfall? ;-;

Defaulty Falt

If your on mobile sometimes it glitches so I just retype "snowfall" but then space it then it should appear


Teddy was tryna kill his ass. You can't convince me otherwise lmao