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That disguise was killing me!



Thanks for the reaction! Also, you two absolutely have to check out the anime Shadow's House. It's similar to Vanistas with the mystery and all! It's also short so no big commitment! Season 1 12 eps and season 2 is airing right now.


Kaiki is gangsta


Fun fact: Danganronpa was inspired by a murder mystery book series that NisiOisiN (The author of Monogatari) wrote, called "Zaregoto" (translation: "Nonsense"). So the refrence at the end there is pretty fitting. Btw, Zaregoto also has a really underappreciated anime OVA adaptation for the first book, I'd love to see you guys react to it someday... although I can't see that happening, given how unpopular it is.


OH SHIT! Best Girl Arc starts now! lol

Sebastian Stróż

"I like the out of order storytelling" Rewatch the series once you are done with it, in your spare time, and you will find it even more amusing. It only gets better with each rewatch.


"Is that Lean?" My fucking sides!


The reason Gahara threw her drink was because Kaiki was talking about scams, after he had basically scammed her family out of their entire savings, and caused her parents divorce.


"He's aggravating" OHHHHH you ain't seen nothing yet

uolf tenc

yes da.

Hans Wurst

The man, the myth, the legend! Considering what's to come it's good that you like the opening.

Simone Resni

Peak fiction arc is here Also, remember to not skip this opening EVER It's one of the 7 deadly sins ;)


Roshi, a couple of notes to help! Kaiki is the narrator and perspective of the arc (obviously). As he said in the intro, he's going to be lying to you left, right and center. Mostly manifesting as details. You were confused on why Senjougahara's disguise, Kaiki's clothes, and the colors were always changing. In reality, it's Kaiki telling us a story where he's constantly lying about details such as "I was wearing this color or she had that on her head" This arc will be full of fun, annoying shit like that, so enjoy. Also, I would recommend not skipping the intro as the arc goes on. There are progressive changes. Thanks for the uploads as always

en -V

We are finally here! peak dialogue arc!

Trent Ward

This is my favorite arc in monogatari. I haven’t seen like the last 3 seasons that aired so idk if it’s the best

None None

Everyone gets that the OP is in 80s anime style, but the other half of the joke is that it's meant to look like those cheesy-ass videos that play in the background whenever you pick an 80s song in Japanese karaoke, where all of the girls are wearing big hats and standing in front of water for some damn reason. It's the reason the song is sung like Senjougahara doing terrible Karaoke. (there's an alternate recording of the song where the voice actress sings it without the intentionally crappy singing and it sounds even more like a shitty 80s love song)

van (edited)

Comment edits

2023-12-30 16:06:58 Oh fuck the intro does change through this arc... wtf I thought it did other things
2022-09-03 06:07:43 Oh fuck the intro does change through this arc... wtf I thought it did other things

Oh fuck the intro does change through this arc... wtf I thought it did other things


Kaiki wasn't/isn't in love with Hitagi. He scammed her family when she was sick with the crab god oddity.

Jose silva

i thought the intro was supposed to represent the relationship between kaiki and senjougahara since she still holds feelings for him


It is rather ambiguous, but I would probably agree. I think Hitagi did like Kaiki though.


peak fiction has arrived, kaiki best girl


'there are cases when talking to someone takes a load of your mind and solves everything after all" damn I JUST realized this foreshadowing LMAOOO... And man, for someone that was almost raped, senjougahara really went and said "yeah I'd sell my body' in order to get enough money to save araragi's life. Def best girl


yeah he doesnt wanna help senjougahara either sheera. not sure what you were watching but he only wants to help them because of gaen lol.


its implied she had a crush on him same way she fell for araragi kaiki was suppoe to be her saviour but instead he was a scam artist which crippled her trust in people who try to help her hence the entire season 1.


This arc is one of my favorite’s among any series I’ve watched, everything about it is great. It made me love Kaiki and expanded on the greatness of Senjougahara.

by chances

tbf there was text at the beginning saying it's january. easy to miss of course because they go by fast.


There's gonna be a version of the intro where Kaiki is also singing alongside Senjougahara, so it would be cool to see your reactions when that is shown :)

AlexXis Amadeus

Do NOT Skip the OP until you hear the "Real" OP.

Drake Rage

Kaiki came to the conclusion that he is okay with saving his "hated foes" Araragi and Sejougahara, if it somehow helps Kanbaru, who is Gaen's niece. Gaen being the girl who knows everything and told Araragi that the darkness is after Hachikuji, not Shinobu. So, it is not what Sheera said that Kaiki wants to help Senjougahara, not Araragi. Nope, he apparently considers both of them his foes and he doesn't care about either of them, even though he ruined Senjougahara's family with his scams AND even though Senjougahara apparently liked him or had a crush on him in the past. I don't remember why Kanbaru is so important though, will be nice to find out what the deal is.


Kaiki’s shirt and Senjougahara’s mustache kept changing throughout the conversation

Drake Rage

Very true, who knows what is actually true, but what is so important about Kanbaru. Just the Monkey/Devil's Paw? We did see Kaiki outside her house, and even Gaen wants to meet her, so she does seem important to them.


This is like my third time watching monogatari and it just gets better with each watch. Never really comment but glad yall enjoy it. thx for the reactions

chou sion

Best narrator/mc, the goat himself kaiki deshou, such a W character and this is a W arc. also remember to take the things he says and narrates with a grain of salt like he asked you to do, this guy trolled me throughout multiple series, he made me believe a lie