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Ohhh shit it's here


Let's fucking goooooooooo Been waiting anxiously for this episode to come <3


Goated episode


That Band is one of my favorite songs to come out of last year in general, the full version is absolute heat, plus the title drop by Nijika made the episode even more peak

Joe Gunawan

Yes finally! Love this episode!! Ano Bando!


22:59 She said it! She said the thing!!!

Joe Gunawan

There is a Kessoku album on Spotify/Tidal that are all original tracks (except one is a cover at the end), and all sung by the 4 VAs. It's been on repeat for me for a while!

Devin B

I think it's not easy to just reschedule cause the manager has to find a new slot for them and who knows if the people that bought the tickets already would be able to make it to that new date. Don't forget they're not the only band that performs at that club.


It indeed is gas

Carlos Gunn

lets gooo bocchi the peak


Also yeah I believe these are original tracks for the show


yeah all the songs were made original for the show except the very last song at the end of this season is a cover from the real life band the girl's characters are based on. sung by bocchi. Plus they even released an album with 6 more "original" songs by kessoku band that didn't make it onto the anime.


lets go

Drake Chuckle

Yes, all the songs are originals for the show and they are sung by the voice actors. The album/songs did bonkers in sales after the anime lol.

Emiliano Reyes Andrade

the songs are indeed originals for the series, the "band" even released a disk with them, and it even got awards lol

Drake Chuckle

They actually are selling that game of life figurine, lol. @ 16:00 in.


Bocchi’s head down like she’s in Game 7 finals


Yes, all the songs are original for this anime. And yes, there absolutely is an official figure of that clay Bocchi. I don't think it's available yet, but I saw it advertised.


"Why did they end it like it was the end of the whole series." I believe this episode was actually the end of the first volume lol.



Brandon Rodgers

I’ve been waiting for this episode, I replayed that Bocchi solo so many times when I first saw the episode myself


Yes, that melted Bocchi figurine was put for sale on Aniplex site recently.


dam roshi unfriending people with disorders? sheeesh you heard it here folks lmao.


As much as I think the anime is overrated, the song is a certified bop. Learned the whole thing


Yessir Roshi all of Kesoku Band's songs are originals except for one, but they have like 13. Def gotta check em out on spotify and peep their monthly listeners, they just debuted when the anime came out in October

beni-chan (edited)

Comment edits

2023-02-25 06:31:20 i loved this episode! when bocchi steps out and does her solo!!!!
2023-02-25 04:54:56 i loved this episode! when bocchi steps out and does her solo!!!!

i loved this episode! when bocchi steps out and does her solo!!!!

Earphone Jack

This was such a good episode! I love how Bocchi was the one that helped the rest of her band members pulls through their nervousness!


Imagine Bocchi walks outside and Nijika is about to pull an A Silent Voice


This episode reminded of when I first watched Nana. Straight 🔥🔥.

Shin splits

I want to add the op is also sang by the band. I always loved the concept of “fake” bands. Having characters be different then the persons providing the voices kinda like Gorillaz


They're all original tracks and i think the spotify channel of the show got 1 million hits a couple of weeks after this show finished


not only are they original tracks, they even have a whole ass album on Spotify under their band name Kessoku band


They let bocchi cook and this is what happened


I've already watchbed the series so I have a rough idea of what's being said but damn, Patreon has been shitting the bed lately. The quality has been bad to the point I couldn't read any of the subs this episode, and there doesn't seem to be any way to fix it. I double checked Youtube and Twitch and it isn't my connection specifically I don't think.


I thought that was my connection shitting the bed as well. Now it won't play. It stopped exactly at Bocchi's solo sadge.

Teddy McDonald

Yep, the quality will just randomly drop to about 4 pixels even though I have gigabit internet speed.



Sham3ful (edited)

Comment edits

2023-02-26 00:35:30 Hearing their second song on spotify was what got me into the show, (along side the insane adaptation) &amp; now I can't stop binging Kessoku's music
2023-02-25 23:32:32 Hearing their second song on spotify was what got me into the show, (along side the insane adaptation) & now I can't stop binging Kessoku's music

Hearing their second song on spotify was what got me into the show, (along side the insane adaptation) & now I can't stop binging Kessoku's music


My mom would make similar rain charms when I was a kid. (We aren't Japanese, so I don't know where she got it from)


was vibing all throughout this episode

Myles Grey

They really just pulled the title drop roll credits play


Original tracks but I read that the majority (if not all) of them are written by well known artists in Japan.

Alex Campbell

The kessoku Band album was top 10 worldwide on iTunes for week

William Morris

your moms a weeb that's where she got it from lol. I'm kidding maybe she knew someone japanese that told her about the teru teru bozu charms so she liked them and kept doing it maybe. they are kinda cute