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what a satisfying punch



why cant i see the video



Milian Seeve

fuck that hoe ass house master


Hopefully magi and plunderer will be on the list soon

Jason Etuz

Do an UNCHARTED Reaction!!


will u guys be reacting to the jujutsu kaisen movie soon??


has it even been released on crunchyroll or something yet? i thought it was only in the theatres rn

Jazmyne Mattucci

Roshi Family cosplaying the Forgers when tho



Maroki R6

It’s only in theatres for now, it only came out last month but hopefully they react to it cuz I heard it was epic


By the way, Twilight was holding onto Anya when she was on the railing.


ohhhh, thanks for clarifying i thought Crunchyroll had posted it

Devin B

Imagine you prep your kid for months to get into school and you fail because he wasn't wearing name brand clothes.


These subtitles in the embedded version are so dumbed down, lol. Glad it sounds like what you're actually watching is a better version.

Immoral Mortal

from what they said out loud it sounds like they are watching the crunchyroll version


Great reaction!


Yes they are watching the Crunchyroll version, but Roshi has to take some other video for the edits


Not defending Master Swam, but remember this takes place in a 60s like time period, where gender roles and stereotypes were more rigid.


Did Sheerah (sorry if I misspelled your name) asked if Anya (the child) FOR SOME YAMMS????? YEAAAAA???


I personally don’t think it was a bad omen. The glass on the picture frame didn’t crack through someone’s face, nor did any of the teacups crack down the middle.

Earphone Jack

Loid was about to beat that guys ass for what he said about his girls. Anya and Yor are his family and he was not with them getting disrespected like that.

Paul Tar

Remember...she's four...guessing that she learned to write just to prepare for this


Yor "Violence is always the answer" Forger


Nah she said "Not you Anya, I need some yams" saying that Twilight wants some Yor yams to "celebrate"


Pure elegant forgery


She lied about being 6 so that Loid would choose her - he was right in guessing she was 5 max

Papa Souls

Wait didn't email come out in the early 70's?


Making Anya cry will start a war

Zachary Jackson

Reminder that this show takes place in the 40-50s. Women were treated different so Swan's sexism wasn't exactly seen as out of line compared to the time


I mean, at some point even the other 2 guys knew Swan was going too far.

AJJAMES123 156

the reason the fat guy in the middle sounded jealous was because his wife divorced him and got custody of his kid. Also the bug twinlight had in the room wasn't on the kid he helped it was under the table in the interview room


You mean they aren't to your preference. The ones roshi put in the preview are closer to a direct translation than what CR is doing. CR is taking artistic licensing with their translation to put more character into it, which kinda changes what is actually being said in japanese.


This episode proved that Twilight is stronger than Saitama, he can kill a mosquito.


It was heartwarming when loid got angry for Anya. He didn’t care about the mission anymore and got angry for Anya as a father figure. Even with his wish and dreams of a world without children crying, the most that matter was Anya at that moment.


In a way you could say anya crying is part of how he wants the world to be, the way his dream and when anya starts crying juxtaposes is just amazing


Loid actually saved Swan's life. When Yor goes for a kill, she doesnt miss


That Swan guy was a dick, but he made a pretty good point about Yor not being able to cook or really do much of anything since Loid said he does everything. That's actually how a lot of moms are today.


I meant what I said Redu... they seemed dumbed down. If they're a more direct translation then that's surprising, as typically when I see subtitles or dubs that have simplified the vocabulary and grammar, I assume it's done for what they deem is necessary for a western audience. In this instance, if it is as you say, from my perspective it seems Crunchyroll's version uses better articulation, and vocabulary. I also find it odd that Loid and Yor would refer to each other as Mr. & Mrs. in the interview in front of the school officials. There are a few other instances as well that didn't really make sense. He asked Loid what was their relationship prior? But Loid proceeded to answer how they met. Also, country bumpkin is really a more direct translation? That's unfortunate, lol.

Liudmila Duk

day 7 saying that the trio react to kanata no astra


I'm with Lupa, that punch would've came a LOT sooner!

Defaulty Falt

Sheera's hair looks soo good. Love the hair styles.


.... bruh, is there a problem with dads doing cooking or other housework??????? What good point did he make, other than that HE'S probably the reason his wife and Kids left him??????


Is there a problem with a mom learning to cook and do housework? The good point that Swan made is that, Yor could still better herself; learn how to cook, clean, and take care of her daughter like a mom should. I'm sure Gordon Ramsay cooks for his family, but would it be a bad thing for his wife to also learn how to cook? Is that really such a taboo thing to suggest? Women today are so focused on becoming more like men that they've completely forgotten basic survival skills.

Team Skull Grunt B

Well learning to cook and do housework shouldn't have anything to do with what gender you are, it all depends of your circumstance and experience. And you really said an assassin has forgotten basic survival skills lol


Context is key, I NEVER said anything about her gender being the problem, also knowing how to kill somehow doesn't mean you know how to survive, she literally can't cook... Like I said in my comment, Swan has a point. It's weird for a mom to not know how to cook or clean, especially when she's the second wife, it would beg the question, why did Loid choose to marry her? What does she bring to the table (beyond sex) that would make Loid want to marry her? So in that regard, Swan has a point. If you want to make it about gender, we can, but that's not the point.


I have a theory about Anya and that cow, but maybe it really did just get humbled and leave


I see this sentiment in regards to people talking about Crunchyroll's subs a lot - that it's somehow less correct because it's not as "direct of a translation" as other places. However, direct =/= correct. Direct has very little actual regard for slang, phrases, expressions, etc. in a lot of cases. CR subs aren't always great (seems to be by show for the most part - either the whole thing is done pretty well, or pretty awful), but I would say more times than not the less "direct" translation will have more nuance to it and be more similar to how people would actually talk.


The school didn't want them to leave the child in the sewer, they wanted them to help him without making a mess of themselves.


I didn't say it was 100% accurate but it was leaning more toward a direct translation vs what CR is doing. Example is look at how Anya (Ania) was answering. She clearly says Forger but with the kid accent but CR puts Horger. Or they left out the part when Loid was talking about her being a curious kid who puts their nose in stuff they shouldn't but in CR they cut the curious part out and made it seem like Loid was saying something more harsh then he would during that type of interview. Both have mistakes but the cutesy stuff or just straight up changes to put "more character" into the subtitles sucks as well. That's why I said it's preference, I wouldn't say one is superior to the other.


ya man idk maybe he just likes her. not really a schools business to know if he's just in it for the wap or not. i really hope this is just an internet thing for you bro, cause it sure as shit ain't elegant.


You set yourself up for failure by siding with Swan and insinuating extra with the "That's how a lot of moms are today" line, which does make it about gender and societal gender roles. Yor doesn't cook (though since she lived alone up until she met Loid one could assume that she at least did some rudimentary meal prep), but she makes the tea, coffee, and cocoa consistently (and since nobody complains about the taste, she apparently knows enough kitchen craft to do it properly) and Loid said that she keeps the house spotless. Her not cooking doesn't mean she "doesn't do much of anything" and if that's "how a lot of moms are today", then I don't know who you're hanging around because even if a mom may not do the cooking, she contributes in a ton of other ways you aren't privy to. I do 99.9% of the cooking and cleaning, but my wife is the one bringing home that check and she also helps take care of our kids. And when you say "women are so focused on becoming like men that they've forgotten basic survival skills", what does that mean? Does that mean men do not have basic survival skills? That women originally had basic survival skills? That those survival skills are "cooking" and "cleaning" That men cannot survive on their own without a woman because the skills you attribute to survival are not in the purview of men, but rather women and not just a general skill set that everyone has to at least a minor degree? From all this I assume you are either a troll or some dusty hotep.


Astronette I'm so sorry I didn't spout the same ole bs that everyone else does. Also, I never gave my opinion on whether or not it was their business, I simply stated that he had a point. Go back and actually see what he said, he did have a point. Also, considering how they already had suspicions that Loid may have put a fake family together, it's reasonable to still have that suspicion when questioning why the mom isn't really much of a mom at all. Either way, I'll be sure to tow the line next time. I forgot that having a different opinion online (especially when it comes to female characters in anime) is unheard of...


Ayoken007 1. Yor didn't live alone, she supposedly took care of her younger brother. She only started living alone recently. 2. You set yourself up once you used a term like "societal gender roles" that tells me all I need to know. 3. Basic survival skills are just that BASIC survival skills, skills that all people should have. 4. I love how you try to disprove my point by proving my point. Society today is a society that pushes women to be stereotypically masculine, so much so that many women to essentially be without the basic skills necessary for living. 5. Once again, you're proving yourself to either be a woman acting like a man, or a man with very little respect for himself. "Dusty"? What grown ass man uses that to describe another guy? Lmao gtfo with that shit. TL;DR: I realize my comment hit below the belt for you (not that there's anything to hit apparently) I understand now that your wife is ab outlier, she's strong, independent, provides for you, your kids, and does everything (your words not mine), yet it still doesn't negate the fact that many moms don't know how to. I do find it funny how there's always one guy who says this same ole shit as if it's something to be proud of though lol 😂😂😂 then again, this is the norm. Don't mind me and my "dusty" opinion. Go reclaim your balls from your wife's purse...


Okay and? His point wasn't good at all. You can't talk down on someone just because they can't do certain things


That mosquito didn't deserve that

Random Guy

People need to remember that this school is a tradition based, very conservative school set in pre-war era (Those are the time period with the most spy activity) their values are way different than what we have now. Man goes to work and woman takes care of the child and the house. Whether you agree with it or not, Swan's question makes a lot of sense considering where they are, their status and the time they are in. It's just the way that he said it and the way he tries to force it even after Loid's excellent answer made him more of an asshole.


I wondered about the possibility of here reading animal minds


Nah bro, mosquitos deserve everything that comes their way


They just didn’t see the bug he placed under the table 😂


Loid was channeling his inner WIll bro had the suit on and everything

Stephen D

Big boss? She couldn't mean Snake, could she? Lol


And that's why Anya became Lucy. IYKYK


@Ghost_Troupe Dawg the way you're speaking it just seems like you don't have any of those "basic survival skills" and is just upset that a women can't do those things for you.

Ace The FireDragon

Oooouf yes magi is a good one, why haven’t I ever thought of that. They should def react to it.


From what I get you didn't actually mean ONLY women should cook at home, you only implied modern women were useless. People took it the wrong way because they're overly sensitive to anything that sounds remotely patriarchal but I honestly agree with you. Among the women I knew, many were mental children, especially white women (sorry if that sounds racist, but I'm just giving my experience). Maybe I'm generalizing and it's actually a generation thing and not a gender one, but from my perspective many young women these days want instant gratification and fall into depression and self-destruction once any type of effort is recquired. Hence why so many are on social medias, because they get all the attention they desire just by being women. We millenials hated our boomer parents for being cold-hearted sociopaths. I think those new parents are gonna have children who hate them for being narcissistic big babies. Maybe it will go full circle and their offspring are gonna become the new conservatives in reaction to the eccentricity of their own parents.


I think it would make sense that she can sense abstract mind waves such as animals feelings.


This wasn't about sexism. It was about being a dick. Why do people see sexism in this?


The Jojo pillow next to Sheera is fucking dope.

Daniel Borrego

I dont know why, but yor's facial reactions remind me so much of saitama from one punch man.


Ya'll should use the subtitles we see. They're better.


She was ready to hit him with the "This hand of mine is burning red!"


I think they are reading the same subtitles as us, its just the video being played is from a different source bcs I believe you can't actually download from crunchyroll which is where they're watching from. The editor is just downloading from a diff site


Damn, someone call the cops; Sheera looking for some Anya yams at the end there.


He almost met God 2 times in 1 minute :D


Nah there is no way u defend mosquitos, they deserve to be punched by golden experience so they relive their death in every way possible until eternity.


@Redu She doesn't clearly say Forger, though. She says Horger in Japanese as well. Muse Asia subs are also just not good in general.


Anime: Literally shows a bug device under the table Roshi: He put the bug on the kid when he saved him! Me: Then how would he know how the other interviews went?


No they're definitely worse lol I can confirm this as someone who is half Japanese and knows at least some of the language.


I'm pretty sure she mean't like "Imma need some yams after the shit Anya put me through" as in talking about Yor.


We all know Fat Hitler is a piece of shit. But I definitely see where Ghost Troupe is coming from. And it's definitely sad and pathetic how one person (Ghost Troupe) is spewing pure logic, and wording things as carefully and thoroughly as he possibly can. Meanwhile dumbass eejits only know how to read "I agree with the guy everyone hates" and "women should stay in the kitchen," even though that's nowhere near what he said. Go figure, internet's stupidity is rampant once again.


Nah bro, the embedded subs are most of the time trash. Wording is actually terrible, and most of the time lacks common sense of knowledge of context, and usually ppl don't actually talk like that. Lots of times amateur subs have me thinking, "Who the fuck even says that?!" I remember seeing trash freebie site subs embedded for Komi on a different reaction page, back in Komi S1, and the way they described her hair in the subs is like..... NOBODY says that about hair. I can't remember the exact wording, but it was so cringe.


Hey Roshi why is it that you guys are watching a different sub than the one in the reaction?


He gets the video from 9anime and they just grab whatever subs release first but they watch on Crunchyroll


Hi guys, a question. I'm able to watch the videos on the cell phone but the PC browser is a white screen. Has this ever happened to any of you?


Yor is actually one of the hottest chicks ive ever seen than can be related to a real life person i know

Chinese Cartoons

u know anya is the little girl right edit: lol my guy edited the comment, said anya before

Erica Collins

okay maybe I read this wrong but I'm pretty sure the headmaster a.k.a. grandpa with the half glasses a.k.a. Mr. elegant wanted the Forgers to save the kid in the sewers without getting their clothes dirty not ignore him because that would also look really bad lmao like leaving a kid in trouble isn't very elegant either 😂 Plus he only got mad at the fact that their clothes were dirty. He didn't say anything about the kid


They really missed the bug on the table multiple times and thought he bugged the kid xD I mean still wouldn't put it past him


Ghost_Troupe 1. Even if she was recently living alone, she was still alone for a while up until she agreed to play house with Loid. The only issue the anime stated with this scenario was that single women in their late 20s are deemed suspicious. Ostensibly she was still managing on her own in that interim period. 2. Infer what you will but societal gender roles are what we're talking about. Unless you have a separate name for this. 3. What are the basic survival skill that Yor lacks? The anime hasn't stated that she is incapable of cooking. It didn't state that she gets food from elsewhere to eat at home. If it is revealed that she did have someone cook for her, then I shall recant this point. Loid stated that she can clean very well. The one room of her apartment that we saw looked tidy, she packed her own boxes then quickly and efficiently put them away in her room at Loids house, so she can keep her own space at the bare minimum clean. Unless otherwise stated she's able to do her work (from both jobs), receive money and pay rent and bills. She's a regular at the tailors so she can manage a wardrobe. You said she lacks basic survival skills, but she seems to be able to operate in society on a basic level. She's just not particularly good at social cues and comes off as airheaded. What skills are you saying she lacks. 4. I'm not sure how to make sense of that statement. When you say "stereotypically masculine" what exactly does that entail? Do you mean women who seek careers are more masculine? Women who don't often cook are masculine? Is striving for satisfaction in the workplace (or even participating in the workplace instead of staying home) masculine? Is cooking and cleaning feminine? I am genuinely asking because you say so many women lack basic survival skills and are behaving masculine, but I have no clear definition of what you mean. 5. I'll concede to the point that ad hominem isn't very elegant. 6. I didn't say my wife does everything. I said that she works and I take care of the house. She's a parent so its only natural that she help with the kids. Finding work these days and my struggles are straying further out from the point than we already have. But even if I'm a stay-at-home husband not necessarily by choice, there isn't anything wrong with that. A relationship is give and take. You work together to fill in each other's gaps. Circling back to the original point, Yor likely feels Loid is the better cook. She strikes me as a "this meal is sufficient" type of woman. It's not like she doesn't do anything around the house, nor is it explicitly stated that she can't take care of herself. And while I have no issue with my wife keeping my balls in easy reach for fondling, I would appreciate it if you kept my testicles out of your mouth. edited for formatting


Really enjoy this show. I don't know if I'm explaining this right, but it does a good job of "portion control." Always looking forward to the next episode without the previous one feeling incomplete.

These Plums

Does anyone know why subtitles the trio sees are different from the ones we see?


They read the crunchyroll subs but can't use the CR version for these videos so they have to get a version with the unofficial fan subs instead


They thought he placed a bug on the kid to listen to the interview. The bug is on the underside of the table, they show it 2 or 3 times


I dunno. Some stuff seems more accurate, but they get other stuff miserably wrong. Rather than just improving on accuracy and providing better localization where necessary... they also seemed to change stuff that was already good just for the sake of having something different. It's much like Ys VIII's localization patch. The original localisation was more of a direct translation... but some stuff works better as a direct translation. The new localization improved the parts that weren't localized very well, but they also change the parts that were already good just for the sake of changing it. The first localization was bad, so they pretended that everything about it was bad. As a result they fixed what was broke. And broke what didn't need fixing.


@Prime nah, there is an F sound in there. While Japanese doesn't have a Fo character they will write it out with the H characters Ha Hi Fu He Ho (hello naruto when the translation said futon instead of huton) They still have Fuojya and that's how she says it, That's how Loid and everyone in the show says it but without the kiddy accent.

Sayveon Barber

Loid said the he does all of the cooking but yor cleaning is impeccable and when taking care of ayna she goes beyond, and after swan said that’s what the basic stuff expected of women, it’s looks like he was the one with a problem with that the other two men didn’t seem to have a problem with it. I mean if you have a wife or girlfriend do you expect her to do all the cooking, what he said wasn’t right it was just straight up stupid, that’s like saying you expect a man to play more games then woman, but at end of the day I can’t change your opinion and if this continues we would just be two people arguing about something a FICTIONAL character said good day sir


@Redu Yes, Japanese doesn't have a character for Fo. Which is why they have フォ (Fu with a small o). The scene has her say ホ (Ho) with all the other instances being フォ(Fo).


You just said exactly the same thing I did with your first 2 sentences. I hear her with an Fuo sound and not Ho. I mean w/e if that's what y'all hear and like, more power to you.


No I didn’t lmao. Just proving to you it’s not a Crunchyroll issue


Was it Bard high school in NYC?

Jalen Holmes

If im not wrong i think the table was bugged and not the kid bc there is a little mic under the table in the interview room


Man i love Yor! Best girl 2022. This family is best family 21st century!

Bryce Jackson

Loid bugged it himself. You see just before the interview he's listening to the family's questions before they go in

Mozart Waddell

Is there any particular reason you guys use different subs?


If I remember correctly it's because it's the simplest/easiest way to download it with subs for our side of the video. He can't just download from crunchyroll, so he uses 9anime and shit which usually has 'unofficial' subs.

RavinFox .

I've had cases where the page itself simply didn't load that cleared up after refreshing but not the video itself. However, the complete opposite happens to me on phones where the video will be a black screen if the connection is bad. It basically seems to boil down to connection for my personal issues. Be sure to troubleshoot your connection just in case, wired or not.


I did an interview for the military high school I went to

Joey Zero

He said that before they showed the bug under the table


@Ghost Improving oneself is fine. Ignoring what loid said she contributed and pretended like you weren’t insinuating something is not.


@ayokan I wouldn’t even bother. I'm sure he practices that he preaches and does all the maintenance for his families vehicles and mows the lawn every Sunday before church lmao. /s

George Johansen

Some fairly low-level protection and the common sense to use a trusted website is all you need to stay secure, it's not *that* bad Phoenix xD


I think also they've said something along the lines of - they like to support the creators of the shows (and pay for crunchyroll / funimation ) but they know that crunchyroll subs are dogshit and so get the better ones for us.

Mozart Waddell

Yeah Vayne I came to that realization when Roshi addressed a negative comment he received on YouTube.