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Episode one and already advocating for jailtime for this man



Araragi is that one dude on the FBI most wanted yet uncatchable


What is the specific order to watch this series in


he was doing the dance from the platinum disco opening


so Monogatari the first to watch right? I keep forgetting to watch it lo


Bakemonogatari, Nisemonogatari, Monogatari 2nd season, Hanamonogatari, Tsukimonogatari Owarimonogatari, Koyomimonogatari (only the last 2 episodes are required for the next part), Owarimonogatari part 2, Zoku Owarimonogatari. You can watch the Kizumonogatari movies either after Bakemonogatari or after Koyomimonogatari since they’re a prequel to Bakemono

Ara Araragi

If you do end up watching all the OPs back-to-back, please make it a reaction video. I'd definitely watch it.


Bakemonogatari kizumonogatari Nisemonogatari Nekomonogatari Monogatari Series: Second Season Hanamonogatari Tsukimonogatari Pretty sure they watched it in this order so far, someone please correct if not

Kai Prescod

what on earth did i just watch lol


The whole episode in 1 location and yet it went by so fast👏


The monogatari series is animated by studio shaft, it's probably the best show they have produced to this day. The popularity however is a bit of a Bungo Stray Dogs case where it's extremely beloved in Japan and does amazing sales wise where as in the west, it is well known because of all the memes but not talked about that much since it's such a tough series to get through because of all the jail stuff going on lol


The books are very famous in Japan for their word play, and I found the English translations very enjoyable (as a teenager). The more anime you watch, the more you like this series, because everything is a reference to something in Japanese culture with Nissio


is oregaru still tonight

Bart the Beard

It was one of the most popular series back then. You are just late to the party. Bakemonogatari literally saved a declining studio (SHAFT) and the later series also sold reasonably well.


I always look forward to these descriptions lol


The same way Mushoku Tensei was the godfather of Isekai with the fact that it's what popularized most of the isekai tropes, Monogatari is the godfather of Harem where it deconstructs all of the love interest character arcs and by the fact that Araragi and Senjougahara became a couple in episode 4. It's super influential and popular in Japan but almost impossible to translate cultural references to Western audiences.


Hopefully but I don’t mind watching both eps tomorrow


Can’t wait for owarimonogatari


Tsukimonogatari is probably the worst one in the series. Good news is that the rest of the series is actual peak, non-stop, starting with Owarimonogatari


It sets the tone for Owarimonogatari very well though. Really feels like the beginning of the end.

Acerola Orion Heart Underblade

Owarimonogatari is probably the very best arc of the series. Specially the first Sodachi's part.


We back let’s goo

Alexander Joseph Cruz

The studio is Shaft and Monogatari is actually very popular in Japan. A lot of modern shows take inspiration from it. I think the theme and nature of the show may by why it doesn't resonate with western audiences, but it's still one of my all time favorite shows. Looking forward to you guys seeing the rest of the series.


felt uncomfortable through out the entire episode


Araragi proving once again that he is the GOAT

Adamantite Momon (edited)

Comment edits

2024-01-13 05:09:20 Sodachi lost is the best arc in the series for me personally
2024-01-13 05:09:20 Sodachi lost is the best arc in the series for me personally
2023-04-07 15:52:37 Sodachi lost is the best arc in the series for me personally

Sodachi lost is the best arc in the series for me personally


Real talk, this was one of the best reactions to a series I've seen from yall so far. The awkwardness was too funny.

Hakohako Isubu

I think the reason it isn't super popular is because you have to be pretty deep in anime culture or familiar with some japanese culture to fully understand a lot of it, and stuff like this where the bath is the whole episode, making it hard to recommend to most people. Also, the dance Araragi was doing was Tsukihi's dance from her opening.


We love and appreciate the Monogatari content and it only gets better from here!!


I remembered finishing this show like 5 years ago, and I was also curious on how this show was going popularity wise. So i checked the blu-ray sales in japan.... and wow it was like top 5 in a certain year period. And maybe its because monogatari is pretty old now, and with how much anime is pumped out every season, people just don't have time to talk about older anime... which make me think as well, I wonder how hype are the anime community back when it first aired. During an era where there is only a handful of shows per season and anime attention lifespans are longer. Man I was way too late to be a monogatari fan, still one of my biggest regret. Watched anime all my life and why do I fall for this show this late in my career


And so the "final season" season begins

AonixGhostlyQ (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-08 13:31:51 bakemonogatari was a small niche but with nisemonogatari being airing seasonally on cruncyroll (and the toothbrush scene going viral in the anime comunity at the time) The Reason why Monogatari doesnt track very far is it having controversial contant & a heavy japanese cutural touch making it hard to talk about or reccomend the Monogatari franchise became super successfull, it basicly prints money. The Light Novels and Nisio's works were always well known even before monogatari got a anime (Some of the VA's auditioned cause they loved the authors books) Shaft (the studio) has always been known to make the weird shows (or include real life pictures in the show) Nisekoi & Monogatari are the shows that made them more known, increasing there budget significantly. you can see a clear difference in there content before and after those to shows
2023-04-08 09:54:42 bakemonogatari was a small niche but with nisemonogatari being airing seasonally on cruncyroll (and the toothbrush scene going viral in the anime comunity at the time) The Reason why Monogatari doesnt track very far is it having controversial contant & a heavy japanese cutural touch making it hard to talk about or reccomend the Monogatari franchise became super successfull, it basicly prints money. The Light Novels and Nisio's works were always well known even before monogatari got a anime (Some of the VA's auditioned cause they loved the authors books) Shaft (the studio) has always been known to make the weird shows (or include real life pictures in the show) Nisekoi & Monogatari are the shows that made them more known, increasing there budget significantly. you can see a clear difference in there content before and after those to shows

bakemonogatari was a small niche but with nisemonogatari being airing seasonally on cruncyroll (and the toothbrush scene going viral in the anime comunity at the time) The Reason why Monogatari doesnt track very far is it having controversial contant & a heavy japanese cutural touch making it hard to talk about or reccomend the Monogatari franchise became super successfull, it basicly prints money. The Light Novels and Nisio's works were always well known even before monogatari got a anime (Some of the VA's auditioned cause they loved the authors books) Shaft (the studio) has always been known to make the weird shows (or include real life pictures in the show) Nisekoi & Monogatari are the shows that made them more known, increasing there budget significantly. you can see a clear difference in there content before and after those to shows


It's a bad habit of western world to think the world revolves around them we all do it so its not surprising you would think this show is niche and not popular but by pure population standpoints it's probably been seen by more people than top rated TV in the US we are a small portion of the world we just exist in our own bubble. Gintama/Kingdom/Fafner are also good examples of shows/manga/LNs that exist outside the western sphere of influence that are immensely popular elsewhere but no one in the states and probably most of western europe has really watched them. There are probably tons of shows that print money in other countries we've never even seen. China has tons of anime only a small portion of that trickles out to us.

Oh Alone

This studio is called Shaft Studio. The unique and signature anime from them are "Mahoshujo Madoka Majika"


It's Monogatari season again so once again I'm here. Still happy y'all sticking with this weird, beloved show. Hoping there won't be any aggressive weirdness in the comments and that y'all will have fun thinking about this.

Taylor Moon

Goat'd ep8isode

Jota N.

wait. araragi actually was doing the dance of nisemonogatari (the same dance his sister did in the opening)? hahaha


You just don’t understand culture. And I mean that both literally and ironically.