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Konosuba: EOTWW Ep 10

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Hasnain Khan


this is one long ass username

First of all Darkness never ran way, second of all at that time she was working as an adventurer in Axel like Kazuma Aqua and Megumin. The girl on that note was Someone entirely different.

this is one long ass username

Those explosions she did by herself aren’t quests she completed. It was shown couple episodes ago that she does random explosions to vent frustration


No. That was definitely for Darkness. She ran away from her parents several times because they kept trying to get her to act politely and get married.


No she didn’t, she said she literally just slapped her dad whenever he brought it up And she didn’t run away, her dad was very supportive of her being an adventurer as long as she came back when she was done to take over for him when he retires which she was planning on anyway


It's ONLY been a week, how do you forget/not know what Yunyun is talking about???? Lmao, damn, that's some shitty-ass memory, wow. Possibly worse than Megumin's. XD


To be fair, how many shows do they watch a week? Not even counting what they watch and do on their own time


oh god i forgot that Aqua is literally to dumb to be a mage


What i just wonder about is like...there are obviously plenty of groups looking for a mage. Why doesn't Megumin just introduce them to Yunyun? heck when she confessed her to that one group would have been the perfect opportunity


tbh i would hire megumin and just have her in the background and when shit go bad.....EXPLOSION!!.....if she misses well RIP lmao

Bart the Beard (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-09 03:30:36 This is getting a bit annoying to see Roshi overreacting to literal nothing of "fanservice". What's gotten into him recently?
2023-06-09 01:24:42 This is getting a bit annoying to see Roshi overreact to literal nothing of "fanservice". What's gotten into him recently?

This is getting a bit annoying to see Roshi overreact to literal nothing of "fanservice". What's gotten into him recently?

this is one long ass username

This is simply not true. A) her father already knew she was in Axel, this having no reason to post up a quest and B) why on earth would he ask a bunch of adventurers to capture and bring him his own daughter instead of sending his man lol.


I mean this is basically the case for any anime they watch haha. It's just a byproduct of watching so many different shows I guess. Nothing can be done


megumin said she isnt helping Yunyun for yunyuns sake. she needs to grow on her own and not rely on megumin to watch her back. obviously she steps in when Yunyun almost got caught in some shady shit. plus its just a running gag that yunyun is ignored by everyone


Learn how to structure a sentence, go to school my guy


Actually i prefer streamable over paetron's player, at least i can lock the quality