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Brittni Merry

thats wild since most all of western culture demonizes every participant

Ida Reis

western culture tends to make enemies look like they are nothing more than evil with no reason or intentions behind it. Looking at you, "Warriors of the Wind".

Ida Reis

and it's funny 'cause the first time was when he called him schwarzen but if you don't know some german it goes over your head. It feels a lot like how you see media constantly giving props to black people's achievements by making sure everyone knows they are black first and foremost.


Nazis always crack me up; just the pure absurdity of their ideology gets to me.

naomi obi

in the Japanese version, he calls him "junglebunny" instead of schwarzen


Lupa saying "scheiße" is too funny lmao

hyakimaru dono

When u say "Edge" do you mean the action and violence or just the offensive comments?


Ain’t no wayyyyy😭


Part 2 of Exhibit A


I wish we still got shows that had edge like this


Been waiting for this 🤣


10:12 - Roshi "This is SO Easy....." :) Nightmare Mode Incoming!!! Can't Wait for the Next 2 Weeks of This!!!

taitasi toomalatai

Bro don’t tell me you’re talking about……..THE MAID , cuz I’m waiting for them to finally see her too


One of my favorite episodes


realistically rock needs to be w remy, the reason why hes always w her cause hes reason, shes reckless ash as u guys just seen and rock saved her dumbass last episode, if remy was alone she wouldve been dead years ago imo


Bro him calling Dutch the black guy over and over again is wild like if yo racist ass call me black guy one more time 😭


Lupa gotta cool out a bit on Rock. He made 1 mistake that wasn't even that consequential. It's only episode 6 give the mans a chance to learn. Plus even tho it was a mistake it basically saved Revy's life cuz she prob wasn't winning that underwater fight


Yes Sir!! But the Juicy Episode isn't until 1 week after this next week, but looking forward to the reaction!


Looks like Lupa found the character that he’s gonna hate on no matter what. We finna have another Jinx/Korra moment.


Why y'all tight about it, ur looking at the viewpoint of a person that finished the anime already. He'll like rock over time not everyone likes him right away so hop off bros meat.

Zac Mccaskill

Y'all forgot this man was literally a Nazi didn't you LMAO


I mean I'm not tight about it but it was just kinda OD. Like every time Rock was on screen this ep he immediately started bashing him even tho he literally hasn't done anything. Like when he went on a whole tangent when all Rock did was ask Benny what they should do to pass time lol

Alex Chen

Hopefully, next episode Lupa realizes why they keep Rock around.


Yea and maybe I missed it but I feel like Revy can also be slightly blamed for wanting to stay on that ship a bit longer. Once the painting was found Rocks wanted to leave at first.

Devin B

A couple of episodes ago when they were facing off with the mercenary in the helicopter if it wasn't for Rock coming up with the idea to use the sunken ship as a ramp to get the torpedo at the right angle they would've been done for.


Facts, he also complained about Rock wasting time talking on the submarine but Revy wasted more time trying to loot everything on the sub when they could've just left.

Devin B

And she decided to sit down and tell Rock her story which wasted even more time.


Charles Whitman shot up the University of Texas at Austin back in the 60s

abdulrahman fahad

characters like rock are always kinda annoying but I'm ngl they make the anime interesting if done right so I'm looking forward to his character since this is my first time watching it

Big Daddy Dre

@vanilla we not tight about it it’s just that lupa is narrow minded asf like he’s sees one bad thing or quality about a character and that’s it he just bashes the character for the rest of the show with his annoying ass commentary like how he did with jinxs from arcane and lupas my guy but he starting to act like that bitch ass nigga rob from rttv 😂


Honestly, it's part of the plot. Lupa shouldn't be overreacting and being irrational over intentional plot points with intentional character flaws. He does need to calm it the fuck down because he's being annoying with it like how he was with Yamaguchi in haikyuu.


blue snivy

Lupa is craziest gate keeper lmao


Why are yall so upset over this, I don’t understand. Do something else instead of trying to get them to do what you want lol, he’ll probably warm up to him later on.

danial javady

It's important to note that this anime isn't a masterpiece. If you're coming in with expectations that this will hold a candle to something like Code Geass then you will absolutely be disappointed. It's a good show, but it isn't masterfully done. It's important to suspend some level of criticism so you can enjoy the show more imo. The fights are annoyingly choreographed at times because of how pathetic the enemies can be but it's important again to note that this is intentional to some degree.


Rock literally saves Revy's life and he called him an idiot for it. Yeah, he hates him too much imo.


Yeah, it stops being fun after awhile


Lupa blamed it all on Rock. Revy was the one who wanted to loot more then sat down, told Rock a fucking story when they could've just left. Stop cherry picking just to hate. It's annoying.

Stephen D

Code Geass? That is an odd comparison. Both shows are from two completely different genres.


100% agree. This was a fun show but there were so many little things that took me out of it. To each their own obviously. Not trying to trash you if this is one of your favorites. I enjoyed it, but imo it's just okay.


@Deondre Howard Thankfully for me Lupa has given me more than enough laughs that I let things like this slide and I've been watching them for a while so I am used to him doing this on occasion. Rob on the other hand just never looks like he wants to be there and offers literally nothing to their reactions.


Wait, people think Code Geass is good?

Alejandro Rodriguez

It’s less that Revy can’t pair with Rick cuz she feels he’s too weak or gonna make her better he just makes her feel judged and think more about her evil with him being good.



Mikaele Rosecrans

Everybody hated Nazi’s and Africans had the short end of the stick Communism said let’s all suffer together besides him and Freedoms like let’s all not give a fuck together

Mozart Waddell

I did not remember this episode being so expressive. It's something about this guy's sinisterly calm racism that's disturbing.


It’s always interesting to see Nazis portrayed in anime. I always wonder how risky the author is willing to be.


Lol, this anime is a little rough in the beginning, no lie. I normally skipped to episode 7 on my own rewatches. This arc just was never it, ya feel me?

Matthew B

Author wrote this in like 2001. Things were different about offending everyone and everything with every story you wrote.


Now that the introductions are over, we get it, Revy's a badass and a batch, Rock really didn't think this Pirate thing through before joining, and Benny and Dutch are the Homies. Next arc and beyond is where the real meat is on this THICC bone 👌 😋

Mozart Waddell

I hear you. Definitely uncomfortable at end but the grittiness was needed to drive home how warped they were by their own ideologies. Episode was fantastic.

Scott Brown

Messages like this always come off so whiny. There's a difference between glorifying some mode of thought and just portraying it plainly. There are so many franchises that don't get "cancelled" that have characters far worse. Difference now is that people have the ability to call out when something is just straight up wrong.

Khalib clark

It's annoying that lupa got mad at a rock for asking a question like bro relax all he did was ask Benny a question. i don't know why you have to get mad for no reason.



Jamie See

Y'all gonna need to give Rock props and respect in next episode. I won't say why but when you see it you'll know what I'm talking about.

Lè Crèam

Rock goes through changes, so he won't be staying like this.

Lè Crèam

Can someone give me a reminder, when does the Maid show up?


I’m not trying to cancel anything. I just find it interesting. Especially due to the history Japan had with Germany during world war 2. I’m really into history. So, I think it’s neat that the anime portrayed everything like this.

Charlie baker

Code geass is a fuckin mess what are you on about, black lagoon is an awesome action movie turned anime with a dark edge and all that entails.

Charlie baker

Yeah rock can be a bit much but hes nowhere near as bad as like the kid from claymore


I don't know why people get so mad when Lupa goes in on certain characters. That shit is hilarious to me. When Rock asked what should they be doing while they are waiting and he said beat off that had my dying lmao. Like what kind of answer are you looking for?

Devin B

Lol it had me dying too but I didn't think the question was that crazy cause this is still new to him so he didn't know if they should be doing something.


no, lie, I swear it aired out of order on AS. I always the maid leading into the twins. The chinglish mission happened first, in my memory

Hasnain Khan



The Rob Zombie track was a nice touch. I wish the anime included more songs from the manga

Neutr0n (edited)

Comment edits

2023-11-28 14:05:42 the internet's a wild place, isn't it
2022-12-18 01:15:41 the internet's a wild place, isn't it

the internet's a wild place, isn't it

Chelle (edited)

Comment edits

2023-11-28 14:05:42 I’ve never even seen Code Geass but it’s got pretty high ratings across the board from what I found after 5 seconds of research… this is a weird comment thread 😂
2022-12-18 02:39:51 I’ve never even seen Code Geass but it’s got pretty high ratings across the board from what I found after 5 seconds of research… this is a weird comment thread 😂

I’ve never even seen Code Geass but it’s got pretty high ratings across the board from what I found after 5 seconds of research… this is a weird comment thread 😂


Oh wow mad that he gave his genuine reaction? Almost like we pay them to do that huh?


nobody asked, why are you so upset about not being able to say a word

Luke Alba

when the whole episode is derived on the reich. it'd be crazy if there wasnt any racism in the episode realistically. but fuck those ignorant fucks in the booti hole so they get just treatment, freaking disgusting human portrayals.


yeah chinglish happened first then maid bc i remember chinglish helping revy


I feel yall especially Lupa are kinda forgetting Rock didn't exactly want to "roll with them" in the first place his three decisions were go back to work for someone who tried to get him killed, get dumped somewhere where he apparently wouldn't live for more than a month according to Dutch, or stay with the gang. I feel like its pretty easy to see why he made the decision he did. And it really wasn't his fault they got fucked over by the nazis cuz Revy was the one that wanted to stay on the boat longer to go for more loot

Meep 1783

idk what they were expecting from the guy on the phone I mean he is literally a nazi

Mervyn Larrier

The climb a tower and shoot at college kids bit is what Charles Whitman did.

Mervyn Larrier

Also, "You're smart for a black" and "It's a shame you're black" within two minutes of each other is CRAZY

Andrew Reid Jr

Y'all better put some respect on my boy Rock's name

Alexander Szabo

Y’all didn’t notice the old guy called him “Schwarzen” in cursive? 😭💀

Robert L

They probably didn’t know it was a slur against black people.

Alexander Szabo

Well, “Schwarzen” is not a slur against black people. It just means black. But obviously in this context, it’s said with a degrading intent.


ባደረካቸው ድርጊቶች ምክንያት ቤተሰቦችዎ ደሙን ያፈሳሉ ፡፡ ለድርጊቶችዎ የዘላለም ሥቃይ ይሰማቸዋል ፡፡ ያፈሰሱ እንባዎች ወደ ደም ይለወጣሉ ፣ የሚሰማቸው ህመም ሊቋቋሙት የማይችሉት ይሆናሉ ፡፡ በቅርቡ ለብቻዎ ትሆናላችሁ


Rewatching this, wth was the point with that big Nazi and his golden gun?? He bursts through the fucking door just to monologue and get shot in the face?? Like he couldn't just shut up and use his stupid gun... I have no idea y I'm heated. That was definitely a Loony Tunes moment that just didn't fit in anywhere

Teyon Alexander

Indiana Jones moment? That's how I'm taking it. Like when that actor in brown face twirled his sword and Harrison shot him, ya know?

Jae G.

Man... I cannot wait for the next episode. It's really the point that, to me, the series earned A+ status.


I used to be subscribed to them but they eventually got worse and worse to watch, definitely Rob, he see’s a character he likes then starts to bash every other character in the show


aaaaaaaa ok now we can feel moraly obligated to not kill people, i tought she a mercenary why everyone so shocked now. Maby bc morals are the only thing that make you a human. The clowning on Rock was not justified

Sunshine Hall

Its really crazy how every old anime has a plot point with Nazis. Japan, you tryna tell us something?

Evan Jenkins

It's the same reason a lot of Japanese movies and art reference the atomic bomb. The Nazis were a part of their history. They can look at their soldiers a little bit more objectively as people because they were ostensibly allies. I think that most people in Japan wouldn't agree with the motivations of their leadership (or even the leadership of their own military for that matter) but as the ones on the losing end of World War 2, they can understand what it's like to face death and defeat at the end of a war. It's not about the insane machinations of maniacs like Adolf, it becomes about the people you serve with, your family, etc. We should take it as a lesson to not become too invested in our leaders and their schemes. What matters is the people we love and living a good life, not serving some agenda like patriotism or ethnocentrism that really has nothing to do with the average person.

Evan Jenkins

I think the dialogue between the old man and Dutch goes a long way towards explaining the mindset of the kind of racists that are not just parroting ideology that makes them feel strong, but the ones that are spreading and controlling the puppets. The little rank and file soldiers are told to be proud because they're better than anyone who isn't Aryan, and because they are disenfranchised and powerless, they latch onto that. However, the old man knows that Dutch is more clever than the Nazis and the boat and it really doesn't have anything to do with the color of his skin. It doesn't matter to him, though, because a black man simply wouldn't fit into the power structure he has built for himself. You may eventually convince a racist that they are being manipulated to hate other people for no good reason, but you'll NEVER convince someone like that old man. The only antidote for that kind of thinking is a bullet.

K. Unknown

Goddamn Evan you cut right to the heart of it in one paragraph. I've got nothing to say other than this, you already nailed it.

K. Unknown

Agreed it's not justified,, but... So people who don't agree with your take on morals don't count as human? That's a bold take, except it's not, since it's popular enough that it's a pretty decent chunk of how oppression and genocide function.


He had powerful gun and instead of using it he hyped it too much and got killed. Its a joke. JOKE. Calm down.

Cian Perkins

I gotta say, I’m kind of all for showing Nazis and Neo Nazis as sniveling little bitches. They don’t deserve to be shown as threatening