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what a wild episode


Theo Vorster

For those interested in keeping up with the manga, Episode 6 adapted all of just chapters 16 and 17. With the remaining 7 episodes of the season adapting anywhere between 17-20 chapters of manga, the pacing of those episodes will on average range from about ~2.43~2.86 chapters adapted per episode. And if anyone needs a refresher on the ages of the cast of characters: Maru is 15 years old, while Kiruko is mentally 18 and physically 20. The approximate ages of Tokio, Shiro (the white-silver haired teen who was sent the nude photo), Mimihime (the subject of said photo), Taka (the super strong/durable kid), and Anzu (the black haired girl who is good at dancing) are all 14 years old. The approximate ages of Nanaki & Iwa (the two kissing girls), Kuku (the frog-like girl) and Tarao (the sick and now dead kid) are all 10 years old. And Kona’s (the kid who draws the strange drawings) approximate age is 17 years old. And Totori, the girl who came onto Maru this episode is 13 years old (the anime cut some dialogue from the manga where she explicitly stated age). Also a another interesting bit a trivia, Totori’s asking rate in the manga was a lot cheaper. Instead demanding only 80 (presumably Japanese Yen) for her offered “services”, compared to the anime having Totori request an 800,000 fee. And if anyone didn’t realize it by the end of the episode, the guy/“Boss” who got mauled by the bear and later died from his wounds, was indeed the leader of the gang that Maru beat up in the previous episode (and was the specific individual responsible for breaking Maru’s tooth). In case it wasn’t clear, the reason why Kiruko initially didn’t try to use/aim the Kiru-Beam directly at the bear, is because at that point in the episode Kiruko still thought the bear was a Man-Eater (which as far as the characters and audience know, can’t be killed/finished off by anything except the Maru-Touch) and was prioritizing incapacitating it in order to give Maru the chance to safely use his Maru-Touch ability. Also it originally took Kiruko 3 shots to topple the concrete column in the original manga (hence why Kiruko later in the episode says they only have their unreliable 4th shot left), I don’t why the anime decided to change it to only requiring 2 shots. Also a funny detail from the manga that got cut from the anime, when Maru does his “Fatal Dive”, the manga has a visual indication that Maru came up with the name “Fatal Dive” from using a English-Japanese dictionary he found with the porno magazines from the previous episode. Presuming that the bear wasn’t a surviving escaped Zoo animal, the types of bears that are located in that region of Japan are the species known as the Asiatic Black Bear (also known as the Moon Bear). And while bears in general can climbs trees and other similar things (that can support their weight), they cannot climb completely vertical concrete or rickety unstable ladders (hence why they said “bears can’t climb”). Also if anyone was confused as to why Kiruko and Maru asked about Totori’s background, it’s because Maru was able to use the Maru-Touch on her (and thus saw/sensed a core/organ inside similar to what he crushes inside Man-Eaters). The scene isn’t trying to imply that Maru can now use the Maru-Touch on all humans now. In the post-credit scene, we see more instances of the surveillance video footage being manipulated/modified. And to be clear, this is not a case of Tokio being invisible, as the differences in what the camera footage “sees” and what is actually happening is far more different than if it was simply a case of Tokio being invisible (e.g. the camera seeing Tokio still in bed after Tokio got out of it, or the footage seeing Kona as asleep with the lights out, when in actuality the lights are on and Kona and Tokio are sitting together and about to undress. And believe it or not, currently, the manga has still not explicitly revealed the who and/or why behind the surveillance footage was being manipulated. So not even caught-up manga readers know the answer for sure presently. Also when Kona said that while he did like/love Asura in the past but it was not the same as how he likes/loves Tokio, that’s him essentially claiming he didn’t love Asura in a romantic and/or sexual sense (it presumably being platonic or familial). And if anyone was confused about the framing of final part of the after-credits scene with Tokio, it is meant to be understood as a “reveal” of Tokio’s sex/gender being female. Until this point manga, readers were intentionally (mis)lead to think that Tokio was a boy. Unfortunately, due to the change in medium (manga not having voice acting and such) and the English language not having gendered first-person pronouns and honorific suffixes like Japanese, I believe this intentional misleading wasn’t conveyed as well to (English-speaking especially) audiences, and thus many anime watchers assumed that Tokio was a girl from basically the start. And if anyone is interested in starting the manga after this season is finished (it is currently planned to adapt up to some part of tankōbon Volume 6 of the manga, likely somewhere in the range of chapters 34-37), I personally would still recommend starting the manga from the beginning regardless, as in addition to the standard cutting of extra dialogue and scenes from the anime for run-time and cinematic pacing, the chapter titles and cover pages of the manga also play a role in experiencing the foreshadowing of the story that the anime can’t quite replicate (due to the inherent difference in mediums). The mangaka of Heavenly Delusion, Masakazu Ishiguro (who is active on Twitter), their most well known previous work is “And Yet the Town Moves” (also known as Soremachi), which was serialized from 2005-2016. They have also done a number of other single volume manga and short stories collections. Ishiguro's has also stated that the major influences for the Heavenly Delusion series, include the works Akira, Armored Trooper Votoms, and an old Japanese science-fiction novel titled "Dogra Magra" that was written Kyūsaku Yumeno (who appears as a character in Bungo Stray Dogs) and published in 1935.


I'm not sure why everyone thinks Maru is a boy. After all, I have it on good authority that characters with eyelashes are girls... 😉 In all seriousness though, it looks like we finally have confirmation on Tokio's gender from the anime itself, instead of from spoilers in the Patreon comments.


Maru really channeled his inner Denji today

Devin B

Looks like Al Gore was right about ManBearPig, we should've listened


It’s def a terrible ass plan but she said she has sex with the people she like so not everybody fucking that come there still wild tho 😭🤣

Devin B

Man or Woman boobs are boobs - Maru Heavenly Delusion


That last bit at the end with Lupa haunting Roshi was hilarious 💀


To answer your question, no, we hadn't seen Asura before this episode. However, we learned last week that she committed suicide by hanging herself. I remember the Director saying something along the lines of how Asura shouldn't have been born because her body couldn't handle something (I'm a bit fuzzy on the exact quote).


Asura was the girl who they said killed herself last episode she was friends with Kona. they also said that "her mind was too strong for her body to handle" which may be why she looks like an alien

Grant Beaudette

Maru was like "Excuse me, I hit a ground-rule double. I am automatically awarded second base."


And im pretty sure that Tokio is pregnant since she was throwing up last episode

Cameron Robinson

In defense of Kiruko, she was trying to take down that possible man eater with as few of her 2 possibly 3 shots. So the first shot was to knock down the beam to incapacitate it so Maru goes in for the one shot. When the first I doesn’t work she uses her second and possibly last to incapacitate and get the one shot. If you did shoot at again the possible man eater first shot isn’t gonna kill it and two shots may kill it, but then they still have no plan besides running and a possible third unless they find something else. While this in the end, doesn’t matter I think her in the middle of it reasoning wasn’t that bad.

Cameron Robinson

Yeah, it was something like that. I wonder if it means that Asura was possibly trans or maybe her ability might have messed with her mind or body a bit. If it is the trans route, I wonder if that affects why drawing guy likes the androgynous Tokito.

Cameron Robinson

While I do agree that some people be spoiling whether intentionally or not, I think adding voices to these characters kind of takes away some of that androgynous feel that some characters may have had in the manga, because I always thought Tokito was a girl and Maru was a boy because of their voices.


24:05 “deadly dick”🤣🤣🤣🤣

nami (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-09 03:05:11 loving how much effort they put into the anime but man am i dreading seeing how they animate a scene
2023-05-09 00:24:48 loving how much effort they put into the anime but man am i dreading seeing how they animate a scene

loving how much effort they put into the anime but man am i dreading seeing how they animate a scene


Whose titties are they? thats the real question.

Uddin Molla

Guys have u watched kamikatsu so good

Hasnain Khan



My god this anime got some funny parts😂

Terry King Jr

Maru should've just smashed.


I believe Asura was introduced after they had that funeral. The director said that she hung herself if I remember correctly.


@Cameron - That's fair. To be completely honest, I almost immediately thought Tokio was a girl myself. However, when we learned that someone who looks like Tokio will come to the facility, and that Maru was looking for someone who has the same face, I started to question myself

Shane John-lewis

damn im thinking those two kids at the end that were smashing are the parents of the main kid


buddy really offered his sisters titties to a random kid 😂

John Strickland

This show is so good. Might have to read the manga


Not only that, in the manga they were outside because the raiders plan was coming from the entrance and then got attacked by the bear so they didn´t have that much time to think

Jalani Abdul-Aziz

this episode was funny asf but crazy too and Lupa is a fool for the end lmfao

Mervyn Larrier

The answer, btw, is a gorilla. A gorilla will usually just humble you. If you submit, it'll let you live. A bear is just going to murk you, no negotiations to be had lmao

Daniel Robb

Manga readers please stop telling everyone what's different episode by episode. We got Tokio's reveal as female but that's not a reveal cuz y'all cant wait and have to spoil :(

Daniel Robb

No, Tokio's gender wasnt obvious because of the medium change. It was obvious BECAUSE YOU KEEP TELLING EVERYONE. Please stop spoiling the changes between manga and anime ffs.

nami (edited)

Comment edits

2023-12-23 00:13:35 theres a chapter in the manga that will be in this season that i really dont want to have to see again but animated now.
2023-05-09 03:14:35 theres a chapter in the manga that will be in this season that i really dont want to have to see again but animated now.

theres a chapter in the manga that will be in this season that i really dont want to have to see again but animated now.

Big Daddy Dre

See when you say shit like that it just makes me curious as to what you’re talking about so can i have the chapter number please 🤔


That Asura ghost scene was really creepy. I think it's actually Asura whose mind has transcended her body. She's still floating around in the position she hanged, which is super creepy


yo bro sis ummm if i kill this bear. let me grab yo ass


This episode reminded me of that clip of Denzel saying "I'm leaving here with something"


Totori: I'm gonna become King of the Pirates! I mean Hotels!


Denji and Maru would get along great, I can tell!

nami (edited)

Comment edits

2023-12-23 00:13:35 32
2023-05-09 04:57:33 32


Theo Vorster

I never mentioned Tokio’s gender in any of my comments before Roshi (and thus anyone also watching these reactions) got spoiled by other commenters. In fact, last week I even noted how I was disappointed that Roshi and co. had been already pre-spoiled on that plot point by others.


Yo I've been watching a lot of the peak that's come out this season and obviously heard great things about this show. Is it worth watching/starting?

Jake Thompson

Bears with mange become werewolf nightmare fuel mfers real quick.

William Morris

You know without the nudity the manga has it was a little hard to tell Tokio was a girl when she took her shirt off. I was like damn how did everyone see it so obviously in the manga without the voice but it makes so much more sense. Yes the manga is uncensored for the denji brains out there

Jake Thompson

That's what I was thinking, because when Maru was reading about life before the Calamity he mentioned lots of robots built to assist humans, and there's none in his journey but they're all over Heaven. If it's been 15-20 years since the Calamity it fits for his age.

Theo Vorster

You’re thinking of Orangutans, I don’t believe there are any documented cases of Gorillas attempting that.


No cap most of they look like boys to me 😭💀


People are sleeping on kamikatsu. Definitely the dark horse of the season.


I think the girl from the past is pregnant.


chill, the only person I see make manga comparisons is Theo and I didn't see him telling Tokio was a girl. plus, Tokio's gender isn't even that much of a big deal when you could easily go with one or another, there are so many more important things unanswered, why do I see complaints everywhere?


Small correction, we didn't learn how did Asura killed herself (or did we? I already forgot)


I disagree. Both suck terribly but Bears tend to only attack because of territory, hunger, or keeping their kids safe. A Gorilla will f you up for just looking at it funny.


Its so weird knowing the author of And Yet The Town Moves wrote this.


The king of hotels girl is 13 btw. Very sus


Asura (alien chick) committed unalive. They said her brain was unable to handle her mind.


This show is just getting hornier and hornier by the episode


Lmaooo, yall too funny XD

Theo Vorster

It’s implied by the visuals of Kona’s brief memories of it episode 5.

beni-chan (edited)

Comment edits

2023-12-23 00:13:35 from what ive seen so far, this show is basically like The Last of Us mixed with Promised Neverland
2023-05-09 18:03:51 from what ive seen so far, this show is basically like The Last of Us mixed with Promised Neverland

from what ive seen so far, this show is basically like The Last of Us mixed with Promised Neverland

King Kryptic

Brooooo I love this as much as call of the Night Now!


She actually aimed directly first but He was in her way of shooting the bear, so she turn and hit the pillar


As long as you don't look them in the eyes, you'll be okay. Gorillas are pacifist.

Brobi-Wan Kenobi

Bruh I read all of Theo's comments and he hasn't spoiled anything. He never mentioned Tokio's gender before a bunch of people commented that Tokio was a girl and only mentioned that he was upset that people spoiled that as it was intentionally left ambiguous in the manga. And yes medium change contributed to that because I've seen numerous people say that they thought Tokio was a girl from the beginning because of, at least in part, her voice.


"Sorry, I can't have sex with you, I'm saving myself for my surrogate sister who's actually a guy in his sisters body" xD

Brobi-Wan Kenobi

I think the facility is in the past and I think the Day of Fate is when the Great Disaster happened. After Tarao's funeral the doctor said the kids are immune to illness and since Tarao got sick the other kids could get sick too. The director flipped out saying that's a big problem as the Day of Fate is the one thing that can't be changed. So the kids must be connected to it somehow. It seems like all the kids have special abilities. Don't know what Tokio's might be but maybe that's why Asura appeared to her asking what she's good at. Maybe to awaken her power she has to think on it or just hasn't realized she has one. Based on the fact that it seems like this isn't the first time Tokio and Kona have had sex and Tokio throwing up last episode I definitely think she's pregnant. Combined with the fact that Maru is the only person we've seen outside the facility with special abilities I do think she's his mom. What Mimihime said about someone with Tokio's face coming doesn't necessarily contradict this. Aside from the fact that I'm taking her visions with a grain of salt since visions can be misleading Mimihime said that when she thinks about going outside two people from the outside, one with Tokio's face, come to help HER. Not them. Just her.

Sauce Sorcerer

If my homie has a female's body and I have to go fight a bear for us, you gotta at least let me flick the nippie later. It's just bro tax at that point.


I just checked it out.. yeah, I really hope they don't drag the scene out

Nas Ali

FUCK Roshi scared the shit out of me with that D:

Dark Danny

it kind was, i agree that spoiling needs to stop but the minute i saw Tokio, i thought girl. then Sheera said boy and i was confused


Wait, am i the only mf who thought Tokio was a boy? :skull:

Dale Cooper

The manga for sure made it seem like this was a younger version of the MC. The anime gave her more features and the VA to make her stand out. Until that breast reveal I thought it was a pre-MC story so yeah I think most readers were surprised.