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Literaly cant stand this girl


Devin B

I don't even care that what Hikigaya did to her was negative, she needed that harsh wake up call cause if she didn't get it then she would probably think her prior actions were ok.


early upload! we love to see it man


I’m mad that after everything that happens hikigaya is always seen as the bad guy while everyone else looks past him


wow great point sheera (about the hayato pov) i never thought of it like that when i first saw it, but then again that btc had it coming. also hayato’s comment about “why do you always have to do things this way” will come back and mess things up for him in s2. it’s mostly because hikki doesn’t care about people’s feelings in a way, he just want to get things over with rather than turning things around by a talk no jutsu. also i’m personally rooting more for yui than yuki because she actually seems like she wants him (not to say yuki doesn’t), but i wouldn’t be mad if yuki got hikki instead.


Sagami's villainy is very relatable. She’s not cartoonishly or unrealistically evil but she’s just a selfish, stupid teenager. The usual high school drama antagonist is an absolute asshole for the sake of being it. They will always be abusive, and arrogant, and have designs to show they are nasty. That's why I like oregairu where every character is realistic and relatable in real life situation.

Tuny kun

That interaction with Hikki and Hayato + the twitch at 13:37-ish is one of my favorite scenes in season 1. It's so good.

Devin B

Hikigaya is so used to getting hurt that now when he tries to find a solution to something he goes in thinking that he's going to look bad in the end just to get the results. I agree that Sagami needed to hear what Hikigaya said cause what Hayama was doing wasn't going to fix the main problem. She tried to take advantage of others to get ahead and got frustrated when people were starting to see how incompetent she was. In this situation only I think the most appropriate approach was Hikigaya's cause now she realized how trash she was being even if it is a hard pill to swallow.

Ryan Perez

to clarify when Hayato says “why do you always have to do things this way” he isn't talking about how he was being rude to her. Tbh I don't think he carries about that. Hayato says this because Hikigaya will always make himself the villain/put himself down to solve problems. Hiki did the same thing in the last episode actually, and you can see that Hayato is mad for the same reason. Hayato knew people would be mad at hiki for what he said, and didn't want that to happen.


Hikigaya wasn't wrong for saying what he said, but I think Hayama and the sensei are upset about similar things--Hikigaya only knows how to handle problems by making himself the villain and getting everyone to hate him instead. Everything he said about Sagami was right, but because of the way he said it everyone turned on him, and he knew they would, but it got results even though it ended in everyone ostracizing him. Just like when he stood up for Yukino on the planning committee, but framed it in a way that just made him the common enemy rather than like a knight in shining armor nothing Hikigaya said was wrong and I'm on his side for everything h said, but I'm with the sensei in that he keeps using solving other people's problems as an excuse to do things he knows will hurt himself because he thinks he deserves it and bc he's used to it and doesn't understand anything else, and then when people react like he expected they would it just validates every bad thing he already believed abt himself + others. so like. it's not that he needs to stop handling problems like this because it's not effective or because it hurts other people's feelings or anything, he needs to stop handling problems like this bc it's hurting himself the most in the long run


He does it on purpose because he can't see it playing out any other way. The way he settled the issue with the kids at camp is his go-to method. To create a common enemy so everyone else can band together. And since he thinks everyone hates him or doesn't care about him anyway, it might as well be him.


Yeah but it still sucks it’s like the teacher said there are people who get upset when they see him hurting but if he doesn’t see that yet


Ngl I literally avoided these past reactions simply because of how annoying sagami is. Remembering her made me annoyed but I'll try to watch anyway lol. It is incredibly interesting noticing just how much later seasons go more in depth on what is built up here in this season. This show is so freakin well written lol


Season two lets goooo!

Devin B

I think it's a little bit of both though. He definitely was talking about Hikigaya making himself out to be the villain but he was also talking about how he had to tell the truth the way he did. Even with the situation with the kids in summer camp Hayato was betting on the fact that the kids would help each other out in the end while Hikigaya was aiming to have everyone turn on each other. Hayato ultimately doesn't want anyone to get hurt in the situation but with the way Hikigaya does things at least one person is going to get hurt whether it is him or someone else.

Devin B

It's sad cause Hikigaya's only crime is speaking the truth. I'm pretty sure most of the people around Sagami knows that she was taking advantage of others but they wouldn't speak on it because they thought that would be wrong. Hikigaya said what most people thought about her but the way he said it is what most people had an issue with.

Reuben Filimaua

I think its about both. He needs to stop doing this cos it hurts him (even if he denies it) and cos it will continue to hurt the people who care about him. He continues to call himself a loner and that he is always alone, despite having these wonderful people in his life. He's still stuck in that void of consciously distancing himself from others to prevent himself from getting hurt.

Drake Rage (edited)

Comment edits

2023-03-31 22:23:49 4:34 Nah he volunteered her to go as a representative of the class, her own dumb ass wanted to gain "popularity points" and signed up to be the head of the fricken committee. I am pretty sure I watched some of this anime a looooong while back but I was too young to understand all the subtleties, I am glad we watching this and I can pick up on the subtleties now, its very well done. It is also some quality slice of life anime with interesting themes that we can enjoy while relaxing.
2023-03-31 19:50:47 4:34 Nah he volunteered her to go as a representative of the class, her own dumb ass wanted to gain "popularity points" and signed up to be the head of the fricken committee. I am pretty sure I watched some of this anime a looooong while back but I was too young to understand all the subtleties, I am glad we watching this and I can pick up on the subtleties now, its very well done. It is also some quality slice of life anime with interesting themes that we can enjoy while relaxing. By the way, they mentioned Hayato being an acquaintance of Yuki when they were younger, and Hayato hinted at how someone was singled out, like the girl from the volunteering episode taking care of kids at summer camp, I think that was hinting at Yuki being shunned by the class in the same way that little girl was, and Hayato didn't know how to get her back into the group, and he wished Hikki was with them back then, seeing how he made a plan and successfully saved the little girl from becoming a loner (in that summer camp volunteering episode), since Hayato was not able to help Yuki and she ended up becoming a loner. Just an fyi since we thinking more about Hayato as a character now.

4:34 Nah he volunteered her to go as a representative of the class, her own dumb ass wanted to gain "popularity points" and signed up to be the head of the fricken committee. I am pretty sure I watched some of this anime a looooong while back but I was too young to understand all the subtleties, I am glad we watching this and I can pick up on the subtleties now, its very well done. It is also some quality slice of life anime with interesting themes that we can enjoy while relaxing. By the way, they mentioned Hayato being an acquaintance of Yuki when they were younger, and Hayato hinted at how someone was singled out, like the girl from the volunteering episode taking care of kids at summer camp, I think that was hinting at Yuki being shunned by the class in the same way that little girl was, and Hayato didn't know how to get her back into the group, and he wished Hikki was with them back then, seeing how he made a plan and successfully saved the little girl from becoming a loner (in that summer camp volunteering episode), since Hayato was not able to help Yuki and she ended up becoming a loner. Just an fyi since we thinking more about Hayato as a character now.


Batman 8man


ya'll are really close to understanding it but not quite. Its true that Sagami is trash and that Hikigaya knows that shes trash. But he didn't talk shit to her in order to protect Yuki. While that might have been a secondary reason, the main reason he did was to have everyone hate him. He knew that she would only go on stage if the people were on her side, so in order to do that, he purposely said super mean things, that while true, would be seen as an asshole move and make people sympathize with Sagami and hate him. That's why he did it and also why the teacher told him that he shouldn't hurt himself to help others. Also Hayama didn't get angry with him because he had it handled. once again, while that may be a secondary reason, the main reason why he was angry with Hiki is because he knew Hiki was shitting on Sagami so that people would hate Hiki and not Sagami. He doesn't like his method of self-sacrifice in order to help others because he believes that Hiki is worth more than that, just like the teacher and yuki/yui.

Connor Grynol

Right, Hikigaya treats himself as someone that can be thrown to the wolves to make everyone else's lives better. In a way, he's a lot like Shirou Emiya with his Atlas-complex.


Isn’t the next episode filler or something cause I remember season 2 taking place right after this episode


That sounds like more a narcissist complex.


I think it’s more of an imposter syndrome but not really. He doesn’t believe he’s worth people liking him so he goes out of his way to make people hate him for the sake of the others


Thanks for writing this up. I was pulling my hair at their understanding at the end. Enjoyably so but I could tell it flew right over their heads haha. They really thought Hayami got physical with him because was mad that Hiki was about to make her cry lmao. If you look back at the previous episode in the classroom, Yuki's sister also talked about a common enemy and it's effects in a situation.


Long story short for people who wants a summary: he unites everyone by purposely being a common enemy of all. And obviously people that catch on to that don't like the method


I definitely can see how it can be seen that it's "a little bit of both" given the episodes so far, but when future episodes are taken into context I think it's pretty clear that he himself is not a fan of being seen as one that's supposed to care about every minor/side character. So I'm more inclined to believe it really is just the main point of Hiki's self detriment.


This episode really feels like a season finale tbh

Devin B

@Dolfy that's what I thought at first but remember in the early episodes when there was a chain mail going around about Hayama's friends, he wanted to resolve it without finding out who it was that was sending out the chain mail cause he knew that the sender was one of the friends and that they would be singled out by the others. I think Hayama's ideal is finding a solution that makes everyone happy but Hikigaya's ideal accounts for at least one person being unhappy.


It's filler, but it's one of my favourite episodes


The subtle Chair turn with them now facing each other instead of how it started with everyone facing opposite direction is a nice touch. Also love how self aware the characters and show are with hikigaya even mentioning he doesn't want to be Hayama's foil but that's literally what he is lol. 2nd Season is where things really pick up and get good cant wait for the REAL best girl to arrive and this turns into a 4 way LMAO

Cal Day

Episode 13 is an OVA. It doesn't come immediately after Episode 12. It's just a bonus episode that occurred at some point in the time of Season 1. They don't have to watch it if they don't want to. It doesn't really add anything to the story.


Hayama actually has lowkey respect for Hachiman. Their relationship is complicated, but they basically are each other's ideal in a way. Hayama is jealous of Hachiman's freedom and ability to be genuine to himself and others regardless of what people think. While Hachiman is jealous of Hayato's ability to be "HIM". They will admit this stuff to each other later. He was definitely madder at Hachiman belittling himself for someone like sagami who Hayama also read like a book. Hayama actually thinks pretty highly of Hachiman and seeing him sacrifice himself for trash people doesn't sit well with him. He also defends what he did at the end of it all kind of showing you what hayama is actually thinking and how he feels about Hachiman. He basically goes "well he wasn't wrong but he didn't need to say it out loud." Their dynamic in the story is actually my favorite because its very lowkey and so well written but you basically have a Dr. House/Wilson thing going on. Hayama is probably the only character in the story that truly understands hachiman and what he's about.

down bad

Hayato isn't really bad. In the light novel version of this episode, Sagami was not going to come down despite Hayato's nice guy way of doing things. Hikigaya claims his plan wouldn't have worked if Hayato wasn't there on the rooftop. Hayato realizes that Hikigaya was making himself a scapegoat so that everyone can blame him for Sagami's failure at a chairwoman. Hayatto hates Hikigaya's way of making himself the villian, is what he meant by "Why can't you do things a different way." I think Hayato's nice words would have taken longer, and Hikigaya's way of doing things were definitely wrong but it was the fastest way of getting her down in time for the closing remarks.


I mean that's not entirely what's going on here. I always find the "BRO THAT"S ME" crowd when it comes to hachiman always say this almost like some weird self delusion to excuse themselves being assholes in real life. "Nah bro im not a dick Im actually doing it as a masterplan to unite strangers together by being their common enemy". Why would he self sacrifice for people he doesn'


I get what you mean by the “bro that’s me” people but that has nothing to do with what I’m talking about. To answer your other question, he does it because he’s a genuinely kind person but has no idea how to show this kindness in any other way due to the extreme amount of bullying and social embarrassment that has happened to him. Because of all of the bullying, he himself believes he is not deserving of kindness and having people like him. So the only way he knows how to show his kind nature is to sacrifice his standing for the others. There’s this really well made YouTube video by Aleczandxr about Hiki’s character and I strongly recommend it.


yeah that pretty much sums up these two characters and what happened

Akta mannen

8man is such a goat frfr

Mad4Life (edited)

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2023-04-01 07:53:30 I'm honestly kinda shocked you guys haven't figured out what Hikki's been doing till now. I guess maybe season 2 will make it clearer.
2023-04-01 05:26:34 I'm honestly kinda shocked you guys haven't figured out what Hikki's been doing. I guess maybe season 2 will make it clearer.

I'm honestly kinda shocked you guys haven't figured out what Hikki's been doing. I guess maybe season 2 will make it clearer.


Have these two still not got that 8mans whole thing is making himself be the bad guy in order to resolve conflicts?


This is technically the last episode of the season. The final episode is filler non-cannon, but it's still good. Season 2 is where most of the fan base splits up some people hate it, and some people love it (like me). S2 has a VERY different atmosphere than the comedy series that was season 1.


I loved season 2. It feels very realistic and hits home for many loners that found the right friends just in time. The third season is also good bit season 2 is the best

zILovePelmeni _

you guys have to add heavenly delusion to your schedule fr

Zach Saltou

i have said it before and i will say it again. your intro is too dope


When is Hell's Paradise dropping?


Probably Monday since its replacing Tokyo revengers. Idk, just wait for new schedule announcement


Heavenly delusion could be a hidden gem this season

Sun (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-02 02:41:55 Heavenly Delusion is gas af.
2023-04-02 00:41:29 Heavenly Delusion is gas af. Fight scenes go hard

Heavenly Delusion is gas af. Fight scenes go hard


Y’all will see in the future what hayama meant when he said that to hikigaya, y’all aren’t far off but you’re missing the deeper meaning


I'll add to the Heavenly Delusion hype train. It'll be the sleeper of this season!


Ranking of Kings Season 2 drops this season as well. Dont know if you guys are gonna do it after or just forgot to put it on the anime list, but I hope to see you guys watch it regardless :) keep up the good work y'all


You guys should react to Heavenly Delusion. Top tier animation and story so far.

Sauxy Chicano

Heavenly Delusions seems very promising, the world-building so far is great


Main point for Hikki character is he constantly uses himself as a scapegoat or a villian to be hated so issues resolve by turning all the negative feeings they have to him. It’s BS that ppl can’t acknowledge their own issues but they’re high school kids and Hikki purposefully resolves it in a bad image for him which sucks


I love how this subtle joke of switching the A and I has moved onto the video title aswell


idk why but Roshi copying the two girls in the crowd during the music performance took me out LOL

Chris Hee

Maybe I'm a bit too late on this. But the basic outline on Hayama is that he used to be in the same school as Yukino.

Chris Hee

Yukino was bullied, but Hayama didn't do anything to help her, even though they were friends. That's why she doesn't trust him now, and Hayama feels a lot of regret, but can't think of a way to make it up to her

Chris Hee

Haruno knows this, and wants to make life a bit harder on Hayama as a result