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lol my bad idk what happened earlier


Gabriel Souza

LOL Roshi thinks EXACTLY like me




Thanks 🙏🏾


Man said I promise😭😭😭


Surely it’s the full vid If I click and the video is 1m long I’m coming to find you roshi :)


Does he turn into Glassman in this?


Let's goooo


Lmaoooo people were going crazy in the comment earlier 🤣🤣🤣


Thanks guys. Once again, glad you liked the first episode. Very keen for your reactions to this show.

Erica Collins

ah finally the repost lol thank you 🙏🏾


At least Tywin didn't die with his pants down while being shot by his dwarf son.


Damn bro, you see how racism starts. Roshi turns into something supernatural and starts calling all humans, "you people".

Mateo Castaneda

Y’all gonna watch danmachi at some point?

Somuch Bttrdenu

I don’t think you guys noticed Corinthians eyes, they have teeth in them.

That guy joe

Thank you Yam lord, the people of the yamming never lost faith!!

Jaelyn Mcgee

In the comics it's actually worse what he does to Alex, he gives him a curse of an unending nightmare loop that he can never wake up from until Dream is dead, and he can live for a very very very long time.


Just because they didn’t mention it doesn’t mean they didn’t notice... but at the same time maybe they didn’t notice


Overall I thought this show was just OK. I think it had a strong first half but then the second half kinda fell a bit flat for me.

Peachie Mellow

Roshi is Him with the quickness, Stunt so hard can I get a witness? Man know how to handle his business, He flossing, pay your dues to the Dentist! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧


this show is pretty dope. so if 90 years passed that means that both the mom and the kid are dead of old age that have his stuff


well he did say having his stuff expands your life/gives youth and prosperity


I think he had the power to give the old man some of the thing he wanted but like he said they weren’t his gifts to give especially immortality how do you think death would feel if they knew they family members was just giving out immortality to niggas😭

Lamaree Jackson

Well, good thing Netflix has this because HBOMax is axing everything. Hope Young Justice gets the renewal 🥲


I don’t believe it’s the full vid

Jada Merritt

not Roshi being like "you killed my bird? the human race gotta GO!" lmfao


fr what if they were supposed to die the next day and he just gave them immortality lol death would be pissed

Faiz Khan

wtf when did Sandman get a show, l mean dope guess its time to watch it


Did it leave enough question for a season 2 or did it fall that flat


I'd still be interested in a 2nd season and it sets up the world for more stories well enough. I haven't read the comics and I don't want to give away any spoilers but I'm guessing they adapted 2 different stories or comics for this first season and IMO there's a pretty clear line from one the first story ends and the 2nd starts. The 2nd story/half of the show for me just wasn't as interesting as the first half of the show. I don't think it's bad or anything just that the ending isn't as strong as the start but still worth a watch.

rickie woodson

like two weeks ago. there is also an audio series with big name actors that they did before this. i think its on amazon? its been in the making for YEARS. joseph gordon levitt was working on it, trying to make it into a theatrical film with him starring........

rickie woodson

you are 100% wrong. because of rights and shit folks arent using their super hero/super villain names but the characters are in here. fury (wonder woman's daughter), dr. destiny (john dee), and silver scarab aka sandman II (hawkman's son) and redacted are all in here. characters like superman, martian manhunter and superman are all in the comics as it takes place in the dcu but for obvious reasons they are not here (curse you wb!!!). i never read sandman proper just the adjacent books (house of whispers about the voodoo goddess erzulie aka must read for black folks), the books of magic (what harry potter ripped off), lucifer, and constantine. gaiman is the man! rather its novels, comics, tv or film, he just gets me!


Sandman is DC canon, but almost seperate from it. A tier above the superhero stuff. Its about cosmological, primal forces that largely do not give a shit what heroes and villains are doing. Darkseid is somewhere, plotting something, but its not Dream's job to worry about that. I guess to draw a Marvel analogue, we're in Watcher territory here.

Nicole Newsome

So excited you all are watching this, I was a huge fan of the comics when I was a kid. The show lived up to my many expectations. I won’t spoil anything but if you have questions about the basics I’m happy to share 😊

Nicole Newsome

Big fan of the comics and yes the second half is a setup for season two. In season one Morpheus is collecting his vestsments (helm,ruby,pouch). In the second half he’s collecting the dreams and nightmares also trying to repair their damage and rebuild the realm. I think that’s the reason for the tone shift from ep 7-10. But it sets up Dreams adventures for the rest of the seasons nicely.


Sleep is the cousin of death. They nabbed the wrong family member

Sauce Sorcerer

I never even heard of this show. This first ep was fire.


(potential spoiler): Little brother of death, to be specific

Lupa is Dadi

This show is sooooo fire! I’m hope y’all enjoy it as much as I did!


Yeah, Vertigo shit. It fits that exact same niche of things that probably shouldn't be part of superhero canon but are anyway because nobody stopped to think about the implications of having Lucifer or Swamp Thing existing alongside Batman.


Incidentally, if you guys are vibing with this technically-DC depression comics nonsense, Doom Patrol is a pretty stellar watch too.


Im glad that you guys are watching this show. Ive watched until episode 3 and almost dropped it. The MC is so fucking boring. Now I can watch it with you guys to make him bearable.


I've heard that the first half is Volume 1, and the second half is Volume 2 of the Sandman comics.


And we’ve haven’t even seen all his siblings yet and there’s a lot of questions that needs to be answered, I’ve just watched that episode 11 and I see that we’re getting into different mythology

Morgan Crane

Fun fact is that the time passage is actually longer than it was in the comic. In the comic, Dream gets trapped in 1916, and escapes in 1989 -- the year the first issue was published. When they made this show, they decided to update it so he still gets caught in 1916, but escapes in 2022.

George Johansen

Bruh not Lupa and his crunchy ass chips and chip bag all episode long god damn 💀 EDIT: Okay nah towards the 40-min mark Lupa just starts gettin' violent with the chip noises, now that shit's annoying xD

Ramone Moore

yeaaa sir lanaster fuckin forgot that was him


Will not do that again, did realize how loud it gets. Apologies

George Johansen

Nah don't worry bro, it's a pet peeve of mine so not everyone feels that way. It was all in good fun anyway, my homies sitting in the background were dying and high-fiving cuz I got so annoyed, they approved of your chip choice too 😂

Desert Penguin

No worries, it happens in movie theaters all the time too LMFAO. My biggest tip is to only do it during loud scenes so the audio masks the crunch. Enjoy!

Antonio Williams

Bruh that was perfect timing though. I thought the glass was cracking until I saw him pick up the bag again

Pan Cakes

Nah bruh do it again LMAOO. i need more comments like george that shit funny af

Shreyansh Gupta

Right? He even hates his second kid and loves his first one like Tywin did. I can't believe I missed that.

Emmett Diggs

lmfaooo this nigga lupa man "i needa orange"

Don Keedick

I love how they based 14:31 on a real illness that occurred around that time period. I love when shows cleverly mix fantasy with elements of reality like they did at that moment.

raben konig

Don't know what kind of shows you watch, but can you think of any other show where the MC is literally a concept given mortal form, the idea of dreams itself? That kind of MC is bound to be very different from others. Personally, I find Dream very interesting.

Dog Nibba

Like Nas once said, "I don't sleep, cause sleep is the cousin of death"

Daniel Turner

the dream and death page were suspiciously stuck together

Charlie baker

The casting on this is fire

Steven Fechter

I gave this show a shot after people told me it wasnt the regular cape shit show and its just boring man. I dont understand or care about the dream world. They shouldve just made an inception tv show.

Jr. Martinez

I’m with Roshi every one gotta go 😂😂


The foolishness of man to meet an entity whos title is "THE ENDLESS" and these mf tried to STALL HIM OUT?