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wheres Lena?


abdulrahman fahad

i came for lupasan just to say it is just 86 lmao


God I can't wait for the season finale, shit was phenomenal


Great reaction as always and as per promised from last week, I'll explain the omitted part that is somewhat pretty important. So to simply put it, Nina(Eugene's sister) was manipulated into essentially lashing out at Shin via the letters. Nina was waiting for her brother to return and instead got what she called a "box". Since she's only 6 years old, she doesnt fully understand the concept of death, so the coffin or in this case the "box" was her not understanding that he's dead and in it. So she continues to wait until a man named Marcel(orange hair cunt that was with her in the episode) pretty much feed her his take/spin on the events of what happened and since he knows that she's young, he took advantage of that. He told her many things like "Shin killed your brother, he abandoned him, chose to go back into his machine then save Eugene" and etc. He tells her "Accuse him, not me. He was the one who killed Eugene". And of course this kickstarts the letter she has Marcel deliver to Shin. Quite the thing to exclude for the anime adaptation, but there's some clues that sorta gives us something to work with. How did Nina know that Shin "killed" Eugene if she wasnt there herself? Simple, someone who WAS there told her. In this case it was Marcel. Since he hated the guts of those vile and disgusting 86, he would tell her in a manner that would make Shin out to be a freak, a monster. And the line he says in the episode also helps with this as he says "its easier to blame it on someone else".


Funny they called this mission's soldiers the spearhead just like their old unit back in the Republic.

Just Another Josh

You know, I didn't even realize until now but the Legion gun they used to destroy all the FOB's is a really precise analog to the WW2 German Gustav Gun. That was a 800mm railway gun the Germans actually used against the Soviet Union. This series has a lot of VERY obvious parallels that can be made to WW2 Germany, but I just love the little detail that this massive Legion superweapon is actually a surprisingly realistic design. Humans in reality made a weapon of the exact same caliber decades ago, it makes complete sense that an AI would be able to produce something of a similar scale.


As to avoid making my first comment longer then an essay. I'mma just type out a new comment for other episode tidbits. We see the show visualize Shin's sadness without him actually expressing that emotion twice. The first was when the blood drips down his cheek onto his chin during the flashback bit and the second time was after Shin saying good bye and we see a water droplet on the window positioned at the corner of his eye, then fall.


I believe him hearing Lena's voice is because he hears the legions voices and that's why he's depressed, aside from the survivals guilt.


14:20 "Spearhead" Shin got PTSD hearing that word. That was the name of the killsquad that all the 86 were sent to die in.

Daniel Borrego

lena's totally dead. thats why she appeared in that ghost vision. thats why he said he wanted her to live longer than him. the question is will she come back as a legion to be reaped by shin. (and because the story is always depressing, i think the answer is probably yes. and then shin will like kill himself or something after. Or hell he might become a legion then go and finish off the legion brain himself)

Daniel Borrego

this is what a 800mm shell looks like. its fucking crazy. one shell weighs about 7 tons. :D https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schwerer_Gustav#/media/File:Schwerer_Gustav_shell_by_Daniel_Perez_Sutil.jpg


It's heavily implied that Lena died due to Shin hearing her voice, even though he does not have the PARA-raid anymore, yet he heard her as he does with the Legion, A.K.A the others that died. I don't want to believe it, but damn.

Matteo Morellato

Something to point out: when shin was pointing where the legion was, he had his eyes closed, when he finally opened them he realized he had marked the republic capital too, that's why he thinks about lena


This anime, idk man, every ep that passes seems to get better. Might even pick up the books tbh...


Cant wait for the next 2 episodes! i remember them being loaded


When Shin was marking where the legion was, he marked the republic's capital. And as we saw in this episode, the capital did get attacked thus implying Lena died. Shin was depressed since all the people he cherishes ends up dying before him and leaving him behind. And now he thinks Lena also died. This is what was shown in the scene where his old comrades show up behind him and their tags fell, as shin said "I'm always left behind" and he told " I wanted you to live longer than us" to Lena in the following scene.


Yo guys you know shin can hear the voices in his head right. The voices of the legion a.k.a the dead people. So if he hears lena’s voice, she’s probably… That’s what they are implying anyway


Having been in the military but having never deployed it was always interesting to talk to the guys who had been sent back state-side because of an injury or other reason. They would talk about how much they hated it over there but at the same time were always so eager to get back. They felt that if something happened to the people they left there it would be their fault for not being there. This show exemplifies that feeling pretty well in my opinion. Most people don't go back to war because they love warfare they go back because not being there fills them with guilt.

Kwame Afriyie

Skip the visual recap and go to the next two

kurumi Tokisaki

I know exactly what you mean...Random story, my Lt said a powerful quote that still resonates with me today. When we started bombing building on or initial push. Me and the crew started celebrating, ya know, yelling hell yea! and what not. My Lt said “STFU! they have families too. We are fighting an enemy that are willing to die for their cause as much as we are fighting for ours. They are our enemies, and we are theirs." Being at war you see new emotions every day, and im glad we had a chaplain tbh.

Daniel Borrego

ya don't watch episode 9.5. its literally just recap footage from tthe previous episodes without any kind of new addition.

Lena Kielk

Casually scrolling and I see "wheres Lena" and I'm like, hey thats me.