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This show just playing with our emotions


Angelic Haven

Interesting it seems like he takes on the version of the person he met when they pass, or at least I’m hoping Ream and Shin didn’t die so young…


Roshi where’d you get that shirt it’s fye

Lamar House

I was mad af after this episode 😭


To Your Eternity definitely has the best Sheera intro 💯😂😂

Ginger Dwarf

Clearest way I can say it, is that the transformation is always the last moment Fushi saw them alive, and then the moment they die he can transform into that last form. He can't really alter them other then by just living as them for a long time.


I stopped watching this mid S1 💀literally playing lacrosse with my emotions

Omar Brown

Yes Roshi is right Fushi can only return to the form that they died in and cannot retain any resistances against anything like poision even though he's been poisoned a bunch.


Note that the Nokker in their arms skips generations (i.e. Hayase's daughter didn't get the nokker because Hayase was alive when she was born, but Hayase's granddaughter DID inherit the nokker after Hayase passed. So when they say "6th successor" that's actually 12 generations later. Assuming each of them got pregnant around 17 that's at least 204 years. As for technology not improving, y'all have to realize not much dramatically changed in medieval europe technology-wise between the fall of rome and the renaissance.

sora shinra

I was so confuse at first that it was another time skip again?, when they mention hisame's daughter, i was like what??.?

zILovePelmeni _

kahaku is the 6th successor which means the 12th generation since hayase...

Square Block

I cant remember the correct amount of time that passed but it was between 200 and like 250 years years, please correct me if I'm wrong or if anyone know the correct amount of time. I would love to know.

Erica Collins

Yo I have NEVER watched a show with this many time skips this is insane 😭 Also it just occurred to me this ep that the Guardians are "protecting" or "defending" Fushi against Nokkers yet a Nokker is literally being passed down through generations by the Guardians leader.......how tf does that make sense lol & it isn't trying to attack Fushi like the other Nokkers are. WHAT IS THE PLAY??? 😭

Cameron Robinson

This episode felt like it was at 2x speed and I know it’s usually looked down on but I could have done with some exposition with what was going on with the successors.


Time in the real world is extremely slow technological wise besides for the last 100 years, only today where society looks vastly different in 20 year gap time frame

Ranginald Vagel

"A man?" "Yes, please turn into one of your women please so you may bear MY child"


Fushi can transform into a being from the moment they die. So whatever form that is, thats what he turns into. Thats why he always turns into the boy and March while theyre still wounded


I'm pretty sure it's just every other generation in that family is a reincarnation of the first chick. Is there much more to it than that?


its only the 2nd episode and im already crying

Devin B

Exactly. The only way he can alter those forms is if he stayed in those forms for a long period of time.

Devin B

That Rean transformation was actually sad cause that means she died pretty much the age she was when Gugu died.


5 generations later and only 30 years have passed? Yeah Sheera???


Not sure if they ever give us a number, but I'd guess the time is more like 200 years. Hisame was the 1st generation successor and Hayase's granddaughter. Then we see Hisame's daughter is pregnant with the next successor/reincarnation. We're on successor 6 now, with it appearing to skip a generation each time, so 12 generations. If they all have a kid at 17 that's 204 years since season 1 ended, or ~160 years since Fushi left the island.


I don't think it's necessarily the age that they died that Fushi transforms into unless Rean and Gugu's brother died right after he left.

Devin B

He spent 4 years with Gugu, 40 years by himself and he met Hisame when she was 8, she had her daughter at 17 so 9 years passed after that and if we assume that Hisame's successors got pregnant at 17 then it would be 4+40+9+(17×10) which is 223 years.


I dont think you can say technology hasn't progressed necessarily. They started the show is pretty primitive times I feel like. Plus even in real life science and technology progressed super slow until the last 300 or so years. There were lots of times humans went 2 steps forward and 3 steps back.

Rai Nenford

To clarify... the forms Fushi takes are of the forms that he last saw the person.... An example of this would be Parona; she was tortured to death by Hayase but she shows no injuries when Fushi transforms into her while March would still have the arrow wound when he turns into her.


No, the Nokker doesn't skip Generations, Hayase's soul skips generations. Hayase can't reincarnate as her daughter because she'd still be alive. She'd have to reincarnate as her daughter's daughter. The Nokker is passed on from Mother to Daughter every generation, reincarnation or not.

Xavier Chandler

Maybe watch the eminence in shadow when a spot opens up


I realized while rewatching with you guys that Fushi didn’t know that Rean (and maybe even Gugu’s brother) had died, at least I think. That might be why he suddenly broke down when he transformed into her. So as he’s thinking about the people he’d gotten close to, he’s realizing more and more of his old friends had died, reinforcing his fear of getting close to anyone again

Emiliano Ruiz Chong

Regarding the transformations, it is just as Roshi said. He is able to transform into a person or being he has met previously in their last moment of life. For example old Tonari, since she just died. Another example March, that is the reason as to why some of the injuries remain. Also, every transformation acts like a reset, he can age if he stays in a transformation, but it resets all over if he changes to a different one.


You wanna cry some more? Listen to this.. Tonari's outfit: She was wearing Mia's belt, Uroi's blue cloak on her back and Oopa's orange vest around her head.. This show is only pain..


Don't know if you guys caught it or not but we did not know gugus brother and rean were dead until this episode. That's why Fushi was so shaken up during that scene, he didn't know they were dead.


no she died in her mid 50 and never married. Fushi transforms into the last state he has seen them in and not in the state they where when they died.

Devin B

@Dragonfire copy, I wasn't sure cause I just thought he takes on the form of the moment they died


That Nokker in particular is special. I read pretty far into the manga before giving it a break and we will learn why at some point. Honestly I'm happy there are a bunch of time skips it really shows just how meaningless time is when you're a immortal being. Just go about your life a mfs around you are just going to be having kids and dying. In Hayase's case her family never live long cause they keep popping out kids at a young age and then dying


Dark on Netflix

Antonio Williams

To Roshi's point about technology, most of the world didn't progress all that quickly for most if human history. Like it's really been only the last 500 or so years where most of the technological advancements occured. With that said though...man I appreciate the author taking full creative advantage of the fact that Fushi is an immortal and allowing us to have timeskips that don't seem cheesy or out of place


Is the schedule the same as last weeks ?


REALLY why would she allow herself to be taken out like that? Shouldn't she have years of experience fighting nokkers? If she knew the shit was poisoned why not tell the others not to drink and kill the guardians?


The technology is progressing guys... For some perspective, Cleopatra was closer to the invention of the Iphone than the building of pyramids. it is just that after the scientific method was perfected and the onset of the industrial revolution humanity really shot the fuck up in terms of tech.


I am starting to think the guy in the black robe wants Fushi to be able to transform into a planet that would be crazy. Edit: I forgot to wrote that i also suspect that he might be the one responsible for the nokkers. It just seems like when Fushi isolated himself on the island at some point the guy was like okay now they attack some where else so go leave and meet someone new About when you mentioned technology. Tech have evolved very very slow for the majority of humanity's existence. We are just used to tech evolves 100-200 in the span of of 10 years today


Well she had to die when she was at her best otherwise her training would've been useless to Fushi


Oh wow.. I don't read the manga so I don't know anything but that makes sense.. What if the current earth also used to be just a sphere like Fushi? And this is just a constant cycle of preserving earth? This story is just insane.. My brain hurts..

Jigga Man

That's like 10+ generations.. like 2-3 HUNDRED years could have passed (and that's IF they got pregnant really young each generation)


Exactly i have not read the manga but it just clicked to me when he said you should be able to become the ocean and when you know/feel like it belongs to you


I might have missed that but was it not only 6 people we sat from Haysae granddaughter to the guy?

Devin B

@Oliver we saw Hayase's 6 reincarnations because her reincarnation skips a generation. They just don't show the generation of her descendants that wasn't reincarnated.

Karl Wallace

I think that they guy in the black coat who created fushi also created the nockers out of boredom or literally something like that. He’s just sus to me


Any weekly schedule update? just want to know whats new if there one is since HOTD S1 is done. hopefully a non-anime series just to mix it up.


Where is Edgerunners ep 5? Been waiting for almost a week

Gordon Lou

fushi already knew that in order to turn into someone they had to die first. He knew that ever since march's death or somewhere before/at gugu's death. Also he can't turn into the younger selves of the people hes met, just the forms they took when they first met. Or at the very least he hasn't done that yet.

Joseph Adams

I mean the world is under constant knocker attack lol they probably haven't had time to really get to inventing


I think him falling to his knees when he became Rean was because when he left, many of those from the Gugu arc were still alive: Rean, the old man, the brother, but the fact he could change to them meant they were now dead


I think he transforms to the person into the form he last saw them in before they died. So last he saw Parona, she looked like we saw her in the series. Last time he saw Gugu, he was a young adult, not a kid. Last time he saw Tonari, she was the older woman, even though Fushi didn't realize it was her when she died. That's just my guess though. What you said makes sense, too. He turns to them the age they died. We don't know if that's right or wrong yet, because we don't know, for example, if Rean died young or when she was older than we last saw her


It was both great and sad to see Tonari and Sandel again, as well as the others even if it was only Fushi. It broke my heart when Sandel left without telling Fushi who they really were.


if the owl is the same owl we saw with tonari 40 years ago chances are Liegard just died of old age


Fushi realizing that both Shin and Rean are dead as he transformed into them hit hard. Also Roshi's shirt is real on point for this tragic show lolololol.

Leandro Da Silva

When he transforms into someone he hasn’t seen in a long time it’s the equivalent of someone texting you to say “hey (so and so) just died”


Fushi has the ability to sense the pain of other living beings that's what the black effects were when Tonari was dying and with Hisame.


i think fushi transforms into the p[erson in the state they died i dont think he can change their state of being like if they died old he can just become a younger them unnless maybe he stays in the same form if they are young they might grow old

toptier bryan

Wth man, they kill tonari off in the literal next episode lol

Abigail Clark

i've read the manga and i'd say that Fushi's transformations are like a reset. He stayed in the boys form and grew older but the moment he transforms he cant go back to the older form, resetting all progress on that body. It's why Tonari made her body impervious to poison, so that state oof her body cant be poisoned without Fushi having to build it up himself and won't go away unless Fushi transforms out of her form.

Vincent S Deluca

Rules of fushis transformations #1 it needs to be someone he's pretty connected to, #2 He can transform into the form he most recently interacted with (hence why his version of Ream is young even though she would have died older). Peoran is an exception because of the Man in Black, he gave fushi multiple ages of Peoran. Thats normally not possible. and #3 He ages like normal in each from but can only transform into the original age, so no he cant go back to the 50 yr old version of himself, if he transforms out of it then back he'll be 15ish again,

Drake Rage

Wellp that didn't take long for Tonari, Sad but Beautiful story. I see you guys keep getting surprised when Fushi feels "pain," remember he is able to feel pain of others around him. He felt the Bear's pain with all the arrows stuck in him, and when he finally passed away after saying "Thank You" to the little girl, many other scenes in the past too where he could feel the physical pain and to some extent the "emotions" of others when they are near him. The only clear example of emotions is with the bear being thankful to March for taking care of it while it was slowly dying, and Fushi says thank you, which was the Bear's emotion as it died.

Crusher 8TX

No he doesn't need any connection with them to be able to transform. He just needs to know them when they are alive and remember them when they die, it's that easy. That's because he can transform into anything not just people and he doesn't have connection with a crab or a rock but he can transform into anything and can create anything