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WWIII huh? This is awesome



The caption/description out of context is wild af lmao


I was getting worried that there was going to be no drops tonight 😅😌


Love the Steins Gate reactions. Just a point you might have missed. When he cross worlds lines at the end of the episode, the divergence number is greater than 1%, meaning that that is in fact the beta world line.

Eduardo Ibarra

Suzuha explained that basically there are multiple POTENTIAL timelines but only 1 timeline gets to exist at a time. The world rearranges itself every time Okabe shifts timelines so Kurisu goes from living to clapped, she doens't get to exist simultaniusly in another timeline.

Jason I.

Hey Roshi, I commented something similar on an earlier vid, but just to give a simplified explanation of how the Worldlines work. There's not an infinite amount of alternate timelines like the MCU or other media. The worldlines are kind of like "possibilities," and there's only one timeline. So when Okabe changes the worldline, the entire world moves, and everyone's memories and physical states change to fit the new history. But it's still the same people. So there's one Okabe, one Kurisu, one Mayuri (this is based on info presented in the show so far and not from the movies or 0). It's just that Okabe is the only one who remembers what happened before and after the change (though as you've noticed, the people around him are starting to remember some things as well). If there were an infinite amount of timelines, there'd be no point in saving Mayuri, since he wouldn't actually be saving her, but rather just abandoning the place where she died and moving to a place where another her was alive. Kurisu puts forward the idea that there could be an infinite number of her as a way to comfort Okabe and let him feel okay with leaving her, but everything we've seen so far shows that only one worldline exists at a time.

Salty MF

That IBN is a problem lmao


Picking between Mayuri and Christina wouldn't be hard at all. It would be the Flash meme with Mayuri in the grave me as Okabe throwing up the piece sign with Kurisu at my hip like "We'll name our kids after you".

Iago Leonelli

oh! congratulations on all of you not noticing he went past the 1% barrier! that was lovely


You guys are probably avoiding comments to avoid spoilers, this is not a spoiler but... Only one worldline is active at a time. Think of Okabe as being the "observer", whatever worldline that instance of him is on, is the active one. The weird scenes with reading steiner is when the universe itself is rewriting history to make it consistent with the changes. Suzuha mentioned there only being one worldline in the source material, she said she told a few lies in her 4chan posts to avoid sern detection.

Greg Harrison

I wonder how many loops Okabe went through. Groundhog day level or Subaru level?

Lye Batenkaitos

That can’t be true. What about alpha and beta, and the future of 2036? SPOILER ALERT * * * * Doesn’t the okabe In alpha time travel to 2036 to send the sms to beta okabe so you can save both mayuri and Kurisu, and we also see the other okabe in ep 24 being tricked into thinking kurisu died, so we know multiple okabe’s exist.




Are they gonna watch 0 before finishing this one?


Because if you finish this show than your just going to basically be watching a whole rerun of steins gate again with just a WHAT IF story but if you don’t than you can watch it chronologically and enjoy the WHOLE STORY


Because you WONT UNDERSTAND WHAT exactly this whole WW3 situation is about and it’s just going to be glossed over.

Yantok Novri

No. Ep 23 literally tell us what caused the WWIII in summary... so no need SG0 to fully understand the story


what why? that's the natural course of things, steins gate 0 is the side story sequel that gives context to the WW3 in the beta wordline.


@Cosmonaut, dude what are you talking about, you're acting as if when the show aired it was incomplete, and those who watched SG0 way later missed out somehow. They didn't write the original SG based on the assumption that 7 years later they would release some extra material.


they should but I doubt they'll actually do that


Are they planning on watching the OVA and the movie? What about Steins Gate Zero?

Jason I.

I'm trying to answer without too many potentially spoilery details, especially since it's been a while since I've last thought through this, but basically, "Time Machines" work differently in that they don't necessarily move worldlines (not that they couldn't as far as I know, but that they haven't as shown so far). So when Okabe uses that Time Leap or when Suzuha uses her time machine, they just go backwards in the same worldline. Regarding your example, that's the same character at two different points in time in the same worldline, whereas my original post was more about how there aren't infinite "alternate timeline" versions of each character, and how only one worldline exists at a time. SPOILERS Also, as far as I can remember, the 2036 Okabe is in the same worldline. There doesn't seem to be anything to suggest that was alpha line Okabe sending a message to beta line Okabe. My memory's not perfect on this though.

Adamantite Momon

Alexa play ‘Your tears don’t fall’


they should watch steins gate 0 cause it pieces some stuff together from the main series if im not wrong


Yes Zero and episode 23b for sure the rest only if your a hard fan of the show like me


Okabe falling back into his absolute nonsense chuuni shit to mask the fact he's nearly crying is some good voice acting work.


lmao guys the world ends in both times lines just for different reasons. Suzuha in the alpha world line grew up without even knowing what certain fruit were in 2036 (all because Sern takes over the world and messes everything up). Now in the Beta we have WWIII.

Ec Aea

They went from saving humanity from a Dystopia society to humanity on the brink of a World War 3 LMAO

Gabby Boakye-yiadom

It doesn't really matter that much. Yes, it gives more context but S0 wasn't even around when the original plot does this. It all still carries on naturally regardless. It's not absolutely crucial to understand the story.


I wonder if there's any comments explaining world lines.....


bruh just.......i cant lmao. this show is great though


They might not watch it straight immediately after this, i would imagine they would take a break first watching other shows first then come back to SG0 kinda like the monogatari series they are doing right now.


Watching steins gate 0 after takes away the POINT of really enjoying the serious cause they’d technically be going BACK in time to see another timeline of the WHAT IF it just don’t make sense.

by chances

time travel sex 😭

Adamantite Momon

the choice was basically WW3 vs SERN’s dystopia


Cosmonaut did a time leap to warn us all that these three need to watch SG0 or else. And all you guys are doing is ignoring the message. This is how WWIII starts. Good job.


You guys forgot one thing though: In the Alpha World Line SERN rules the world and the future is a dystopia, in the Beta World Line WWIII starts, its not Okabe or the machine's fault, these are just things that will happen.

Osiac Adrian

Moving scene with the prospect of never seeing eachother again. Roshi: This is too happy.