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its always the church folks thats evil in anime lol


Ida Reis

yeah, so some spanish missionaries came illegally to japan at a time when there were some religious tensions between Christianity and Buddhism (I don't remember the type that was being preached at the time but there were several branches already in the country before the missionaries came around) and they were openly trying to gather followers, ruining it for the ones who were hidden and the followers they had, pissing off Hideyoshi since he was kind enough to allow them to be in the country.

Ida Reis

Please read the OP's comment again. He didn't say the Bible says that, he said "did God and Jesus tell you to do these things you are doing while mentioning them because it's in the Bible or because you want to ruin everything for everyone?". And he's right. How many barbaric things has the church done in "the name of God"? If you don't follow Christianism, you're a heretic? Understand others, not force them to believe in a religion just because you believe in one, you'll only make things worse and this comes from someone Christian who doesn't believe in the church.

Supplication of Perpetuity

Hmmm. I have a question. I grew up in the church and one of the reasons I left is that it always seemed the abrahamic god resorted to violence to get what he wanted. such as flooding the earth, committing genocide in the process. Or he would just mess with humanity to make our lives harder such as with the tower of Babel. Or the time in the book of kings when we sent two bears to maul 42 children to death. You said in another comment "We chose evil, so God honored our decision even tho He doesn't like that we did that, and what happened is a ruined earth with disease, suffering, unfairness, death". I didn't choose evil, nor did you, or my siblings, etc. Why would an omnipotent all loving god punish an entire race of intelligent beings for the actions of 2 individuals?? especially when he knew that those two individuals would make the decision they made to begin with and did nothing to stop it


The smugness to shock on lupas face with that bird shit has me dying


Me looking for those all those mad Christians here, where are those?


Really, late here, but I'll try to cover some of these things you brought up. Appreciate the non-aggressiveness. Please do look into these further and sit to actually think about what is being said, rather than the common internet move of moving on to the next question. With the flood, this is a demonstration of when you do bad things, you're gonna get punished. If you have read thru the past comments, I hope you can see how it's inconsistent to say "how could God not punish evil that happens now", then say "How come God punishes evil in this Bible passage here. I do recognize you are only saying the latter, so I hope you recognize the inconsistency, and don't jump to the former. The tower of Babel was something people made out of a desire to be like God. Some translations read "a desire to make a name for themselves". The Hebrew (language the Old Testament was originally written in) implies much more. A desire to be like God, more like it. God scattered them to show they are very far from becoming anything like God. They aren't gonna overpower God or something. The Hebrew word describing the "children" story of Elijah (or is it Elisha? I always mix them up) can mean anything from kid to right before an adult (20 in their culture). Oftentimes in the OT, we see a distinction between punishing those who are accountable for their wrongdoings, and those who aren't, for reasons such as age. Those who are younger, specifically too young to be accountable for their actions, have a lot of mercy thrown their way for wrongdoings. So, given the punishment, it helps us narrow down the super likely age range of those that mocked Elijah/Elisha. late teen-young adult by our standards. We charge them for crimes in our court systems pretty normally, so that shouldn't seem that odd to us that they are punished. Then often the hold up is the intensity of punishment to which I move to this: A common theme I'm seeing here with you is this, and it's one I've struggled with as well: sin is way way way worse than we think it is. We think it's no big deal, unless it's a more humanitarian one (killing, stealing, for example). But we don't naturally tend to care as much about the sins against God. But God does. He punishes for the sins against people for sure, but He also has a proper view on punishing those who sin against Him. This one's a toughy, and I'll be honest and say my answers for this whole message aren't perfect. I can provide some thoughts, which will hopefully help. Again, I'd forward you to Mike Winger on YT, or his website thinkbiblically.org. You could actually type in some keywords from your question, and it'll forward you to a video he's done where he answered that question. I've found him to be a wonderful source, for his kindness, humility, and gentleness in answering, while also going straight to the source for answers and not distracting or making stuff up. Check him out if you don't believe me. He's a lot different imo to other Christian ytbers I've seen. Anyways, Adam and Eve. So, a few thoughts as again, I don't remember/know as much of an answer to this (tho that doesn't mean there isn't one bc I'm not the center of knowledge on the topic). So God does this thing that a lot of parents do as well. They warn of consequence if you disobey. They give you the choice to obey or disobey. If you disobey, you were warned of the consequences, and you are punished. That's what happened with Adam and Eve. So, every day you and I have the choice of good and evil. Do we do evil as God defines it, or do we do good as He defines it? We often, always in fact, choose evil as God defines it. Not saying you're some evil person according to our standards, but according to God's perfect and holy standard, we all are. However, the message of the gospel is that despite this, all the way back right after the fall in paradise, God told of one who could be born (who now has already been born), who will bridge this gap we have made, whether it be thru Adam or thru our own evildoings. That's Genesis 3 (I think v15..? About crushing the head of the serpent). And what mercy that even tho we deserve a just punishment for our sin, God demonstrated His love in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. So it's not as if our crimes leave us without hope for redemption. That's a message that Apologies for the lengthiness. It's much easier to ask deep or difficult questions than to answer them. Plus, I'm wordy. I appreciate the questions and the non-aggression, Supplication of Perpetuity

Champion Bescos

Lmao at the caption. It is a pretty popular trope.

Solivigant Kaiba

I mean, have you seen the sh×t thats come to light on priests and churches now more than ever? Good chunk of them been evil. Anyway, Im just ready for y'all to love Bonchien Niccoli la Tasty Peach Uralis as much as I love him.🤭

Jdogzero Silverblade

to be fair more people have been killed in the name of god than for any other reason. makes sense churches are always seen as evil in shows and stories.


lmao not just anime it's the church folk that are usually evil in everything (shows, movies, books, and even history)


I mean, it’s quite the popular trope especially in medieval fantasy, cuz let’s be real any organization that’s big and influential like that is just begging for stories to do it.


Right! I mean come on, any organization with a lot of power and influence is just prime time for corrupt fucks to do some heinous shit, plus they got the perfect excuse: God

Mozart Waddell

Fushi really could become like Mansa Munsa and destabilize markets from his charitable actions.

Emiliano Ruiz Chong

Lupa, that dude is not an extra. You will do good to remember him. My boy BON-SAMA. Also, later you'll understand his attitude, it all makes sense in the end.

Erica Collins

I'm convinced this man la tasty peach is seeing things cause who is he shushing like that lol I love him already 😂 But it really is always the church people who are evil like come on now it's getting a bit old. At least add a little twist where they look evil but they're actually good or something 😂

God Enel

Yea most church people in real life have been evil too so ya know 🤷‍♀️


Don’t Fushi’s eyes only change when he starts to gather information about people close to him so he can later turn into them? Or something like that?


Perhaps I misunderstood, but when I first watched this episode, I thought the implication was that the Guardians created a forgery of Tonari's diary and passed it off as the real deal. I was under the impression that, when Fushi transforms, the entirety of his previous form goes away... even if it's not on him (i.e. the actual diary would disappear when he left Tonari's form even if someone else had it). Now, I'm thinking that's not the case? Unless the answer is a manga spoiler (and I'm guessing it's not), are there any manga readers here who can help unconfuse me? lol

Crismel Mejía Jiménez

the purple eyes are the original eyes of the boy that fushi transforms. I hope that in the future they explain why this happens.


When fushi transforms everything the person had on them is his skin but if he rips it off its a normal object again. Kinda like the coins he gives this ep and other things they both start off apart of him. Also I think he restocked everyone's explosive arrows in the janada arc Las season.

Ranginald Vagel

If the diary isn’t in contact with him when he transforms again it’s just a regular copy of the book(else how would he create anything?), so yes the Guardians stole her diary then presumably edited it to make the Guardians look good before spreading it.


Pink Blood... Pink Blood... Piiink Bloo~oood... Pink Blood, Pink Blood...


I think the way the Prince was talking, when Fushi admitted his fear/feelings, he knew Robed Dude would pop up. Even if he couldn't see, I think he knew by Fushi's speaking his fear out loud, that the Robed dude would have a problem with it.


Also I was ready to dislike the prince based of the intro, but he became my most hyped character. Assumed he would be some super cruel Bad Guy, glad I was wrong. That's one tasty peach


Yeah, anybody that thinks they’ve got the superior morals is bound to view everyone else as, well… evil.


This comment doesn't have to do with the episode, but remember last year when they set a week aside to just do movie reactions, are they gonna do that this year too or nah? Just curious.


hey look it's sylvando from dragon quest 11


Best Boy. Best Bonnist. Bonchien.


Yeah pretty much. In this case, I think Tasty Peach has become a precious person to Fushi.


Ikr. I thought he'd be one of those spoiled tyrants at first, but he turned out to be a really sweet and likeable character for me.

Jay rellim

i can always recognize DIOs voice actor lol

Keanu Richardson

Not a spoiler though I haven’t read the manga lol just an educated guess you flagging as a spoiler makes it a spoiler

Adam Kingsley

The guy at the end who shot Shunsui is Commissioner Gordon


yea seems like he can see stuff, when he was capturing them he kept arguing with something, also he didn't talk while the black one was talking.

Keanu Richardson

Can also tell where fushi is aswell if you put two and two together it’s obviously because he sees the other spirits around him


If those people from the Bennet Church represent all of their region, then I'm going to assume it's an ethnostate. Pale skin, same eye color, same hair color. Not a good look for them if so.


Out of context: The visuals of ending 5 of Chainsaw Man are a masterpiece, and the song is also very apt and catchy. I'm sure you will like it, especially Roshi, who I believe did Graphic Design if I'm not mistaken. PS. which has nothing to do with CSM. When will you watch the No Game No Life movie?

Devin B

As crazy as Tasty Peach is he's surprisingly perceptive of his surroundings. He was able to catch Fushi when he tried to escape as a mole and a bird and he also made Fushi speak his mind about what he potentially wanted to do. I'm assuming his eyes turning to purple momentarily was him basically receiving new stimulation cause the purple eyes belonged to the boy with no name and Fushi's eyes in any form is green so he basically stopped being Fushi for a split second to download that new stimuli.


U realize ur in the comments of To Your Eternity, right?


you realize he did say "out of context" so like out of knowhere

Antonio Williams

*me trying to figure out how Fushi and I can have the best hustle* So If I choke you out with a Gucci handbag that counts as stimulus right?

Devin B

I hate the fact that they're making him likable cause it seems like they're setting him up to die just so Fushi can take his form

Smash Bran'Discootch

LMAO It's all the church people who are evil in LIFE, not just anime.

Papa Souls

AY YO! guess who tasty peach VA is! I can't un-hear this guy when I recognize him lol


Absolutely false. Sorry you've dealt with the self-righteous, hypocritical religious people that are akin to the Pharisees Jesus often furiously spoke against. I grew up with a lot of them, too. Left it tho for a church where people follow Christ, not rules, not traditions, and not about looking good in front of others in the church. One thing that was tough to realize was the Biblical Christ is not the same as those hypocrites, but it's one of the most vital realization any person could come to.

Smash Bran'Discootch

Yeah, I was in a cult too for a good long while, but then I reached the age of reason. I'll see your assertion that jesus is real, and I'll raise you Covid-19. Any just god wouldn't allow that kind of thing to go down. So assuming your boy big Jeezy exists, he is at the very least incompetent otherwise he just doesn't care. AIDS, cancer, poverty, famine, hunger, war, pestilence, and people who talk in the theater. THIS is what comes from "the divine plan"? This is what comes from the great architect of the universe? Don't make me laugh. But let's put aside your imaginary deity for a moment and focus on the original point of the comment: the church people. Hmmm, let's see: The Inquisition, the burning of the library of Alexandria, the Salem Witch Trials, THE DARK AGES, the execution of some of history's greatest thinkers and visionaries, constant denial of scientific fact, YEARS of sexual abuse of children swept under the rug, the forced conversion of the indigenous people of America, "pray out the gay" camps, the passing of laws limiting bodily autonomy, THATS ALL YOUR PEOPLE. And you're really gonna sit here and tell me they're not the bad guys? Those are only a few of the atrocities carried out in the name of the church throughout history. You can tell me I'm wrong all you want, but you're just turning a blind eye like none of that crap happened and like it isn't still happening to this day.

Judah Davis

You're essentially saying that if God created the world then that God is evil. But what's good if God is evil? Why do you try even think in terms of good and evil if there's no fundamental moral truth?

Smash Bran'Discootch

That's not what im saying at all and proves you're only looking for something in there to contradict and didn't actually read it. I never said god was evil. I said god was imaginary multiple times and i said that your imaginary god is incompetent or doesn't care because if it was good at its job all of this unnecessary suffering in the world wouldn't exist and if it WAS good at its job and the suffering still exists it means that your god doesn't care. Because when someone says the phrase, "A love that surpasses all understanding", that doesn't say to me "Hey, have you heard of Cancer? Well, you have now!" And if you STILL insist that all of this suffering is somehow part of some great divine plan, then that plan is clearly not worth following. Remember kids, Science flies you to Mars. Religion flies you into buildings.


you're right all religion bad fuck faith in anything


in every belief system exist those who wish to corrupt it's true intent and purpose. The message of christianity itself has always been about grace, mercy, a divine relationship with God and love of others and God. But unfortunately, there are those who corrupt this message and use it to deceive and hurt others. However, their actions doesn't change what the message is and their actions don't change who God is. God will still be God even when mankind is terrible..


if God forced you to love Him, then you could not call that true love. If he forced you to obey him, then you could not call that true obedience.


patiently waiting for CSM

Totally Thomas

I heard in Japanese history some missionaries caused problems that started a conflict in Japan and have been hated ever since, hence the common trope of the Church being evil...on top of everything else corrupt religious authorities did.

Smash Bran'Discootch

"The message of Christianity has always been about grace, mercy, a divine relationship with God and love of others." Really? Because there's a WHOOOOLE LOT of "Hey, you know those people over there that worship gods that aren't me? Yeah go kill them." in the old testament. All sorts of things about "I'm a jealous god" and let's not forget the plagues of Egypt. Pretty sure dude used to just turn people into pillars of salt too. And yeah sure it says plenty of shit about forgiveness and love there in the middle, til you get to the end when God wilds out and straight fucks earth up. Spoiler Alert for The Holy Bible: God comes back with dragons and murders everyone. And in the meantime, if you break any of his rules, he's gonna send you to a place full of fire, brimstone, demons, torture, screaming and pain where you will suffer day in and day out for all of eternity. But he loooooooves you. 🧐


I'm sorry you've been so hurt man. I can tell a lot has happened to you simply by how you're commenting. I genuinely want you to know I feel so angry and sad that this stuff happens, and I'm sorry that what you've gone through has made you angry at the God who hates the things you went through even more than you do. It's a classic question: why would a good and just God allow evil to happen? I'd encourage you to look into it, through sources outside of myself. I'd HIGHLY recommend a man on youtube named Mike Winger. Great source. HE answers a lot of these questions. But, I'll attempt to answer myself, tho I am very imperfect and may not be able to provide you everything.


I do first want to say, that yes, people have done absolutely abominable things in the name of God. I would, like so you very well stated, have to be blind to ignore that. However, I can look at the words of Christ and see that these things are completely opposed to what He taught, and that the verses ppl used to justify these things are wildly taken out of context. I will never say those people are justified in what they do. I have a brother who is gay. The bullying he went through at the "Christian" school I went to infuriates me (part of the church I mentioned leaving)


Why would God allow evil? If He's good and just, why? The biblical account is that God created the world good, and without all this messed up stuff in it. Even tho you were a part of a cult (not sure if you're talking JW, Mormon, or some smaller group), I'm sure you've heard about the fall in the garden. We humans ruined that. God created it good, and gave us a free will to choose to do good or evil, as we aren't robots lol. We chose evil, so God honored our decision even tho He doesn't like that we did that, and what happened is a ruined earth with disease, suffering, unfairness, death, etc.


God, in His just wrath, will absolutely send people to hell, just as a judge sentences criminals with jail time. However, God is also merciful. God demonstrates His love for us in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us" (Romans 5:8). No one deserves heaven. No one. We've all fallen short of the glory of God. But God reached out to us, offering us eternal life, so that no matter how much we sin, we cannot fall out of His love. This is something that was really difficult to understand, having a harsh, abusive dad. Maybe you experienced similar, given you grew up in a cult to.

Smash Bran'Discootch

That's just the thing though; you aren't reading "the words of god" and you're not reading "what Jesus taught". You're reading translations of translations of translations ad infinitum of words written by people HUNDREDS of years after the events supposedly took place. Look into the history of your own religion. Actually look into it. And if you don't believe that translating things so many times isn't a problem and nothing is lost or changed, consider this: Look at your Bible. You know every place the word LORD is written all capitalized? Yeah that's because that's supposed to be gods name. See, at one time according to your mythos, people actually knew gods name. And they know how to write it in the original Hebrew. But the thing is, those characters can he pronounced a number of different ways, so you're not even sure what your gods name is so you just say "LORD". If the very name of your God can be lost, something that should be super important, isn't it pretty reasonable to assume that a whole lot more has been lost? And isn't it even more likely that it's all just made up considering actual historical fact? This is why all of those arguments fall on deaf ears. Show me your god. How much does your god weigh? How tall is it? What is the volume of your god? Where is it? There is no actual way you can prove your god exists. Therefore, it doesn't. Which makes it even more egregious that crazy church people have been murdering eachother and others for literally no reason. Religion is the most lucrative bullshit story ever created simply to control the masses and make them give thanks for the meager possessions and lives they had so that the rich upper class could stay fat and the poor masses wouldn't riot. Any reasonable, intelligent, and logical person can see through the bullshit. Remember, your argument is that there's an invisible man in the sky that created everything and has a plan for you. And on the subject of the divine plan, why do you pray? You pray and you ask God for things but why? God has a divine plan. What if the thing you are asking for isn't in the plan? Is god supposed to just change the plan? And if so, how good is the plan really if anyone with a rosary can just come along and fuck up the plan? It makes no sense. Read your Bible, actually READ it. It makes no sense. Why would God not appear in this day and age but appeared all the time back in the day? If god showed itself, I'd be the first person to admit I'm wrong. But I'm not. Here, let's test this. **ahem** God does not exist and if I am wrong may he strike me down where I stand! ................No? Nothing happened? Exactly. Cause it's a myth. I mean hell, next you're gonna tell me to look out cause Odin is watching! Make sure you be a good child or Juno is gonna getcha! There comes a time in every child's life where they've got to let go of their imaginary friends and grow up.


Also, let's read in context what these ppl God commanded the Israelites to kill were doing. Here's a few: burning their newborn children alive as an offering to their god they worshipped (Mulach, spelled maybe differently), temple prostitution (having sex with prostitutes to "know god"). Part of me thinks you're gonna make some crude joke about the latter, but I digress. And you know what's crazy? God gave them 400 YEARS of warning them about this and judgment that would happen if they kept at it. 400 YEARS. These people were murdering their kids to worship a piece of metal. What a merciful God

Smash Bran'Discootch

Also you mention "God's Just Wrath". Exactly how is gods wrath just? What about all the firstborn children of Egypt? Exactly what did those CHILDREN do to deserve gods wrath? Your religion makes a whoooooooooole lot of excuses for the unjust murder of innocents just "because god said so".


Your arguments are full of holes, that I'm gonna guess you have no desire to actually have answers to them, based on your comments. You're bringing up so many things, moving back and forth between all sorts of different "objections" that are usually shallow and easily refutable, but you bounce back and forth between so many. I've answered a few. Evil exists bc of sin, which we did. God will bring an end to it all, but He's shown mercy through Christ.


I'll say it again: Mike Winger on YT. He addresses SO MANY, if not ALL of these things you're bringing up, and he does it with such kindness and graciousness. His YT shorts fantastically address many of these objections. Please, stop stewing in your anger towards religious people. I don't know what you've gone through, but I know from experience that stewing in the anger is not a worthwhile venture. God offers mercy to even people like you and me, who did or do angrily reject everything He says in a most blasphemous fashion because of past experiences with disgusting "Christian" people. I will be praying for you man

Smash Bran'Discootch

I'm honestly fine to let you crazy people go on believing your insane tales all you want. Remember, you're the one who started this conversation and you can bow out at any time. Also....are you liking every single one of your own comments? Aw, honey....


Lol ok fair on the last part lol I did like a few of them that I wanted to highlight, however other people have liked them and others.

Smash Bran'Discootch

Yeah, that was a cheap shot, I'll admit. Okay okay okay, olive branch time. I will concede this point: I don't think that religious people are bad. I spent many years in churches. I do think the institution of capital letters "The Church" is very corrupt and potentially too far gone. From my perspective, you have a big powerful institution duping people with a very nice myth. That's from my perspective. However, I will absolutely admit that I have seen TONS of people whose lives have been genuinely enriched because of their faith. You seem to be one of those people and I am genuinely happy for you that you have a source of stability and comfort in your life. I can say it will never be my thing and I will always go on lengthy rants like this at the slightest hint that one of those "fishers of souls" is trying to reel mine in. That said, I will state plainly and clearly that I do differentiate between the institution and the people. So I will agree to stop viewing you as a crazy person if you will in turn view me as simply another apostle who has yet to see a vision of the savior on his way to Damascus.


And I'm glad to see you're not one of the inconsiderately angry and unreasonable atheists that seem to be far too common on the internet. I wholeheartedly agree there is lots of corruption, especially when we're talking JW, Mormon, Catholicism, prosperity preachers like Joel Osteen or Kenneth Copeland (not to say my church is perfect or anything). I'd argue it being the result of sinful people, and a God who created us not as robots who are programmed to do good, not a lazy or powerless God who sits idly as suffering happens in the world. Religious corruption exists, but a God who hates these things more than He hates any other sin exists as well. Lol thanks for not seeing me as crazy ig haha. All being said and done, It was nice chatting with you for a bit

Smash Bran'Discootch

Oh I am 100% one of those inconsiderately angry, irrational, and unreasonable people. But I'm glad we could come to an understanding at least. It took me realizing, "Wait a second, they're pretty serious about this. Oh...oh, right, I'm basically taking a dump all over something that's pretty central to their life. Let me shift my perspective and remember I'm talking to a person."


To explain the Rean scene: I think he started crying when he transformed into her because that was the first time he realized she was dead (by being able to)


I'm glad you're being considerate of that, but no this is nothing lol no worries there. Try drunk ppl (who you didn't realize were drunk beforehand) getting up in your face and being hostile when trying to talk to them about this. That's a bit worse lol. ah, and I'm not trying ot say that to play the victim and act as if I'm a martyr or something... just, don't feel bad about the way you acted. I'm sure you're a kind and rational guy irl. It's easy to act rude online.


(just a guess) It could be a similar stimulation. My guess is trustworthiness or similar. I can't really explain it better than, foreshadowing that he is will be a significant figure in Fushi's growth/journey, to the extent of the original boy. I need to check if same happened for Gugu.


Here's my theory about Fushi's eyes turning pink briefly. This only happens when he is either moved by someone else's actions to the point that he himself evolves or he becomes attached to them and becomes 'friends' that he was searching for. This eye color switch also happened when he met March which as ya'll know helped him evolve and also friends with.


It's funny all the Christians in here getting mad, didn't yall literally just ban abortion leading to more deaths of mothers and forcing children to carry rape babies? Your opinion is invalid, shut up and be quiet oppressors. Religious people are the worst people I've ever met and I know that because I grew up in the church, bunch of hypocrites who sin every time you open your damn mouths judging others, let he who is without sin be the first to cast a stone or what have you. You also try and keep people poor and take healthcare from people, that's what Jesus and God told you to do right? Jail sex workers etc? Jesus didn't charge the blind man an arm and a leg to heal his sight, Jesus didn't criminalize the prostitute he washed her feet, Jesus didn't tell the poor to pull their bootstraps up, he fed them. Greedy cunts. Grow up and put some fucking wrinkles on your brain. 🤡 🤡

Sheldon Lewis

I don't know how Fushi has not become All for one in this universe.

toptier bryan

Abrahamic religions are not good. With the amount of genocides Christians and Muslims have committed in history, they can't claim to be good.


My dude Bryan read the thread. People acting shitty and doing so "in the name of God", doesn't equate to the message of the original source being bad. saying bad people have done bad things in the name of religion doesn't mean religion bad. Is atheism bad purely bc Hitler's eugenics stuff came from his atheistic philosophies? I'd argue not


Look man, I don't know what you've gone through. Seems like it was similar to me, given what you've shared. Hypocritical religious people. Bullying others for "worse sins" while they hide behind their pride, self-righteousness, and holier-than-thou attitude, gossip... justifying them bc they aren't as bad (tho they are). This is not the message of the Bible, as you seem to understand yourself. There are Christians not like that. Surely, if you went to church, maybe you Remember Matthew 7:22-23. Jesus says not everyone who says they're going to heaven is. Guess what? Many of these gross religious people you and I have seen and had the displeasure of being around are probably in that category. Secondly, where in the hell does God say to take healthcare from people, keep people poor, and jail sex workers? Idk what out of context, dishonest work you're doing there, but don't sit here and make claims that the Bible doesn't even say. Many times, NT and OT, it's stated to help the widowed and orphans, help the poor and needy. Nowhere will you find anything about taking healthcare away from people. Think otherwise? Bring up even one verse. And jail sex workers? what? At best, the Bible has plenty to say on sin, sexual immorality being one. However, that is different that punishing sex workers with jail time..? You're better than this man. Thirdly, No one is defending the bad things religious people have done through history. No one. Not defending racism using verses taken out of context, not justifying catholic priests and stuff who molest kids (also not defending the catholic church at all. Place is awful), not defending the crusades, not defending gay bashing. Grow up and do some honest research, instead of stewing in your anger. Religious people have done some gross things, like bullying my gay brother while hiding behind their own pride and hypocrisy. But like I said to the other guy's comment that it seems like you came across, Christ is different. You seem to know that. So why reject Him?

Lennon Hale

talking about doing research whilst pushing religion is funny cant lie lol


Christ is a figment you made up to feel good about yourself. Lie to yourself all you want just dont lie to others.


mate are you that ignorant of history to the point you're saying Christ is a figment of my imagination? Bro, Bart Ehrman would be ashamed of you

Gmac paddiewac

dont worry about what the eye thing was. will come in due time

Uriel Batuk

Bonchien literally means "Gooddog" in french

Drake Rage

Halfway through the episode I was wondering if the Prince can see dead people? When he said "I know everything there is to know about you" it felt like that was a hint that he has interacted with the dead people that know Fushi, even we have seen the Ghosts of Fushi's friends in certain scenes, like when Tonari died and her ghost was with him along with Gugu, March, the Bear. Even last Season we have seen Ghosts looking after Fushi, like in the episode Gugu died.


What in the whole cake island villian(my joke was stolen by roshi 4 mins later fml)


yo roshi had the jokes this episode lol