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"why is it always crab?"


Drake Rage

When I saw this anime originally I had to wait till the season finished because I knew I would want to binge watch it, so I stopped after 2-3 episodes and waited for it to finish, then binged it, lol. I had also commented how this whole situation was effed up since Gods did nothing while making a deal with the Devil would prevent droughts and give rain so people don't die of starvation... Like what can you do? The Dad saw that as the only way to save his Land and people. If he did not make a deal with the Demons, they would all have died in a war of desperation from lack of food and resources to survive. It just really messes with me how God is so weak compared to the the forces of Evil where the Demons are strong enough to provide food and water while God does nothing. Even the Monk who tried to stop the Dad said he would have lost his faith if he was alive any longer. I do support Hyakkimaru in the end since he is fighting for survival himself.... even if it means the land will no longer be "blessed" by the Demons and will again start having droughts causing a shortage of food. Really sad, still.

Jay Johnson

Technically the demons let them starve and die aswell. They only helped when he gave them something. So who's to say what happened. It seems like you are trying to justify what they did to hyakkimaru and to that I would say, is all the torture he went through morally justified by the rain it provided? For the villagers? Maybe...for hyakkimaru and his mother? Maybe not.

Drake Rage

I literally said I support Hyakkimaru, so idk what u mean by "trying to justify what they did to Hyakkimaru"... I don't need to justify anything, the anime already justified it, but it is crappy and Hyakkimaru deserves to get his body back... all I said was that you can't ignore the benefits of the Deal, which you clearly seem to be doing. You were expecting the Demons to save people for free? At least they gave an option to sacrifice 1 child to "Bless" all of Daigo. The only thing the Gods did so far in this anime is the Mom's statue that protected Hyakkimaru when he was born (or else he would have died). There was Death, War, and Famine everywhere, but the deal with the Demons made Daigo prosperous.


It's worth noting that Daigo pointedly did not make the deal because of concern for his people. That was incidental in his quest for status and power. He's a tyrant ruled by ambition and his army causes extreme suffering for all those around him solely for his greater glory. If helping him by alleviating the suffering of his people causes greater harm to other innocents as a consequence you can understand why a god would be reluctant to do so.

Drake Rage

@Beetlefan That is true that the Dad has selfish interests, but I don't think he is Evil. Daigo has been prosperous for a while now but they have not shown him going out of his way to do bad things. In the end the Dad's Deal with the Demons helped his people, even if the Deal was made for selfish reasons. I just really wish the Gods had more presence in the anime, but the Evil Forces seem a lot stronger. Then again that is very realistic, since the same applies in the real world where bad people often have the upper hand and God's Judgment seems absent.