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ready for weskers backstory



Lupa getting scared will never not be funny lmaoooo


I don´t know why the director read the survival horror comic were being on the same floor as a monster was a gg and said: "Yeah this would be a great action over the top show". It´s the same situation as resident evil, being a really good scary game to a beaten up jajaja


Bro this show is straight garbage y’all choose this over snowfall is hilarious


Man i forgot how much they butchered the manhwa! yall the manhwa is top tier horror

Liam Wave

i finished the manhwa earlier today, my fault yall, you were spittin.

Hasnain Khan



I swear I keep expecting to hear Lupa say Sweet Home in the intro and have Sheera follow it up with Alabama.


I was a little scared watching it but y'all made it fun to watch

Leon (edited)

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2023-12-06 19:43:30 Watching with them makes it entertaining but I’ve been seeing comments on YouTube that it’s not like the comic
2023-12-06 19:43:30 Watching with them makes it entertaining but I’ve been seeing comments on YouTube that it’s not like the comic
2023-12-06 19:43:30 Watching with them makes it entertaining but I’ve been seeing comments on YouTube that it’s not like the comic
2023-12-06 19:43:30 Watching with them makes it entertaining but I’ve been seeing comments on YouTube that it’s not like the comic
2023-04-28 00:45:25 Watching with them makes it entertaining but I’ve been seeing comments on YouTube that it’s not like the comic

Watching with them makes it entertaining but I’ve been seeing comments on YouTube that it’s not like the comic


man i read the manhwa and it was scary af but this is just a B-horror film lmao


@Leon because it’s not, they changed a lot of it from the mangwa but even if it was accurate, he would still be calling it trash because it won over Snowfall

Alexander Joseph Cruz

I'm honestly having fun with this. Is it a high budget, triple A show? No. But I think that gives it more character. It feels like I'm watching some B tier horror flick from the 90s where it's flawed but those flaws actually embellish the product. Just my personal thoughts, looking forward to the next one.


Yea I agree watching it with them makes it hilarious and more entertaining

Blueechante (edited)

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2023-12-06 19:43:30 Don't watch it then
2023-12-06 19:43:30 Don't watch it then
2023-04-28 01:31:05 Don't watch it then

Don't watch it then


Questionable editing choices and misused soundtrack aside, the blind monster's "jumpscare" entrance into Hyun's room got me good lol

Eddie Fofana

Gotham knights lmao


Next Week: "PROTEIN!!!"


Side note: I just realized some adaptation differences make more sense if you consider the showrunners *really* wanted to make the drama more than one season.


damn for once yall wasn't capping this show is actually pretty fucking bad lmao but roshi and them making it fun

Mari (edited)

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2023-04-28 05:05:32 There going to be going crazy when they see that thing, it be saying “PROTIEN” but it should be saying “STEROIDS!!!” 🤣
2023-04-28 01:59:16 There going to be going crazy when they see that thing, it be saying “PROTIEN” but it should really be saying “STEROIDS!!!”

There going to be going crazy when they see that thing, it be saying “PROTIEN” but it should really be saying “STEROIDS!!!”


I agree but it’s better than this, plus why y’all so butt hurt damn

Quincy Jones

This is why you always go with the original. All of us are dead (Kinda) God of Highschool, this, everything so far adapted from a webcomic is so much better than the anime or live action they make because they either screw with the characterization or cut out too much content. What they did to my boy Ban from what he actually experienced at the end of the webcomic arc instead of that stupid ass generic I got to find the answers response was criminal. One of the strongest pieces of characterization and growth replaced by that generic ass reasoning had me so heated.

Nani Campos

I really don't care what people say about this show being trash, i really like it, i get the point of not being true to the webtoon, but what show is it really? every single one changes things. Looking foward to the rest of the show.

Barbara Mcfadden

I never realize how ridiculous some shows can be until I watch it with y’all lol. I did not laugh this much when I originally watched it. I’m still excited for season 2 and 3 though.


That’s a concept foreign to book/manga/manwha purists. Because that would mean accepting that adaptations are almost two different entities and that adaptations don’t necessarily need to follow page to page the source material


This show is a fun watch alil scary , a lil humor , a lil heroism people who haven’t even read the original story will read comments an act like they have just because snow fall wasn’t chosen first an call the show trash and for the people who actually did read it im pretty sure you seen it and realized it wasn’t on par long ago since this show aired 3yrs ago I get how that can be frustrating but let’s not act like this haven’t been done throughout history it’s really not that shocking I can’t tell anyone directly how to feel or what to say but can we please just try to enjoy the show for what it is and not have the same discussion every episode with that said I still find the show entertaining personally and am willing to bet roshi and the gang will also that’s why it won first place in recommendations because we knew they’ll enjoy it clearly not everybody here


they’ve been filming season 2 and season 3 for the last 3 years and the webtoon ended off at the end of season 1 so everything going forward is up to them(not like they followed much from the webtoon anyway 😭)

The GoDKing 27

Y do much blood from the nose like DAAAAMN

The GoDKing 27

Remember there is only so much u can do with live action


I’m really interested in what’s going to happen in season 2 and 3 because the Webtoon ended off at the end of season 1


Tf is happening


The show changed a lot from the manwha the manhwa really gave you a rough understanding of everything in the first couple chapters


yoooo you guys definitely make this show funnier then it is lol the lupa jumps scares are amazing


Sweet mid


Why is every character moving and thinking with 1 brain cell?


to answers Lupas question about the “glass”, so what she had pulled out of her leg was one of the 4-5 spiked barbs on the end of the tongue from when the monster had stabbed her


This is some dead by daylight shit, fuck that lmao. Arm stretched all the way down the hall.


Ah. Nice catch. I thought it was glass too and I’ve rewatched this drama a few times and I didn’t get catch that until now


I finally figured it out how they did that sometime last year


On a slightly unrelated note. I’m gonna miss Song kang when he enlists in the military later this year 😢. Song kang plays the main character the cha hyun su in Sweet home .




I be forgetting that in South Korea that all males are required to serve the military for at least 18-22 months


Because of the BTS law . Now they can delay it until they reach 30 years old I think so it’s not too bad. Song kang turned 29 this moth so he has to enlist by the end of this year or the beginning of next year

Art of Trolling

Watch out bro you can’t put your opinion in the comment section you will get stomped out by the Kdrama crew. Tbh I don’t like the show either but their reactions make it very watchable.


bro u literally posted about how butthurt u are that snowfall lost to this show . Look at the damn mirror and say that to yourself lmao . also get mad snowfall did fucking lose to this show end of story


Idk I’m enjoying it. While not top tier horror its still an entertaining watch lol

Kyle Llewellyn

I will always love Lupa getting jump scared and by extension jump scaring Roshi. It will never get old and makes every show better

Silva Jin

Its wild that I'm just now realizing that i seen this before lol i went to watch ahead like i usually do and i completed the whole series 😂

Art of Trolling

Bro what was the budget for this lmao. The CGI has me in tears.😂

FlorYA19 Arauz

Agreed but the show is pretty good I mean hopefully for season 2 they have better CGI

Mari (edited)

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2023-04-28 21:20:40 Yeah, season 2 and season 3 got approved. They changed a lot of it from the webtoon but a lot of people still liked the show
2023-04-28 19:17:20 Yeah, season 2 and season 3 got approved. That’s why season 2 hasn’t came out yet because they’ve been filming both seasons but season 2 should be out sometime this year . They changed a lot of it from the webtoon but a lot of people still liked the show, as for the CGI they did okay with what they had to work with, hopefully it can be better the next couple seasons. There’s only so much they can do with trying to make the monsters look exactly how they do in the Webtoon

Yeah, season 2 and season 3 got approved. That’s why season 2 hasn’t came out yet because they’ve been filming both seasons but season 2 should be out sometime this year . They changed a lot of it from the webtoon but a lot of people still liked the show, as for the CGI they did okay with what they had to work with, hopefully it can be better the next couple seasons. There’s only so much they can do with trying to make the monsters look exactly how they do in the Webtoon

Drake Rage

I don't think y'all realized this but the Main Character is the dude that got lit up by the army in the opening scene of Episode 1. I am pretty sure it was the same dude.


This what y’all voted for 😭😭😭


My gawd people still whining about the show? There are people who enjoy the show and there are those who don’t, you don’t like it don’t watch it simple as that so shut tf up and move on.


With a good budget and animation studio it could've done so much better as an anime; loved the live action though.

Thulani Mason

Loving the show, but this random time skips are so disorienting. I can't tell where we are in the story half the time.

William Tippen

Bro…. Weirdo ass niggas choose this fuckery over snowfall 😂🤦🏾‍♂️

Rena Unnie

love your reaction on this show!

Andrew Fairl

dam bro u talking like they gonna stop reacting to shows after this. don't worry u will get ur time so sit back and enjoy or don't whatever u chose lol


The funny thing is that Roshi literally said there watching it after this, no poll or anything and he’s calling people weird for not choosing Snowfall like it’s Number 1# in the world liked by all people


Omg. This reaction was popping off.


If it has 8.3 on IMDb it's definitely not liked by all people.


watching this show makes my body hurt lol


@ben2730 U sound like a butthurt kdrama nerd mad over his opinion that this shit is trash


Bro I couldn't past episode 6 watching this show the Webtoon/Manhwa was so much better

Taco Shmaco

If Lupa keeps starting the intro like that and Roshi just gets progressively more and more annoyed, that's gonna be so funny.

Champion Bescos

The main character (the shut-in) was upset with the amount of money his family left him as opposed to the fact that they died. Am I tripping? If that's what it is, he can fuck right off the next roof he sees. Trash.


This is random but also kinda on point but the argument about if he could shoot himself with the gun is literally the same reason people believe Kurt Cobain may of been murdered. It was such a big thing that the police from that area put out a video showing an officer with about his same dimensions and how she could just barely reach the trigger while aiming the same model gun at himself.


Anime adaptation could go over so well for the series

Gloccr (edited)

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2023-05-08 15:43:45 guess it depends on if the family treated him badly or if he's just utter garbage. also his life is worthless to him, i doubt he would care if his family is gone if he's already desensitized to living. It seems he has no regard for human life, From what I'm watching he barely even shows any emotion ever, like he is operating on auto pilot. he was probably just hoping to play games and waste away with the money the family left. looks like he doesnt want to interact with other humans
2023-05-08 15:43:45 guess it depends on if the family treated him badly or if he's just utter garbage. also his life is worthless to him, i doubt he would care if his family is gone if he's already desensitized to living. It seems he has no regard for human life, From what I'm watching he barely even shows any emotion ever, like he is operating on auto pilot. he was probably just hoping to play games and waste away with the money the family left. looks like he doesnt want to interact with other humans
2023-05-08 15:43:45 guess it depends on if the family treated him badly or if hes just utter garbage
2023-05-08 13:40:38 guess it depends on if the family treated him badly or if he's just utter garbage. also his life is worthless to him, i doubt he would care if his family is gone if he's already desensitized to living. It seems he has no regard for human life, From what I'm watching he barely even shows any emotion ever, like he is operating on auto pilot. he was probably just hoping to play games and waste away with the money the family left. looks like he doesnt want to interact with other humans

guess it depends on if the family treated him badly or if he's just utter garbage. also his life is worthless to him, i doubt he would care if his family is gone if he's already desensitized to living. It seems he has no regard for human life, From what I'm watching he barely even shows any emotion ever, like he is operating on auto pilot. he was probably just hoping to play games and waste away with the money the family left. looks like he doesnt want to interact with other humans


Makes sense, they didn't exactly do anything to help him while he was getting tortured everyday, instead they told him it was his fault, if he's trash so are they.

Me Me

In the webtoon it was seen more as that but in the show they cool it a little, they tryna make him redeemable

Ruben Villarreal

the webtoon explains his situation way better than the adaptation and his character goes far its a good read i highly suggest it came out when i was a sophmore back in 2016

William Tippen

Bet you niggas that was bitching because I said they chose this bs over snowfall lookin dumb af now 😂😂 they don’t even like this shit


@Ben2730 you're a nerd.. this show was garbage and Snowfall is 10x better

Kevs rey

Lupa sounded like courage when the villains jump scare him lmaoo I'm in tears