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time to argue again lmao. I guess it shows how invested we are in character arcs that the mental acrobatics gets exhausting. Watching this with an adult brain is constant "wtf" lol


mitch anderson

Yes watching the show as an adult is very frustrating at times lol

Devin B

You're definitely not the only ones that feel like that. Rewatching this again as an adult is kind of frustrating cause I'm constantly thinking they could get through most of these situations if they're just upfront with each other instead of holding things in and making everything more complicated than it has to be.


anyone else be having problems with watching the video? like delay?


If you mean around 17 minutes in, it syncs up again don’t worry


Honestly, I find a lot of thr dialogue in this show kinda pointless. It's much different than for example AOT (not that their comparable) where the writing and everything means something. It's like everything is said in this roundabout way that makes things 10x more confusing for the viewer......it's like they used the idea of 'show don't tell' and that's the only idea that went into it, since on your first watch your gonna miss most of the messages or anything in the show unless you have comments able to explain things to you in real time. (If I'm wrong or anything, let me know)


The characters in this series is so damn unlikable


Everyone in this show is trash at communicating lol

Devin B

Also to Roshi's point in the beginning about how collaborations are created, Iroha is basically trying to set the tone for how it's possible to make change within the school and is showing the student body to not limit themselves. They might not have thought about doing so in the beginning but if they see the possibility that might promote them to engage more and think what is best not only for the student body but the school in general. Even Hiratsuka said that the school tries to promote autonomy amoun the students and that's what Iroha is doing.


Idk why but I want them to watch the new spider man movie

Devin B

To me it seems like the dialogue in this show is used to illustrate how confusing the teenage mind is cause throughout the show the main theme is basically the kids trying to discover who they are and what they want in life. When I first watched it I was somewhat able to follow the dialogue but sometimes they made the dialogue too ambiguous for no reason.


I can see that. I just feel like there were simpler ways to show the complexities of a teen mind and what they might be going through or feel without sacrificing the world around them (as Roshi was saying) that shows the reality that the world doesn't simply revolve around them (even if it feels like it might at the time)


I think a big part of why this situation seems ridiculous is simply how we, as Americans, view prom. For us, it’s expected, and it’d be a big deal if it was canceled. In Japan, most ppl aren’t as familiar with it, and it was only going to happen because Iroha liked the idea. It’s the student council’s responsibility to organize the prom. Iroha brought on Yukino and Yukino asked Yui and Hachiman to not help. Sure, it’s selfish of her, but Yui and Hachiman care more about Yuki and her wishes than they do for a prom they’re unfamiliar with. The students would probably be disappointed it’s not going to happen, but they’d probably be content with the event that usually happens.

Devin B

I agree with that but I think most kids think the world revolves around them and this show probably used that line of thinking to create a plot where most situations ends up revolving around these kids and show how they would tackle those situations while trying to figure themselves out. Even in this situation with the prom Yukino made it revolve around her future and now they're trying to make it successful while learning new things about themselves.

Alex cleveland (edited)

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2023-06-10 02:49:15 LOL i need to watch this show again if it got yall havin discussions like these. This a long discussion..Sucks I dropped this show, but maybe ill watch it cause yall giving it a chance and seem mad invested in it. Curious now too lol
2023-06-10 00:49:03 LOL i need to watch this show again if it got yall havin discussions like these. This a long discussion..Sucks I dropped this show, but maybe ill watch it cause yall giving it a chance and seem mad invested in it. Curious now too lol. Edit: Looks like yall tired of the tomfoolery LMAO. I dropped the show because of what yalls post discussion was on, so im glad im not the only one that thinks this show is mad dialogue heavy for simple situations.

LOL i need to watch this show again if it got yall havin discussions like these. This a long discussion..Sucks I dropped this show, but maybe ill watch it cause yall giving it a chance and seem mad invested in it. Curious now too lol. Edit: Looks like yall tired of the tomfoolery LMAO. I dropped the show because of what yalls post discussion was on, so im glad im not the only one that thinks this show is mad dialogue heavy for simple situations.


I feel like iroha's monologue goes along the lines of: 1). She doesn't understand Yuki and Hiki when she said this is basically a confession, lovers quarrel or even a break up etc. Or when he said to let him save her. She's like why not just do it rather than using the prom and complicating everything using all these cryptic phrases etc. 2). I feel like the take responsibility means for him to take the charge and confess to Yuki. 3). And for the final part when she's upset I feel like it's because he never gave any thought into her as a potential relationship. Whereas we can see with her denying him, her responses change overtime like in this episode, when she said to wait till everything's over and then she would consider him hitting on her. It seems like she is actually giving thought into dating him and wouldn't mind it whereas he was thinking of her as a little sister like she said a couple episodes back. Just my thoughts though no clue how accurate it could be (Also I noticed how she didn't use the blue light glasses at the end since she got it from hiki, it would be like depending on him so she resorted to using eyedrops)

Devin B

From 17:20-1830 the video isn't synced up but it goes back to normal after


oh roshi.....people definitely do this in real life lol . trust me man alot of people mentally suplex others like this show does. again they are being written as young teens so maybe thats it

Joshua Shores

Are we getting the reuploads?

Tuff Posang

I mean it's a drama show so ofc they gonna dramatize things and the author also have to come up with a unique selling point for the series that's why we have this kind of dialogue and all the decisions characters in the show make is true to their character no matter how dump or complicated it might be some time and that's the point of the whole show is to be able to communicate with others clearly and genuinely.


if the show has even you guys writting essays it means its really good


Food wars reaction?


Pretty sure atleast lupa has seen it (given he's made mentions of it in a few of their reactions)


Yeah I know Lupa has but I asked during their stream a couple days ago and Sheera said Roshi and her self haven’t watched it so it would be good as a duo reaction


No bull I would kill to see them react to food wars. The MC is dope and they'd be like 5 YEAAHHH?!! per episode.

Taiwo Aileru

Shizuka has always had Hikki's best interest in mind. Initially forcing him to join the service club because she wanted to free him from being a recluse. They banter, are aware of each other insecurities and she casually smokes in front of him. Their relationship is more of friend who happens to be my teacher. Also she is Hikki's language teacher and is also leaving so she's under no obligation to consider the feelings of the entire year. She has a select few students she actually cares for, so this conversation wasn't unnatural to me.

Pan Cakes

Every girl falling for my boy hachiman, iroha is best girl


Yeah Iroha been liking hikki since s2. Y'all are kinda late, but it was quite easy to miss.

Chris Hee

I suppose the idea is that even though Hachiman is returning to season 1 a bit, he isn't being self-destructive this time?

Chris Hee

Also, if you look back at Iroha's various rejections, she went from outright rejecting Hachiman to telling him "no, not yet", essentially haha

Chris Hee


Chris Hee

Essentially, Iroha was really struck by Hachiman saying he wanted something genuine, and that led to a change in her attitude in general and her attitude towards Hachiman

Mike A

Roshi: "How come these hormone filled teenagers aren't behaving like rational adults?" Ya'll are making this more complicated than it is. Yeah people are centering this event around Yuki, cause she's a main character on a TV show. Who cares about the NPC student body. Also, they'd still have an event, it just wouldn't be a prom and the students didn't even know what a prom was until they did that mock one, so I don't think they'd care that much. Lastly, this show has been dropping hints that Iroha likes Hikki this whole time. She has a very obvious tell, any time she starts catching feelings she starts making fun of him to deflect.

nemui (edited)

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2023-06-10 13:16:06 its light novel so naturally it dialogue heavy and it feels like they are arguing for no reason, but its really just things are compressed in 20 mins.
2023-06-10 11:15:09 it's a light novel so naturally the dialogue is heavy and it feels like they are arguing for no reason, but it's really just things are compressed into 20 mins. This show remains my favorite show but as I'm almost at the end of my teenage years, it is sometimes very frustrating to see some of the things they do in the show.

it's a light novel so naturally the dialogue is heavy and it feels like they are arguing for no reason, but it's really just things are compressed into 20 mins. This show remains my favorite show but as I'm almost at the end of my teenage years, it is sometimes very frustrating to see some of the things they do in the show.


I disagree with Yukino’s decision, and so by proxy, with your stance that Yukino is doing the right thing in not wanting help. I understand that’s necessary for her to prove her independence, and I also said, and still abide to, that the outcome of the prom is of no relevance to Yukino’s growth, what matter is that she takes the fight, not that she win this battle. But I would argue that there’s something even more important to consider for her to grow, and it’s the realization of her own limits and when it’s right to rely on others without being dependent on them. This bring us directly to the next point. - Hachiman: “there’s a space for me to intervene”. What does Hachiman means by that? A lot of things, but let’s tackle the more prominent one: Due to her paladin nature, Yukino is not equipped to win this fight, the PTA exert pressure over the school administration, which can ultimately shut down whatever “legal” way Yukino will try to take. Yukino have incredible skills, but she always play fair, Hachiman understand this very well and so in this situation his underhanded methods are more suited to get results. Granted she don’t have to win this confrontation with his mother, and insisting in tackling this alone is an acceptable way of doing things, what I’m saying is it would be even better if she could realize that to correct her past mistakes she’s now overcompensating, as she doesn’t need to shut him off completely. By the way Hachiman is doing the same, as to avoid to double guess others intention now is double guessing all of his actions. - Hachiman: "I want to save you" This is Hachiman last resort to trying and talk it out, if you ask me he did a pretty g00d job in trying to find solid reasons, but since Yukino is so stubborn, he trying to convey his feelings using the same phrase that she used back in S2E10. One of the reason as of why Hachiman fail to break through her is because he haven’t realize yet what are his own feelings, and so he have to rely on borrowed words and motivations. The other reason is because Yukino truly feels worthless right now, and so even if Hachiman would be able to be completely vulnerable with her, she won’t believe him. I believe that there’s a way for Hachiman to save her, but not in the direct way that he implied with that phrase, the saving she needs is indirect, and the key to it is to restore her self esteem.


Her always shutting Hikki down when he isn't even asking her out or always simping for Hayama doesn't help the audience come up with the conclusion that Iroha likes Hikki.

Mad4Life (edited)

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2023-06-10 14:53:26 I agree with you Roshi, the vague dialouge and overdramatic situations over the smallest things can be frustrating to watch. People say the writing is like this because they're teenagers but I'm convinced the people eho think teenagers act like this, had to be some kinda recluse cause teens don't act this way. Like the main focus of the episode should've been trying to save prom from getting canceled not the main focus being whether or not the service club members should be allowed to help save prom from being canceled. Like they love wasting there time on the dumbest shit and just dance around the main issue.
2023-06-10 12:27:04 I agree with you Roshi, the vague dialouge and overdramatic situations over the smallest things can be frustrating to watch. People say the writing is like this because they're teenagers but I'm convinced the people who think teenagers act like this, had to be some kinda recluse cause teens don't act this way. Like the main focus of the episode should've been trying to save prom from getting canceled not the main focus being whether or not the service club members should be allowed to help save prom from being canceled. Like they love wasting there time on the dumbest shit and just dance around the main issue.

I agree with you Roshi, the vague dialouge and overdramatic situations over the smallest things can be frustrating to watch. People say the writing is like this because they're teenagers but I'm convinced the people who think teenagers act like this, had to be some kinda recluse cause teens don't act this way. Like the main focus of the episode should've been trying to save prom from getting canceled not the main focus being whether or not the service club members should be allowed to help save prom from being canceled. Like they love wasting there time on the dumbest shit and just dance around the main issue.


Dramatizing is fine the main issue is that they dramatize shit that isn't worth dramatizing in the first place.


could you have not said all of this in one comment other than posting 4 different comments

Rebel Gamester

y'all really gotta watching working! after this lol


Which is why I said it's easy to miss, but there were definitely quite a few moments where you could tell.


I would agree with roshi about collabs being about multiple groups of people being invested and stuff, except in their case it's not a collab per se. It's the student council pitching an idea on their own and asking the service club for help. They are not helping because they are crazy about the prom itself. They help because that's the kind of club they are and because they can see that Iroha is serious about it. They are an external workforce not a collaborator, so which one of them or how many of them help is for them to figure out and no one has got the right to blame them for it (except they are actively sabotaging the plan, which they are not). People need to stop saying that the prom is bigger than their issues. It depends on the perspective. Hikki and yukino can live without a prom, so their issues are their first priority and yet it's not like they are not helping at all, yukino herself is already extremely capable


What the main issue is depends on the perspective. Hikki and yukino can live without a prom, so their issues are their first priority and yet it's not like they are not helping at all, yukino herself is already extremely capable. For some reason people like to blow things out of proportion, the moment they hear the word prom. For the service club it's just another request from another client. They are free to figure out who of them participates, depending on their current internal issues

Devin B

But at that point they're basically using the prom idea as a way to handle their own issues which would be disingenuous of them. Even if they don't care about the idea of prom if they're going to help then they should help to the best of their ability instead of letting their personal issues get in the way of the prom's success. Even though Yukino is extremely capable she knows that she has her limits and that things would be easier with Hikigaya and Yui but she wanted to do things by herself despite those two wanting to help. If she was left to her own devices then there was a good chance the prom would be canceled.


I mostly agree with you there, but in that case it'd be Iroha's call to kick her out of the project, yet she is not. What I basically wanna say is, that when you request the service of a voluntary workforce, you either accept the conditions they are gonna work under or you cancel the service. Disingenuous or not, she is still helping. If the prom gets canceled, it would be student council's fault for depending so much on an external club in the first place.

danial javady

Japan has a very non-confrontational culture. Like obnoxiously so.

Devin B

But what if said conditions aren't what the voluntary workforce decided on collectively? I agree with what you said about accepting whatever conditions the voluntary workforce is proposing but within that workforce it's one person proposing the conditions despite what the others in that group want. Hikigaya and Yui are trying to accommodate Yukino but Yukino herself should want to make sure the request they received is a success even though she didn't do it by herself. It's like you hire a group to renovate your house and at first they all pitched in to help but towards the end one contractor decides to do the work all by themselves despite the others wanting to help. At that point it's selfish for the person to disregard help for their own personal reasons.

DamnBust (edited)

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2023-06-10 21:30:22 First of all prom was a last minute idea pitched by Iroha and isn't even a common thing, so most students probably wouldn't get their hopes up too high. Also, people are self-serving creatures and do things because there's something at the end of it all for them. For example, holding events, charities is mostly to boost your image, ego, self-growth, etc. I do think that Yuki prioritizing her own feelings ahead of students needs may seem egoistic, but that's how you get results. She's depended on Hikki for everything and at this point Hikki's known to produce results every time, having someone like that resolve everything may make you feel incompetent, which is especially hard on someone like Yuki, who has lived in her sister's shadow. Btw, although it's an
2023-06-10 19:26:36 First of all prom was a last minute idea pitched by Iroha and isn't even a common thing, so most students probably wouldn't get their hopes up too high. Also, people are self-serving creatures and do things because there's something at the end of it all for them. For example, holding events, charities is mostly to boost your image, ego, self-growth, etc. I do think that Yuki prioritizing her own feelings ahead of students needs may seem egoistic, but that's how you get results. She's depended on Hikki for everything and at this point Hikki's known to produce results every time, having someone like that resolve everything may make you feel incompetent, which is especially hard on someone like Yuki, who has lived in her sister's shadow. Btw, it's kinda funny that Roshi says the story is too dramatic and childish, that characters are being silly when he's having a hard time interpreting most of these things. Just because you don't care about their problems or haven't had those issues doesn't make them any less important for characters in question. They're awkward teenagers that are socially inept, trying to grasp concepts foreign to them. Not to mention most people don't like discussing their relationships and problems regardless of age which can create strains and fallouts.

First of all prom was a last minute idea pitched by Iroha and isn't even a common thing, so most students probably wouldn't get their hopes up too high. Also, people are self-serving creatures and do things because there's something at the end of it all for them. For example, holding events, charities is mostly to boost your image, ego, self-growth, etc. I do think that Yuki prioritizing her own feelings ahead of students needs may seem egoistic, but that's how you get results. She's depended on Hikki for everything and at this point Hikki's known to produce results every time, having someone like that resolve everything may make you feel incompetent, which is especially hard on someone like Yuki, who has lived in her sister's shadow. Btw, it's kinda funny that Roshi says the story is too dramatic and childish, that characters are being silly when he's having a hard time interpreting most of these things. Just because you don't care about their problems or haven't had those issues doesn't make them any less important for characters in question. They're awkward teenagers that are socially inept, trying to grasp concepts foreign to them. Not to mention most people don't like discussing their relationships and problems regardless of age which can create strains and fallouts.

Noel Cruz

We all fighting in these comments and its pretty funny ngl


Yes cuz teenagers are truly the most collected of individuals with no pension for drama, emotion-filled outbursts, or self-centeredness. Might be a bit dramatized but I'd wager this fits teenage behavior well enough.

Chris Hee

My bad, I'm still getting the hang of this patreon thing. I meant to add paragraph spacing haha, but it ended up posting the comments


Good point, but I meeaan isn't it really her good right to be selfish there? What's wrong with prioritizing your own issues when you are already voluntarily helping for an event you're not even that interested in. Of course it would be a completely different story, if Hikigaya were honestly trying to help make the prom happen for the students sake. In that case I would absolutely agree with roshi and you and say that it's not in her right to refuse his help, but that's not true. He and yui are also trying to help for personal reasons. Plus, if I got people to renovate my house for free and it ended up with only one person left, I would still appreciate the help that one person is offering regardless of their reasons. I mean it would suck for me, but it's still free so I'll take it. People are saying that yukino is taking the event and makes it revolve around her, but that only seems that way bc we are the viewers following her story as one of the MCs. She had one request and that is to not let one or two specific people help her. Why is that so hella detrimental.

Devin B

The thing is I'm not looking at the situation from Hikigaya's or Yukino's perspective, I'm mostly looking at things from Iroha's and the students that actually want the prom to happen perspective. Iroha hired the volunteer club because they're known for giving top quality assistance and partway through the process they delivered by making that mock prom. Now when things are getting serious not all the members of the club are helping because of one person's wishes. Yukino is entitled to feel however she wants and at the end of the day she's not obligated to help the student council in the first place but to use the request as a self-imposed trial for herself is unprofessional and not fair to the students that actually care about prom.


Well yeah, of course from the perspective of the people that aren't gonna get what they want it's gonna seem unfair. From the perspective of an unbiased outsider tho, the students are unlucky, the student council are too dependent of an external club and the service club is helping while dealing with their own problems. They are unprofessional because they are no professionals. Just a club consisting of 3 teenagers, each of them carrying their own share of baggage. Her using the request as a self-imposed trial doesn't mean that she isn't helping. People just have to take what they get and look for a different solution.

MM (edited)

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2023-06-11 04:13:20 Did yall the new mile morales spider man. Should def do a reaction to it!!
2023-06-11 02:09:33 Did yall see the new mile morales spider man. Should def do a reaction to it!!

Did yall see the new mile morales spider man. Should def do a reaction to it!!

Darren Banks

llol it's not like he went crazy or anything.. he simply gave context. They have an opinion and so do the paying subscribers. Character driven shows are great for discussions and opinions.

Jose silva (edited)

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2023-06-11 08:42:17 Something to consider about sensei is that to her the most important student or the ones she feels the need to look out for was Yukinon and Hikki thats originally why she forced him to join the club with Yuki, she knew that both of them needed help socializing and being able to show expression, both were loner with their own problems, Hikki is implied that he got bullied always being talked down too and as a result developed his very negative personality towards himself and the rest of the world. Yuki always being overlooked and passed over for her sister and having a mother that was very controlling developed a dependesy on others and has made her loose her sense of self, feeling like she coulnt do anything by herself. So making this all seme like it revolves around her for her character development is correct. Although i do agree with Roshi that its being selfish in the grand skim of things whether they get the prom approve or dont it doesnt matter specially if it means sacrifing someones mental health. At least thats how i see it as an adult, a dance or someones mental health? even if i dont know the person i rather skip the dance than having someone continue to be drepressed or continue to have mental problems. Thats just me thats how i see this.
2023-06-11 06:41:24 Something to consider about sensei is that to her the most important student are the ones she feels the need to look out for, Yukinon and Hikki thats originally why she forced him to join the club with Yuki, she knew that both of them needed help socializing and being able to show expression, both were loners with their own problems, Hikki is implied that he got bullied always being talked down too and as a result developed his very negative personality towards himself and the rest of the world. Yuki always being overlooked and passed over for her sister and having a mother that was very controlling developed a dependesy on others and has made her loose her sense of self, feeling like she coulnt do anything by herself. So making this all seme like it revolves around her for her character development is correct. Although i do agree with Roshi that its being selfish, In the grand skim of things whether they get the prom approve or dont it doesnt matter specially if it means sacrifing someones mental health. At least thats how i see it as an adult, a dance or someones mental health? even if i dont know the person i rather skip the dance than having someone continue to be drepressed or continue to have mental problems. Thats just me thats how i see this.

Something to consider about sensei is that to her the most important student are the ones she feels the need to look out for, Yukinon and Hikki thats originally why she forced him to join the club with Yuki, she knew that both of them needed help socializing and being able to show expression, both were loners with their own problems, Hikki is implied that he got bullied always being talked down too and as a result developed his very negative personality towards himself and the rest of the world. Yuki always being overlooked and passed over for her sister and having a mother that was very controlling developed a dependesy on others and has made her loose her sense of self, feeling like she coulnt do anything by herself. So making this all seme like it revolves around her for her character development is correct. Although i do agree with Roshi that its being selfish, In the grand skim of things whether they get the prom approve or dont it doesnt matter specially if it means sacrifing someones mental health. At least thats how i see it as an adult, a dance or someones mental health? even if i dont know the person i rather skip the dance than having someone continue to be drepressed or continue to have mental problems. Thats just me thats how i see this.


Yukino's distate for outside help isn't ever made out to be the correct way of thinking. In fact, it's a very clear flaw with her character as a whole I'd say. There's nothing wrong with getting people to help out with the prom, Yukino and her family just see it that way. Real flaws in characters like these is what makes this series so great I think. Hachiman is quite literally going against Yukino, because he also thinks the way she's handling the situation is idiotic and selfish. Yukino is by all means being selfish, but that's not a flaw with the show, rather a flaw in her way of thinking imo.


I think the biggest problem people watching this show generally have, is that they don't separate the dialogues from the monologues. The dialogues themselves are never complicated, and everyone aside from maybe Yuki often say everything they need to say. The problem is that the show jumps from one characters perspective to another characters perspective so radically fast, that it often gets confusing. Monologues in this show are never just exposition, and are structured a lot like dreams, where they start midway through without much explanation. This isn't the characters talking though; it's their inner thoughts. And of course those will be confusing when looking at them from the outside like we do. If you look exclusively at the dialogue, the show gets much much much more simple. There's no need to think about subtext and characters thoughts at that point. While it may seem like the characters are genuinely insane for not questioning what the fuck everyone is talking about, you have to remember that from their perspective, all they see is the dialogue.


Bro watch episode 23 of PEAKLAND SAGA RIGHT NOW!!!!! 🔥🔥🔥🔥


Bro why ain’t there no English sub titles for the new episode of Vinland saga on Netflix. Guess I gotta learn Japanese now


I can confirm, as a teen I was really confused throughout season 2 but still liked it a lot, good thing the third season came out so many years later lol


I find it pretty funny how frustrating this show can be watching as an adult because like a few people pointed out before, most of the issues could be solved by simply being candid with each other instead of beating around the bush. However, it gets funny in hindsight because imo that’s how a lot of people felt as teenagers. Everything including emotions just felt bigger


Love the longer post discussion