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sorry yall! have to use streamable as theres a patreon glitch that wont let me upload direct, once fixed ill reupload through Patreon player!


Oregairu 3x3

Watch "Oregairu 3x3" on Streamable.



Yui tears filling up a river , but It's team Yuki so W

Jose silva

I kind of agree with both Roshi and shera, like sometimes you need to be selfish you cant be thinking of everybody else all the time but at the same time i agree that it is selfish if she fails to get the prom approved. Also Yukino wasnt siding with her mom.


the native patreon player is trash anyways. Streamable is much better.


no more Yahallo, its now Yahallost

Jose silva

I remember the Oregairu groups up in arms while this season was airing 🤣


i think its weird too. it seems selfish . like i get that the story is around these 3 but in the bigger picture the rest of the kids wont be able to go to prom? what about them?

LivingStory134 (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-09 01:31:45 oh boy never have I disagreed that strongly with roshi. Keep in mind the whole prom thing was the student council's idea and therefore responsibility. The volunteer club isn't obligated to help in the first place. Hell, hikigaya and yukino don't even give a shit about the prom ( especially hikigaya). What roshi said would be a valid point, if hikki wanted to help yukino for the prom's sake and the student's, but that isn't true. He wants to help her for personal reasons and she rejects his help for personal reasons, which is their good right imo, since it is not their job. If the student council can't handle it on their own, then the ones to blame are definitely not the ones who aren't obligated to help anyways. That's the point behind the volunteer club, from the meta perspective of the show. They CAN help and while doing that deal with their own shit.
2023-06-08 23:21:30 oh boy never have I disagreed that strongly with roshi. Keep in mind the whole prom thing was the student council's idea and therefore responsibility. The volunteer club isn't obligated to help in the first place. Hell, hikigaya and yukino don't even give a shit about the prom ( especially hikigaya). How many and who of them help and for what reason they help or not is their business and their business alone. What roshi said would be a valid point, if hikki wanted to help yukino for the prom's sake and the student's, but that isn't true. He wants to help her for personal reasons and she rejects his help for personal reasons, which is their good right imo, since it is not their job. If the student council can't handle it on their own, then the ones to blame are definitely not the ones who aren't obligated to help anyways. That's the point behind the volunteer club, from the meta perspective of the show. They CAN help and while doing that deal with their own shit.

oh boy never have I disagreed that strongly with roshi. Keep in mind the whole prom thing was the student council's idea and therefore responsibility. The volunteer club isn't obligated to help in the first place. Hell, hikigaya and yukino don't even give a shit about the prom ( especially hikigaya). How many and who of them help and for what reason they help or not is their business and their business alone. What roshi said would be a valid point, if hikki wanted to help yukino for the prom's sake and the student's, but that isn't true. He wants to help her for personal reasons and she rejects his help for personal reasons, which is their good right imo, since it is not their job. If the student council can't handle it on their own, then the ones to blame are definitely not the ones who aren't obligated to help anyways. That's the point behind the volunteer club, from the meta perspective of the show. They CAN help and while doing that deal with their own shit.


Can you just always us Streamable? Looks way cleaner, not sure if a bitrate thing or what but also there's no random stutters that Patreon player has at times

Devin B (edited)

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2023-06-09 01:46:26 Isshiki proposed the idea of prom last minute so without Yukino they wouldn't have gotten as far as they did. Yukino is definitely using the prom idea to basically prove to her mom that she's able to be independent and competent in a leadership role. Now even though Yukino is a big part for the progress that they made I do think she needs to use whatever is at her disposal to make sure the prom is a success cause to Roshi's point it is bigger than her beef with her mom cause this could dictate change for the whole student bodies for years to come, if they get denied this chance now then there's a strong possible of other changes they might want to make getting denied in the future.
2023-06-08 23:45:03 Isshiki proposed the idea of prom last minute so without Yukino they wouldn't have gotten as far as they did and Yukino is definitely using the prom idea to basically prove to her mom that she's able to be independent and competent in a leadership role. Now even though Yukino is a big part for the progress that they made I do think she needs to use whatever is at her disposal to make sure the prom is a success cause to Roshi's point it is bigger than her beef with her mom cause if they get denied this chance now then there's a strong possible of other changes they might want to make getting denied in the future.

Isshiki proposed the idea of prom last minute so without Yukino they wouldn't have gotten as far as they did and Yukino is definitely using the prom idea to basically prove to her mom that she's able to be independent and competent in a leadership role. Now even though Yukino is a big part for the progress that they made I do think she needs to use whatever is at her disposal to make sure the prom is a success cause to Roshi's point it is bigger than her beef with her mom cause if they get denied this chance now then there's a strong possible of other changes they might want to make getting denied in the future.


Her mom and sister are both fucking annoying as hell! Like mind y'all business


yo Roshi, 100% agree with you. Obviously written the way it is for story purposes but totally agree that Yukino is making the situation personal. She's dragging the whole ship down with her because of her own problems when obviously she could just accept the help of others around her beyond the student council. Totally followed your line of thinking. No one is arguing her motives. It's just that the people she's responsible for (everyone attending the event) should take precedence over her own desires.

just a guy

Yes please streamable always. Sometimes with Patreon player the videos stuck at certain timers and I need to refresh and move a bit forward that timer to unstuck it, super annoying :( (it's a bug on some macs that's been running for years)


I get what your saying but I still think Roshi's argument wins out because even if neither side would gain anything personally from allowing the outside help, if it has better chances of fixing the problem then why not do it? Who cares about feelings at that point. It shouldn't matter that Hiki and Yukino didn't want the event. If the net outcome is better for the majority, why turn it down? That goes back to what Hiki said about free help being hard to come by. This reminds me of the thing that happened with Pornhub donating money to catholic childrens hospitals for cancer research. Like obviously there are conflicts of interest but if the effort being put is going towards something for the many...why not take the money...?

Devin B

Agreed. Yukino doesn't have any kind of responsibility towards the student body because at the end of the day she's just helping them out. Plus she doesn't care about the prom idea like that so to her it's easy for her to be selfish and disregard their needs over her. Even if she was a bug help in getting them this far that doesn't give her the right to potentially ruin it by denying help when they might need it.


For the members of the volunteer club it's not necessarily about the end result, but the method. The problems in the volunteer club wouldn't be resolved with that and you really should never ask who cares about feelings when it comes to oregairu dude. This whole show is about a group of twisted and broken teenagers trying to figure out their feelings, confronting them and coming to terms with them. And to be blunt here, fck the majority. Those kids don't even really want that prom that badly and yet they are helping voluntarily even if it's out of personal reasons, while struggling with their own issues. Yukino isn't actively sabotaging the plan, she herself is already extremely capable. She just refuses hikigaya's help specifically. Whether the ship goes down or not shouldn't be her responsibility. If the prom doesn't happen, it's the student council's fault for coming up with an idea they can't even realize without the help of one specific person. Imo it's not fair that the personal issues of yukino and co get shit on for the 'majority', even tho she is voluntarily helping. Like why tf should she even give a flying shit about something, that honestly isn't her problem.


Because for the catholic children, it literally doesn't make a difference whether the money is from pornhub or another organization. Whereas, in Yukino's case it makes a big difference whether she does it alone or with hachiman's help

mitch anderson

Yall not ready for the tears man. But I am ready for episode 7


These emotional and dramatic shits are too much. The writer making everything too serious in this anime.

Danger Tomato

Its coo Thursdays line up ain't exactly fire

Devin B

In this scenario the catholic children is the school and the money from pornhub is basically Hikigaya and Yui helping Yukino out.

Terry King Jr

I'm finally starting to understand why I'm not enjoying the rewatch, Oregairu is melodramatic as fuck and the situations the kids end up in aren't that interesting. There's a disconnect that's making it almost hard to watch.

Devin B

It definitely hits more when you're watching it as a teenager but as an adult watching it you just find yourself feeling cringe about most of their situations because they're being awkward for no reason.


In that case, I don't think it's a very good comparison, since there is no place holder for yukino in that pornhub scenario even tho she and her issues are the main crux in the matter

Mari (edited)

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2023-06-09 05:01:19 We finally agree on something
2023-06-09 03:00:34 We finally agree on something.

We finally agree on something.


I’ve watched a lot of romcom anime but this one really didn’t peak my interest and has for the other 2 shows, I haven’t watched any of the new episodes of Dr. Stone season 3 and I really wasn’t interested in Megumin series but I did like Konosuba


also as adults, we have less emotional baggage than when we are teens. back then, shit like this was our whole lives or at least thats what we felt like. for better or worse, we get desensitized as adults through experience or just life in general and stuff like this seems bothersome and pointless to us. thats why i actually preferred the 1st season over the 2nd and 3rd. it felt like a romcom but had somewhat deep themes without being overly dramatic like the latter seasons.


i mean the PTA is involved with student affairs so it is their business...plus conflict invites growth. Yukino's sister has been doing it all her life. Playing the villain to strengthen Yukino.


thats cuz its serious when we were kids. as adults we dont get that same feeling no more. it is a show about high school drama


yall need to watch horimiya for the next romance fr


It was a very loose comparison but it was more to illustrate the point. If two entities find themselves in that positions (or similar), there's no reason to just go against it. If they do want to go against it then they should remove themselves from that position. So for what you were saying that they shouldn't be held responsible, then Yukino should just bow out and leave that position she's in. Then Hiki doesn't have to help her. But that's the point, she's not leaving the position. She can't have her cake and eat it too. That's just not how it goes most of the time and she's just not capable of that currently. Someday she may be able to but not this day. Either remain in that position and use the means available to you for the greater good, or remove yourself from it. It's really that simple.


So for the most part I agree with your thinking. She shouldn't care what happens to the event. If it doesn't happen because she doesn't want to do it, then she should just stop taking on that role. Which would be totally within her right, I agree with you. But she's literally not

sotonye ogan

beginning to hate this show everything is getting too extra attimes why cant shit be straightforward man

Giulia Moraschetti

Here we go with the Yui suffering, my poor girl, they did her dirty


Back when the show was selected I mentioned that I didn't like season 3, and got a couple of people giving me shit for it, but I just didn't find it enjoyable to watch. Seeing these comments make me glad I am not crazy and other people have similar view points! Season 1 is great, very funny with good romantic moments, season 2 still has its funny moments but deffs begins to focus a lot in on the drama, but season 3 to me drops all the enjoyable aspects of season 1 for this dramatic tone that is held through almost the entire season. Like even in the brief lighthearted moments there is always this feeling that things are about to get less fun soon.


i 100% disagree. Yukino isn't responsibe for anybody, Iroha is. Yukino is just helping the Student council. Also, you're talking about this as if the Prom is something to be expected and that if it doesn't happen something is lost (from the perspective of the students) when that's just not true. If the prom doesn't happen the outcome is a net neutral for the student body. The only people who stand to lose anything here are Iroha (who wanted to hold the prom in the first place) and Yukino. Here again, if not involving Hachiman and Yui might kill the prom then it's on either of them to call for help for their sake alone.


1. Season 1 already had a bunch of dramatic moments, 2. Oregairu was never a comedy to begin with. It's a deconstruction of Romcoms. If anything, season 1 is the weekest because it steers too hard into the comedy which is probably largely a fault of the more cartoonish artstyle.

Lukas (edited)

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2023-06-09 12:01:13 you're talking about this as if the Prom is something to be expected and that if it doesn't happen something is lost (from the perspective of the students) when that's just not true. If the prom doesn't happen the outcome is a net neutral for the student body. The only people who stand to lose anything here are Iroha (who wanted to hold the prom in the first place) and Yukino.
2023-06-09 10:00:32 you're talking about this as if the Prom is something to be expected and that if it doesn't happen something is lost (from the perspective of the students) when that's just not true. If the prom doesn't happen the outcome is a net neutral for the student body. The only people who stand to lose anything here are Iroha (who wanted to hold the prom in the first place) and Yukino so it's not selfish of Yukino to refuse help with her own problem. And if Iroha wants Hachiman's help then it's really on her to make that call. Even if that weren't true and the student body were to have something to lose it would still not be on Iroha and not Yukino to make the final call of whether hachiman should help and it would be her responsibility if she doesn't and the Prom fell through as a result, not Yukino's. Also, how the ever loving fuck did you get the idea that Yukino was going along with canceling the prom. that's not even close to what was being said.

you're talking about this as if the Prom is something to be expected and that if it doesn't happen something is lost (from the perspective of the students) when that's just not true. If the prom doesn't happen the outcome is a net neutral for the student body. The only people who stand to lose anything here are Iroha (who wanted to hold the prom in the first place) and Yukino so it's not selfish of Yukino to refuse help with her own problem. And if Iroha wants Hachiman's help then it's really on her to make that call. Even if that weren't true and the student body were to have something to lose it would still not be on Iroha and not Yukino to make the final call of whether hachiman should help and it would be her responsibility if she doesn't and the Prom fell through as a result, not Yukino's. Also, how the ever loving fuck did you get the idea that Yukino was going along with canceling the prom. that's not even close to what was being said.


Yeah I mostly agree with what you said here, but Yukino bowing out or not is Iroha's call here. She could just kick Yukino out of the project, yet she isn't and still wants their help. If she insists on the club's support, and the club agrees, then nobody has the right to give them shit about the way they handle it. I just really don't think that yukino deserves the shit people are giving her.


Well yeah, they're teenagers so most situations and struggles they go through would be considered cringey in the eyes of an adult and if there's a phase in your life where you are awkward af it would be in your teenage years imo


Roshii, i might be tripping but is everything ok? Idk why feels like something bothering you. Hope all is good ✌️


that drama tag isn't just there for decoration man


For me it has always been about the characters, if they managed to hook me in, it doesn't matter where the show is going, comedy or serious, cuz I'm already way to invested with the characters


Plus also remember yukimom said she wasn’t there by her choice she was forced to go by other pta members and put a stop to the prom. And pta groups are common at trying to put a stop to prom even here we have a pta and they tried to put a dress code and all this other rules to put a stop to the fun, we ended up just going to the school to dance then rented out a bar to go after party and drink (without parents knowing of course) so the enterpretation of the pta being super annoying in Oregairu is fairly realistic


She literally agreed to take on the responsibility by accepting the request. As I noted in my other comments, it's well within her right to back out of that position but she is refusing to back down. That's the problem. She's choosing to remain responsible. I get what you're saying, and I agree to the degree that she has the right to walk away. But she's not, so she's responsible.


Those are some good points there. I do think it's Iroha's problem as well. I don't think anyone believes she isn't also responsible. The discussion has been almost completely on Yukino because she's a more main character (I guess). But you're right that Iroha could just give Yukino the boot (either for Yukino's sake or w/e). I think most people just believe Iroha's too useless to get anything done herself so she's completely removed from any sort of logical solutions, and therefore, of any responsibility. And it's working right?? Everyone's dog piling on Yukino as a result. I guess that just goes to show how well Iroha's character is fleshed out.

by chances

the essays in the comment section lol


How do you change the quality everytime I play it it runs at 480 p


On pc I open the link in a new tab and the player allows me to change the quality, On mobile it allows me to change the quality with a cogwheel at the top right of the video player


guess hokey must really hate the second half of Kaguya-sama


she isn't responsible. Regardless of who takes over the main management of the Prom, this is still an event by the student council and final say is with the student council president. This isn't about Yukino's right to walk away, this is about Ishiki's right to say enough is enough if she thinks that Yukino couldn't handle it. Just because some middle manager is leading a project doesn't mean that the CEO can't just cancle that project.

Adamantite Momon (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-10 12:43:20 Roshi please upload this on Patreon too 🙏…. Streamable is banned in my country
2023-06-10 12:43:20 Roshi please upload this on Patreon too 🙏…. Streamable is banned in my country
2023-06-10 12:43:20 Roshi please upload this on Patreon too 🙏…. Streamable is banned in my country
2023-06-10 12:43:20 Roshi please upload this on Patreon too 🙏…. Streamable is banned in my country
2023-06-10 12:43:20 Roshi please upload this on Patreon too 🙏…. Streamable is banned in my country
2023-06-10 12:43:20 Roshi please upload this on Patreon too 🙏…. Streamable is banned in my country
2023-06-10 12:43:20 Roshi please upload this on Patreon too 🙏…. Streamable is banned in my country
2023-06-10 12:43:20 Roshi please upload this on Patreon too 🙏…. Streamable is banned in my country
2023-06-10 12:43:20 Roshi please upload this on Patreon too 🙏…. Streamable is banned in my country
2023-06-10 10:42:57 Roshi please upload this on Patreon too 🙏…. Streamable is banned in my country

Roshi please upload this on Patreon too 🙏…. Streamable is banned in my country


Oresuki, ore monogatari, my little monster or horimiya would be nice for when they're done with this show, also what's up with the essays here 🙄