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The pullup is real



ya know what im with roshi. You know what they say, keep your eyes on everywhere but the road just in case some highschoolers start jumping off of roofs.


The Reaper is like that games where you get your stealth skill so high that you can stand in front of a enemy and they don't notice.


Lupa: tries to clap Roshi into disorientation* Roshi: this is real life XD


The Brazil thing was this: In the World Cup of 2014, which was hosted in Brazil, Brazil lost to Germany 7-1, and this loss is one of the most infamous losses in football history due to how massive it was, and due to it being the hosts who get absolutely smashed. In Brazil football is a huge part of their national identity, so when Koro mentioned a "7 to 1 ratio" in a math problem, the Brazilians thought Koro was mocking their national team and they got pissed.


From what I’ve heard, the clap tactic is actually real. It’s not as dramatic as in the show, but I think it goes off the sense of an expert into distracting their brain with one threat then attacking them with a loud clap in front of their face thinking you’re killing them with another weapon and their brain goes into shock. Don’t quote me though, I don’t remember


I don’t think the old man should have been expected to watch out for things coming from the sky, in fact he was doing good, keeping his eyes on the road.


The soccer shit was a callback to when Brazil lost 7-1 against Germany at the World Cup yearsss ago. He was thinking of a math problem that could come from it and the residents heard him talking about 7 to 1 and got angry.


Who the hell sees an ethereal black cloud talking to you and thinks "I should go punch it" ?

derick ako

The black smoke the reaper turned into was just a visual representation of his skills in stealth lmao. He didn't actually turn into smoke


brazil lost again germany in the world cup 7-1 in socceer that why they are pissed


Nagisa literally gets clapped


I remember watching this show for the first time, and as soon as I saw the random flower guy in a second episode I was suspicious. And a few seconds of mental math later I was convinced he was the reaper lol.


Yeah its just like when they saw the questions as monsters from the first big test. Same with the principal I'd imagine, its just a visual representation of his malice and evil.

HP Parker

The 7-1 joke was a reference to Brazil's loss to Germany 7-1 in FIFA Football world cup 2014. Brazilians are very sensitive about this loss. So when he said 7-1, they all got angry because Koro was in Brazil to watch a soccer match at that time. OMG its hillarious. XD


I look at Class E vs the Reaper like this: Imagine being a group of elite high school athletes. You are the best in your peer group. No one poses a challenge because you are that much better than everyone else. Then, one day, you show up to gym and all of a sudden a LeBron James or Tom Brady walks in. You know you getting clapped the fuck up lmao 😂

Daniel Williams

Yes, Roshi he should've been watching where he was going....from above. Nigga that's like if a bird fell on my windshield out of nowhere and you were like "Should've seen that coming", you would've had to seen me soon as I got out of the hospital lol