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Back on New Genesis!

SN: lol why they had to name this kid Amistad tho?



Roshi did NOT just call the OG Flash's costume trash... LUPA SMACK HIM OR SOMETHING


So this is the first time we finally get a real introduction to the New Gods and this is how it is done? For a fan of Jack Kirby's Fourth World, I find this adaptation to be extremely disappointing. Highfather sounds like a clown, Orion sounds like a tight ass bureaucrat with asthma, and those larvaes with anime eyes look gay as fuck. When you read the original Kirby comics, the story gets often so intense and epic that it feels like a religious experience (I personally think it IS a religious experience). Jack Kirby never tried to judge violence, he understood it as part of Life. Without darkness, there is no light. Here everything feels so watered down, bland and pompously moralizing, like always with the DCU. Look at that intro with the autistic kid, you can feel the show is trying to appeal to your pathos and feed on it like an emotional parasite. It's some Steve Urkel-tier level of family show genericness. Bruce Timm is the only DC animator who more or less understood Jack Kirby, he would have been perfect for this. Without Timm in command, DC animated shows are basically trash.


If you guys love DC so much, why don't you watch Green Lantern The Animated Series? It's literally the best DC animated show ever made imo. This show created such loyal Green Lantern fans. I had never read a Green Lantern comic prior to it, but after watching it I loved it so much I jumped on the whole volume 1 of Green Lantern from the 60's to the 90's and read all 200+ issues in a few months (it wasn't really a good idea ahah). And from the testimonies I got online, it had the same effect on a lot of people. Bruce Timm knew what he was doing and this show is criminally underrated (I think the reason is because the shitty movie adaptation gave Green Lantern a stinky rep). Cartoon or not, it was hands down one of the best space operas I've ever watched.

Totally Thomas

It was the animated series that got me hooked on Green Lantern and is very underrated; not just as a show but as a character overall.

CJ Dennis

Giancarlo Volpe was the main show runner for GLTAS, Bruce Timm was the executive producer. Nevertheless, it was a great show that ended too early. Green Lantern has such a rich 80 year history, had that show continued for more than one season it probably would have been epic.

CJ Dennis

It is super funny that you mentioned GLTAS given the next episode lol.


Bro, we were like 2 hipsters talking about GL TAS being underrated to find out a week later that Young Justice did a tribute to the show, and everybody is talking about it now lmao. This gotta be the weirdest synchronicity ever.


And to people who think I'm mistaken about the moralizing : Superheroes comics were created by Jewish immigrants to express their fears of xenophobia, so of course superheroes material was always preachy and moralizing in some way or another. But kirby had a particular vision. The "evil" that Darkseid represented was "Control", not violence. The Anti-Life equation crystalized this notion as it nullified the willpower of its victims. The message of Kirby was that without free will, there is no Life. Wether your actions have positive or negative consequences on the World, it will be your own decision to make, you're free to chose as impersonal control only corrupts what it touches. As you can see, it went further than the generic "Love is good, Hate is bad" rethoric and was actually a better criticism of fascism than most superheroes comics. Real fascism is the authority to dictate other people how they should think and behave, not just some "muh racism bad" or "muh intolerance always leads to genocide" Nietzschean slave morality bullshit (Hello Isayama). In the original comics, the people living on New Genesis were openly discriminatory against the "Bugs". Kirby may have challenged their point of view later in the story, but he never blamed his characters for their opinions. In fact he even gave us a tutorial on how to act when you're confronted to discrimination as a foreigner : the Bugs changed the New Gods' opinion about them by fighting by their side. You earn the people's trust by proving your worth, not by enforcing some liberticide laws upon them. People may have a biased opinion towards you because of your origins at first but ultimately over time they will always judge you by your actions.

Weekly Flo

IK this is a week old, but I'm not gonna let you sit here and let you call anything that isnt Bruce Timm's work, trash. Bruce Timm would be disappointed in you for saying the hard work that the people put into their shows is trash. The people making Young Justice are making their own universe and are developing their own stories SEPERATE from the rest of the pre-established continuity. I advise you to please take the Rose tinted glasses off or the green ones in this case and watch and try and appreciate what this show is trying to do, instead of compare it to another show with an entirely different angle. They are taking the WHOLE of the DC universe and trying to make a show that fleshes out however possible the characters it has at its disposal AND some new ones. And considering your comment... if you haven't noticed, that's the angle they are trying to take with ROckets character. SHe clearly has a LOT to unlearn and relearn about autism and interactions with people, because not only is it affecting her family DIRECTLY but making decisions on a galactic and universal scale. It's clear that Orion is autistic and that she is struggling trusting him bc of his origins, but she lacks the perspective of seeing how you must understand people THROUGH specific perspectives to understand and cooperate with them best. Again. I get it that youre a big Bruce Timm GLAS fan, but appreciate that something like this exists and enjoy the fact that it's available. The writers are trying their best to make a compelling story with so many thru-lines of different arcs, plots, and characters, all while being attentitve to MODERN issues. Just like how the origin of some comics were about Jewish migrants and their issues, these writers and directors are uplifting stories, lives, and scenarios that are important to them and many others. SO please have some respect.

CJ Dennis

Is Orion autistic? I don't think that's what they are alluding to.