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cool to see the supporting casts roles begin to flesh out

also trying something new, dimming the screen when the episode starts to make background less distracting. let me know if yall like that!



Honestly the background was never distracting but I don’t mind the dimming



Devin B

The dimming is a cool touch but it was okay before too




Yeah I don’t really get why people hate Aquas decision here: he pretty clearly explains “I have ulterior motives for work but I am but interested in you too, the choice is yours” Yeah, Akane doesn’t know the details but it’s really not that different he certainly has had his light yagami moments but he handles this pretty well


I 100% support the dimming

Temo Alvarez

agua giving big Ayanakoji vibes


Quick she figured that shit out I mean I knew she would but like not literally that fast she was figure out Ai had a kid 😭

Ryan Perez

Just a heads up, it’s not really clear in the beginning but Ai’s last name wasn’t public


Staringan is too powerful it got Aqua simping (for a second at least)

Roxy Rezerina

Never noticed the background being too prominent before but those small quality changes make all the difference


I mean… it was kinda obvious Ai just happens to go on an 11 month hiatus for “surgery”. Comes back noticeably different and then changes AGAIN after a viral video of two babies who look exactly like her at her concert

Hamshank (edited)

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2023-06-08 00:36:27 Mem-Cho's seemingly random interest in idols is less random after considering how she instantly guessed Aqua was talking about Ai last episode.
2023-06-07 22:33:01 Mem-Cho's seemingly random interest in idols is less random after considering how she instantly linked Aqua's description to Ai last episode. It was a pretty minor hint that she is actually a fangirl.

Mem-Cho's seemingly random interest in idols is less random after considering how she instantly linked Aqua's description to Ai last episode. It was a pretty minor hint that she is actually a fangirl.


Also she’s in the op walking onto stage with Ruby and Kana. Short blonde hair and horns. Hard to miss.

Hasnain Khan


Team Skull Grunt B

Funnily enough that sounds like the exact theory some random dude on reddit would try to convince everybody of

Devin B

MEM being a part of B Komachi does make a little more sense than Akane joining cause they already have Kana to provide the acting aspect of entertainment, with MEM she provides the YouTube know-how to make it big on social media.


The dimming is dope

Gorge Montoya

So “isekai” means “otherworld”, “Tensei” means “reincarnation or rebirth” (hence Mushoku Tensei). I’m probably screaming in the wind on this, but it’s one of those “once you know you can’t unknow/one you see you can’t unsee/once you hear you can’t unhear it” kinda things


Dims the lights: “oh you like that?”


Bro took her first time, playing baseball...


Im just here happy that ruby got a second chance in life in such a beautiful life path


the writer really good writing side characters


12:25 its actually a very common assumption by idol fans to assume an idol has a child when they go on a long hiatus like ai did when she went to the countryside.


Background dimming thing was OK. I probably wouldn't have noticed unless you had pointed it out tho. Honestly, im fine either way, though i'd say leave it if its any kind of significant extra work.


Yeah, Aqua grabbing the pencil case was pure reflex of "obeying his mother" BC Akane was hitting it so close.

Jalen Holmes

I dont think aqua wants to gain info from mem about B-komachi. I think he was genuinely just being jive since Ruby needs ppl for her idol group and she was a free agent


(Change the title in the back to “Isho ni ki” at the end discussion like you change oregairu)


ppl who hate his decision here im not really sure understand the scene

Edd R

MEM boutta get a 360 deal from b komachi

TAC Genesis

dimming worked cause i didnt even notice


is it just me or is this show not hitting? like idk maybe i just need to be patient and not be hasty and drop it


don't force yourself to watch stuff you don't fw. Its fine to not like something that everyone else does


yeah i get that. its just like the beginning was really good but the acting stuff is a bit slow in my opinion at least


If you were here for the heavy revenge story/thriller type, then I'm afraid you won't get any real development until late season 2/season 3+ content. Apart from that this show is mostly the authors view of the Japanese entertainment industry spoken from his experience + his friends' (actors, idols, streamers etc.) experiences. So if you're not that interested in that kinda thing then I don't think this will be for you.


I read the description after, I didn't notice any changes so keep doing ya thing. Great episode, fun reaction


Maybe it’s just not for you and that’s fine, personally I’m enjoying it despite it being something I wouldn’t have watched on my own 🤷🏽‍♀️


so no major thing happened... 6/10 why is the anime getting some good episodes and get couple mid ones?

this is one long ass username (edited)

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2023-06-08 04:48:35 His old self is not fading. He still has the same exact mind only that his body is finally starting to grow into it as Aqaus physical from is getting closer to it as he ages.
2023-06-08 02:13:53 His old self is not fading. He still has the same exact mind only that his body is finally starting to grow into it as Aqaus physical form is getting closer to it as he ages.

His old self is not fading. He still has the same exact mind only that his body is finally starting to grow into it as Aqaus physical form is getting closer to it as he ages.

Lucky Licks

Cuz you have a certain expectation in mind and if it’s not met you dislike it


So an episode is automatically mid because nothing "major" happened?


Actually yes, the plot isn't major, nothing happened, the character are still bland. The only interesting part is Aqua making his move. That is mid episode. Just like how after episode 1 majority of the episodes have been mid

Christian Castro

So far it's a very complex story which is what I really like from it. It's understandable if it's not your speed. One thing I can point out though is that there is little to no padding for time, everything happening has a reason and many times interconnects. You can only make such a complicated story by taking it slow in my opinion

timethy girkins

Lupa: I’m screaming!🙂 Roshi:But you’re not..😐 Sheera:in the inside Lupa: REEEEE

timethy girkins

I took the boundary thing as aqua’s body is reaching up to the doctors body and mentality. So the other way


i like the dim lighting

Random Guy

the way this is going right now it seems pretty obvious that aqua will end up with kana, but i am still honestly rooting for akane

Taylor Moon

nah he's definitely becoming aqua that's obvious because he is NOTHING like he was when he was a doctor, complete personality shift


"A-Akane?" Aqua was definitely about to say Ai. Nice save Aqua!

Joshua Shores

The dim lighting makes everything so much clearer, keep it like that


I can't even argue with that opinion cuz I am waaaayyyyy to biased towards akasaka aka. Hard simp, so I can't even tell if everything i say is because the show is genuinely good, or I am so in love with his writing style that I'm blind, like love makes you blind, but in anime lmao. But what I can say is, as someone who sees 95 % of all anime characters as bland and boring, this show is, biased or not, def not in those 95%


Why do you bother to comment this you literally crave attention 😭


That's more so because of Ai's death as opposed to him just BEING Aqua


I gotta let people how overrated this show is with how they are writing the story and how out of plot they are


I'm so tempted to read the Manga I can't wait


Well thats your opinion. If you don't like it why bother watching it and complaining?


Because as an expert of analyzing every series, there is nothing for me to not watch even if they're mid.


That aspect about him having an identity crisis is so real though cuz he'll be aqua for like 80 years so at some point his old self will just feel like a dream which is really scary when you think about it

Levi Blair

I'm assuming you meant to respond to the people in your own comment not a new post but you somehow messed it up. Btw you aren't an expert at shit, I've regularly seen you in multiple videos just complain about nonsense and treat your bias as objective fact and its a joke. Your not an expert your a casual viewer with no experience in creative writing or anything involving a creative medium and its painfully clear, your just so high on your own ego you probably actually believe that your bias is more than just bias.


Sadly I'm going by objective facts on the premise of the writing and its garbage with no sign of execution and its diverging the whole thing from the main point. That's called a failed writing, the stans of this mid show doesn't see that

Levi Blair

"objective facts on the premise of the writing" jesus christ your a clown who actually believes his own bullshit. This is without exaggeration one of the most pathetic showings of undeserved ego I've seen in as long as I can remember. Your the kind of clown who has never published, studied or engaged in the medium of creative writing and you think your know more than everyone in the same position as a viewer, take your meds buddy your clearly unhinged.


Let me guess u can't explain what makes oshi no mid good right? Tell me one CREATIVE writing aspect of the show tell me ONE thing. You can't because you're basically shutting off your brain when u watch this show. It make sense though because this show doesn't need a brain to understand

Levi Blair

Actual examination takes more time and words than I'm willing to give to someone like you who regardless of what I say will just continue reject it at every turn, you are not worth the explanation. Want to learn about what it does well yourself read up on exploring emotions through subtext, its easy to understand and many professors, authors and other authority on the matter have written on it extensively. Though its blatantly obvious that even if you were to actually read up on that your bias would completely prevent you from seeing how it applies to Oshi No Ko despite the original 3 central characters had entire arcs of it in 1 movie runtime and its being explored in various ways through the main cast currently.


@ogking u are so clueless and it shows through the way you speak lol. You rlly couldn't make it any more obvious that ur just spouting nonsense justifications for your inability to enjoy this show. If u don't like it then u don't like it, but ur tryna convince ppl it's objectively bad even tho all you've done is whine like a bitch. Just admit u don't like it and move on you spastic

Angelo Marchantt

How was it not clear? It was literally said "her family name is not public" on episode 1, how much clear can it get??

Angelo Marchantt

I mean, if you get killed, reincarnated and your mom gets clapped then you gotta do puberty again, that shit gonna chain you for real


Just a quick reminder, Ai's last name was never made public so the Dad can't look at Ruby's name and figure out who she is. But the resemblance part? 👀

Cameron 鳥

hell yea the dimming is a 10/10


Akane is a smart girl


i think it was stated somewhere that she has highest IQ

X (edited)

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2023-06-25 11:16:18 Aqua was still very dishonest and manipulative though. It took Akane to push him that far only for him to admit *part* of the truth, and he was very much lying at first. Lame. Don't think you can easily give him a pass here.
2023-06-25 09:04:44 Aqua was still very dishonest and manipulative though. It took Akane to push him that far only for him to admit *part* of the truth, and he was very much lying at first. Lame. Don't think Sheera should have easily given him a pass here.

Aqua was still very dishonest and manipulative though. It took Akane to push him that far only for him to admit *part* of the truth, and he was very much lying at first. Lame. Don't think Sheera should have easily given him a pass here.


Aw shit, we got a goody two shoes over here. Oof. A "pass?" Who gives a fuck? There's a plot going on, gtfo your dumbass high horse lmao.


Common sense really leaves them so quickly, if it was ever there at all. If her last name was public, Aqua and Ruby would have long had problems by now, wouldn't just be a matter of their dad knowing. EVERYONE would know (duh) lmao. XD


"Never would have guessed her".... but, they clearly showed her in the op as part of the group lmfao.


They literally showed her figuring it out last episode.


Lmao it's late but I have to point out that you've also failed to elaborate on any of your points LMAO. Being a contrarian doesn't make you an "expert" with better tastes then the rest of the human population.

X (edited)

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2023-07-10 05:09:35 I'm clearly saying this also with later plot in mind lmao, and am mainly referring to Sheera saying she "appreciates" Aqua being honest, which I don't think is very true given how the story turned out (obviously won't go into further spoilers here). Telling me you haven't read the manga without saying you haven't read the manga smh, which I don't blame you for but also you've got better things to do than attacking others based on your incomplete understanding of the story 😂.
2023-07-10 03:05:40 I'm clearly saying this also with later plot in mind lmao, and am mainly referring to Sheera saying she "appreciates" Aqua being honest if my original comment was not clear (edited it now), which I don't think is very true given how the story turned out (obviously won't go into further spoilers here). Telling me you haven't read the manga without saying you haven't read the manga smh, which I don't blame you for and I assume most others here are the same, but also you've got better things to do than attacking the others just to expose your incomplete understanding of the story 😂.

I'm clearly saying this also with later plot in mind lmao, and am mainly referring to Sheera saying she "appreciates" Aqua being honest if my original comment was not clear (edited it now), which I don't think is very true given how the story turned out (obviously won't go into further spoilers here). Telling me you haven't read the manga without saying you haven't read the manga smh, which I don't blame you for and I assume most others here are the same, but also you've got better things to do than attacking the others just to expose your incomplete understanding of the story 😂.


Also I have no idea how you think it's about "goody two shoes" or "high horse" or whatnot 🤣. That's quite some reading comprehension. The only reason I follow this story is I want to see how psycho Aqua can get in his "revenge tragedy". If he becomes a moral paragon I'm gonna drop it immediately lmao. Doesn't contradict the point he's a jerk though and this is exactly what makes the plot entertaining. On the contrary, trying to see him as a harmless guy on everything he does would completely miss the point of the story.

Evan Jenkins

I don't think Aqua would have told the truth if Akane wouldn't have profiled him and determined he wasn't interested in her. Basically, her Light Yagami powers defeated his and forced him to be honest, ha ha.

Evan Jenkins

This is an older comment, but you this show kind of fakes you out with the first couple of episodes. Primarily, it is about the industry. It's an show about showbiz. The murder plotline and the reincarnation stuff are there to keep the drama high and spice it up. I would not recommend this to Death Note fans as much as I would to Shirobako fans.