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The truth unfolds


Hasnain Khan



Nadia not calling the police is wild

Tyrese Marshall

when its not from Joe's POV, it feels like I'm watching someone else fr.

Jay rellim

i watched the first episode, thought "eh idk if this is good enough to get through - let me see if it at least looks interesting rn" and then watched this reaction lol... what has this show evolved to

rickie woodson

rhys to joe: WE DID IT JOE......i'll see myself out...

Lily Rose

you’re not suppose to be on joe’s side or rooting for him, he’s a serial killer. this episode does a great job of portraying joe as the psychopathic maniac that he is. best episode in the series imo, joe has always been sort of charming until now.

rickie woodson

but its NOT joe, its rhys, his alter. they are separate identities sharing the same body. yall gotta watch the united states of tara. about a woman with DID with like 7 alters. quite fascinating and educational


⚠️❗ROSHI AND GANG PLEASE READ: ⚠️❗ PATREON IS CRACKING DOWN ON REACTIONS WITH MINIPLAYERS, DOZENS OF REACTORS HAVE ALREADY BEEN SUSPENDED. PLEASE be careful going forward, if you don't believe me look at other reaction channels. (Reanimated, Struck By Belz, React Pack, Etc.) I DONT WANT YALL TO BE NEXT. 😭


I don’t think anyone should’ve been on Joe’s side from the beginning. Sheera I get that Beck cheated on him, but he was stalking, killing, and manipulating people around her way before he even found out about that. So I don’t think anything she did is a justification for his psycho behavior


They way Roshi and the gang get away with full on movie reactions, etc. I wouldn't be surprised if they knew someone in the inside that like works for patreon lol.


Joe been crazy, was never on his side. But he was entertaining as hell 🤣🤣🤣

Valentino Garay

This season is just ridiculous 🤣 The writers don’t care anymore Plot holes everywhere But it’s the 4 season I guess they can do whatever they want They already got 4 season out of this show


Stand master:Joe godlberg Stand name: Rhyse montrose

Belt Cedd

Dj Khaled: Congratulations. You played yourself


This show is crazy. With how crazy this show is I think yall would love Yellowjackets it's on showtime


Free the homie Joe he did nothing wrong


The book that the key was in Jekyll and hyde which is like the most famous split personality story

joshua rosario


Nigel Douglas

I though Rhys planted the key in Joe's house XD

Sheraya san

How do y’all not realize Joe has been a seriel killer since S1? Like he killed Becks bf and her best friend and then strangled her to death... how were y’all ever on his side? Even Penn Badgley has said this


just perspective ig. i mean im only on joe’s side because he’s the mc and i like seeing smart killers get away with stuff (in shows and movies lol)


as of right now i haven’t finished the season yet, but yea i also agree i think they’ll somehow try and get us back on team joe lmaoo. if they don’t then i’ve clapped myself

Parlay miles

I know I'm late watching these but after watch these last 2 seasons and watching u play alan wake Joe's life felt like a loop but it's a spiral