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Shalltear on a rampage!





Man ya'lls reactions are the best


japanese is always a safe bet, but the english VA for sebas really killed it


World item=WHOLE CHEAT CODE There were only two hundred of these items in YGGDRASIL. Even Guild weapons and Divine-class weapons couldn’t match them. World Items are the most powerful items admired and feared by players in the game. Given their rule-bending powers, in addition to the slim chance of finding them, a player who is lucky enough to come into possession of even just one of the World Items could easily shake the game's power balance.


Yeah especially the one time use ones (I think all the "20" are the one time use ones? cant recall). The one that lets you make a request of the Devs seems SOOOO OP lol. and then there is the kamikaze one that lets you completely erase someones character from the game at the cost of your own character. That seems especially scary to consider in the New World, since you can give it to any old grunt soldier and they can take out literally anyone.

Marcus Martindale

So to point out the power scaling Brain the katana guy I’m pretty sure is considered one of the strongest humans and would probably be around mid 30s in levels, the strongest people that originated in the new world would probably be high 60s low 70s. And Ains who was part of one of the top guilds being level 100 with all floor guardian being the same along with the best possible gear basically just clap everyone

Marcus Martindale

Also Sebas isn’t missing an eye it’s just how they animated him

Marcus Martindale

And I’m pretty sure Ain’s guild had like 18 of them or something like that(note that big chair he sits on is one)


i remember lupa hyping up brain so much lmao

Jalani Abdul-Aziz

I just started watching this show but I came to comment here cuz I knew it would be more active. I watch this genre often but I just thought of this : what happens to the characters actual body/ life ?? Ains just accepted his new place but doesn’t even think what’s happening to him in the real world or his actual job 😭 idk how they always just glaze past it

Maxis Holst

idk if im the only one but shalltear looks like she can give monster head... theres a pun there but thats not what i entended

Hello Darkness

I personally think for next week you should watch the remaining 3 episodes of season 1(11 on the first upload, 12&13 on the second one) 12 and 13 lead into each other and the pacing would be weird imo with a week in between. Obviously your schedule is packed to the brim so do whatever u want, just a suggestion.


As you can see, Solution is a type of evolved Slime (to be specific, a Predator Slime, which is what gives her the ability to morph into a humanoid form, obviously, so she can predate on humans more optimally)

blackfoxx98 012

Roshi: Bro they staged all this just to get some yams bro, this is absurd! Me: This man clearly hasn't heard of Kuroinu! Let's not lie half of us if not more in this comment list has seen it!🤣🤣🤣


I think it was like a dozen or so only, sadly enough. AFAIK not all of them were actually found at all by anyone until the servers closed (especially true for the non-20 for the most part)


He's slowly dying IRL, similar to that Bruce Willis film with the A.I bodies lol.


Everything people say is just a guess, as in LN we aren't given answer to that.


Brain is no joke in their world. That's why they hipe him up.

unknown soldier

If you guys think Shalltear is bad wait until you hear about Demiurge's fun time farm.


roshy i have i question for you, that shirt you have in this, did you made the desig yourself or you love the material the t shirt is made out of, becasue you have many with the same black cottonish material. im just wondering


nah in the light novel the Ainz comes from a pretty bad future version of earth. atmosphere is so toxic that acid rain is common and the sky is never blue anymore. Ainz has only finished third grade or fourth grade then went right into the work force. his world is legit BAD so it makes sense he dont wanna go back


the dub for this show to be fair is really good


fans have made theories such as this aint even momonga but a copy of his mind the Avatar is using as a base personality and the real momonga just died in his apartment with his neural jack in etc etc


Not sure if anyone else has done this, but time for some info dump about this arc or volume. BUT FIRST! I forgot about some missing things from the last episode. - The death orb that Ainz collected from the necromancer can actually talk and I believe offers to serve Ainz in whatever he needed due to him being an Overlord. - Clementine body's disappeared after it was recovered by the local guards. No one knows who took it or for what reasons. I also don't think it was Ainz's group either. Nothing has come up about this yet. NOW on to this episode. There was a good bit cut out from this arc. Nothing too major but it does cut out some funny moments and some fucked up ones. - The guys who stopped Shalltear group have done this many times and are the same ones that work for Brain. Zach (The guy who got eaten by the titties) was hoping to find his sister someday who was taken by a noble. - Shalltear actually turns one of the guys into a vampire to make him give up details about where the main group is and lead them there. - Shalltear and her vampire brides fell down a trap hole. I really wish they kept this part. - Shalltear used the guy who she turn into a vampire as a door opener when she invaded Brain's group hideout. -When shalltear found out the back room, there were supposed to be a group of women being held there as prisoners. She started panicking here as she had no idea what to do. Deal with the women or run off and grab Brain. It just got worst from here as more unknowns came into the party. I believe that most of the cuts that happen during this part. I shall come back next time! With either cuts from the LN or parts they didn't explain well!


“New meaning to the word “booby trap”.” I’m fucking dead🤣

Raul Gonzalez

When ever ya'll finish up one of these current shows, I think ya'll should try watching "So I'm A Spider, So What?" Honestly is quite underrated imo. Also main character VA is amazing!!! Keep up the great work!

Daniel Borrego

its definitely not underrated, if anything its overrated. shuns stupid humans story just kills this anime.


lup-san death scream right before the actual death scream made me cry tears of laughter


@Daniel Borrego I disagree. the story is really good and the human part important. I think it makes it clear that there are more than 1 MC.. kind of. Yeah the human story is kind of annoying and standard at times but I still think it's important. and it doesn't ruin the story


hey you took over my part xD but no hard feelings. I didn't had the time and forgot a lot so I relearned stuff. but yeah when someone enjoys the anime they should read the novel. so many details more info what you didn't mention is that the crossbows actually hit shalltear.. it just didn't matter. I think the novel even says that one bolt is in her eye


Yes! if anyone is interested in the anime, go read the Light Novels. SO much gets cut or is kind of lost because it's hard to transfer over everything within a 13-episode format. Also I forgot about the crossbow part lol.


mf really said "for a little kid you got some nice goods". If that ain't the most "I'm about to die" sentence a character has ever said, I don't know what is