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Harley was supposed to be back this week but pushing to next week since I miscalculated when certain shows were ending. Also, YES we plan to watch JJK0 and Edgerunners and will let you all know when those start! If I need to make adjustments to the schedule I will let you all know, we are prepping for a Hurricane in our area so potential power loss is a thing. I will make sure to keep you all updated but we should be good!




This has a million comments but gonna throw out dub for edgerunners, i watched sub first then rewatched in dub. The ONLY reason i like dub more is because it takes places in future california and showcases lots of cool slang and accents such as with david and his mom, farraday and such. Bias but dub lucy is HOT and lines hit harder in emotional scenes.


Some animes just hit differently dubbed. Edgerunners for sure its 100/10 dubbed. I am not a subbed elitist, but the last dubbed anime I enjoyed was Death Note lmao. Edgerunners dubbed really changed my feelings on it. Shit was so good.


Edgerunners dub is the way to go. The people asking for sub are cringe

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2022-12-31 09:23:41 @fili0938 naw, its actually you dub watchers that are cringe. I don't even have a dog in this fight.( But I do think the sub is slightly better then the dub) Still I see way more of you people who enjoy the dub being toxic assholes then sub watchers. Which is actually pretty surprising, considering its usually the opposite. Honestly I hope Roshi and the crew pick the sub for Edgerunners. Just so I can see you bitch ass dub watchers throw a tantrum about it.
2022-10-08 21:51:23


@Kevin Pappert I actually thought lucy in dub was the worst voice actor honestly. Her voice and lines are straight up cringe in comparison to her sub voice. It felt like the Va was trying way to hard to be sensual and seductive and it just wasn't doing it for me.