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Ahh Clementine. I remember you lol


Donovan Kagy

Classroom of the elite?


classroom of the elite? 👀


I hope they watch 2 episodes of classroom of elite per week


where is classroom of the elite

Ayman Gebrail

Roshi saying that guy was patches cracked me up a bit

Ice Over

Hey gang you should check out Spy X Family when it starts airing this week.

Devin B

So that kid that you thought had Armin's VA doesn't actually have the same VA as him. She does have the same VA as Renly from SAO though.


okayyyyyy sheera with the purple wig!! im feeling it!!👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾💜


I know this is silly, but I’ve had a hard day so it was really nice to see this. I got to go home, have a drink, and have fun watching your reactions to this show. So, just thanks for doing this


Is it a wig? It's been like that for a while, I thought she just dyed it. Looks good either way.


I believed that she dyed her hair. But as you said, it looks great on her.


Nfirea looks like a whole hentai protag


Info Time!!: The face Momon uses (I am not sure) is his old face. The swords of darkness thought he was a bit ugly. now Ainz was average in his world. It's just that everyone is beautiful in the new world Clementine is the reason the sunlight scripture and not the black was hunting gaseff. She stole the crown so they hunted her. Now about the Crown. I don't really remember what it does and I am not sure if it was explained later. But by removing it the mind of the wearer shatters. I think there was a difference between removing the Item and destroying it while it was used, but again I am not sure. What I remember is that only girls could use it and they can't remove it because after "equipping" the crown you are basicially gone. you can't move and shit and if the item is removed your mind shatters I bet I forgot a lot of LN infos so that has to be enough. Hope the ones who read my comments enjoy them


Actually, y'all did see the end credit scene the first time. But it's ok, it was a lifetime ago. Watched a lot of shows in three years!

Random Guy

The crown lets the user cast spells up to the 7th tier. Even the most talented people short of heroes can only cast up to 3rd tier.


@5:00min Chidori?


Tfw the fuckboi is fucking around w/ someone in full plate, who is TALLER than he is. Like WTF? Also it's crazy af how much different Clementine sounds from the usual voices Aoi Yuki does for her characters. She generally is instantly recognizable in most of her roles, but I didn't know she did this one when S1 originally aired


good shiet

Lloyd Edwards

pretty sure Clementine has the same VA as Tanya and I know for sure Nabe has the same VA as Hinata from Slime

Lloyd Edwards

well yes and no, would've never guessed she voiced Froppy or Setsuna but I can absolutely hear her as Tanya or Tamaki

Random Guy

Also some info that will probably never be mentioned. Khajit started doing necromancy because his mother died of a brain blod clot. He asked his teacher if it was possible to revive his dead mother, he despaired when his necromancy teacher told him that a normal human body cannot take the stress of resurrection. He was sure that there was a solution out there but he had limited lifespan as a human, thus he started his plan to become a lich to become immortal. Somewhere along the way he forgot about his original goal. In the overlord game, there is a version of clementine where she has 180 personality change and is called saint clementine.


I mean fair, in retrospect you can kinda hear her signature voice when Clementine's voice cracks during her crazy rants at some points in the sentences


Just me or does the Bird sound at 5:00min sound exactly like Chidori?


you guys should react to redline


The chidori sfx was made using a screeching sound of an eagle so Yh that’s why it sounds so familiar

None None

That's a big problem with Japanese voice actor culture. A lot of the big names are "stunt casted", so the directors want them to do their recognizable voice and they don't really get to show off their range. I remember poor HanaKana was particularly frustrated at always get cast as quiet girls, because she was proud of her yelling voice.

J Miller

I can't wait for the next seasons. They get dialed up on the fuckery and eeevil scale. Nice vids y'all.


Bro said "thats patches" XDD


Wait... I feel like someone else has mentioned it, but wow does 4:59 sound like the chidori from Naruto. I mean I always thought that chidori sounded kinda like a bird, but wow that's interesting


well it was originally called Chidori: One thousand birds.

Spearbearer Josh

dont be an ass; but yeah, that sound is a common soundbyte used in shows, once you hear it you'll pick it out randomly

These Plums

Welp. Lupa just confirmed he has 0 game lol


For why he wants to avoid using the gold that may alert other Yggdrasil players: They dont really mention it in the show (that I can remember) but in the books they talk about how "inhumans" (the ones who chose monster avatars like what his guild was made of) were seen as "other" and looked down upon and often hunted by PKers. If he came across other players and they were the "good" races, there is a fair chance they may see him as evil or "other" and try to take him out... plus putting the odds of that aside, its also a psychological issue since he was hunted pretty heavily before he was saved by Touch Me and joined the guild (which you can see in the first episode when he was deciding whether to help the people getting killed by the knights)