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what the hell was this episode bro, so uncomfortable



Damn they really needed a Senku to tell them how to remove rusted iron from water so they could've taken over that contaminated water hole with the iron tower. Instead they chose to keep drinking the organism water lmao like bro, you couldn't focus on solutions for the other water holes? Or venture out to find more?

I VisiBomb I

a thing to note, boiling water isn't necessarily the solution to decontaminate water. boiling water and collecting the steam into a new containment unit while cooling it back into liquid IS. had they boiled the pseudo-water and collected the steam into a syphon to a clean bucket, they'd be good to go.

B Mowglli

that's the basis for the fire punch manga from Chainsaw Man's author apparently. He regenerates and they're all starving, then gets hit by eternal flame so he's always on fire


I am crying, the fact that it keeps getting worse, and we have gone to a point where we keep expecting the worse!!


You haven't seen anything yet, get ready for the next episodes.

Jaime Adam

This ep was a lot

Kevin Kovacs

it only gets worst... be ready for it Roshi! lol

Arima Kana

you guys found it uncomfortable? just wait till next episode:)

Alex cleveland

this freak ass shit bruh. Why this show get wilder and wilder lol.


Next episode will be worse😂


It gets Worse??????? 😬😬😱😱

Deshawn Smith (edited)

Comment edits

2023-11-27 05:51:59 lots of clappening 😂 its okay, next episode will shed some light. btw, idk if yall forgot or something but Faputa and Irumyuui are not the same person. Vueko said in an earlier episode that she's never met Faputa
2023-11-27 05:51:59 lots of clappening 😂 its okay, next episode will shed some light. btw, idk if yall forgot or something but Faputa and Irumyuui are not the same person. Vueko said in an earlier episode that she's never met Faputa
2023-11-27 05:51:59 lots of clappening 😂 its okay, next episode will shed some light. btw, idk if yall forgot or something but Faputa and Irumyuui are not the same person. Vueko said in an earlier episode that she's never met Faputa
2022-08-17 21:23:26 lots of clappening 😂 its okay, next episode will shed some light. btw, idk if yall forgot or something but Faputa and Irumyuui are not the same person. Vueko said in an earlier episode that she's never met Faputa

lots of clappening 😂 its okay, next episode will shed some light. btw, idk if yall forgot or something but Faputa and Irumyuui are not the same person. Vueko said in an earlier episode that she's never met Faputa


When she put her hand in the doo doo I lost my mind


Sheera was right btw it was her babies not Irumyuui herself. Stiiiill fucked up as all hell. Also There's my girl Pakkoyan! For the whole 3 seconds of screen time! I was right though sadly, they skipped the Pakkoyan x Vueko smashing scene from the dive. One of the only happy moments for Ganja squad hahaha. Also that Fox was from episode one, it was Vuekos pet that Juroimo killed. Seeing Irumyuui with a pet of her own made Vueko rememeber that. And damn the anime version hurt even worse than the manga! High-key dreading future episodes. Also you guys should reeeeaaally rewatch earlier episodes from time to time. There's details you forget that come back and you end up confused. For others that may have forgotten or gotten confused, yes the three sages many armed dude with horns is named Wazukyan, and the giant snake/dragon is named Belaf. And we are getting close to what happened to them. Also for the funny part at the end, Vueko is a doctor/nurse basically along with pakkoyan. She was doing that because she saw shapes in the diarhhea and was checking for parasites, not cause Irumyuui is good kid haha. Prepare your hearts and minds comment readers, things will SUCK soon! But there will be some amazing worldbuilding and action too!

Judah Davis

What do you expect from this world monkey paw. I think she wished to be able to give birth.

Kevin Kovacs

I hope sombody let them know before everybody attacks them about it! 😅🤣

sotonye ogan

Man I can read berserk no problem but sumn about this show always gives me the mighty heebie jibbies bro


This show is Oregon Trail on steroids. You died of dysentery :)

Jose Ovalle

My video keeps blurring and I can't read anything, can anyone help?


Goddamn. I wasn’t sure this season would be able to live up to the depth and tragedy of the first season and Deep Soul, but they sure as hell found a way to fuck us up.



AOArlert (edited)

Comment edits

2023-11-27 05:51:59 They already have, just don’t know when they’re going to upload it. Most likely going to replace better call saul
2023-11-27 05:51:59 They already have, just don’t know when they’re going to upload it. Most likely going to replace better call saul
2023-11-27 05:51:59 They already have, just don’t know when they’re going to upload it. Most likely going to replace better call saul
2023-11-27 05:51:59 They already have, just don’t know when they’re going to upload it. Most likely going to replace better call saul
2023-11-27 05:51:59 They already have, just don’t know when they’re going to upload it. Most likely going to replace better call saul
2022-08-17 22:55:08 They already have, just don’t know when they’re going to upload it. Most likely going to replace better call saul

They already have, just don’t know when they’re going to upload it. Most likely going to replace better call saul

Osiris Cage

Maaaan my ass gotta watch Spongebob after watching this shit lmao


They’ll be starting that next week they said, it’s replacing better call Saul

by chances

the infamous reveal


Dont worry, it gets worse


Stream tonight?


"Hey guys, i found this book 'A Modest Proposal' in the Abyss Library, seems neat!"

Reckless Company

This so is depressing so nothing surprises me anymore if im ever put in this world make me a object or im jumping with lupa lol

Gabby Boakye-yiadom

Now yes morally messed up of Wazu to do what he did. But I can't in a way fault the man for what was probably a do or die survival last resort play where everyone was going to die otherwise. Again sick but tough choices.

Hakurei Oni

There was a part that was in the manga but was cut from the anime, not a spoiler just an interesting detail for context. The scene where Irumyuui says Vueko smells like her mom because "she's been mating a lot" is because after they first arrived in the 6th layer Vueko was hooking up with some of the girls on the expedition, specifically I think the girl with blue hair that was like her assistant. So that's why she was embarrassed when Irumyuui called her out for literally smelling like sex lol

Jazmyne Mattucci

this episode foreal made my skin itch cuz this was ROUGH. i need to watch a comedy after that holy hell.

Kwaku Afari

Lupa screaming in preparation for the pain?


Only pain awaits ahead


Ngl when I first read this in the manga I thought the water was body fluid oozing from corpses which nasty af. Living “water” that melt and solidified corpses didn’t make it any easier to swallow

Pan Cakes

Oh boyy.. you guys thought this was uncomfortable LOL? it gets worse XD


Man, they've been spot on with the adaptation for the golden city arc. Shout out to Misaki Kuno (voice of Irumyuui, and Haine from Summertime Rendering), she brings the S-tier soul-wrenching emotion as always.


Thank you for the reaction! Would it be possible for y'all to watch School Live?


I feel like the creator of this series has weird f*tishes or something like hmm very weird

Jay Panda

Damn Lupa, you predicted the shit-butt in the intro with that diarrhea noise lol 😭

Vincent S Deluca

The Three Sages have the same names and Voice actors in the flashback as current time. Wazukyan (Hollow with the half white head whos always giving highfives) is the the leader with the face Tatoos, Belaf (long snake looking dude) is the Kid with the Scar on his eye and Vueko is herself but older lol


I'm surprised that while watching the anime the Manga creator doesn't just randomly show up at your door and kick ya in the nuts, just to really hammer in the pain. Seems like something they would do if they could.

Taylor Moon

This show is so fuckin good


This the type of show that would give me nightmares if I seen it growing up as a kid. Nah forget the show actually if I just turned on toonami or some other channel and this one single specific episode happened to pop up and I watched it I would have nightmares for the next year.


Lol it just feels like the author tries to one up himself to make things just weirder and fucking weirder, idk how to feel about that . I mean I guess its working though, since I'm still very interested in the story. But it still feels super edgy at times

John Endaya (edited)

Comment edits

2023-11-27 05:51:59 Bruh... what..
2023-11-27 05:51:59 Bruh... what..
2023-11-27 05:51:59 Bruh... what..
2023-11-27 05:51:59 Bruh... what..
2023-11-27 05:51:59 Bruh... what..
2023-11-27 05:51:59 Bruh... what..
2023-11-27 05:51:59 Bruh... what..
2023-11-27 05:51:59 Bruh... what..
2022-08-18 03:15:07 Bruh... what..

Bruh... what..


Fuck man what do you all mean it gets worse. Why can’t it get better.


Roshi how do you clap yourself so much bro? Yea they fed the girl to them but somehow she is still alive and kicking in the main timeline we are in. Makes sense right?


Never seen mud butt animated and I never want to again


Yeah because it's not like we haven't already seen a character, Mitty, who was 100% obliterated, come back, and then used as an infinite food supply for the kid who turned into a giant snake.... That makes total sense but what Roshi suggested...


@sliphazard like my other guy said its a copy created by bondrewd. Mitty never actually came back. Plus that is something that shouldn't be taken into account in the first place when it comes to this flashback.


This show is just amazing. You cant expect what is going to happen! No matter how good i am at dissecting and predicting plots i just cant see anything and i love it so much!


It may be a copy of Mitty but Belaf created the copy of Mitty (down to her soul) because of the "abilities" that Mitty had. Which means he could've done essentially the exact same thing with the real Mitty. She "never runs out, no matter how much of her is eaten" considering we just received that revelation only 2 episodes prior and in this episode we find out Irumyuui was eaten and that there's a Narehate in the future who looks exactly like Irumyuui it's not out of the realm of possibilities or theorizing that something similar could've happen to Irumyuui. You made the joke "Makes sense right?" and my answer was yes, because we've already seen a character who could do exactly just that. You could chop up, cook and eat Mitty and still she would be alive and kicking in the main timeline.


Oh yeah a little thing for people, a warning I guess not just for this season but for the far future. Cause season 3 will probably take another 4 years at the manga pace. The abyss gets worse and worse the deeper you go, the trials, the curse, the creatures etc. Right now they are at the golden city, aboout halfway through layer 6. This season won't even show all the nightmares that floor 6 has in store, and we still have absolutely 0 information on the 7th layer which is supposed to be the worst and most impossible of all.

Tusk Ish

Lol mannnn just knowing how much worse this gets while hearing their theories is exciting. Y’all are in for a wild ride.


The most popular theory is that she had 3 wishes in her heart: to be a mother/give birth to be cured to get her pet bunny back but the egg grants only one wish so it compromised and blended all the wishes into one, she got cured and had babys that look like her pet bunny. but the egg is like a genie(even worst because you cant talk to it) and the way it interpreted her wishes is messed up. for example, she wanted to give birth but she never thought about what comes after giving birth, so the egg only grant her wish up to the giving birth/being a mother(even for a short time) it did not bother to give the baby's any oragans that could help them extended their life's(a mouth to eat and organs for digesting the food) because from the egg perspective she did not ask for it so there is no point in giving her something like that.


I understand the consequence part for the pregnancy wish, but what made her body change? I don't understand that, since she was not trying to reach the surface. And do I understand correctly that the bodies of the other people changed because of drinking the water? If it will be explained later, then nvm :p


Well my guess is that the wishes are not "magic" so it warped her body to be able to give birth to these bunnies it seems to be limited in a way in that way. And the robot said that thd people that came back with the egg and got deformed its because they touched the egg but their wishes where so complex that it got overloaded and they died, hence, the need for a child to make a simple wish.

D Fud

My personal theory is that, since her wish was to give birth, then the egg would just focus on that completely, and do shit like changing her body so that it can give birth in the most "efficient" way, without caring what happens to the girl because as long as the wish is continuing to be granted (birthing), then it's job is done


It's not just that their wishes were too complex, but because they are too complex, they can't maintain the same wishes 24/7 like a kid w/ simplistic wishes can, and when you fail to maintain the integrity of the wish 24/7, you get merc'd as a side-effect. Theoretically a machine-like entity could maintain complex wishes indefinitely, because machines are perfect at routine like that


I think Wazukyan is less affected than the others because of his "Divine Possession" type of trait, so the same source that makes him a Precog, also somewhat negates effects like that (it helps that he can literally see that Irumiyuu's kids will save them anyway once you cook their corpses up, I assume it works in a similar way as Mitty worked as a universal antibody generator for any type of illness/poison)


So, we eating Dead babies now? .....Why do people go into the Abyss again? lol Imagine being cursed to give birth every single day for the rest of your life, only for the kids to die 1 day later


The reason Vueko checks poop everytime is because she's a survivor with lots of on-hand experience who specializes in medicine.

Ginger Dwarf

The fuckin Haadi-ma's kill me everytime. Y'all too much

Iwantto Beanon

i think the video quality might be messed up


Nah i think the stew are the dead baby bunnies from that girl

Simone Resni

Oh did they catch up to who the 3 sages are in the flashback JUST NOW? Lol i thought it was crystal clear and pretty self explanatory

AlexXis Amadeus

Y'know, I thought that same thing, but then you gotta remember they're watching like 9 different shows all in a few long sessions. I'm sure a lot of it just blends together and only really obvious surface details stick.


Its going to get darker and sadder as the story progress probably till the last episode for this season but on the brighter side they gonna get a new nakama


I hate this fucking show! Its so nasty and traumatizing, like what am i watching? Now when is the next episode?

Bobby Robinson

This is so fucked but at the same time so good

Tyler Cauthen

Thank God I wasn't eating



Kaitsu Tokiyas

from what I read the iluru voice actor (the child) is on shock after voice ing in this ep. yeah this episode is really dark. Hadimae....

Kaitsu Tokiyas

yeah, this dark fantasy... yes this is F up... but because of that its interesting ahahaha, I m really glad they put entire season 2 for golden city.

Drake Rage

Glad Roshi caught on to the names. He is right about Belaf and Wazukyan. Edit: WTF, just kill me now.

Steven Fechter

chef boy-ar-Irumyuui, minis.


I think she wished for a few things. 1) she wished she could give birth, 2) she wished to have her bunny back (which is why her babies look like the bunny, 3) she wished she wasn't in pain anymore, 4) she wished for everyone to not be sick (which is why the babies cure the disease)


both the blessing of the abyss and the cradle of desires just seem to fullfish your wishes but in the most fucked up way imaginable. Imagine wishing to never have problems finding food again so it makes you immortal and you can only gain nutrients from eating your own body or something like that (seems like something this author would come up with Lol)