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"nice village you got there, would be a shame if we just killed everyone "



Love this upload times, allows me to catch some reactions before work.

jesse almonte

Forgot the first 5 episodes of this are village play time


She’s a Sadist alright(Lupusregina Beta)


Ah Lupisregina Beta, my favourite sadistic girl

Tommy Ortega

I can’t wait for their reaction to the later half of this season🤣


So the joke was Enri (pronounced In Ree) was saying no one would understand being just a normal person then suddenly being thrust to be a leader of a group of people (goblins in this case) who loved and obey her every command and also going to a place she has never been before which is what happened to the guy who became Ainz.


I didnt remember that season 3 started that slow, because the last 6 episodes are so fire


I love how Nabe takes it as a compliment by saying she's the opposite of Lupisregina. The ending music always gets me so hype, like everything is coming to a beautiful end.


i love how they brought back the adventure lady from the first season and how most characters in overlord are not one offs and actually comes back and have some relevance even when dead at some point in the story. p.s. the only reason she accepted the compliment is because she mentioned lupus Nabe had entire nobles pull up and try to shower her with riches and compliments to get her to be their wife or mistress and she flat out ignores them and for a few got violent.


Lupa already explained it later on


i think she took it as a compliment when Enri mentioned she was as beautiful as Lupis. Since she actually cares for her siblings, being complimented alongside her might have actually meant something


Roshi gonna love this season


Now this season will start to get more amazing after every episode =)


I've seen this show I don't know how many times, but I've never seen that scene with Lupisregina revealing she's a sadist! I always wondered why she was encouraging Enri the way she did. I always thought that kind of change of leadership would have been terrible in the short term. Now I know why, haha!

Chris Barnes

Lupisregina is actually one of the nicer people in Ainz group. She has no hatred toward humans but also doesn't really care about them either

Lloyd Edwards

Really? You do know what she is though right? I was pretty bummed that they didn't show her transform in the episode later in the season


I know some people cant handle the fact that the bad guys are the MCs and running the show. Who cares, if you want the typical isekai the hero wins in the end and gets the harem thereʻs a crap load of other animes that you can watch. Villians as the MCs is a big part of why people like it so much.


All you gotta do is tell Nabe that Ainz is amazing all the time and youʻll be BFFs. lol

Lloyd Edwards

I'd say she's in the middle as far as the maids go. Yuri and CZ then her, Nabe and entoma are close. Obviously Solution is the nastiest

FreshxEli Tv

I think the village will be tested like the lizard man people since the goal is world domination Ainz won’t kill all subjects but he also won’t allow people who can’t progress or be useful to live like when their last plan took place he told Demi find what use the humans have and kill the rest i think its one of those type of actions but not everyone are villains some have potential to be good even though their nature is evil like sebas theirs a lot of others like him who aren’t villains but also aren’t hero’s

Ginger Dwarf

Bro someone get Lupa a fuckin nap. My man is exhausted. You guys might wanna lower your schedule


Lupa with the Zorak reference made me DIE! 🤣


*POTENTIAL SPOILER* Considering how her name sounds like a translation of "Queen of the Wolves" I assume she's some kind of werewolf.


The thing is everyone in the tomb of nazarick hates humans, the real players design the tomb that way cuz they were an all monster


Chris bro Lupisregina was literally just talking abt how she would enjoy it if the village burned down… and Sebas is the exception cuz of the way his creator was but he’d still kill humans without remorse if he wanted to, he just had a compassionate hero complex


I hope he meant Yuri instead of Lupis


You think or you've already seen it?


Sebas, Nigredo (Albedoʻs sister), Pastonia and Yuri are sentimental towards humans.

Alexander Anderson

Most in Nazarick were built to hate humans, BECAUSE in the Game humans out populated the monster races and would hunt other players that were non human. And after the Guild rose to power they would even RP as evil villains


I find cute that the only reason nabe accepted the compliment is cause enri said she’s as pretty as her older sister


I’m ready for when 🚶‍♂️🚶🚶‍♀️🚶‍♀️🚶‍♀️🏠 of ain’s ( if you know you know😂)


end discussion had me in tears lmaoooo


i’m actually pretty sure based off of the character karma rating she is one of the most evil beings in nazarick. Her, solution, demiurge, albedo, and ainz are all considered the most evil because of those ratings. it’s not in the anime but i think it was related to the light novels, and i’m sure you can read about it on the fandom website

Drake Rage

9:07 You were absolutely right Lupa, she was saying she has to do things she has never done before like ruling over fricken monsters as a "normal village girl" which was the same as Ainz who was a normal office worker who is now an Undead Ruler of some of the strongest beings in this world. Also, thank you for asking to check the ending because y'all miss way too many end credit scenes, lmao.


All you gotta do is join the dark side Lupa


yeah gotta remember that all of Nazarick and their personalities were MADE that way so I cant hate on female Lupasan lol

Zach Saltou

I can not remember this show after the first season or two, but this shit has been giving me dead entire village vibes since last episode

Gas Bandit

One thing a lot of people don't pick up on, is the "Monument of Ruin" Ugu describes being built recently in the forest is the Fake Nazarick that Ains had built as a decoy, and to act as the staging point for the attack on the lizardmen. Thus, the Demon Snake of the west and the Giant of the east are combining their forces to attack the King of Ruin... Well, I guess you'll see.


I think he meant that Lupis Regina doesn't hate humans. She genuinely seems to enjoy their company unlike the others that recoil at the very thought of even sharing oxygen. You can be an evil sadist, and not hate the thing you enjoy hurting.

Shawn Oxley

I really like the little mini arcs they do for the different races it really adds to the world building


Yeah, her name literally tells you what she is. I suppose that those that don't know what Lupus means would be surprised.


Regarding Lupusregina, its all an act. The goblins were correct in saying she's bad news. IIRC the goblins can detect her malice.


Significant with that scene with Nabe and Enri was that Nabe started with her usual tone of talking to someone beneath her, UNTIL Enri complimented Lupusregina. After that she sat down besides Enri and acknowledged her as somewhat of an equal.

David Palacios

have they yet reveal what nabe's race is? Before someone says anything yes I know what her race is from reading the LN but not sure if they ever revealed it in the anime?


According to their character sheets in the LN, Lupisregina's Sense of Justice is -200, Solution and Nabe -400, Yuri 150, CZ 100, and Entoma -100. While she is evil she's just short of being Neutral Evil.

Eric Keatts

From Season 1 to Season 3, the Carne Village episodes are always my favorite


Iʻd rather deal with Nabe then Lupusregina. At least Nabe is straight forward and will tell you to your face that you are just a insignificant insect while Lupusregina pretends and then does something horrific to you and enjoys it at the same time.


shout out to sheera with that power puff girls reference


rip zorak


Sure but she doesn't hate humans; she's just a fucking sadist, so as long as ppl are in despair, their species doesn't matter shit to her. The target in this instance simply happens to be Human by species, that's all

Snehan Pandey

I am eagerly waiting for the episode if you know you know


The 41 people she knows who can work perfectly are the 41 Supreme Beings, Ainz being one of them.


Lupusregina is literally a wolf in sheep's clothing. She's a werewolf who pretends to be all sweet but is really evil as fuck. She was actually designed to be slight wrong in her sweetness so as to make people even more uncomfortable. Since they were role-playing as monsters (all guild members had to be a monster race) most of the NPC's were made expressly evil. Demiurge and Albedo have a karma of -500 so they will do evil for evil's sake. Some like Aura and Mare are neutral and are just indifferent, but Sebas is fully good with +500 karma. He will kill for justice or if it is an order from Ainz, but he is a genuinely nice guy. It's their loyalty to the guild and the Supreme Ones which allows the good NPC's to work with the evil ones.


It’s no way that they didn’t know that she was talkin about ain’s and the 41 supreme beings (if they didn’t know that, I don’t know what to say😂)


roshi and lupis regina doing the spiderman meme at the end lmaoo

Reckless Company

lol I cant believe that hamster was a important piece for balance so techincally this is Ainz fault lol


I would never be a simp... At your service Wolf Queen


@David I don't think the anime confirmed it


But are they really villains? Are we villains for killing bugs and other animals? XD yes they are evil.


I just want to remind everyone that Lupusregina is the healler / support from the Plaides A sadist.. is a healer. Nice


to refresh your memory. the goblin horns where items from a gacha. it was trash in yggrassil because the goblins where low level. in that world it has really high value xD so don't hate the guards and the magic dude. they where doing their job


"There was an attack." I half expected Lupa-san to attack Roshi like he does in the attack on titan intro's lol!

Daniel Borrego

i think you guys keep forgettting that everyone in ainz's crew is extremely evil . sebas might be the only one thats sorta nice. they're literally torturing about 150 000 humans in thier base right now.


The organization seems more true-neutral to me, with lots of evil peoples, lots of neutral peoples, and a fair number of good (like Sebas).


Yeah sebas isn’t evil but if he was given the order to kill people/children, he would do it without question


Demiurge over there having fun with them sheep


Nah. I'd say evil overall. Almost all of the top are Neutral evil to extreme evil. You have a few like Sebas and a few maids that are actually good. The only thing that's keeping everything in check is that for the most part Ainz doesn't do evil and malicious acts and freely as the others. He's more controlled and some cases a bit more...."noble"? If he was a bad as Demiurge, this show would be far different.


Lupa with the Space Ghost reference I’m dead lol


I used to think I had a dirty mind, but damn Sheera.🤣 I can just imagine someone saying they have to become something and Sheera was say “Becum, Dayum”.🤣😭


Enri has top level connections and didn't even know it

Kyle Drayton

Finally @Edgar shuts up! Thank you so much Roshi!

Zohnty Luwang

all the plaedies are non human and evil by design so yes, all sort of freaks are there in them. for example solution is a slime, nabarel gama is a doll...

Talon (edited)

Comment edits

2022-12-30 06:07:19 I think Yuri Alpha is good aligned, she is a Dullahan, Lupus is a werewolf, Naberal is a doppelganger, Solution is a slime, Entoma is a bug, and Gamma is an automaton with a machine gun, lol
2022-12-30 06:07:19 I think Yuri Alpha is good aligned, she is a Dullahan, Lupus is a werewolf, Naberal is a doppelganger, Solution is a slime, Entoma is a bug, and Gamma is an automaton with a machine gun, lol
2022-12-30 06:07:19 I think Yuri Alpha is good aligned, she is a Dullahan, Lupus is a werewolf, Naberal is a doppelganger, Solution is a slime, Entoma is a bug, and Gamma is an automaton with a machine gun, lol
2022-12-30 06:07:19 I think Yuri Alpha is good aligned, she is a Dullahan, Lupus is a werewolf, Naberal is a doppelganger, Solution is a slime, Entoma is a bug, and Gamma is an automaton with a machine gun, lol
2022-12-30 06:07:19 I think Yuri Alpha is good aligned, she is a Dullahan, Lupus is a werewolf, Naberal is a doppelganger, Solution is a slime, Entoma is a bug, and Gamma is an automaton with a machine gun, lol
2022-12-30 06:07:19 I think Yuri Alpha is good aligned, she is a Dullahan, Lupus is a werewolf, Naberal is a doppelganger, Solution is a slime, Entoma is a bug, and Gamma is an automaton with a machine gun, lol
2022-12-30 06:07:19 I think Yuri Alpha is good aligned, she is a Dullahan, Lupus is a werewolf, Naberal is a doppelganger, Solution is a slime, Entoma is a bug, and Gamma is an automaton with a machine gun, lol
2022-12-30 06:07:19 I think Yuri Alpha is good aligned, she is a Dullahan, Lupus is a werewolf, Naberal is a doppelganger, Solution is a slime, Entoma is a bug, and Gamma is an automaton with a machine gun, lol
2022-12-30 06:07:19 I think Yuri Alpha is good aligned, she is a Dullahan, Lupus is a werewolf, Naberal is a doppelganger, Solution is a slime, Entoma is a bug, and Gamma is an automaton with a machine gun, lol
2022-07-14 14:57:58 I think Yuri Alpha is good aligned, she is a Dullahan, Lupus is a werewolf, Naberal is a doppelganger, Solution is a slime, Entoma is a bug, and Gamma is an automaton with a machine gun, lol

I think Yuri Alpha is good aligned, she is a Dullahan, Lupus is a werewolf, Naberal is a doppelganger, Solution is a slime, Entoma is a bug, and Gamma is an automaton with a machine gun, lol

Phonic Reassignment

hamsuke is actually really strong in this realm