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Things are starting to come together!


Jake White

*The letter ‘D’ is used in conversation* Sheera & Lupa for seriously like 2 straight minutes: “BBAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAUUHAKLKMLLALOAKAHAHAHAHqmanahahajakBHAHAHHABABAHHAHAHAHAHAB FUNNIEST SHIT I EVER HEARD” really y’all? Lmaoo


The missing pair of socks from 1968 had me dying 😂

Chan Lee

This is gonna be a hellouta ride! Yes!

Jake White

Chill lol it’s not even like I was saying I was mad at em for it or anything. I was just jokingly pointing out that it was a goofy ass moment tbh lol not everything has to be taken as a personal attack.

Lye Batenkaitos

y'all spend too much time making lame jokes you're missing key dialogue, just chill out and try to focus on what they're saying rather than trying to guess every 10 seconds. This is a show where paying attention is key.

Chris Tercero

Nah yea they can definitely do what they want , but yea sometimes Sheera and lupusan be too busy trynna make jokes instead of paying attention… and then lupusan be like “wtf is going on” like bro🤦🏻‍♂️😂😂 I’m just glad roshi actually pays attention majority of the time

Vincent S Deluca

You'r spending too much time complaining and being critical of 3 people enjoying a show, and your missing out on enjoying it yourself lol. Also He has to go in and Edit these Videos lol, 99% of the time IF they did miss something he catches it in post. ALSO this show is just very dense lol they are going to miss stuff unless you want them just sit in silence and watch them read a novel basically lol


Man i forgot how fast this starts to go.


Yea I agree they lowkey be missing out on important dialogue during key moments

Lye Batenkaitos

vincent i can't tell if you're dick riding at this point or you're actually being serious. I'm going to assume its dick riding because they didn't read anything that was said in the Suzuha conversation with okabe about why she was glaring with at makise. They also talked to each other the during the entire conversation about coming up with a name for "sending messages to the past", they only tuned in at the very end when the name was decided and said "oh that's a stupid name wtf", missing out on the reason on why it was chosen in the first place. They also didn't catch okabe's theory of what time the D-mails have worked in the previous experiments. They usually are good at reading and discussing but they literally had 2 - 3 min sessions of making dirty jokes rather than paying attention.

Viela Guay

Lmao yeah most of the time I'm emphasizing with Roshi making the "what the fuck are you talking about" face to their jokes.


Just sad at this point, they enjoying themselves and everyone would rather cry like a bunch of bitches. some sad shit

Lye Batenkaitos

Lol? dude... you probably subscribed to patreon to watch them laugh and make jokes on some of the shows you want them to watch. I follow roshi and crew because i enjoy their intellectual conversations and theories that they have shown in other shows... the expectation here is to watch them have those exact same conversations, but they haven't, i'm allowed to voice my complaint without you guys coming in to saying "bruh just let them enjoy it". Childish responses to valid criticism.

Bryan Steger

Now that you're doing Steins Gate it's time for yall to do live action time travel with Netflix's German Series "DARK" ;)

Rony Merida

6 more episodes 🫣🫣🫣

FreshxEli Tv

These comments are literally about to make the gang Scrap the series like pre overlord 💀let them enjoy the show PS. Roshi lupa and sheera all go back and look at things read comments and gain understanding haven’t y’all heard them say multiple times oh apparently this meant that or I looked at this or I rewatched that like chill they aren’t coming in clueless every episode they do their diaphragms after relax and let them enjoy the show it’s 6 episodes into a very slowly build up anime let them enjoy it before the Story actually folds into a more sinister vibe


I am here.


howd i already know you steins gate fans were gonna start crying


Damn mf's really in here complaing like little bitches huh. "Contructive criticism" mf they reacting, how the fuck you gonna criticize that?? Great fucking reaction Roshi, Sheera, Lupa.

sotonye ogan

I would be lying if i said i wasnt annoyed when sometimes you guys joke around a "lil too much" missing some key information. But like i said a couple of times just rewatch at your own time if you feel you missed something. its just a reaction.


But its valid through right they missed some key info during those jokes

Team Skull Grunt B

Lupa wondering why the atmosphere suddenly got serious LMAO


To me I wouldn't have as much of a problem with them joking around if it weren't for the fact it's basically the same jokes OVER and OVER again. Like I get Sheera likes to do the whole "That's what she said" type of jokes, but when you hear "That's what she said" 10 times EVERY reaction, it starts to get a little old and cringe. But at the same time, it's their channel and videos so they can do whatever they want. Either way I still enjoy their reactions and appreciate them taking time to react to some bad ass anime.


I understand and agree with what you're saying to a point. At the same time though they are charging people for their reactions so I think it's legit to voice some criticisms as long as they don't go to far with it and get into personal attacks.

toptier bryan

This isn't the first time people have said this lol but the stans get all aggressive like you can't voice your opinion. But yeah, I get it, it's their page and we're choosing to pay for it.

Jose silva

Yeah this is where its starts to pick up real quick.

Lye Batenkaitos

Exactly, these guys are 32+ in age and it’s fine if they want to make “that’s what she said” and “the D” jokes still, but they spent 7-8 mins of the 23 min reaction making them and missed key dialogue… also Roshi doesn’t edit his videos, he has an editor so no - he’s not going to see it later on. It’s crazy how blind wave and even rttv is in the same age group Yet we don’t see them making these kinds of jokes every 3-4 mins


Jfc this comment section full of fucking losers. Guys, THEY'RE HUMAN. Noones perfect and they're not your real-life puppets to control just cah you send them money. You are ultimately welcome to leave LOL On a side note I need more steins gate reactions asap im trying so hard to stop myself from binging it solo lool

Jake White

You sound real upset about people just doing the exact same thing you’re doing lol, complaining about something on a public forum.


sheera and lupa giving my 7 year old cousin a run for their money on the level of their humor


I'll be so glad when they finish this series because the comment sections have been a shit show lately


The complainers are speaking from a position of hindsight. This show has a lot of dialogue with a lot of Okabe banter with important information mixed in. Obviously first time watchers aren't going to know what details and subtleties are important in the way that someone who's on a second rewatch would. Sure they could sit there and say nothing but you must not know what type of reactors they are if you think that's happening.


Who cares if they miss stuff though? It's a reaction, not a deep dive in to the series. They are usually very good about figuring out that they missed something important and getting that information later anyways. If they were quiet 24/7 that shit would be boring to watch.


bro why are people so serious about this series...just let them enjoy the show...plus they are all really smart so im pretty sure they understand what theyve seen up to now with the anime

Reda A.R

I didn't know all this time, but now I'm sure. I hate the community of Steins Gate. Y'all are annoying af.

Pretty Bear

Why'd that intro have to go so hard tho 🔥🔥🔥

Pan Cakes

Oh god the weird youtube commenters joined the patreon and are trying to make the comments look like youtube. 🤮


Roshi is gonna give y’all stein’s gate fans that overlord treatment from 4 year’s ago if everyone just don’t chill tf out


Just finished rewatching Fire force reaction. Have they never considered watching Soul Eater? Would be fun to see them noticing the similarities


niggas want an Overlord pt. 2 LMFAO

Dj Josol (edited)

Comment edits

2024-01-08 04:49:47 "One of these MF's have to do with SERN." I'm just gonna quote that
2022-06-01 06:43:18 "One of these MF's have to do with SERN." I'm just gonna quote that

"One of these MF's have to do with SERN." I'm just gonna quote that


So Lupa was confused on that “hacker” deal. It’s just one of those lines that doesn’t come across well in text. Okabe is calling Daru a “hack” like someone who sucks at things instead of a “hacker.” I don’t people are complaining about. They didn’t seem to really miss anything and the reaction was great. The slow realization that they are Daru with their dirty jokes killed me.

Mozart Waddell

Roshi trying so hard to be the adult on the couch 🤣 Edit: Just read the comments. Hope you guys don't think I'm butthurt just amused you guys are hilarious. Keep being yourselves. Just noticed Daru and Panda from JJK has the same voice actor.

Mozart Waddell

Now I see where E.D. Anime gets his twitch follow notification from.


lmfao, all three of them are Daru. I'm ded.

Mozart Waddell

Sheera saying Bruha ha Me getting triggered realizing they watch Black 🍀 off stream


Yeah lets all be civil lol, they might miss something now but will get it later, no reason to get all worked up, the humor was funny af, had me dying at the jokes


lol tbh both sides are rather annoying. The people complaining and the people complaining about the complaining. It's like watching a dog trying to catch it's own tail.


also the people complaining about the people complaining about the people complaining

Joey Zero

I'm pretty sure that also includes you, unless you're the sole person who enjoys Steins Gate, but isn't annoying af

Joey Zero

Honestly this isn't that bad. They did go overboard on the jokes in this one, but it's nowhere near the level of criticism that Overlord got

Liudmila Duk

day 28 saying that the trio react to kanata no astra




I heard y’all say in the stream that monogatari series might replace bunny girl,I think y’all should watch one more series of whatever series then move on back to monogatari(in my opinion)


Unfortunately, you don't have the intellectual capacity to understand the point I was making, so there's no point going further with this.


"and that is why you are shaped like that" you trying to say all big guys are creeps ? im a big dude, am i a creep too? i know they dont read these comments but just wanted to comment on that. lupa got a problem with big people?


i read the comment section before i clicked the video and now i understand why people are so mad. this reaction is what i dont like about sheera and lupa sometimes. I usually watch shows ive never seen with these 3 but now i have to rewatch this episode solo because of sheera and lupas jokes. its kinda annoying but i hope it doesnt continue for future steins gate episodes so i dont have to solo it. 🤣


Oh no. Let's tell the reactors how to react...


I hate people complaining about the people complaining about the people complaining about the people complaining


Everybody needs to chill before roshi gives y’all stein’s gate fans that overlord treatment and @ kelvin Alers, I’m sure lupa didn’t mean it has everyone who is big is creeps, I’m sure he just was only referring to Daru


the dirty jokes are hilarious, its the assumption he made about big guys being creeps other then that the dirty jokes are funny as fuck lol


It's because it's a joke in anime that big guys are creeps and are perverted


Yeah and it's not like we are missing anything most of us have already seen the show or your watching it with them


They go back and rewatch the show by themselves just in case they miss anything they also read the comments that let them know what they missed


i understand that maybe i just looked at it too seriously lol


i could understand that lol, maybe i took it too seriously lol


Damn u guys messin around too much you missin on so many important details 😂 you probably missed that 1 second = 1 hour back in time


P.S. I love all the laughs and jokes with ya’ll and I enjoy but yeah don’t forget to focus on important shit cause they gonna be needed as the show goes on! ❤️

Ec Aea

You fellas don't have to be so aggressive about them missing out the details. Just explain it here and tell them that they missed it in the episode or something without typing out spoilers. They will read the comment section. Look , they even caught on with the jellyman thing from the last episode , they clearly do read the comments. Hurtful comments coming from you all without telling them what they missed is literally pointless. Why don't we just tell them what they missed and get over with it? Just don't type out every single hidden stuff , the main obvious points will do. Like look , Stein gates is a series that you will only appreciate the slow start if you're watching the 2nd time , i also missed most of the stuff at the start and probably turn my eyes off most of it since its boring as heck. Its only interesting when you know what happened in the future. Lets not be a prick and act like the start is something that can catch on to their attention all the time. They need to make some joke so they won't fall asleep mid way after all. They will pay attention more when the series picks up at the 'you know when' . Just be patient fellas.


I do remember Roshi sayin at one point that he does rewatch the video when he edits his videos, so if there's anything he missed on, he can just watch it again when he edits.


won't be for a while unfortunally for you, because they still got SG 0 to react to, so this will be here for a while.

James Ancester

nah, second season monogatari is close to peak, so I'd personally want them to go back to it ASAP


Yeah I get it, me personally, I would like to see at least one more show before they watch 4 seasons plus of the monogatari series 😂


where are they? Hanamonogatari, Nekomonogatari Shiro, Kabuki, Otori, Oni, and Koimonogatari are next... I think all of them are like 3 to 6 episodes each, but yeah, if they want to watch everything in one run is gonna be like 30 episodes.


Well it's technically a REACTION video and not a watch along. Like we watch reactors because we want to see them react to stuff we have already seen. If you decide to start a show with them, it's kind of our choice. And no hate or shade, I do the same thing because there are a lot of shows I wouldn't have watched alone so it's more fun with them. So, I understand that sometimes they do make a lot of jokes, but personally without them I wouldn't be here, that would be missing the point of a reaction lol


To you all who has no patience or tolerance, behaving like children and acting like ultimate perfect gods as if you never missed plot points while watching a show with your friends: Roshi often rewatch episodes during editing and the misunderstanding are generally cleared up the next episodes. If it hasn't, then GENTLY and POLITLY explain to them what they missed, you know, like civilized adults (if you're actually a teenager, then never mind). Worst case scenario, they get confused and that is just more funny and entertaining. So take a deep breath, don't worry and smile. Or just go away if you can't take it anymore lmao

javier Caraveo

Exactly, I doubt any of use that watched Steins Gate the first time caught every detail but the show explains things later on. So stuff they might miss now they'll get later.


You're right Sheera and Lupa NEED to make sex jokes every 2-3 min or they cannot film the reaction


Exactly, people are acting like they've never ever missed plot points in a show in their life


"Oh no. I am gonna tell the reactors how they are suppose to react. I'm gonna express that I'm better than y'all because I know what's going on."


ya'll watching Stranger Things? If you're not this would be a good time to start it

Brandin Williams

Why lupa hate fat people so much lmfaoooo (I’m playing, everyone keep calm)


@Jason hat's true but he doesn't edit everything and I don't think he edits Steins but I could be wrong

Drake Rage

Roshi is the MVP. I get so hype seeing how he grasps information quite consistently in all these different shows, and even picks up the names of characters quickly too! Just to add: Lupa makes some absolutely hilarious jokes, so I am fine with the chatting although sometimes it does get too loud or long, which ends up distracting from the show. Thankfully it is not very common to come to that point. (Lupa in the beginning was loud as FKKKK with his laughs, lol. He used to be tooooo much for me in the beginning of their reaction days) Sheera used to be my favorite in the very beginning, because she did have emotional/thoughtful things to say, but nowadays... months/year+ I am really sad to say she has ended up becoming a bag of dick jokes and random predictions to appease the "sheeragan" cult, lol.


First it was dub vs sub, now this…thank you Lola (and other comments above lol) for re-educating these children how to be civil and stop acting like they operating with 150 IQ every show they watch, only to shame or diss at those who didn’t react like they did lmao


Indeed and thanks! Like, I get their frustration and it's okay to express it when it's properly done, but they should learn to be patient and not take stuff personally.

Drake Rage

Having watched the full episode, it wasn't as bad as the comments made it seem, lol. To me personally, Roshi is very close to an ideal Reactor. Perfect balance of Comedy/Fun/Attention-to-screen/Understanding etc. I do think anime like this is more heavy on the information, so it won't turn out well, turning everything into a sex joke *cough* Lupa and especially Sheera, lol. Overall, I still liked the episode a lot, mostly from Roshi actually reacting and keeping up with what is going on in the show. My Opinion, not for this reaction but just IN GENERAL: I feel like the most important part of watching "Reactions" is to follow all these amazing stories with our favorite Reactors (Roshi, Sheera, Lupa), but missing important parts of the story because of dick jokes just feels crappy, lol.


roshi talked about how the moon in fire force was similar to soul eater


They already said there not reacting to it, there gonna watch it in there own time


It’s just the stein’s gate fans really, they’re mad because they want them to sit there quietly and watch the show, they don’t understand that’s just there personality

Jigga Man

Roshi focusing on subtitles while Lupa and Sheera make dmail jokes is the clip of the week 😂😂

Reuben Filimaua

At this point I'm just afraid their enjoyment of the show is gonna be affected by the comments. Who cares if they missed some info. Its usually reiterated one way or another later on anyway. Also as someone said, they'll see it thru editing. Relax! They giving us what we want by doing the reactions and y'all still b*tching.

Stephen D

The hole isn't to small. We are just to big.


Oh i missed that comment! Thank you!Problem with rewatching on the background while working.

Adrian Monroy

Great reaction guys, love y'all

Slime Akuma

I love the reactions


Shut up, Fatass. Go touch some grass and exercise. Maybe then, you'll get some bitches in your life, you disposable piece of garbage.(This is a joke.... or is it?)


Yeah I came to the conclusion that they rewatch episodes through editing or between reactions too, because there is no way they would remember the details for so many series every week otherwise.

The GoDKing 27

Hey august 2 is my birthday


Yes, Roshi does and then tell the other two.


Well, there are times when they're watching quietly a show and there are time when it's multiverse of jokness, even from Roshi, he isn't perfect. That's for every shows. Don't tell them how to react or that won't be a genuine reaction. Then, what would be the point? You can gently and politely remind them to be more focused as there're a lot of infos. Anyway, Roshi rewatch episodes and will tell the missed details to the other two so in any cases they will catch up eventually. Plus, from what I heard everything is confusing in the beginning and explanations come in the end anyway. So you should all not panic like it's the end of the world lmao I get your point but we should let them enjoy the show their way


They be acting like Roshi never made sex jokes lol don't panic, even if they miss the details this ep they will catch up eventually (Roshi rewatch the ep while editing, that's why it seems like they don't care much. Just let them enjoy it and you laugh at the reaction. If you want to watch the show in complete silence because it's too heavy, then go watch it alone


I get the frustration but there are always a few episodes in every show they watch when it's multiverse of jokness and sometimes it's detective time when they're super attentive and super quiet. And Roshi is not perfect, especially in the duo reaction. There were a lot of times when he made sex jokes too repetitively and the other two where like "yeah Roshi?" There were also times when he kept making jokes with Lupa and Sheera was the one actually watching.


The point many of us is trying to say is you shouldn't panic for the missed details like the world is ending lmao, they will catch up eventually since anyway Roshi edits the ep and rewatch them sometimes. As for their reactions, if it's the first time you're watching the show and you can't concentrate, then go watch it alone lmao and if you've already seen it, then who cares, that's the reaction for that ep live with it. Don't you all worry, there will be time when it will be quiet and they will be focused, but you should have patience for the time it doesn't happen. If you can't, then leave because news for you it eventually going to happen one day or another for at least one ep for every show because guess what they're human. We're here for a fun and interesting reaction, not a quiet library reaction for every episodes lol


Finally, from what I heard you don't realize the first time watching that important infos are given in the beginning so it's normal if they don't take the first episodes super seriously.

Drake Rage

Sheera has said that she does not make so many sex jokes when she is not doing Reactions, so.. you could say that less jokes is actually more closer to a genuine reaction, lol.


Roshi: "I feel like it had something to do with her d---" MonkaS

Jarrod Sims

I wonder if theyll watch Dark?


You can enjoy something and not be part of a community/fandom.


why is it bad ? im interested in the show but not sure what to expect and im hesitant to try

Jarrod Sims

It basically a german show about time travel that was on netflix. Its really good and if you are a person who wants to connect all the dots get a pen and paper lol! not that it's super confusing just alot of connections and timey whimey stuff, I def enjoyed 8-9/10

Jarrod Sims

Idt it's bad but it might not be popular enough to win a poll, depends on the other shows

Emmanuel Oginni

D mail joke gave me a six pack. You guys are funny 😂😂


I don’t usually comment, but, I love all the jokes and authentic outbursts you guys often have. It makes the reactions lovely and shows that you enjoy what you do. All the butt hurt folks need to relax and let people be themselves.