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explosion magic on the horizon


Connor Grynol

Nope. Crimson Demons will be Crimson Demons. They genuinely just nabbed a Dark God because it was cool. There's no deeper reason. In Konosuba, gods that come to the world are not immortal, they are strong like Aqua, but they are not unkillable.

danial javady

meh, the "monster" cruelty joke is getting boring and cringe now. The first two episodes were great but the last two... not so much. I hope it picks up from here.

Rue Ryuuzaki

Konosuba is not funny without the main cast. Megumin alone cannot carry this show.


Like, they literally explained it in the movie. "We nabbed and sealed ti to use as a tourist attraction"


sheera : you know because they say i talk about sex all the time also sheera : *makes a sex joke* see? lol


I think its still fairly funny, although of course not on the same tier as the main show. I think it would be better if they leaned more into the crimson demons strong magic. We haven't gotten much action in 4 episodes


At 4:50 I like how Megumin imagined what her party would look like and how they are basically just the main cast but with cooler designs


I'm excited for the rest of the series. First few episodes been slow but we're coming up on the part that is mentioned in the main series (not sure if people remember so I wont spoil it) Hopefully it picks up once megumin learns explosion magic

jared zavala

off topic but yall need to watch link click

Donovan Doyle

Lupa took me out with that Jidenna joke LMFAO


I don't know who this Little Brother of yours is, but he doesn't stand for what I stand for. And... I denounce, I repudiate, and condemn him. Basically... fuck him.


Except she’s not alone here? Lmao wtf are you even smoking?


it has been very slow. nothings happened so far but just yunyun and megumin dialogue.


Why was the funniest thing Megamin just snatching the leak away from the duck and the duck was like WTF?!!!


I mean given the show, the stalker is undoubtedly just going to end up with no one and it has nothing to do with her fortune


all of that literally did happen though lupa. she did use her explosion magic on multiple demon kings generals in konosuba lol


WRONG. Any character voiced by Rieri is goated af by default


You guys should react to Kamikatsu. It is actually the most hilarious show this season. Way funnier and fresh compared to this.


lol sheera thought the crimson demons actually had a legitimate reason for sealing the dark gods. but all they wanted was to be cool


Imagine thinking the Crimson Demons had a legitimate reason for anything..... after seeing three episodes of this, plus the movie, plus two seasons of Megumin with the gang.


Imagine not thinking there could be more than one of an animal. Guys, she literally broke the first duxion's neck. They literally called her duxion slayer afterwards. OBVIOUSLY she killed it. It's not weird for there to be another one, just like there's more than one duck in the world.

Daniel Borrego

this show goes quite well with eminence in shadow.


probably one of best anime to come out when it released but ignored because it was Chinese


JFC dude. Is there even a single positive thought in your head? Every damn comment you make is some negative remark about the crew or a complaint over some minor inconsequential shit. I mean fuck man, seek therapy.

Hasnain Khan


this is one long ass username

Damn they missed the best part with the epic still of darkness, kazuma and aqua what a shame.

Bryann Kam

17:04 Yeah, the thing about that is that Crimson Demons are considered full fledged adults after they gain the necessary skill points to learn advanced magic.


YunYun needed 3 points to graduate, Megumin needed 4. Yunyun failed purposely once to line up her points with Megumin so they could graduate together. Megumin to earned more points AFTER Yunyun had already purposely failed to make the top 3, it's not like she could've predicted the future and knew that Megumin was going to kill a couple ducks to progress, idk how you guys were confused on that