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Smash Bran'Discootch

Loooooooving double drop Tuesdays! Only one more 😭😭😭


Ahh man who is that VA for Vex and Vaxs dad I cant seem to put my finger on it


He's voiced by Matt, lets goooo 😭


Sign Me up for the Roshi campaign lol, that’d be dope

Hasnain Khan


Smash Bran'Discootch

-HENRY WINKLER AS WILHAND TRICKFOOT! That's the motherfuckin FONZ right there. Arthur Fonzarelli HIMSELF. -Troy Baker(Joel from The Last Of Us) is playing Syldor, the Twins' father. He is fantastic at being a total bastard. I just wanted to punch him in his stupid smug handsome face when he scoffed at the Lady Vex'ahlia moment. -The "Lady Vex'ahlia" moment is one that OG Critters have been WAITING for. Percy was REALLY fuming about Syldor treating Vex like trash so Taleisin at the table just pulled that BEAUTIFUL gem out of his ass. It was during a live show and he got a standing ovation from the audience. It's actually not cap. Percy literally titled her. -Fun Fact: The Third House Of Whitestone is the one Duke Vedmire had taken over and Scanlan burned down. -Scanlan was whistling his "Pull on my muthafuckin beads" song when he was administering the suppository. -Ahhhhhh Saundor. Saundor is a Cursed Archfey. Um TL;DR version, an Archfey is basically a god in the Feywild. They can alter the very fabric of the Feywild, control time to an extent, etc. They're MAD powerful. -Saundor was betrayed by his lover long long ago and retreated away, merging with a tree and slowly going insane. As his insanity spread, so did his curse. He essentially turned into the eternal Incel. -The Stranger Things influence was on full display here with Saundor looking like Vecna. -In the Campaign, the moment when Vex'ahlia told Percy he had her heart was actually at a different time when Percy had died and they were in the middle of a resurrection ritual trying to coax his soul back into his body. It... was not going well. Then Vex told Percy that she loved him and rolled a natural 20 Persuasion check. This isn't a spoiler because they're clearly changing the deaths that happened in the Campaign because resurrection magic doesn't play well on screen. -Ohh my sweet lord that is PURE Laura Bailey improv at the table saying "If I could pull the blood of him from my veins and give it back, I would." It's such an amazing line and I'm so glad they included it. Originally though she actually said it to her father's face. -Okay the shit Keyleth did teleporting through the trees as a fire Elemental is one of the coolest things I've ever seen in my life! Also a BRILLIANT gameplay moment from Marisha Ray. Iconic Keyleth Badass! -The Fenthras bow creates trees out of whatever it kills. They also combined its effects with another magic item she had called the Sky Sentinel and also her Blazing Bowstring. -Vax was the first twin born, so he treats Vex like the little sister, calling her "Stubby". -You've now seen Garmelie's true form. Not an elf, but definitely an Archfey. -Travis does indeed love voicing Grog. It was pointed out that Grog is about 3% High notes. The rest of the cast actually has a hard time emulating Grog. Aye any time bro I'll run a one shot dnd session for y'all over discord and roll20. Single session self contained adventure, take about 3-4 hours.


Sheera called it the upside down Vecna head ass😂

Matthew Grant

Up until now, it would've been understandable to consider Vex the weakest in combat in the group besides Percy since he lost his demon. But now? She just took out a damn Archfey wielding a Vestige in his own domain by herself


Garmelie true identity is much more important to one of the characters in critical role second campaign and newly announce upcoming show.

Matthew Grant

this season would've been too far into development when Stranger Things Season 4 came out for Saundor's design to be inspired by it

Ayman Gebrail

Lupas yam monster bit had me rolling


This would be true if they were really using RPG rules. But you don't use the rpg rules in the show. Sure it's inspired by the rpg, but who is the strongest and weakest cannot be quantify in the show.

Smash Bran'Discootch

Then thats one hell of a coincidence. I'm not saying you're wrong, just that it's crazy how stuff works out like that. Thanks for the correction! ^_^


For real though, I'd love to see you guys do some d&d. If you could find somebody to DM a short campaign for you that'd be super fun.


Also the "strongest and weakest" changes up a lot as you progress through a d&d campaign. Like typically spellcasters start off a bit weaker than the more physical fighters, but later on they get access to some crazy powerful magics and such. Also equipment like the vestiges gives a pretty huge power boost when they get them.

Tuny kun

Just wanted to let you know Lupa that you got a good laugh out of me at 5:42

Devin B

The Vex and Percy ship signals are too strong. She didn't go off on her dad when it came to her or Vax but that one insult towards Percy was all it took for her to tell her dad off.

Jaime Ruiz

Ppl can say what they want but Vex is kind of an awful sister to Vax.


Just got done watching the last episode and now I have to wait until next year for season 3 😭😭

StorySmith []

Ya know the most wildest thing vex and vax’s father ever did to them was something I read in a short novel that was published as a companion piece to the original livestreams. this man packed them off to boarding school and was actually placing bets with his rich friends on how long it would take for the 2 to runaway


Oh their more episodes coming out, I didn’t know that

Robert Sobolik

Dude, a dnd game with these three would be amazing!


There are 12 episodes for season 2. Amazon Prime are releasing three episodes per week.


Oh ok 👍 thank for telling me, didn’t know that


Roshi would literally kill anyone who looked at him funny lmao


This season is just fire throughout.

Totally Thomas

To answer Lupa's questions. The reason why Saundor looked like an elf is because the Elves are descendants of Fey creatures. Also, the guy Garmillie is actually another Archfey named Artegan and he is so powerful he almost earned godhood,


Underrated moment lol: "Percival Derulo" ~ Lupa's Rendition

Smash Bran'Discootch

Oh, also just in case anyone didn't know and because i was reminded of this tonight, Scanlan's backstory is basically just Eminem's life story. Because Sam is the type of guy to commit to the bit. Even his name, Scanlan Shorthalt, SS. More on that later ;)

Smash Bran'Discootch

BIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIG Spoilers, my guy. We already know for sure that that stuff is going to be animated and included. Basically just the last two lines.

Smash Bran'Discootch

How so? I'm not baiting you, I'm legit curious. This story has been a part of my life for years now so I'm used to looking at it a certain way. Id be really interested to hear your perspective on that, if you're willing.


Yeah, might as well just tell them everything lmao


Dont forget that was the man literally talking out of his ass last episode.


Can someone tell me WHY the elf at the end drew all that fan art?


Might want to delete that one about Percy’s death, kinda a huge spoiler

Talking Is A Free Action

The Fey that Garmilee transforms into turns up again later in this campaign, as well as in other moments in C2. He's much beloved by the critter community.

Smash Bran'Discootch

It isn't a spoiler at all. They aren't doing the character deaths. They've said so. Because this is a much more condensed version of the story, if they kept the character deaths in then someone would be dying and being revived every episode. Which would render death meaningless. It makes sense in a dnd campaign, but not in a television series. So they're just not doing any that don't absolutely have to happen for story reasons, like Vex's death in episode 3.

rickie woodson

i think the satyr was one of the many gods that exist in this world


Faeries are promiscuous and deceitful and many are cruel in some fashion. They like all things pleasurable and beautiful and enjoy messing with people. Most live to entertainthemselves at all times eith whatever they enjoy, it's just how they are. Lude art is well within established lore

Mr. Glasses

"you rolled a 2! Too bad, the cheeks have clapped you!" LMAO

Belt Cedd

"You ugly anyways!!" 🤣🤣🤣

Joshua Miller

The elf lord guy at the end is a character from another campaign


does anyone know what level there characters are at this point


Garmillie says the word "travel" a lot and calls himself a simple Traveler. Hmmmm.


i didn't know the fey realm had incels but here we are lol


Hate to be this guy, but this episode reminded me so much of Dota: Dragon's Blood I had to comment. Villain at the end is kinda similar to Dota's villain, only because of the mind power. I couldn't help but hear a little "Just... Let me in." While Vex was tripping lol 😆 I really just want yall to check it for yourselves. I personally thought it was nearly a 10/10

Jamie DeCoteau

I'd be down for a Roshi campaign

Bria A.

Tbf, I think his might be significant enough to keep in, since it was the major turning point of their relationship, in which case it might be a big spoiler. I can think of a fair few scenes and deaths they WOULD cut out, though. (For instance, the goldfish moment is so much emotional whiplash that I can imagine a major “do we do it for the fanservice vs. go for actual narrative cohesion” debate.)

Smash Bran'Discootch

I totally see your point, but there are several factors that show that they aren't going to be doing the character deaths that don't absolutely have to happen for their to be a story. So to your absolutely valid point about it being the major turning point in their relationship, you are 100% correct. But, they've built up that relationship in other ways with the animated series, leading to the line where Vex says her heart is someone else's. Also, in order for Percy to die and be revived, Pike would have to be able to revive him and in the animated series, she doesn't know any resurrection magic. Kash even said few have ever tried it. That was them saying, "Hey dnd and critical role fans, we know resurrection is a thing. We aren't doing it." Then we get to Grog's death from Craven Edge, an actual on screen death with no meddling death goddesses or anything around, nothing that they could use to narratively bring him back to life and still maintain the stakes of the show. So they didn't kill him. And when asked about it, Travis essentially said what I said here. I appreciate the lookin' out for sure! I just know that they aren't doing it based on everything the cast and crew have said and from lines in the show.

Nikolai Cannady

Fun fact Troy Baker is the voice of Vex and Vax’s Father!

CJButter 41122

I'd axtually would love to see the trio play like a one shot 😆 I think that would be absolutely hilarious and fun to watch!


God I hate this new player and how I can't read comments/listen at the same time


I'm mad Lupa and me said "You ugly anyway!" at the exact same time lmfao


It's still odd as fuck to hear Vax's WHOLE ASS name used at all.


Probably because of how she doesn’t back him up against their father. The man’s a right asshole, and while Vax might call him on it a little too much, as those type of talks tend to derail conversations, Vex playing the peacekeeper every time shouldn’t be happening either. She’s too caught up on getting the bastard’s approval to support Vax when he’s in the right.

Jamaal Ellison

I thought i was gonna see some Vax NTR.

Jamaal Ellison

It's such a shame elf daddy is Anti-vax. 🫠