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This man Louis going through an epic arc 


Dougie Fresh

I wish Lupa would give this a shot. I hate furries, and even I like this show! Or maybe he's just busy these days lol

Belt Cedd

As a manga reader let me just say that Legoshi has to be the most "I don't know what I want" protagonist I have ever seen.

Devin B

Legosi is at a stage where he thinks he has a duty of protecting herbivores and later down the road he can probably transition into fully loving Haru but atm he's content with just being her protector rather than her boyfriend. That's why he was calm even when he was close to her cause he was able to sort out his feelings to a degree.

Theo Vorster

IIRC I am not sure the meat actually tastes good to Louis in a real tastebud-sense, but more he’s in such intellectual/existential manic state, the absurdity of his situation makes it taste “good” to him. His body will still reject it and not be able to fully digest though IIRC. Also Legoshi is basically the “"I haven't lost my virginity, because I never lose" meme at this point, which is hilariously fitting in its own way. Someone even animated it a couple years ago: https://twitter.com/serareldeer/status/1373022436304715781?s=46&t=ZgBDUc8hNipS6LgAwEQ5Wg

Ranginald Vagel

Cooking makes the energy in meat so available that many herbivores can safely eat it semi-regularly and live healthily as long as they still get their normal food. You can hang out jerky for deers and they’ll eat it in the winter as an energy dense snack when vegetation isn’t as plentiful.


Sheera had the same look as Louis when he saw that buffalo meat lol


fun fact, the person who voices Pina is the same person that voices Eren Yeager 🤣


I may be completely wrong about this, but I think the killer is either Bill or the bear among Legosi’s friends. I noticed from the last episode of season 1 that the culprit maybe bigger than Legosi (albeit slightly, but that first person view showed that whoever that was was taller than Legosi). Both of the panther and cheetah (I don’t think we know their names yet) are shorter than Legosi, and so does Aoba (the eagle). There are others that are taller than him, like one of his roommates, the dog with fur covering his eyes and the peacock, but they seem too harmless to commit a murder.


Medium-well? Gross and overcooked. No thanks. I like my meat medium-rare or rare. Does that make me more of a carnivore than those pussy-ass lions? XD


I kinda feel like the killer wouldn't draw so much attention to himself. At least if he's smart, which he has to be to last this long. Bill seems too much of an attention whore to be a killer who doesn't get discovered for an entire season.


Lol they wanted to know all about that rabbit


Possible spoiler, though I've never seen the show before this. I think the killer could be that bear guy. It would match the silhouette at the end, and he'd know about Legoshi not being able to smell him. Also I think Lui was putting on an act to make himself look tough for the lions. I'm a bit confused on Legoshi's feelings at this point. I feel bad for Haru at the end of this episode, like he seriously led her on and killed the mood.

Orlandez Malone

Legoshi: I'm ugly and I'm proud!!😂

Muse of Salzburg

Saying it every episode. WATCH THE ED AFTE THE FINAL EPISODE

Abigail Clark

Fun fact actually, herbivores WILL eat meat if they can, such as lacking certain things in their diet. Deer have been known to eat baby birds and I remember a story about a horse that was constantly pushing its head into the henhouse on the farm to eat the eggs.