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ahhh yes getting volunteered for volunteer work


Devin B

I would be on the same time as Hikigaya if my teacher tried to get me to do work during the summer


BL stands for Boys Love. And it's exactly what you think that means.

Zaria Parker

I also live the loner lifestyle and it’s a lot less stressful and drama free


I believe we call it being "voluntold"


Roshi, your comment about Hachi being a cuck is hilarious and I think you'll like him more with that line of thinking in future episodes. He is top tier observation haki but he puts a unique spin on it that gets delved into a ton more in the future. Not going to spoil anything but I think his character is iconic for this specifically.


roshi in elementary being a bad kid throwing rocks lol. as a loner myself i never really looked for friends. i was a quiet loner in school. people would just talk to me and eventually become friends with me. i feel like school or like a job or event is a nice way to be more social and make friends


BL is Boys Love or Yaoi


⚠️❗ROSHI AND GANG PLEASE READ: ⚠️❗ PATREON IS CRACKING DOWN ON REACTIONS WITH MINIPLAYERS, DOZENS OF REACTORS HAVE ALREADY BEEN SUSPENDED. PLEASE be careful going forward, if you don't believe me look at other reaction channels. (Reanimated, Struck By Belz, React Pack, Etc.) I DONT WANT YALL TO BE NEXT. 😭


The joke is that Hikkigaya DOESNT have a Sister complex, hes just a normal overprotective naggy brother but she makes fun of him when he nags her by saying it


Y'all have made very quick impressions of the characters and I think you need to be a bit more open minded, these aren't normal anime characters that have one personality trait and stay with it the entire show. Just because a character was a bitch one episode doesn't mean they will be next episode

AlexXis Amadeus

Sure, but judgements can only be made with relevant observations. If it’s fair to say a character is being a bitch at the current moment, there no need for criticism, they’re right, and will be proven otherwise later on if you’re correct. if I’m gonna be honest with you, I dropped this show the first time I saw it because after a few episodes all I could gather was the most of the cast were either annoying or just undesirable people. Seems like the intent was to make it seem that way at least somewhat, as part of, what I assume is a deconstruction of certain archetypes of Japanese storytelling. Based on that, I might have to take a second look.


Dang it's been a while since I've seen season 1 cause I completely forgot this was a two parter lol. The cool thing about this is rewatching it with yall lol


This is a very reasonable response. I don't think I dropped it. Watched the first episode of season 2 by accident and the aesthetic, dialogue, and dynamic between the characters hooked me in right away. That goes to show that Season 2 ep 1 somehow works as a good onboarding for new watchers imo. I didn't watch further but then went back a year or so later to watch season 1 and the rest was history. It's impressive to me how multidimensional all the characters are even beyond the main trio. Won't get into specifics more than I have but I think you would do yourself a solid revisiting this series.

Matrim Hall

BL stands for Boys' Love, it's a megagenre that encompasses gay romance. The trope that character is playing was much more common (I think) a decade ago when shows like this were coming out, and they usually are so obsessed with the genre that they tend to ship even irl people.


Roshi is going to start the intro with "YAHALLO" at some point. I can feel it. Totally not me wanting to see it happen or anything

Pan Cakes

Hachiman going crazy over that bussy 😳😳


i love this show wish they watched more than 2 eps a week

Son Gokhan

i have watched this enitre show three times in my life and i have never caught that name thing


The pun in their characters name such as tsurumi rumi, yukinosita yukino and hayama hayato are not as ridiculous as you think as it actually makes sense as a japanese name and the author is literally named watari wataru. The thing with Hayama's clique calling 8man 'Hikitani' is a reference to how his family name is written in kanji. The last kanji, 'gaya,' is the character for valley, which is more commonly read as 'tani.' Certain characters can be read completely differently depending on the context and how they are combined. This is why class introduction scenes are a thing in manga and anime, as it gives a Watsonian excuse for the author to introduce a character to the audience (Doylist) and provide their name and pronunciation in written form. So the popular clique probably only knew 8man from seeing his name written somewhere, and used the common reading, and kept using it after they heard the proper pronunciation as a sort of in-joke/nickname (because god forbid the popular kids actually get someone's name wrong). With regards to how big and influential Yukinoshita's family is, a previous episode had Yukino mention her father is on the National Diet, he's the equivalent of a US Representative or Senator, and her family owns the largest construction firm in Chiba prefecture, which is Japan's equivalent of a US state. So the Yukinoshita's are very large and influential, and papa Yukinoshita married into the Yukinoshita family.


god I missed this show. Even characters like Hayato you'd never think you'd like become enjoyable. Hes probably my 3rd fav character by the end of the show. hes actually lot more aware than he lets on.


dont worry bro Im pretty sure these guys are more aware of things that directly affect their business than some rando


same they be watching some really generic trash lately because its popular but this show slaps on another level the dialogue is fantastic with lots of memorable lines.

Devin B (edited)

Comment edits

2023-03-16 23:25:54 The reason Yukino thinks Yui and Rumi are similar to each other is because the way that Yui was speaking about the situation at the table made it seem like she was in that situation before. Yui was talking about how Rumi probably wouldn't ask for help because others around her didn't get that kind of help which is probably she knows from experience.
2023-03-16 22:14:44 The reason Yukino thinks Yui and Rumi are similar to each other is because the way that Yui was speaking about the situation at the table made it seem like she was in that situation before. Yui was talking about how Rumi probably wouldn't ask for help because others around her didn't get that kind of help which is probably something she knows from experience.

The reason Yukino thinks Yui and Rumi are similar to each other is because the way that Yui was speaking about the situation at the table made it seem like she was in that situation before. Yui was talking about how Rumi probably wouldn't ask for help because others around her didn't get that kind of help which is probably something she knows from experience.

Jacob The weird (edited)

Comment edits

2024-01-08 04:30:33 Who wouldn’t?
2024-01-08 04:30:33 Who wouldn’t?
2024-01-08 04:30:33 Who wouldn’t?
2024-01-08 04:30:33 Who wouldn’t?
2024-01-08 04:30:33 Who wouldn’t?
2024-01-08 04:30:33 Who wouldn’t?
2023-03-16 23:30:38 Who wouldn’t?

Who wouldn’t?

Jose silva

BL is just another genre BL stands for Boy's Love, basically gay relationships or stories or fanfictions between man, just like Yuri is basically girl on girl romance.


Interesting, I never thought of it that way. My view was always that Yukino was probably just using Yui here to avoid admitting to her own past problems in life. She hasn't begun to open up to anyone yet, especially not Hachiman, so it would make sense for her to project onto someone else as a way of trying to help while still shielding herself.

Devin B

I don't really see Yukino as the type to do something like that. She has been straightforward about most things about her and she was alone with Hikigaya who is also loner when she made the comparison so there would be no merit to throwing Yui under the bus for her own sake.


I never said she threw Yui under the bus. And yes, she IS very straightforward about sharing her opinions, however I wouldn't say the same thing when it comes to her feelings. The way she reacts to Hayama in the episode is what makes me feel like she has alot more in common with Rumi than she's saying.

Devin B

Ok maybe not throw her under the bus but she's not the type to use someone else to hide her own feelings. If she doesn't want to share her feelings she just won't say anything but doing something like projecting her feelings onto someone else doesn't go with her character. Plus I think her and Hayama were involved in a similar situation as Rumi which is why she might have things in common with her.


"I think Yuigahama has gone through something like that too" is a statement with no basis. She's either making an assumption or projecting while at the same time choosing not to bring up her own firsthand experience. If we take previous episodes into account, Yukino has hinted at being a loner in the past although explaining it away as just jealousy from the other girls, when you combine that with the clear hinted past with Hayama in a situation like this it's a very reasonable conclusion to come to. And I wouldn't say projection is something out of character for anyone on this series, including Yukino. We have a situation where a girl who looks like a small Yukino is being outcast by her classmates, doesn't want to ask for help, and is unintentionally reminding Hayama and Yukino of their own childhood situations. And Yukino says, "She's just like Yui"... I don't see it personally. There are so many things more in common between Rumi and Yukino than there are between Rumi and Yui.

Devin B

That's the thing though we only see how Yui is now but we don't know what she was like before high-school. If you go back to the scene where they were at the table talking about the situation Yukino was going to ask Rumi if she needs help but Yui stopped her by saying she probably won't ask for help if she needed it because the others around her that did need help didn't get it. If anything that to me sounded like Yui projecting her past self onto Rumi and Yukino realized it from that statement which is why she thinks they are similar. Yukino is a loner like Rumi but she probably didn't have that same mindset as her cause people avoided Yukino because of how great she is while others are avoiding Rumi because she doesn't want to follow others just for them to like her. At least that aspect I think is similar to Yui cause before she started hanging out with Yukino and Hikigaya she was basically following her current group of friends just to be liked because I think she knows what it feels like to be left out for not going along with others.


Yukino never said that she was going to ask Rumi if she needed help. She said that she would help IF Rumi came to them and asked for it. Yui didn't want them to wait for something that may never come. Yui's one talent has always been (according to her at least) her ability to read the room. She looked at the situation and knew that there was no way Rumi would be willing to come to them of her own accord so that's why she chimed in. (At least that was always my interpretation). And Rumi did follow others before, just like she is now. The difference is that she was a part of the group before while someone else was being ignored, and now she is the one on the outside. We don't know the real reasons why Yukino was an outcast in her younger years. We only know Yukino's claim jealousy claims. We do know that Yui was never a loner though. Whether she felt alone on the inside is a different question, but I would argue that is a trait many of the characters here share. Yui had friends and was apart of the group growing up even having some continue to this day (as we learn in todays upload). Yui knows how to read people, I believe she wanted to help Rumi but could tell that she was the type to just push through. Yukino believes that those who truly want help will ask for it (although that is not always the case). And yes it's true that we don't know what Yui was like before High School, but neither does Yukino. It makes perfect sense for her to project her own past here as a way of motivating herself without having to put herself out there.

Devin B

Imo even if Yui was able to make that oberservation by just seeing the situation the way she explained it made it sound too personal for it to just be an outside observation imo. If I had to make comparisons between Yukino, Yui and Rumi I would say that Yui was like Rumi before she became a loner and Rumi is like Yukino when she became a loner. You're right in saying that Yui was probably never a loner but imo she probably was the type to follow others just to fit in and there were probably times she was on the verge of being alone if she didn't follow suit. One thing about Yukino that Hikigaya said in the earlier episodes is that Yukino doesn't lie and I'm not saying she's not the type to project herself onto others but she's not going to say something if she didn't think it was true which is why I think she wouldn't say Yui's name in the comparison if she didn't think it was valid. She would definitely hide the truth but she wouldn't say something she didn't think was true.


We're gonna have to agree to disagree on this one. It's really tough to say anything definitive when we're making assumptions on a past that's never been fully delved into by the author. I really have enjoyed the discourse and think you have an interesting perspective on the episode that I never considered, but I don't think it's possible to continue debating without going into spoilers. And you never know how many people on here might be watching for the first time on here with Roshi. Look forward to seeing more of your comments in future episodes though. Maybe we can pick this up again lol

Devin B

Lol definitely. You definitely made some good points that I didn't think of but it really is tough to evaluate the situation just based on assumptions. Either way you definitely gave me a lot to consider about the episode.

Kalas Wing

An ignored issue or issues in your life is probably triggered by the title error...... Some self-reflection may aid you in finding your answer. Be well and prosper.


Yukino's name literally means "Saxifraga (a type of flower) of the snow" which is a name so fitting that it's almost scary


Whats the reasons you say that the name is fitting if you don’t mind asking


I think yui might have been part of the group ostracizing someone. Yui is a person who picks up on the mood and goes with the flow and she also mentioned that sometimes you want to talk and be friends with someone but it's hard to do because of the circumstances. I think she was talking out of personal experience.