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Not pleased with the amount of W's given to Gwi-nam smh

last episode tomorrow!


Lily Rose

it's not poorly written at all, its just not what the viewers want to see.. a main protagonists loosing to an antagonist.

Lily Rose

its not stupid, it just didn't go the way you wanted it to so you're mad. you already supported by paying for patreon, so you don't have to comment or watch.

beast 007

Yes, it is poorly written all he has is Oh I am a bully and I hate this person because I am a bully trope. I don't know what weak ass storylines you like but okay. Like at least a small story about why he hates him so much but no gerdi her clown ass.







Omar Bautista

I found out why Japan and Korean bullies are so ruthless. They are always shown winning against all odds


so the dad wasn't a half-zombie.. he was just cool. I wish he stayed with the group longer


class room of the elite?????


Nam-Ra couldn't be a distraction because the zombies wouldn't care about her.


Will never understand why nam-ra wasn't the one doing the distracting....


They better clear up the plot holes in the finale. I have zero emotional attachment to any of the characters now. Either bring Cheong back or just leave the show at season 1


classroom of elite ep 2 tomorrow pleaseee


but she could have used the whistles and the flares to lure the zombies since they're attracted to sound


React to peaky blinders!!!

Jade Pinnock

Okay but I feel like the dad did not have to die there were so many chances for him to just leave with them and he didn't


Man that sounds like bad news, ever since riverdale I’ll never ignore poor writing. Very few shows have good writing especially when it comes to zombies. I still believe video games got the best Zombie stories. Nothing is beating TWD or TLOU


Good stuff, now when you finish this show you can watch Hinamatsuri! (sorry :p )

Scott Riley Adrueno

Damn im so mad they didnt went full anime and gave Cheong the power up for the final beatdown. Everything were so anime-ish before but they decided to hold back at this moment? Why?

Bobby Robinson

Damn man he didn’t have to take himself out like that bro


I think we’re just getting 1 episode a week 😣🥺


Guys gotta chill with the second episode of Classroom of the Elite, some of us are still waiting for first episode of Misfit of Demon Academy. Y'all got your fix, let us have ours!! Lol

Joshua Brown

please watch Ted Lasso

Young Ajummah

Listen, AOUAD is a show I love to hate. So many plot holes that don't get filled, and people doing the DUMBEST of things...I started reading the webtoon because it HAS to be better than this.

Ray Ray

As much as I was entertained by All of Us Are Dead, it does have some frustrating moments. I suggest to watch Kingdom, another Korean zombie show (set in a different period) but less frustrating to watch.


Imagine admitting you voted for that garbage


Hey Roshi, just wondering if you guys are gonna react to Kingdom after this series?

deonte johnson

they wouldn't go after her cause she's still infected just how the zombies weren't going after the one girl and the guy but I get what you mean tho for sure


Sheera doesn't seem to realize he got bit when he was running to leave not because he was distracted

Nermin Selimovic

the dad was bitten last episode when they fell down the stairs


Nah Roshi he felt like shit for killing the 10,000 innocent and maybe even the 50000 infected too, he didn’t sign up to be a mass murderer no matter the cost and it’s a lot to deal with for any human, as a Soilder he still did it but as a human being he couldn’t live with himself now


im calling that lazy writing, they just wanted a reason to write off someone. zombies are attracted to sound, so if nam-ra used the whistle they would’ve ran towards her- sure they wouldn’t have bitten her but they would’ve at least been distracted

sotonye ogan

my nigga why do i feel that the fucking dad wanted to die so bad tf, he could have easily gone with them and if any zombies that come after you throw them motherfucking light sticks to distract as you are going with them!!!.... you know what i dont fucking care anymore lmao.


Bro we're only at Wednesday. Still 2 more days of the work week left lol, just wait and see.

Zazies Beret

I mean I would say it was pretty messed up bombing everyone simply for the fact that they barely saved anyone. Only 120 people out of however many thousands of people. Obviously not everyone got turned into zombies so thousands of unaffected people definitely got clapped. In one way, killing himself is a way of taking responsibility but also he would've been faced with a much worse fate if he decided not to end everything right there.


i mean Not everything was really anime like if you think about it they killed characters suddenly and There wasn't really intense battles between half zombie people so its realistic that he wouldnt be able to beat his ass while turning


Now if someone said the same to you they would be assholes right?


That’s my favorite part. Bad guys actually get wins.


this show would be a thousand times better if it was the kids from ass class. i am so mad at these students i almost wish roshi would have turned it off. 💀

Crow's Nest

We saw just a couple episodes prior that they will follow the sound of the half-zombies, she could've ran in the opposite direction shouting for a while and they would've followed

Smash Bran'Discootch

I respect his decision to drop the bombs. The spread was just too quick. But people will demonize him. Look at Oppenheimer. BRILLIANT scientist, but all people remember about him is the Manhattan Project and nuclear weapons. I also respect his choice to take his own life. I believe in the right to die. I think if you're in constant, unending pain whether it be physical or emotional, I believe you have the right to just be like, "Nah. I'm done." And regardless of whether he had any choice or not, he still made the call, and since he is a good man those deaths are going to weigh on him for the rest of his life. I mean it sucks, its awful, but i understand it.


The writers hyped this man up, firefighter and military experience, dodging bullets, 8 episodes trying to save his daughter and easily surviving the zombie infested city. Only to find his daughter, move her 50 ft into a tennis court and die. Like that was honestly the lamest ending for that character.

Castaway Figi

another japenese zombie one yall should watch is sweet home its really good


Was thinking about getting into Kingdom. Is the writing better than this show? I honestly couldn't stand how weirdly the writers decided to make everyone's characters and story arcs. Like we literally didn't care about 85% of the characters in the end.

FreshxEli Tv

It’s Not Bad Writing Gwi-nam lived up to the aspect of the virus Gwi-nam is definitely trash but if we are being real no one there could kill him yeah it sucks he got everything he wanted but in the aspect of the story and the meaning of the virus Gwi-nam was a perfect vessel so far we Know that Love & Fear powers human zombies


I mean if you have to try and establish an in-canon reason for bad writing and story beats....it still bad writing and story lol


highly doubt they didn't see that oscar award winning film from two years ago.

Smash Bran'Discootch

Facts. This show suffers from having REALLY bad writing, but also REALLY good writing in some parts. I think the character relationships and interactions were all really well done(for the most part) but as far as like....literally everything having to do with the virus, it's bad. Good writing relies on consistency and how they handled the virus was really inconsistent and poorly executed. The show as a whole is definitely worth watching.

Jaime Ruiz

I don't like this show, like fuck was it so difficult to watch for me. The only character I liked, they took out at the end. Then they took out the archer kid like what? Jesus christ this show was sooooo difficult to watch. Honestly, if they make a second season unless I hear that Cheong comes back I'm not watching it.

Jaime Ruiz

nah, go back and rewatch tennis court scene, you can hear the bite sound when it happens. No mark before, mark after.

Jaime Ruiz

Nah, dude that shit was anime as fuck. Gwinams bitch ass jst wouldnt die for no reason? The kids didnt think to imaple him in the head? Dude was litterally killing off so many characters like what?

Ray Ray

Kingdom is a way better written show than AOUAD. I was less frustrated with the characters and their actions in Kingdom and that's saying something since the show is set in medieval times where they don't have zombie shows & movies for help on how to deal with them.


My Boy hit the bully with the "Leaf Hurricane" Rock Lee Style LOL


i would have done that if i wasn't enjoying and watching the reaction from lupa, sheera, and roshi.


Movie suggestion: Code Geass Lelouch of the Resurrection. It takes place after the death of Lelouch. Alternate world where Shirly didn't die either. Since y'all loved the show and it's been like a year, may be time to revisit!


No, the live action adaptation for Sweet Home was mid.


I think he knows that, it's the weight of that sacrifice that made him commit suicide


It was pretty uncharacteristic of Bare Su to stand back and not intervene when Gwi-Nam bit Cheongsan. Like? He just accepted his fate before it even happened


im only watching this just to support roshi tbh. this show sucks ass


Writers did a poor job on every character arc's conclusion 💀

Random Guy

I really hope cheong-san actually turned into Hambie, there's got to be a reason why he put gwi-nam in front of him when the missile exploded. Even if let's say he got damaged, you can get away by making him a hambie.


God man seeing Cheong-san get his eye gouged like that made my eye hurt a bit

Erica Collins

I think the point of Gwi-nam actually getting what he wanted til the end is that in every zombie show or movie or any show or movie in general the villian always loses and never gets what he wants and the hero or the good character always wins but as we've seen so far, this show didn't do a lot of basic story plots that we see all the time. like with the pink sweater girl, in any other show she would've been redeemed, became likeable and became friends with the group. With the guy who can sing and is almost everyone's favorite character, lets be honest, in any other show or movie he would've been dead in like the first few episodes protecting the group or something and the girl who keeps falling would've for sure been dead too lol Also with the girl's dad we would assume that after he saved her he would stick with the group because that happens all the time but nah they said this ain't that type of show lmao I think a lot of people may have expected this to be like every other zombie show but it's not. The concepts are very different from ones I've seen and personally I really like it. Even though I was also mad at Gwi-nam getting everything he wanted and killing (I forgot his name lmao) it's something different and I don't mind it. It's actually refreshing finally seeing something different and just because it's so different doesn't necessarily mean that it has poor writing. That's just my opinion tho lol I definitely understand where everyone else is coming from when they say they don't like it lol


It wasnt even that good lol over hyped like this show was


Everyone has an opinion and that's ok, even if they're not logical


So did anyone else think Dio and Jojo falling into fire


i want to know wasup with ol girl and the baby whos the father they cant just dump that on us without explanation wtf 😂

Quinton Campbell

i like the gwi-nam w's because that more realistic. not some kiddy kiddy b.s. where the clearly weaker protagonist finds a way win. cuz then yall would be all like "how tf r u a super zombie n get clapped?"

Quinton Campbell

realistically, they would've had to stop, explain to the dad nam-ra was half zombie, n still not really know if she could be a distraction. yes nam-ra noticed the zombies werent messing with her, but we've seen enough to know nam-ra dosent speak on things unless she has enough info to come to a conclusion yet.


Sheera is hilarious these reactions, she really said… Trying to explain, why the dad closed the door: “Oh well he is closing it because he did what he came here to do, to protect her” 😂 What kind of logic is that


this show is so stupid lmao. Just here to support the squad. Could never watch this by myself.


This show subverts expectations in a way that is exciting and shocking, just as intended. People are angry about character arcs not being fulfilled, but that's the genius behind this writing. Not everyone GETS a full character arc; People die randomly and suddenly, especially in a zombie apocalypse where EVERYONE'S lives are just a bite or headshot away.

Erica Collins

exactly. If anything this is one of the most realistic zombie shows because of this. Also I think that was the point of the writing. Like the mom dying in episode 3 (i think) because she wanted to see her son but she ended up getting clapped makes sense. For her age, how the heck was she ever going to be successful? It wouldn't have made sense & Gwi-nam getting what he wants, he was a fighter before turning into a hambie & whats his face wasn't so realisticially he didn't stand a chance in beating him in a fight. Now that wasn't plot armor lmao that was real life

Erica Collins

Same. in every other show or movie the villian always loses and that is getting so old and boring. It's so overused that people always expect the good character to win and what's interesting about that? nothing lol It's about time we see the oppoosite


As game of thrones (final seasons) and the Star Wars sequel trilogy has taught us, "subverting expectations" is not a substitute for good story telling. You're watching a fictional story, designed to entertain and encapsulate an audience. If there's no story, then what's the point of watching it? If you wanted 'realism' of the apocalypse, then this show isn't even a good example like you claim. Kids would've been severely dehydrated and barely able to move after 3 days of no water/food. Unnecessary drama and forced social conflict between the kids, it was just written poorly and using "ts a realistic zombie show not everyone gets an arc" isn't a good scapegoat for literally NO ONE getting a decent story arc.

rickie woodson

those people hating on the show need to watch more kdramas, obviously. its very much like this (i mean it is a kdrama): main characters being stupid/lame/frustrating, bad guys winning a lot, in a way they are a kind of torture porn. you see these people get together break up, get success then lose it all. just emotional turmoil after turmoil and HOPEFULLY ends with the leads victorious. i say hopefully cause many end in tragedy, like a shakespearean play. thats why i love them: unpredictable, great acting and writing for you to connect with the characters and feel their pain, the exploration of strength of the human spirit. also: did these haters not see train to busan? only two of our main folks made it to the end.....


Idk if they watching it in they private time but they need to watch snowfall can we get them if they aren’t watching it now

Zaouli HD

I think they said in one of the reactions that they weren't going to watch the Code Geass movie because it's not canon


Damn, that was a terribly incohesive argument and a terrible comparison to make your point. And honestly just an insult to actually good kdramas. Let's look at your comparison to Train to Busan: -Main character is out of his depth but somewhat competent as an adult, using every connection he has. Completes his arc protecting his daughter and pregnant woman and changing his mentality and sacrificing himself for their safety -Big dude, competent character, protects MC, changing his mindset, names his daughter, protects entire train kill and dies. Won't go every character since I don't have much space lol Even though it follows the tragedy genre it's still written well, characters have arcs and it has a satisfying conclusion. This literally has 0 of that.


Ethan shut the hell up you talking mad shit to reasonable and unprovoked discourse


I'm not really mad he died, I'm more or less disappointed at the obvious and cliche death flag they set on him. I understand the idea that death happens randomly but there is severe lack of climax in this show. I still think it's better than some of the other zombie movies out there though, especially Netflix zombie shows. Personally, I think they should watch #Alive but at the end of the day it's all personal preference. I'd imagine they're going with a season 2 considering the teacher is obviously still alive and got 0 screen time after he turned.


@Fry I'm not talking any shit lol. I responded to you after your original comment and another person's response saying "to all you haters", then you personally attack me by telling me to "shut the hell up". You commented your argument and I proposed a counter argument to your point. What part of "reasonable and unprovoked discourse" have you been emulating lmao? I didn't even say anything bad about you, and you're coming back with personal attacks bc you can't handle criticism of the show without blowing up? Is your version of unprovoked discourse 'everyone agrees with my opinion and no one can criticize it'?


@Fry damn what happened to "having reasonable and unprovoked discourse". Smells like hypocrite to me if you can't practice what you preach.


I think so. Usually daily Youtube uploads happen first, then patreon. Been an hour since Youtube so I assume Patreon will get uploaded within the next 2 hours.


The show started pretty damn good and consistent, but then started pushing the standard movie/TV tropes to extend suspense for the sake of it. Gwi-Nam constantly coming back at the worst times was pretty damn obvious. I'd say it started getting bad when Nam-Ra got bit. The show turned the second leading man (Lee Su) into a complete simp, and the Nam-Ra (class president) went from interesting love interest to monotone plot device to handle Gwi-Nam occasionally. After that, it was a series of endless plot devices and plot convivences. One of the biggest disappointments is Eun-Ji never getting to even encounter Gwi-Nam throughout this entire thing. Nam-Ra was just an awful character that served no purpose but being the only one who could fight Gwi-Nam until the end. She literally started off as that useless girl that kept being negative when they were trapped in the media room, and didn't even speak up when she saw Na-Yeon (sweater girl) poisoning Gyeong-Su's wound. After that she became even more of a silent and useless character. She constantly just threw out vague warnings instead of actively speaking up when she heard zombies coming.


maybe they're late cuz there's lots of drops today? hihihi


Breaking Bad, Overlord and Aot would like your location for actually well written shows about the antagonist's winning.

rickie woodson

i dont get why they stopped running. missiles are coming, they said get underground, im not stopping til i reach a cave and even then im going to the far back in like im in young justice

rickie woodson

the moment he said "tell them im sorry" im like "here comes the suicide"

rickie woodson

im with sheera cause look how he has treated the zombies they got at the camp? the commander was remorseful for the humans who were unturned that died, not the zombies that they couldnt cure

Alex Omega

Speak the TRUTH ETHAN!!! That's why I hated the show and I only watch this reaction to support Roshi. I watched this show when it first came out and was very disappointed at the end after other people hyped it up.

Isaiah McClurkin

Major Last of Us 2 vibes at the end with Cheong San not really fulfilling our expectations and Gwi nam getting all the W’s

Joey Zero

Y'all got to remember the only reason why Gwi-Nam even turned into a super zombie is because of his overwhelming desire to kill Cheong-San. So, he's not just gonna walk away and be like "I'm tired. I'll just completely forget about my mission to kill him" since that was the primary thing driving him in the first place.


I understand why he shot himself, having the blood of people's children and parents and spouses...zombie or not that's a huge weight. There were little pre-schoolers who got turned into zombies..I think he would've rather saved them than killing them so brutally. But the safety of the rest of Korea outweighed that regret for sure, enough for him to do it but not for him to be happy with his decision


It wasn't essential to the plot but still interesting to see, imo. Just highlighting the tragedy of that situation, got me thinking how many babies and toddlers probably died...


Very poorly written, quite nicely directed with great cinematography. But I guess that's how zombie movies go.

RavinFox .

I dunno why everyone expects fantastic blaze of glory moments where everything goes right. Its so life and death with odd twist thrown in that you shouldn't expect perfect turn outs. They were never able to kill this man so it was a matter of when not if. The only thing that did it was a literally blaze from a bomb. The only thing I can knock this show for is poor communication between characters both in and from dire moments.


The Sasuke pile driving Naruto into the ground type beat


Fry, just get off the internet man. You clearly need to touch some grass because you sound like a little bitch.


@Ethan I’m not mad at criticism, I do agree there are shining flaws with this show that degrade its overall immersion. Nor was I provoked by your first comment. It was the “Damn, that was a terribly incohesive argument” line. I personally do not care about how the show is treated. All I offered was my praise and that’s it.


The father didn't even have to stop at all there was plenty of time to run, its not like the other zombies were getting up in time. Sure some got up but they didn't even run at them yet, the father just standing there looking at them deciding to 'sacrifice' himself and refusing to even retreat despite THE NUMEROUS CHANCES TO GET THE HELL OUT only to end up dying here for no reason other than to make an avoidable outcome turn into a useless sacrifice just pissed me off the most about this show.