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The frustration



After this "cour" of episodes, I seriously could feel all of the writer's fatigue setting in on Araki. Mans must have been forced into this story on some DB GT shit, because it's kind of a waste of story telling. I honestly feel like I'm watching Saint Germain again with this resurrection plan. I honestly don't get Pucci's motives beyond "Get to Heaven! *Brood* ". It's just interesting to see, knowing THIS part brings the current time/storyline to it's conclusion. Jolyne is dope, but the last 8-10 episodes were hard to watch, IMO.

Jay rellim

interesting, i feel like this story is getting more interesting over time unlike imo part 5, which started out really strong then sizzled towards the end. we also dont know what heaven really means yet i feel so still more to discover

Jules Eris

The thing about opinions is that they can never really be wrong or right. Except for this one. This opinion is wrong.

Christian Acosta

Is it just me or does Emporio sound like Aladdin from Magi?


"Noooooo!!! Damn... Noooooooo!!!"


Okay, bag of flaming hot dickheads. I have some more of Granny's peach tea for you all to drink when you're done sipping the Kool-Aid. Getting MORE interesting? Now that the clown power hour is over? Tell me Pt.5 fell off towards the end, and tell me that THIS shit right here is more interesting, and THEN tell me MY OPINION is WRONG...? Bruh, I can't sympathize with the clinically insane.


First of all part 6 it hasn’t even ended yet so don’t judge it just yet. Puccis idea of heaven gets revealed later. He’s the best JoJo villain imo. The lore of him and Dio is some of the most interesting things I think. May I ask why you think there is writers fatigue?

Jules Eris

My man got triggered and came up with the lamest comeback lmao I love part 5 but you can't possibly think that freaky friday is more interesting than the end of part 6. Also saying that Araki got writers fatigue and was forced to write this story is so wrong it's hilarious, it's literally the complete opposite of what actually happened lmao

Davon Thomas

You do know it's like 9 parts of Jojos right? How would he get forced to write that much and you say he got writers fatigue 🤣. The publishers for manga back then were far from pushing a narrative of overworking writers compared to mid 2000s like what happened with Bleach


feel like "writers fatigue" only comes to play when the author repeats major plot threads (different than like a gag or repeat joke) and Araki is in no rush bruh man started in 1987 and still going with part 8 almost 30 years its taken for relatively short parts compared to some shonen, its fine you don't rock with it not a lot of people did when the manga for part 6 debuted but to say he was phoning it in is crazy. Hallelujah DIO.

Kevin Xiong

Yo why do I love this stand so much? Only being able to retain 3 new pieces of info at a time is a problem!


that stand is terrifying

pizza killer

Thus is one of my favorite stand battles in the entire series


To make my point clear as can be, hate aside, there are CLEAR signs of fatigue throughout this entire part, and yes, it starts with repetitive writing and recycling a lot of things from part 3. It starts off unique, and I'll admit, I had only 1 issue with the first 12 episodes, and that had to do with the dream goo. There were some details missing, I thought. But this part felt like it started after skipping some chapters, and then the stand fights are just awful. I felt like I was stuck in the middle of part 3 again, with one bad stand user after another. F.F's death was so over set up that it doesn't have any actual impact on me as a viewer. I don't hold on to every negative thought I have, so forgive me for not being able to dump a huge load on this last "cour" of episodes. I'm only angry because people wanna make fun of someone for expressing their mind. The writing was weak, felt recycled at times, and the episodes were more stress and confusion than anything else. Point made.

Derrick B

For anyone that like this episode, you should watch the movie Memento. It's basically the same premise where the MC has a form of amnesia where he loses new memories and writes on himself to help remind him what he's supposed to be doing. Pretty sure they took inspiration from that movie for this episode.

Jake Young

Awww man the anime cut the part out where Jolene spoils The Sixth Sense! That's one of my favourite gags in all of Jojo!




Yeah, this stand is so Memento it's crazy. I'd love to think one of my favorite artists Araki took inspiration from another favorite Christopher Nolan but when exactly did this part and Memento come out? Jojo predates a lot of things

Nikolai Cannady

this is like Memento its so dope


Why are you so pressed? My dude calmly stated his opinion and wasn’t even argumentative and you called him a dickhead. Maybe you should respect others opinions and realize the world doesn’t revolve around you.


Coran, fuck off. This comment was dead, so don't pile on like a fly on shit, okay. They "calmly" clowned my opinion and flat out said it was wrong with 0 explanations. None of the people who commented had anything helpful to say, just "haha, I don't agree with you! You're an idiot!" So yeah, FUCK ALL OF YOU DICKHEADS.

Cameron Eldridge

Didn't Araki admit he was getting writers fatigue and that's why he took a break after Stone Ocean and changed things up for SBR? I like stone ocean but not sure why yall acting like he never said that. I remember he specifically said that he regretted alot of the decisions he made with Dio and was getting burnt out because of that and he felt "trapped" by his own characters.