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Guerry Nine (edited)

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2023-11-16 01:39:07 At this point he's probably a well respected member of the Nightingales lol
2023-06-14 22:36:14 At this point he's well respected member of the Nightingales lol

At this point he's well respected member of the Nightingales lol


Rip the goat


Is Batman comin tonight


How you gonna ask when they juuuust told you it was 2 uploads ago lol I'm excited too though


I’m gonna wait the whole hour cause I’m excited


I love Nacho's demonic voice when he says "You twisted fuck!"


I knew this was Nacho fate but goddamn

Real Otaku

I am deadass fucking off on this essay just refreshing till this comes out


Summertime render?

Isaiah Cox

Honestly nacho stuff aside idk how people can dislike Howard he’s done nothing to warrant this kind of treatment from Kim and Jimmy they’re going out of their way to ruin his life for no reason. Honestly can someone tell me why Kim and Jimmy are doing this again because I sure as hell can’t remember their reasoning for all this.


Howard offered Jimmy a job and Jimmy didn't like that. Then he started messing with Howard,Howard went to Kim and told on Jimmy and then she asked Jimmy to let her join him and now here we are.


I dont know either, the dude has always seem like a stand up guy. He wanted Jimmy to be a partner and always spoke well of him. I think what's happening is that Jimmy and Kim just think Howard is always looking down on them even though he's being genuine. This happens a lot in shows and real life, people from rough backgrounds think everyone is out to get them and if someone is being nice they think they're being pitied.


Nacho went out on his own terms after being a muppet for everyone most of this series. Respect. Incredible acting from Michael Mando, hope we see more of him in other roles. I wonder if when Mike said "Do it." part of him was hoping Nacho would start blasting and take one or two down and he'd sweep up who he could with sniper fire and be done with this cartel nonsense. We still haven't seen what turned Mike so loyal to Gus in BB, at this point my money is it has to do with Nacho's father. Maybe the Salamanca's go after him and Gus protects him.

Liudmila Duk

day 6 saying that the trio react to kanata no astra


man that last scene has all the characters we knew that survived til breaking bad and still a part of me wanted to think that Nacho would be able to get away LOL. i was thinking Lalo pops out and saves Nacho since Nacho was integral to them proving it was Gus. But now i think Lalo might go to Jimmy since he was also involved, maybe not knowingly but he was proof.


I figured they would upload it the day it comes out like young justice

toptier bryan

Better Call Saul and Ozark is back at the same time, I'm eating good this month.

Kelton Jones

You guys should do Raised by Wolves on hbo max

Lily Rose

hoping to see an ozark reaction tomorrow


I had a feeling Nacho wasn't going to make it, but I'm glad he went out on his own terms. He said fuck Gus, fuck the cartel too.


Wow not only surprised by the way Nacho went out but shocked that it happened so early on in the season.

Lamaree Jackson

Huel’s pickpocketing is level 100. Like four times legendary.


Howard never stood up for Jimmy or got Charles the help he needed. Howard was complicit in holding Jimmy down from day one. Every single time Howard tried to do the right thing it was after he did the wrong thing. It was too little too late. Jimmy is absolutely correct in putting blame on Howard for letting Charles slip so far into his disease. Howard has tried to have his cake and eat it too every step of the way. Is Howard a horrible person? No, he's not the worst. Is he a part of a horrible system telling himself he is a good guy so he can sleep at night? Yes.

Spencer Wattamaniuk

Gordon Smith (writer/director of this episode) said the writing team had decided early on that it was better for the series to conclude Nacho's storyline early on in the season instead of spending several episodes of him "on the run and getting out of jams."