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Sou's Dad is super trash


B Mowglli

it made me cry laughing like only a few anime have - konosuba & Kaguya Sama. That sonic scene killed me


Putting in that Overtime today lol 🤣

Kwaku Afari

Damnnnnnnn Yams you weren’t joking about the uploads. Love y’all three


Bro we are feasting today. Damn, thanks guys! Get some rest as well too. Glad to see you back Lupa.

Fox Boy

Did u guys know that apparently they’re making a game for summertime rendering!!!

Henrique I. Pereira

I don't think it's a good idea, since the anime will still be the best way to experience this story. What else could they do with a game?


Tbh, it could work, the the timeline thingy, it is like david cage game. Detroit become human. Just plus with 12 minutes. And yeahh there you go, summertime rendering


It was listed as a "consumer game" which a lot of people are thinking it'll be a mobile game. but the company that makes it makes pretty much exclusively switch and psp games so there is hope.

Pan Cakes

damn guess it true that being hungry makes the food taste good bruh


I used to be addicted to the hokie pokie.... And then I turned myself around! AHT! AHT! AHT! (dad jokes)


The cake joke, lmao.


Roshi really had my head in the gutters since the last episode imagine you're smashing the shadow and the original than while you're sleeping the shadow pulls out a knife just so it wouldn't die in a week


Yall need to check out Isekai Ojisan

joshua rosario

no lie...by 8:50 hearring that sound in the back giving madison flashbacks


well my brother theory is gone but it did prove my theory that shinpei parents found the shadows

Unk 16

Just as a suggestion I feel like you guys might like blood battle blockade,it's a really good comedy/action anime


Bro, where’s the rest of the uploads. I waited 24 hours for steins gate and nothing. I’m crying bro

King DDD

Yeah? so u had to go and cry about it in every single post that came out yesterday? Just wait man, there was plenty uploads already.


I know, but I like to see more reactions. The only reason I watch anything is because they watch it. I love love love them a lot. And when you love something you have to pursue it you know. Lol


You could just, I dunno, watch those shows yourself without them. I ain’t gonna lie, what you said is fucked up parasocial nonsense. Also, they just recovered from COVID. You gotta give them time to get back into the groove of things. They are people, after all.


Legion, I’m addicted to their videos. If I don’t get my daily dose of videos. I might lose it 😂


Come over, and I will show you how much of a freak I am 😏

Chris Tercero

Weirdo lol . They not robots for your entertainment bozo. They humans too and need their rest

Joshua Rumble

parasocial relationship to the max jeez

by chances

random ancestor bout to be villain boss


I’m going to fly to Tokyo to see if I can get the uploads one hour earlier!!


Man y’all going ham today. Chill I can’t take all these compliments at once 🫣🥰

Chris Tercero

You can’t possibly have nothing to do bro … if it’s that bad you seriously need help. Go make some friends, talk to some girls

Chris Tercero

I really hope roshi blocks thjs clown one day 😂😂 that would be hilarious


Don’t worry, I will just use my other account. Nothing can stop me 😂


But let’s get them uploads please


Overlord please... and thank you!


Yes bro i am at airport and my flight is in like 4 ,hours and im here refreshing like a madman

Donovan Doyle

Bruh touch grass fr , remember u threatened me and deleted ur comment instantly also remember you posted your address clown


It’s all in the past now. I don’t let my past define me. Stop letting it hold you back 😂


Same, im here eating my food the slowest i possibly can cause I want to watch while i eat..... guess i'll be refreshing like a madman as well lol


Hell yah man, I’m surprised non of you is saying anything. It’s all prime fault. He’s the reason we didn’t get the uploads yesterday. I’m not hating on the trio. It’s just prime is slacking


Lmao, I actually never did. Until now. Damn man, you look kinda familiar. Have I seen you before

Donovan Doyle

Definitely not dude since you don't leave ur room and prolly need ur mom to trolly your ass around the house since you seem like such a neckbeard prolly looking like nikacado avocado lmao


I guess you finished up eating by now . I was really hoping for some early uploads


I lowkey kinda want Roshi and then to watch the 2012 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle series. I jus finished watching their gaming stream and think it would be a great reaction

Yantok Novri

This... i wonder why... steins gate is the "flagship" rn because of the vote


they have a lot of stuff to react to since lupa was sick longer and they have kids. they can only do so much


arent both of those shows you mentioned stuff they started before the vote for steins gate happened? I could be wrong but it seems like it makes sense to me to catch up on what is more backlogged if that is the case. Patience is the answer my friend


yea I feel you, but it seems like there was probably a technical issue or something with that ep in particular otherwise it'd probably already be up no use fretting


They better be uploading everything they missed last week if it’s taking this long 😤


Wouldn’t it be funny if they upload one reaction and then say the other one’s will be up later that night and then it never comes 😂

Chris Tercero

Roshi just replied to my comment on Twitter . He said there will be “8 Videos incoming” hope it’s real soon and I hope 3 of those are steins gate :)))


Boutta be 2 overlord vids tonight 🥰🥰🥰


Damn people in these comments so sensitive. Dude's clearly just joking around and you all comin' in like keyboard stalker defenders.


how fast i got from hating Tokiko to liking her. or hating the Doc to understanding him. what he did was 100% wrong. and there is no excuse. but I can see why he did it


Fcking loser, has 2 kids, a whole island with just one community where everybody knows each other to the point you can leave your child at a restaurant and they will take care of her. He has a legacy, gets recognition for his work. People would kill for that. Just live and let your wife live through your memory and be happy you get to experience that kind of life