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battle maid is back


Barry Hoover

I bet 10$ Arthur Shelby could beat her


some of the best OVA episodes out of any anime

Hasnain Khan



After this show you guys should watch JORMUNGAND. Similar vibe to black lagoon. Best part both dub and sub are good


this arc is so raw bro

Micahel Conrad

That’s not Roberta. This is some Vietnam chick back in the Vietnam war.

jesse almonte

God this OVA is goated

Charlie baker

Or you know they just want rock

Alex Chen

Pretty sure that girl n the beginning isn’t Roberta. Roberta is supposed to be Hispanic. The beginning was in Vietnam.


The girl in the Vietnam flash back was not Roberta. It was just setting up who the antagonist of the arc is

Alejandro Rodriguez

Yall finna put some respect on rocks name soon



Bradley Canning

I did not realise the nut shot was from this show xD


Facts I’m all in for Jormungand 🔥🔥🔥


Roberta becomes a force of nature in this arc. A natural disaster. An act of God

John Fleming

Bad guy says: I love BL but it’s also some entry level edge lord ish. Can we cut to the chase and do a Berserk weekly reaction on the patreon or at least a Ninja Scroll. Roshi After Dark reactions behind the paywall jus sayin🤑 Also best react channel and comment section on Youtube hands down 💪🏾🏄🏾‍♂️💗


Fabiola just like Canary from HxH. That means Roshi needs a FabiolaxFabiola shirt like Now!


Chang Gang 😎

Jamie See

Yeah they make it difficult to understand who is the protagonist but after looking it up Rock is the protagonist and Revy is the co-protagonist.

Daniel NT

Love this arc.

Hans Wurst

Damn, I forgot how good this OVA is alone from the very first part.


I don't know if yall noticed, but rock only showed emotion at the end, the entire time no matter what, bro was just cold to everything around him, unlike the prior seasons where before he couldn't even handle the conversation about killing someone to last arc to giving revy the greenlight to do so without even a stutter to this now, bro's been through it.


@Alejandro Rodriguez What is there to respect about Rock? Honestly not much. He is pretty lame. not that Revy is much better. They are kind of right, at least so far that he doesnet have that much development.


@Fizzy does he tho? I swear that nigga is same as he was since season 1 And I have been watching along with them since then.

Alejandro Rodriguez

Its rily subtle before but u can def tell in this first ep he's slowly becoming cold and calculating losing that morality that made him different in Roanapur. It became way more pronounced ever since the end of last season because in Roanapur "they're already dead", and he realized he needs to stop toeing the line in the "twilight" and is going to have to lose at least some of his humanity to be in the world he chose which they showed symbolically by him leaving Japan and his old life behind to stay with lagoon and Revy.

Alejandro Rodriguez

And in regards to Revy its the opposite, cuz of Rock shes become a little softer, and less angry all the time (by her standards) as well as warming up to and becoming protective of Rock like in this ep with the pickpocket and in Japan. She's also more restrained with Rock and he's been able to hold her back from going off.


@Alejandro Rodriguez Maybe so. But he still seems soft af. And very indecisive in his decision making on who he wants be. Rock has pretty much been that way for most of the show. I'm not really seeing this whole ruthless calculating side of him.


@Alejandro Rodriguez eh I guess that's true for Revy. I wont lie that my inherit dislike for her might get in the way of seeing those little changes in her character. I will admit that she is less bitchy to Rock .But not by much. Though I will disagree with her being softer. She still acts like a scumbag to pretty much everyone who isn't apart of the lagoon company.


@ddg69 Revy’s learned to be a cold-blooded killer and how to find joy in it because that’s how her life has always been and she doesn’t believe there’s any hope for her. But Rock represents a potential way out (“if he can make it so can I”) which is why she can get strangely defensive for him and also why she’s so insistent about him “not being cut out for this work.”

Alejandro Rodriguez

Shes def gotten softer, think about how she played w the kids in Japan. Shes still a ruthless cold killer with a general disdain for most ppl, but she’s softer in that she won’t just shoot them in the face right as soon as they piss her off. And u don’t like Revy? Damn, i gotta ask who do u watch the show for lol? Thats like both main characters

Alejandro Rodriguez

I didn’t say he’s there yet but he’s on the way, its already coming out tho, hes weak on his own physically so Revy is his weapon and he threatened that guy with it as soon as he didn’t wanna pay up without even thinking about it.


@Nightmare Eyes There may be reasons for why she is like that. But I still think she is a trash person. Those rare moments for when she acts soft doesn't make up for like 90 percent of the moments where she acts like a complete bitch for no reason.


@Alejandro Rodriguez I wouldn't call her probably scaring those kids for kicks a soft moment. Also her not shooting kids is like the bare minimum of her not being complete trash my guy lol Your acting like that is some really good thing she did. And yeah I don't watch this for Revy or Rock. its mostly the other characters that I think are better and more interesting. The character's like Roberta etc who I think is a much more badass and likable version of Revy. Also I mostly like to see Roshi and the crews reactions to all the crazy dumb shit that happens in the show


@Alejandro Rodriguez okay well, I can only comment on what I see. And I see you dudes in the comment's constantly talking about this nigga rocks development. Literarily since day one. And I'm still waiting. I guess I can keep waiting for like five more episodes lol

Alejandro Rodriguez

I meant when she played w them the first time, and she pulled out the real gun the 2nd time cuz Rock told her to do it. I also more meant not shooting people in Roanapur in the face, but I mean shes only rlly as shitty in the beginning even as anyone else in Roanapur besides maybe the rest of lagoon. Yea I’d watch just for the reactions too honestly lmao, and ig everybody just got what they fuck with cuz I like Revy a lot and find her entertaining and more interesting as a character, whereas except for her insane badass fight scenes I find Roberta rlly unlikeable and kind’ve boring


@Alejandro Rodriguez that doesnet exactly make her much better then still when it comes to the kids. Even if Rock told her to do it. And she literally stays shooting people the on the daily bro lmao Pretty much the only reason why she does not kill civilians is because she knows that Rock and Dutch wouldn't tolerate that shit. Its definitely not due to the moral of her character. I Still think Revy is a very shitty person. The only difference is that she is a bit nicer to Rock. Our opinions couldn't be any more opposite when it comes to Roberta. I actually dislike Revy for those same reasons that you dislike Roberta lol. I think Revy is the typical egdy unlikable female characters that we see today. Where the only grounds for them being considered a strong female protagonist is that she is a complete piece of shit. Whereas with Roberta you actually have some depth to her character. Here you have a Columbian terrorist who thought she was fighting for what she believed in. Only for it to be lies. So she tries to redeem herself by becoming a bodyguard. Those things already make Roberta far more compelling to me as a character then Revy. I honestly would've like the show more if it was Just about Roberta being a badass maid while protecting Garcia. But I guess I'm just a sucker for redemption stories lol

danial javady

black lagoon is good, but it isn't a masterpiece so unfortunately the characters can be kind of lame at times


@danial javady ayo thats pretty much facts. Good on you for keeping it real. I swear so many people in the comments were hyping this show up like it was one of the best anime ever lol I don't hate it, but besides the action and entertaining characters. I found it it to be fairly mediocre imo. It will be interesting to see what Roshi and the crew will rate it once they finish.


I don't know how Yellow Flag can even run anymore. He might as well keep the place open. xD


Facts rock easily one of the best written characters in the show top 2 in my books 1st being Roberta


@ddg69 I am telling you after this arc you realise why rock is him his character progression throughout the story is so well crafted


@Fizzy I guess I will have to take your word for it man. Will see, but I aint holding my breath.

Alejandro Rodriguez

The complex character writing is one of the things people praise most about the show and manga lol and it’s one of the reasons it’s been compared to cowboy bebop a lot in terms of character dynamics, that and the action scenes are why it’s been pretty highly regarded since 2007. I’m not saying it’s beebop or a masterpiece, but it is good with realistic and well written characters


@Alejandro Rodriguez Eh will have to agree to disagree with on that bro. The characters themselves are definitely entertaining I will give them that. But outside of a few. I found most of them to be very bare bones clichés . Not saying there bad. But also not all that either. And I don't think really anything about this show is realistic lol Especially the action which has all the goons having stormtrooper aim even though they are right in front a mofo with a gun lmao

Alejandro Rodriguez

I more just mean the main lagoon crew w a few others, but Revy and Rock are the main characters so they get the most writing. And yea the actions not realistic at all lmao idk where tf Revy keeping all them clips, but it’s realistic in terms of trauma, interpersonal relationships, the reality of death and the life they choose or were forced to live, and character growth I think that’s a big part of the reason why ppl think there’s little or no character growth, there is but it’s not rlly at a normal anime pace where Revy and Rock would’ve been best friends or in love etc. by episode 3 or 5 , it takes time for relationships to develop esp w someone as fucked as Revy, and most ppl don’t change who they are in a couple months, Rock’s been there for like a year now which is a pretty realistic amount of time for it to start getting to him and for him to influence Revy


@Alejandro Rodriguez Well if your talking about Rock and Revy, then Ig i can agree somewhat but Rock often times makes decisions that I think are just weird or don't make sense. it might fit his character. But it can be jarring at times. in regards to his relationship with Revy. I never really bought into it or supported them getting together. The basis for it always felt like Stockholm syndrome to me. I know that Rock had plenty of chances to leave. Lets also not get into the fact that she was legit going to kill Rock when he stood up to her . Them getting together would probably be one of the worst things for the writing imo. Revy would seriously need to change for me to accept a relationship. Because as of now, it would be way to abusive and toxic.

Thulani Mason

Don't know if anyone's made this connection yet, but the owner of the bar is basically this anime's version of ALT's cabbage man XD


I know this is old now but they really forgot Roberta is Colombian lol What would she be doing in Vietnam in 1969?


Revy is like Homura(Madoka Magica) imo cause they’re both kinda like the unofficial MC.