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Percy still withholding info smh


Thiago Silva

Rubens me enfrente....

Smash Bran'Discootch

YES! SCANBO! This is one of the most legendary moments in CR history. A solid half hour of a single player, Sam Riegel, being AMAZING. He was in a situation that nobody should have been able to survive and made it out with his skin in tact. What made this moment so amazing was that when they were making their characters, sam riegel asked "What's the shittiest most useless character I can play?" to which Liam(Vax) replied, "I dunno...a Gnome Bard?" Which Sam ended up turning into one of the most clutch characters imaginable and he had NEVER PLAYED DND BEFORE! In the actual stream, Scanlan knew how to to teleport and how to turn into animals already, but it's hard to communicate limited resources like spell slots into an animated series so I'm pleased with how they did it(potions etc.) In the stream, he used Bigby's Hand(scanlans hand) to SHOTPUT the Goliath Duke off the damn roof.


Scanlan's Hand is the most overpowered, unbeatable ability in existence. His middle finger >> Everyone

Tyrone Arcega


Smash Bran'Discootch

Also, with Percy, he isnt holding any information back. He told them the full story. It wasnt, "I just made a regular ass gun", it was, "I literally created the first gun ever created in the entire world." He isn't holding information back, he doesn't KNOW anything. He's even said that he doesnt know what smoke they're talking about. When the smoke is coming out. Percy doesn't see that. He legit has no idea what's going on.


Percy not pulling the trigger has nothing to do with shock. The thought that if he missed he would hit his sister would keep him from pulling the trigger, especially when there’s a knife to her throat and no guarantee that the guy holding it won’t be able to slit her throat anyway even if he did hit Anders, either out of spite or simply because getting hit caused him to jerk the blade.

CJButter 41122

It's more then shock, for Percy he actually looked up to the prof, to the point he was willing to make a negotiation. Which is why he didn't shoot right away like he has done with every other person, Percy actually wanted to possibly earn some trust back with his old prof.

Smash Bran'Discootch

Yo, the fans, the cast, EVERYONE was shocked as fuck when Matt slit Cass's throat. Tal looked like he was about to jump up out of his seat and go for Matt's throat. That moment was so full of "I am not fucking around" energy. Oh, as far as the "The Sixth Barrel is meant for Percy" thing, don't get too caught up in that theory. The flash of Percy's shadow holding the gun to his own head was just an Easter Egg that pays homage to a popular fan theory at the time that was almost IMMEDIATELY debunked. I won't spoil what it actually is, but it is 100% not intended for himself. Taleisin has said since the campaign that Percy was actually going through a SERIOUS Nervous Breakdown his ENTIRE time with Vox Machina. Even after this arc.

Smash Bran'Discootch

Nah, that'd be "Wish" which scanlan also gets and uses to EXTREME effectiveness. Well, that and "Counterspell". Bigby's Hand(the spell's real name) is only a 5th level spell, but he uses it very well.

Jeffrey D

Percy created the first gun in this world


I don't think it's shock at all and it's more on the lines of him having a hostage. If someone has a hostage you have to be very careful about your decisions because even if Percy shot he still could've probably slit her throat before he died since he has a knife to her neck.

Smash Bran'Discootch

Don't pay me too much mind. Literally every interaction i have with another human being comes off as extremely douchey. Thats on me, not you fam, sorry.


I mean, Percy really isn't with holding info. He genuinely doesn't understand the smoke himself. All he knows is, he made the first fire arm, inspired by a dream he had, and that the weapon discharges a heck ton of smoke when he fires (think Pirates of the Caribbean and how much smoke is expelled everytime someone fires a pistol)


It wasn't shock but rather he couldn't take him on by himself. This was originally a d&d game. He couldn't kill him in one shot, Anders has HP pool. But in terms of a show, my interpretation is the pepperbox isn't the most accurate thing. So he could misfire or missed the shot and hit her sister. And they do not have a healer. Hence he opted to negotiate.


Also, Scanlan looks like a bumbling fool, but his voice actor, Sam Riegel is probably one of the most strategic players of the group. That mansion was an encounter balanced for the whole party to take on, and he destroyed it by himself. There's a reason he was called Scanbo (Scanlan+Rambo) lol

Lexa Khourie

Pepperbox (percy's weapon) is the only gun in the world. It's also unreliable to the point that it even backfires on himself sometimes! So with his sister so close to the [moving] target, a head shot would likely mean messing up Cassandra's face. Worst case he could kill her. But after Anders dropped her.... Percy should've popped off hard lol. To be fair, the turn-based combat of the game doesn't allow players to do anything during unless it's on their turn. It makes combat kinda unrealistic when you try to string it into a narrative.


The lack of a one shot kill in D&D for sure, and also the fact that it has a turn based combat


Why do I feel like the Briarwoods fed her blood and she'll turn into a vampire 🤨


I was about to say that Percy didn’t kill him right away because he was being dramatic. But Roshi beat me to it.

Invader Rin

Another thing to keep in mind, not saying you're not allowed to get annoyed about the ending. But the Gunslinger, the class Percy is, part of the class is that there's a chance the the gun can jam. So that might happen and his sister would have still ended up dead.

Stanley Labissiere

“Did you even wipe?” Ah yo I’m Sheera, priorities 😩🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

rickie woodson

time for the shots remix song: vox! vox vox vox vox!


Bruh that's what I'm saying roshi he had the gun for 5 to 6 years why didn't he kill the guy


Next episode Percy is gonna show off😁😁


Percy said the creation of the pepperbox start five years ago. He didn't have the gun five years ago. Going to his backstory he didn't get his inspiration immediately. Then he had to create the gun which require resources he didn't have. And in comic prequel he did attempt to kill someone on the list in which he failed and got himself in jail. Which led him to meet members of Vox Machina.


Scalan really just released lightning from his weiner lmaoo. I have never seen that before

Sole Observer

To clarify somethings: that bag they're use is a bag of holding, a magic bag that can carry around 500 pounds without the weight mostly used by adventures and Goliath's, groggs race, are a humanoid race believe to have descended from Giants that mostly inhabitant mountainous regions. The potions scanlan used in order were, blink (can grant teleportation in bursts of short distances) shrink (self explanatory) and fire breath (again self explanatory). That scroll had the ploymorphe spell inscribe on it, a spell that allows the user to transform into any shape, thou in this case randomly.

Connor Grynol

With regards to the ending, I can understand thinking that shooting at him right away might be the play but after Anders puts the knife against her throat it would be a risking thing. The reason being that people do that so that if they are shot, the gravity will still end up running the knife across their throat. I imagine when he first saw Cassandra he was shocked, I imagine part of him wasn’t entirely convinced it was true, so I would argue that is why he didn’t fire right away. As for why he didn’t fire after, I’ve already explained my opinion. Also, the pepper box is literally the first gun in that world, early guns can be fairly unreliable and inaccurate. He still thought he could negotiate with Anders so it may have seemed like a risk not worth taking.


Damn bro you comment alot 🤣

Devin B

No matter how sure of a shot you are if you're target is close to something that is precious to you you're going to hesitate cause no one has 100% aim and definitely not Percy with his gun that can go off at any moment. Best believe if Anders was by himself Percy wouldn't hesitate to shot.

Jaelyn Mcgee

The Crotch/Ass Lightning is a regular thing that Scanlan pulls off in the game, and it's one of my favorite jokes. The Tricreatops transformation is one of my favorite moments in the whole series, because as others have stated he absolutely solos the mansion in the game as well. I'm hoping they continue more of his transformation moments in the next season

Smash Bran'Discootch

And? Everybody's got something. Knowing literally everything there is to know about this show is my one thing. Let me have my one thing bro.


Roshi and Lupa ... you guys tell Sheera to understand shock when she gets upset at characters not doing shit on time because you two understand how people can be shocked to the point of just standing there. Last time I remember y'all did this was in All of Us Are Dead. Then you watch this episode and suddenly your understanding of plot-shock disappeared and Sheera's the one who understands shock now. C'mon guys. lmao

rickie woodson

so much he left out. 1. you a bum on the streets eating garbage, how the heck did you gain access to a forge to make your hell gun? 2. a vision (which dont come out of no where) taught you how to make a magic gun? and you just DID it? and swore to an unnamed being? SHADY! im out! i dont want a miranjo bosse situation. 3. we have theories on the white hair but i still want an in story truth. how do you go from brown to stark white? was there some alchemy experiment gone wrong?

rickie woodson

they THINK she is ahostage, but she wasnt in chains, rags or looked to be in any form of fear or distress. cass is in league with the briariwoods but now that her brother is here she might just have a change of heart


To answer no. 2 it can happen like this. In a world of mystical animals, enchanted magic, curses, demons and paranormal mumbo jumbo, Visions do come out of nowhere. A lot of the time people who suddenly have visions don't understand why. All we got to go off of is his burning desire for revenge and some paranormal thing ( a demon or vengeful spirit ) got attracted to his burning anger and started influencing his decisions and actions. And it is believable he'd go along with something so strange because he was vulnerable, heartbroken, mentally damaged and angry and this thing that got to him provided him a sense of purpose to live and fight otherwise he'd just be a bum forever and die. Personal Theory: Remember when Yuji in Jujutsu Kaisen made a deal with Sukuna? Yuji sure doesn't, because Sukuna made a condition that Yuji will forget their deal once it's been made between them. Maybe something similar happened here.

rickie woodson

but he didnt want to take the chance he would shot his sister. that is my reasoning on him hesistanting and negotiating. and no way she is dead. that is either a spelled illusion from the queen or whatever powers cass has gotten over the pass five years she will use to ressurrect herself. notice she has one streak of white instead of all brown hair. her and percy went through some kind of change. no way she is dying that easily and so soon. NOT BUYING IT! i was afraid for scanlan the whole ep though. im like "if my boy dies, fuck this show"


100% Accurate Aim against fodder characters. Against plot relevant characters is a whole 20%.


Yeah he comments alot. He paid for the privileges to do so here.


As many people say, the pepperbox (Percy's gun) is unreliable sometimes, as it is the very first gun in this world. He can shoot others into smithereens, yes, but he can't risk it when he hasn't have a clear shot with his sister in the way. Despite the look, his gun's power is more like a shotgun rather than a revolver, so Cass can definitely get hurt if he's not careful.


Percy didn't make a regular gun, it's the very first gun in this world. He calls it the "pepperbox", as the word gun doesn't even exist in this world.


I mean cass looked close and free enough to be wandering around the vampire lords. And this convenient little scene kills her. I feel like it might be a ploy and cass is already not human, and she’s trying to get her brother to join themq

Kyojin Kirā

someone needs to tell lupa how fires work lmao


Lemme just get a headshot off with this blunderbuss lol. No way the hostage will get hit with it.

Jaime Ruiz

His hair went white because he was tortured… how do people not fucking understand that? He was tortured in front of his sister who had to watch after his other family were murdered…

Smash Bran'Discootch

Yo I am loving watching yall theorize about this. It takes me back to six or seven years ago seeing this live and EVERYONE on twitch was speculating what tf was going on with Percy. Dont worry, I'm not gonna spoil anything, just had to say this is nostalgic af.


Tbh they did last episode are you ready you part of the bigger plan so killing was part of it either one she going to turn into a vampire or 3 it’s to drive Percy even more mad 🤔


They did say that last ep that she was part of bigger plan


people usually follow 3 shock reactions fight, flight or freeze and people freezing like that is very very common, obviously yall are fight lol


Yeah and unless you're a certified sniper in the perfect location, you would never take a shot in full confidence. Imagine a dude holding a baby hostage even. Sure it's small and you can shoot the dude anywhere on his body, but you'd be too angry, shocked and worried to be that confident because the kid being used as a shield is enough to make you constantly second guess.


What if you are a run fighter, and by that i mean you run while also throwing what ever is in arms reach at what ever is chasing you lmao


i might be wrong but i think Percy might not know about the weapon and unknowingly made a deal with whatever demon is possessing him just by building the weapon


Yall got some high confidence that Anders couldn't have used Cassandra as a shield, plus Percy has major PTSD from watching his entire family get butchered cut him some slack lol. Heck Sheera even joked about hitting Cassandra, like never try to save me yall gonna shoot first ask questions later and get my damn ass killed hahaha. Also don't forget that all of this is a retelling of a D&D game so there are reasons as to why situations play out the way they do, beyond just a traditional story telling.


i don't think you should shoot down their theories,, it's basically spoiling that it's not that

Smash Bran'Discootch

lol it isn't spoiling or shooting down their theory. It's explaining a purposefully misleading easter egg that they would have no context for understanding. The entire reason that shot is there is for an easter egg that you only get if you've seen the source material. Since i know for a fact they aren't ever going to watch CR, the only way they would understand that easter egg is by having someone explain it. I very purposely didn't spoil what it actually is, though when it reaches that part in the story i'm going to explain that as well since the show doesn't do a super good job of it. "Spoiling" is telling them whats going to happen in the story before they get the opportunity to see it. What this was is correcting an incorrect assumption based on a single frame that is purposefully misleading so that their future theories will have a better basis of knowledge to stem from.


I think it's important to think about how they have shown that the gun tends to randomly fail to shoot. So I think if you imagine being in Percy's shoes and if you take the shot and it fails, you show the dude that you are no immediate threat to him and then he likely kills her anyway. Aside from that, most of the people that Percy has merc'd are just goons which compared to the people who have their name on his gun are much less likely to be a threat.


Oh I see, so it is a legit name for that type of gun. I thought it's a name Percy created based on its look.

Big Juls

I usually defend u, but ya'll deserve this clappening in the comments LOL sounding like 12 y/o me on the playground "if I was Naruto I wouldve killed Orochimaru then and there! >:(" no the fuck I wouldn't id be shitting bricks in shock and then running my ass home


you'd be shitting bricks because you have a gun pointed at a man you can easily kill but chose not to until he had a hostage?

Big Juls

My guy, my example is from when I was 12. Read the other comments cause you obv got main character disorder and think everything would go your way in a hostage situation 💀

Smash Bran'Discootch

I rewatched this and in all honesty, Taliesin would actually really appreciate Roshi saying that Percy just wanted to be dramatic and he would most likely agree with that observation 100%.


There’s also the fact that if he shot but rolled a natural 1, he likely would have hit his sister.

Spearbearer Josh

Another angle to consider: the bullets are ball shaped and the barrel likely not rifled, so shooting even at that distance could be unreliable


Exactly as BZD said. Some decisions in the show don't make sense, but if you think about the fact that when they were actually making them it all depended on how a dice rolled it makes way more sense. A bad roll would have resulted in his sister taking the bullet, regardless of how good Percy's aim seems in real-time.

Drake Rage

That was confusing as fk when Roshi says Patreon likes to say Shock, Shock... like bro this situation was not even shock, it was a hostage situation... you can't come in guns blazing (primitive, "faulty" Gun mind you) and act like you don't care if you miss... I was like huh so you guys really don't understand "Shock," since you are labeling non-shock events to be shock events? So Patreon is right after all? Haha. The shock part would have been only after he saw his sister's throat get slit... and there is no question about Percy being frozen with shock seeing his family die again. P.S. The gang must really not have experience/knowledge about Guns because it is actually really easy to miss especially in a tense situation even at close range, with modern guns.. let alone Percy's gun that he made from a dream... first gun ever made in that world apparently, lol.

Drake Rage

Considering how we have seen the gun's shots act more like a shotgun's spread... like it blew hands into bits, even amputated a whole fat arm... he can't walk in and start shooting when his sister is literally right beside his "target." Like you guys are literally only saying that because it is the character's sister and not yours, in other words, clearly not putting yourselves in HIS situation when suggesting that "I would do this, I would do that" stuff, haha.


THIS!!!! Story is one thing but it all comes down to the rolls. He hesitated because he has to hit a DC (Difficulty Class) and if he fails (Natural 1) then his gun breaks and he watches Cass die anyways and has not weapon. But this all happened in a matter of 6 seconds in game time which is one round.