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after watching realized that Desha is probably taking the shortcut through the underworld to underneath the castle? Domas and Hokuro vs them?



Damn nigga I just finished watching y’all react to episode 13 lmao


just realized i forgot to change the background image, says 13 instead of 14

Bona Fide

Ousama Ranking always makes me exciteddd


You are all criminals, you can’t skip this intro


I haven't watched the reaction yet but I'm pretty sure they watch the op every time. They just edit it out.

Ranginald Vagel

They said Despa was smart but when the dude was giving ELI5 explanations of atomic theory and cleavage I was pretty shocked like, hol up this is a medieval level fantasy right?

Smash Bran'Discootch

Also yeah, it definitely hit his foot. It made the sound effect and everything. Also, I'm not saying Hilling HAS to give Dorsche a slice of yams, but like, I think he deserves for it to at least cross her mind once or twice.

Ryder LS

Pretty sure that if Bosse dies by the end of the story she's gonna be with Dorsche later on


What lupa said about miranjo having a hand in Desha wanting to take the kingdom has me thinking. As in, she had a part in making Ouken immortal and foresaw it all going down like this. Especially since Ouken is one of the ones she took out of jail. She planned internal and external problems to bring down the kingdom. The timeline actually lines up. She did say everything is apart of her plan before. She must be playing 4D chess in her mind.

Ryder LS

Bruh did they just set up Boji being able to break Miranjo's mirror even if she turns into diamond or gold?

Kevin Kovacs

Next ep is gonna GOOD one... I can't wait for it! 🤣


I think this episode just goes to show you exactly how powerful Boji is at the moment. Its not just the blood vessels he pinpoints in organic beings, but he can literally sever specific weak linked atoms at the molecular level with just a rapier and his eyes. Its really insane.

Osiris Cage

Lupa is a ride or die! lol


This episode is so much fun and feels ive really enjoy it

zILovePelmeni _

i think ouken likes to watch people slowly die because hes immortal. my guess is that since he cant die and his mind went crazy, hes imagining himself dying by killing other people and thats why he has that look on that face. i could be absolutely wrong haha


This is a bit of an old reference but Bojji’s technique reminds me of Ryoga’s Bakusai Tenketsu/ Breaking Point from Ranma 1/2


it's kind of a hand wave, but I'm assuming it's because of his magic vision, since he mentioned previously he can see things others can't

Miguel NoName

Loving how quick these are coming out 😁😋


Ppl gotta put Respeck on Gigan's name

rickie woodson

boji is officially the karnak of anime. can find and exploit the weak points in things/people


I wouldn't trust a literal shadow either to be fair.


Queen lupa saying he would try to save y’all in the intro👏🏾 hilling can’t just leave her subjects behind. They dropped a major connection by revealing Ouken’s title btw


Bakugan Boji seeing everything’s pressure points

The Pebble

Huh, I wonder then if when Ouken is like "running away" or acting scared and freaked out, that is maybe the slim "good guy" in him trying to resist his murderous tendencies? I don't know, either way he's a menace lol


snake or naruto? of course SNAKE!!!! HAHA


Nigga what. That’s top tier theory. 🔥🔥🔥


Took me 13 episodes to realize Hiling sounds like healing lmfao.


And now we learn why they couldn’t just kill Ouken, despite him being so dangerous. They literally can’t.


Despa was hiding in the alley and didn’t help because he can’t fight, he just gives advice and is more of a strategist than a fighter


miranjo surprisingly doesn’t have a hand in ouken being immortal but we do see how he got it soon


Yeah. He's just a really really good coach as opposed to Domas who is very skilled but is trash at teaching.


Bojji has the power of SCIENCE!


I never expected that I would get a chemistry lesson in this anime.


That man Ouken literally went hollow.


Yeah guess Holy Light legit actually worked despite him not technically being a demon or shit like that, despite only being a "blinding spell" (in normal usage)


Roshi catched that, he went "Prince?" but he didn't vocalize his thoughts.


Lupa was actually right when Bojji went to go in for the hug with Queen Hiling. If you remember, back when he was thrown into Hell, he imagined Domas, Hokuro, and Hiling with evil faces because Hiling is the one that sent Domas and Hokuro to protect him on his Pokemon journey. Due to this, he thought back then it was Hiling that may have sent them to do that.

Jay rellim

"buddy has two eyes and two feet" lmao also i said "fucking all might" word for word like 2 seconds before roshi lolol the synergy


DORSCHE!! has the same VA as All Might, that's why he's a chad.


Btw, as for Desha's name, I think it's actually pronounced "Desu-ha" (or you can leave out the "u"). Basically, not saying "sh" as one sound", but as two separate ones. I dunno if that's how they pronounce it in the Dub, but it's my guess, since, otherwise, they would've just pronounced it as one sound, considering they don't have issues with that in other words, and it's just Desha's name being the way it is, similar how Simon in Gurren Lagann isn't "Saimon", but more like "Seemon". It's just a peculiar name with a peculiar pronounciation.


Did that scene 7:12 not remind anybody of when Loki was being slammed around by Hulk in Avengers

Chance Lee

Retuuuuurn of the mackk YOU KNOW THAT ILL BE BACK


Ayo Queen Hiling been looking extra good lately...


has anybody else noticed that the title on the video says this is episode 13 when it’s really 14?


Oh I thought that cave city was the underworld


Bro Queen Hilling has some massive titties. Her titties make her nose literally look normal size because she so busty but at the same time skinny. Boji definitely loves motorboating them things when he gets his face all up in them things.


yall wiling in my personal opinion. it is so obv to me that bosse did not willingly take part in miranjos plan he probably ignorantly agreed to something way back when with a different goal in mind and got stuck in this reincarnation plot. theyve showed so many scenes that show hes remorseful, him regretting taking bojis power, him obviously playing behind her back, i dont think hes the bad guy at all. even when he almost went to save heeling, i dont think he stopped and sat down because of "the piece of shit inside him" like sheera said its cuz hes probably actually stuck in this miranjo scheme and has a plan to get out through which deviating will probably make it worse, probably cuz of what miranjo would do herself.

Lance Isaac

"Its was either the snake or Naruto"...... Brah I almost died drinking this water😂😭...


SHEERA you need to have More faith in these characters that’s uncall for screaming be killing my eardrum lol


Dorsche feels like a really good visualization of what a party tank would look like in animation. Just a big, bulky asshole with ten thousand hp, taking brutal hits but never going down.