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Watch "MHA S6 Ep 5" on Streamable.



Shiggy really reinforced the saying of “Waking up and choosing violence” this episode




I even read this in the voice they use when saying that.

Mozart Waddell

They really did a good job with this episode from the details of Hawks charred and bloodied back to the sheer magnitude and range Shigaraki's quirk.

Mozart Waddell

Oh God I just realized this is streamable 😭 I hope we get a crisp 1080p upload so the subtitles aren't illegible.

Ramone Moore

Appreciate that mha still on streamable

Damarcus Miller

Streamable makes the video subtitles unreadable? What happened to the other player?

Julio Morales

yall like the only ones that brought up giganto mania. everyone talking about how shigi decayed all that but they dont realise my boy giga mania about to run his happy ass through anything in his way to get to shigiraki right now. 🤣🤣

Earphone Jack

The collective "YEAH!" at 10:52 had me screaming! LOL!!! Also, Shigaraki literally has the most dangerous quirk ever! Decay is no joke! Like damn! Look at all the destruction he did! They were literally hauling ass! I read the manga and I was still yelling "RUN!"


I swear every show this season is like "fuck censorship" There is gore shit happening everywhere, Bleach, Chainsawman, even fkn Bluelock had blood in it. Holy shit

Zen Reacts

I mean 6 seasons in you should know by now that Shigaraki doesnt care about where he lives or what condition its in the only thing he wants to do is destroy everything

Devin B

Shigaraki really told X Less I'll erase everything but this cape


Nah Sheena, Hawks was trying to kill him. Initially he didn’t want to and wanted to have him arrested unharmed but because Twice wouldn’t give up he was a threat and Hawks went full Roshi justice on him

Totally Thomas

As an anime-only, Shiguraki really pulled up and became a true villain here!


Lmao Shiggy really said “X I really like your cape, is that Velvet? It’s gonna look real rice on me.” 😂😂😂 Believing in the school of “I already killed his ass, might as well rob him too”


Patreon player soon 👀


They put a switch on his quirk


Everyone remember to give X-Less props for destroying those quirk erasing bullets. My man may have frozen seeing Tomura rise, but he still did a good job and provided Tomura with that drip.

Devin B

I just download the video from the streamable link so that it shows in 1080p. For some reason when you watch it from the streamable player the quality goes down.


Shigaraki out here with the Akira Drip


Bro it's The Crumbling


Check out Akiba Maid War. In the first 2 minutes people getting capped and filled with bullets. That show is full on F*ck censorship! Basically 2022's Black Lagoon mixed with Lycoris Recoil


I think she meant like he tried to give Twice the option to submit, he didnt want to kill twice but he knew how MASSIVELY OP twice is in War. Seriously he would single handedly turn the war on Heroes heads. Hawks was 100% in the right here

Kameron Renae

As someone who ended up binge reading the manga in a day last week I’m so excited to see everything animated. Like this episode was so good, animators ate this up!!! Shigaraki!!! 😮‍💨👏🏾 honestly the best villain, I love him. I’m excited for more both anime and manga. My only complaint is it’s too short😭 I need these episodes to be a 45- 1 hour long 😂


can anyone even fight shigaraki 1 on 1 anymore like idk how its even possible hell just dust you from range now not to mention he should be able to use and steal any quirks he wants right? Does Aizawas quirk even work on all for one? I guess thats the only chance they realistically got right is a aizawa endeavor midoriya team up 3 on 1 and maybe they can do something... eh maybe. Crust mighta gave the heroes the only chance they got saving aizawa. I didnt think they were gonna make him this OP after the level up lmao


Ugh, stream not in landscape mode


X-Less is the one who destroyed the bullets, not Shiguraki when he shot the machine so he was pretty clutch even thou he got bodied immediately. Also Crust was the No. 6 Hero so he was definelty better than Aizawa so idk what yall were talking about at the end there lol


Those bullets I believe were destroyed when X-Less destroyed the other machine that was still running, not by Shigaraki. That's what he walked over to and opened.

Devin B

If it helps I use catchvideo.net to download from the link. It takes up a lot of space depending on the video but I think it's worth it to watch in good quality.

Devin B

Nah Aizawa definitely better than Crust cause how many times they had to rely on him for them to take on the multiple high end Nomus. Endeavor wouldn't have been able to fight them if they kept regenerating so I would take Aizawa over Crust.


Yeahhhhh lupa giving someone unstable launch codes lmao


best episode of the season so far. WOW


Being a manga reader here and answering your question without spoiling. Nobody can do shit on their own against him. Send an army with a plan and pray. Shigaraki is a main character of his own series "My Villain Academia" remember. So all plot armor / protagonist powers apply to him just as much as it applies to Deku. So... Yeah. Hope that gives you a clear answer.


The compare game sucks. The real answer should be that Aizawa has obvious qualifications of being among the top 10 pro heroes and he obviously keeps himself on the downlow because he hates that spotlight nonsense. Also ever since USJ, his quirk was heavy nerfed so he ain't as good as he used to be.


Idk if y’all said it already but the cape he got X-Less is the cape from the OP/ED

Jalani Abdul-Aziz

bro Shigaraki is a PROBLEM. the doctor really gave him a switch and said go crazy


@Isaac Also avoiding spoilers, but there was that one person...you know who, who did you know what, but you know what happened so you know what happened as a result.

Miguel NoName

Can you please upload this episode using the regular player? The subtitles are unreadable on streamable


I use the "Brave" Browser and desktop mode. Then change the video player quality settings, only way it works for me on IOS.


This decay quirk is completely crazy, just a pure destruction ability.


For other people who have problems with the quality on Streamable: I use the "Brave" Browser and desktop mode. Then change the video player quality settings, only way it works for me on IOS. Hope this helps someone.


at 10:53, all three of 'em at the same time I can't lol


Saying that the comment is irrelevant seems pretty unnecessary tbh


so you're saying every hero ranked higher than deku has a better quirk than one for all? Ranking isn't why Crust saved Aizawa.


NGL they made Shigaraki OP to the point where it's boring. How are you even supposed to fight someone who can disintegrate anything within miles without even touching it. And that's just his original quirk powered up. The show will probably change my mind later on, but for right now it feels like a kid playing pretend with his friends who says he can destroy anything and has all the powers. It kills the fun


Use the browser in side mode and click on the play button, it’ll go into full mode automatically then. At least on my device 🤷🏽‍♂️.


1. they have someone whose quirk is "you can't use your quirk" 2. can't destroy everything if you don't let him touch anything


What you got? I use the SE 2 and got an older IOS version, maybe it’s ‘cause of that. Sometimes it won’t work right away, so i reload the site or click on the play button until it goes into full mode. I know it’s complicated but after some testing it’s the only thing that works for me.

Intravenous Burger meat

Streamable is broken on mobile landscape doesn’t work Edit: the mobile app doesn’t work, watching thru Google works


That one chick throwing up an earth style mud wall and looking mad surprised it didint do jack to help; to me is priceless


they thought it was something more like an impact shockwave, something that could be blocked- hence Deku trying to kick his own to counter it and Todoroki's ice wall


Ohh no it's not that, it's just that everytime a wall like this gets thrown infront of an attack in Naruto it never ever helps

Lloyd Edwards

You guys aren't even thinking.... No way would Mic drop the doctor. They need him in hopes of freeing their friend! No one else would have any clue about what to do!

Lloyd Edwards

#1 That someone cant do that forever and will become the #1 target, but more importantly #2 makes sense in theory but good luck pulling that off for enough time to knock him out. I dont agree with the original comment, alk im saying is your counters dont have much sustainability


Yeah its their first time seeing it, they don't know it's Shiggy's Decay


X-Less is now X-LESS

Overlord Saber

Its taken me forever to realise the machine with the quirk deleters was what X-Less shot. I thought Shigaraki broke them during all that nonsense.

Austin Friley

Bro woke up and leveled a city, the game has changed


The machine wich made the quirk erasing bullets, got destroyed b X-Less. not shigi.


How come Shiggy don't just Decay a tunnel into the CORE OF THE EARTH, then DECAY THE CORE. Bada bing bada boom bazillion multi-kill cuz no core means Earth is entirely fucked (at least for life)


Can you upload this normally I like to watch on my phone and streamable won’t go full sideways :/


open the streamtable link in a browser instead of through patreon on ur phone, it works then



I can tell you two things 1. This is not the last season there is/will be material for 1-2 more seasons and 2. This season will be the best one yet!


My god the music alone during that is enough to give you chills


Was going to tell you how wrong you were and that you're only looking at this from a surface level but someone already beat me to it. Most of the powers in this show are ridiculous. Ffs Midoriyacould level a whole town too if his body could handle it. Get used to the power scaling cause it's not done


Giving the nuclear (not nuculer) codes to someone unstable? Well, Trump had them. Somehow we survived.


Nah hold up.... your perception of time is different from the amount of time that passes in anime. Kinda can't believe this needs to be said. But yeah, there was literally no time to move. Y'all need to chill lmao. Man's cannot hear you, the script has been written, your screaming at him changes nothing. XD


They know that. They just keep forgetting that out of shock.


because he's not looking to kill every single person on earth including himself lol


I thought that was his desire tho? Since his Quirk is compelling him to decay EVERYTHING?

The Divided One

This and your comment above shows your level of ignorant idiocy; I can't believe it has to be said but they are in something called immersion, look it up.


That's adorable, calling my comment ignorant idiocy when you basically repeated what I said but used the word immersion. They forget when they're immersed in the content and they know it. lol Tone the unnecessary trash talk down.


@Isaac patreon sucks for not showing who people reply to, but im pretty sure Doffy wasnt replying to you. They're calling out Osenbei for making multiple stupid comments


@Osenbei Sensei you are more goofy for taking reactions this seriously and being an ass, than they are for actually being immersed in a good anime. I swear angry man-children from twitter thinking people want hear their yelp-tier complaints have been leaking over to every platform now that their safe spaces have been tainted. Can't believe it has to be said, but no one has a problem but you, go watch the show on your own if it bothers you that much.


Who said his quirk is whats driving him? All For One made him the way he is mentally with help from dear old dad that is.

The Divided One

@Isaac I was talking to Osenbei you moron, he made two dumb comments in a row, like I said lmao; And don't act/talk based off an assumption you tard, it just makes an ass out of you.

Hasnain Khan



Shigiraki literally woke up and chose violence. He came back from a death state, realized he was woken up earlier than he was supposed to be, and his response was, "Oh okay cool. I'll just hit everybody with Decayed Earthquake."


Sure but his Quirk is instinctively making him wanna destroy shit, hence why the itchiness stopped the moment he dusted his family and all that...


THIS IS PEAK MHA. Minimum VA, entire scenes of no background music, just Bones cracking their fingers and going to work.


x-ray by pure chance destroyed the quirk cancelling bullets otherwise shit would have been worse


I have an iPhone too. I’ve been having same issue for years when someone uses streamable.You can also just open the link using google chrome and once it opens request using desktop website and the quality is great. I can also turn it sideways. I just tried it for first time and it’s working. This also works the same with Safari on phone tried it there as well after doing it in chrome.